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Berita Hari Ini Trade Balance

  • Trade Balance Indonesia: $1.01 Billion Surplus in October

    For the eleventh consecutive month Indonesia posted a trade surplus. With exports reaching a total of USD $12.08 billion, while imports were USD $11.07 billion, the country posted a USD $1.01 billion trade surplus in October, the country's statistics agency (BPS) stated on Monday (16/11). The surplus was larger than expected due to a sharp drop in imports. Although the trade surplus is good news as it supports the value of the rupiah and helps to curtail the country's current account balance, there remain concerns about rapidly plunging exports and imports.

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  • Trans-Pacific Partnership: Should Indonesia Join or Not?

    US-based bond credit rating agency Moody's Investors Service said it would be credit-positive for Indonesia's sovereign credit rating to join the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal as participation would mitigate the negative effects of sluggish commodity prices on Indonesia's export performance. Through the TPP, which is one of the world's most ambitious trade deals covering an area that accounts for about 40 percent of world trade, Indonesia will expand its export base, Moody's wrote in a recent report.

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  • Indonesian Rupiah and Other Emerging Market Currencies Weakening

    The Indonesian rupiah is not having a good day as it was down 1.05 percent to IDR 13,659 per US dollar by 10:45 am local Jakarta time (Bloomberg Dollar Index) on Tuesday (20/10), weakening the most in a week. In line with most other emerging market currencies in Asia, the rupiah is falling presumably on concern about weak economic growth in China. Yesterday, Chinese authorities announced the world's second-largest economy expanded 6.9 percent (y/y) in Q3-2015. This result is slightly better than estimates but does also constitute a six-year low, hence negatively affected exports of its trading partners.

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  • Indonesia Investments' Newsletter of 18 October 2015 Released

    On 18 October 2015, Indonesia Investments released the latest edition of its newsletter. This free newsletter, which is sent to our subscribers once per week, contains the most important news stories from Indonesia that have been reported on our website in the last seven days. Most of the topics involve economic subjects such as the government's fourth stimulus package, Indonesia's trade balance, Bank Indonesia's interest rate regime, possible defaults of Indonesian companies, commodity updates, and more.

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  • Newsletter Indonesia Investments Edisi 20 September 2015 Diterbitkan

    Pada 20 September 2015, Indonesia Investments menerbitkan edisi terbaru dari newsletter-nya. Newsletter gratis ini, yang dikirimkan kepada para pelanggan kami sekali setiap minggunya, berisi berita-berita paling penting dari Indonesia yang telah dilaporkan di website kami dalam tujuh hari terakhir. Kebanyakan topik berkaitan dengan isu-isu ekonomi seperti dampak dari kebijakan moneter Federal Reserve Amerika Serikat terhadap aset-aset Indonesia, suku bunga acuan Indonesia, neraca perdagangan, hutang luar negeri, sektor perbankan, kemiskinan, dan banyak lagi.

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  • Balance of Trade Indonesia: 9th Straight Monthly Trade Surplus in August 2015

    Indonesia posted the ninth consecutive monthly trade surplus. Today, Statistics Indonesia (BPS) announced that Indonesia posted a USD $433.8 million trade surplus in August 2015, slightly below analysts’ forecasts and well below the (revised) USD $1.38 billion trade surplus Southeast Asia’s largest economy had posted in the preceding month.

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  • Indonesia Investments' Newsletter of 23 August 2015 Released

    On 23 August 2015, Indonesia Investments released the latest edition of its newsletter. This free newsletter, which is sent to our subscribers once per week, contains the most important news stories from Indonesia that have been reported on our website in the last seven days. Most of the topics involve economic subjects such as Indonesian stocks and the rupiah, the July trade balance, Bank Indonesia’s interest rates, the 2016 State Budget draft, geothermal power development, land rights available to foreign investors, and more.

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  • Trade Balance Indonesia Improves in July 2015 but Concerns Persist

    Indonesia’s trade balance surplus widened to USD $1.33 billion in July 2015, improving markedly from the USD $528 million trade surplus in the preceding month and being much higher than expectations of analysts. Based on the latest data from Statistics Indonesia (BPS), Indonesia’s July exports fell 19.2 percent (y/y) to USD $11.4 billion, while imports plunged 28.4 percent (y/y) to USD $10.1 billion. The trade surplus is positive as it supports a narrowing current account deficit (which stood at 2.1 percent of GDP in Q2-2015).

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  • Indonesia Investments Menerbitkan Newsletter Edisi 19 Juli 2015

    Pada 19 Juli 2015, Indonesia Investments menerbitkan edisi terbaru dari newsletternya. Newsletter gratis ini, yang dikirimkan kepada para pelanggan kami sekali seminggu, berisi berita-berita paling penting dari Indonesia yang telah dilaporkan di website kami selama tujuh hari terakhir. Kebanyakan topik membahas tentang isu ekonomi seperti update proyeksi pertumbuhan ekonomi dari Bank Pembangunan Asia untuk wilayah Asia, tingkat suku bunga Indonesia, neraca perdagangan Juni, kebijakan Open Sky ASEAN, update industri minyak sawit, dan banyak lagi.

