• Indonesia-EFTA CEPA Trade Deal Signed, Will it Bring New Trade Opportunities?

    On Sunday 16 December 2018 Indonesia and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), which consists of non-EU member countries Switzerland, Norway, Liechtenstein and Iceland, signed the Indonesia-EFTA Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA). The signing ceremony, which was held in Indonesia’s capital city of Jakarta, effectively ends nearly eight years of negotiations between both sides.

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  • Outlook for Indonesia's Ceramic Industry Improves for Next 3 Years

    After years of struggle the outlook for Indonesia's ceramic industry looks a bit more positive now. In recent years Indonesia's domestic ceramic industry has been plagued by subdued growth in Indonesia's property sector, while there also emerged increasing competition from Chinese counterparts (who are facing a structural ceramic oversupply at home and therefore, aggressively, try to penetrate the Southeast Asian market by offering their ceramic products at attractive rates).

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  • For Small Indonesian Entrepreneurs Ayam Geprek is a Lucrative Investment Option

    Recently GrabFood, the food delivery service of Singapore-based technology company Grab, said it delivered more than 13 million ayam geprek meals across the 116 Indonesian cities where the ride-hailing app is active. Ayam geprek is therefore the most popular meal in Indonesia that is ordered by the consumer (using the delivery service app of Grab; but we would not be surprised if ayam geprek is also consumers' favorite order among Go-Food users).

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