Bank Indonesia May Hike Interest Rates to Safeguard Financial Stability

Suku Bunga Acuan

Komentar tentang kebijakan suku bunga bank sentral Indonesia: Bank Indonesia May Hike Interest Rates to Safeguard Financial Stability

Smooth Indonesian Elections Cause Conducive Investment Climate for IPOs

Penawaran Saham Perdana

Kebanyakan penawaran saham perdana di Bursa Efek Indonesia positif pada tahun ini: Smooth Indonesian Elections Cause Conducive Investment Climate for IPOs

Banking Sector of Indonesia Shining Brightly but Some Difficulties Ahead

Sektor Perbankan Indonesia

Beberapa catatan tentang sektor perbankan Indonesia: Banking Sector of Indonesia Shining Brightly but Some Difficulties Ahead

Special Economic Zone of Batam Losing Appeal to Foreign Investors

Fokus Regional

Karena upah minimum yang lebih tinggi Special Economic Zone of Batam Losing Appeal to Foreign Investors

ICRA Indonesia: Analysis of Economic Impact of Raw Minerals Export Ban

Larangan Ekspor Mineral

Salah satu isu kontroversial dalam sejarah ekonomi Indonesia baru-baru ini. ICRA Indonesia: Analysis of Economic Impact of Raw Minerals Export Ban

Coal Production in Indonesia Little Changed in First Quarter of 2014

Pertambangan Batu Bara

Update produksi batubara di Indonesia: Coal Production in Indonesia Little Changed in First Quarter of 2014

IMF Hopes that Indonesia Will Continue the Economic Reform Agenda

Update Makroekonomi

IMF memuji pendekatan kebijakan baru pemerintah Indonesia. IMF Hopes that Indonesia Will Continue the Economic Reform Agenda

Telekomunikasi Indonesia

Telekomunikasi Indonesia

Profil perusahaan penyedia telekomunikasi terbesar di Indonesia: Telekomunikasi Indonesia

Indonesian Government Tries to Lure Investment in Geothermal Power

Energi Panas Bumi

Meningkatkan penggunaan energi terbarukan: Indonesian Government Tries to Lure Investment in Geothermal Power Disclaimer Copyright © Van der Schaar Investments B.V. Delft Netherlands
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