Indonesia's Inflation Rate Accelerates to 3.29% in July 2013

Inflasi di Indonesia I

Menghadapi masalah stabilitas makroekonomi: Indonesia's Inflation Rate Accelerates to 3.29% in July 2013

Bank Indonesia: Inflation is Expected to Stay Above 8% in 2013

Inflasi di Indonesia II

Tekanan inflasi tinggi di Indonesia: Bank Indonesia: Inflation is Expected to Stay Above 8% in 2013

Indonesia's Economic Growth Slows Down to 5.81% in Q2-2013

Produk Domestik Bruto

Lebih rendah dari yang diharapkan: Indonesia's Economic Growth Slows Down to 5.81% in Q2-2013

Wijaya Karya (Wika) is an Indonesian company that is involved in engineering and construction work in both Indonesia and abroad

Profil Perusahaan Indonesia

Sebuah perusahaan konstruksi di Indonesia: Wijaya Karya

Indonesian Government Prepares Seven Incentives to Spur Investments

Kebijakan Baru Pemerintah

Cari investasi: Indonesian Government Prepares Seven Incentives to Spur Investments

Groundbreaking of Sunda Strait Bridge Project Unlikely to Occur in 2014

Proyek Jembatan Selat Sunda

Keterlambatan proyek infrastruktur yang ambisius: Groundbreaking of Sunda Strait Bridge Project Unlikely to Occur in 2014

 Indonesia Stock Exchange Update

Perayaan Idul Fitri

Bursa saham dan kebanyakan bisnis tutup antara 5 dan 9 Agustus 2013 karena perayaan Lebaran: Berita Bursa Efek Indonesia Disclaimer Copyright © Van der Schaar Investments B.V. Delft Netherlands
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