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  • Indonesia Mencatat Surplus Perdagangan Bulan Juni Namun Kekuatiran Berlanjut

    Indonesia mencatat surplus perdagangan 477 juta dollar Amerika Serikat (AS) pada bulan Juni 2015, surplus perdagangan ke-7 secara beruntun. Meskipun begitu, menurut data terakhir dari BPS, diterbitkan pada hari Rabu (14/07), ekspor Indonesia pada Juni ini jatuh 12,8% (year-on-year) menjadi 13,4 miliar dollar AS, sementara impor jatuh 17,4% (year-on-year) menjadi 12,9 miliar dollar AS. Angka-angka ini menunjukkan bahwa surplus perdagangan Indonesia terutama disebabkan oleh permintaan domestik yang lemah dan lebih melambat daripada permintaan global (yang terus melambat juga). Kondisi ini meningkatkan kekuatiran mengenai pertumbuhan perekonomian domestik dan global.

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Artikel Terbaru Trade Balance

  • Indonesia's Main Stock Index (IHSG) Continues its Fall on Tuesday

    For three consecutive days, Indonesia's main stock index (IHSG) had to cope with significant losses. On Tuesday (11/06), the index fell 3.50 percent to 4,609.95 points, considerably below its record high level of 5,214 on 20 May 2013. Foreign investors recorded a net sell of IDR 3.98 trillion (USD $406.1 million) as domestic conditions in Indonesia are unstable. Moreover, investors are concerned about governments (USA and Japan) that want to slow down their stimulus programs as various economic data are showing positive outcomes.

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  • Indonesia's Main Stock Index (IHSG) Continues its Volatile Performance

    Indonesia's main stock index (IHSG) was mixed on Tuesday's trading day (04/06) as negative market sentiments were still felt after yesterday's tumble (inflicted by Indonesia's April trade deficit). Foreigners continued to sell parts of their Indonesian stock portfolios causing the index to fall below the psychological boundary of 5,000 points, which also meant that it went into oversold territory. But the rise of the Yen, thus supporting Asian indices, in combination with positive openings in Europe made the IHSG rise in the end.

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  • Indonesia's Trade Balance Reports Another Trade Deficit in April

    Indonesia's trade balance recorded another deficit in April 2013 as imports (USD $16.31 billion) exceeded exports (USD $14.70 billion). April's trade deficit, amounting to USD $1.62 billion, was mainly due to continued weak commodity exports in combination with strong oil, basic machinery and utensils imports. After five consecutive months of deficits up to February, Indonesia’s trade account reported a surplus of USD $330 million in March, but fell back into deficit in April. From January to April, Indonesia's trade deficit stands at USD $1.85 billion.

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  • Indonesia's Main Stock Index (IHSG) Falls 1.37 Percent on Thursday

    Asian stock markets were mixed on Thursday (30/05). Particularly Hong Kong's Hang Seng Index (HSI) was negatively influenced by Wednesday's falling stock indices in Europe and the USA. In this context, Indonesia's main index (IHSG) was hit as well and fell 1.37 percent to 5,129.65 points. Moreover, the continuing decline of the IDR rupiah makes market participants less enthusiastic to purchase Indonesian stocks. Foreigners were also anxious to sell part of their stock portfolios.

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  • Indonesia's Current Account Deficit Improves in the First Quarter of 2013

    Indonesia's central bank (Bank Indonesia or BI) announced on Wednesday (15/05/13) that the country's external balance has improved during Q1-2013 as non-oil and gas trade were up. Indonesia's current account deficit stood at USD $5.3 billion (2.4 percent of GDP) in Q1-2013, compared to the previous quarter's deficit of USD $7.6 billion (3.5 percent of GDP). Indonesia has experienced a widening trade deficit, although it recorded a trade surplus of USD $304.90 in March, the first trade surplus since September 2012.

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  • Indonesia's Central Bank Keeps Its Benchmark Rate at Record Low 5.75 Percent

    The central bank of Indonesia (Bank Indonesia, or BI) decided to maintain its record low policy rate for the 15th straight month at 5.75 percent as it is considered consistent with its inflation target range of 3.5-5.5 percent in 2013 and 2014. The central bank also stated that the global economic recovery is accompanied by many uncertainties which result in a lower forecast for Indonesia's economic growth. The full press release of Bank Indonesia can be read below.

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  • Weekly Review: Indonesia Stock Exchange (IHSG) Experiences a Volatile Week

    Reza Priyambada Indonesia Stock Exchange - Indonesia Investments

    The Indonesia Stock Exchange (IHSG) experienced a mixed week. At the start of the week, the index rose, but towards the end of the week it weakened, although ending in the green on Friday. Recently, the IHSG has hit record levels, and this makes market participants worried that the index might fall in case there emerge negative market sentiments. These concerns are what made the index turn away from the next psychological boundary: 5,000 points.

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  • Higher March Headline Inflation No Problem for the Indonesia Stock Exchange

    Usually, news about inflation is not well-received by market participants. Particularly when inflation turns out to be higher than expected. This time, however, something interesting happened in Indonesia. Although the country's March inflation rate was high (5.90 percent year-on-year), it was not followed up by a negative response of market players. In fact, the inflation rate seems to have strengthened the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IHSG), which gained 0.40 percent on Tuesday.

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  • Indonesia's Widening Trade Deficit and Increasing Inflation Pressure the Rupiah

    Yesterday, Statistics Indonesia (BPS), a non-departmental government institution, released Indonesia's export and import numbers of February 2013. Indonesia's imports reached US $15.32 billion, while its exports stood at US $14.99 billion. It has thus resulted in the continuation of a trade deficit (US $327.4 million). For Indonesia, which always reported trade surpluses until last year, it is a worrying scenario as the trade deficit and higher inflation put pressure on the IDR rupiah.

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  • Losing its Momentum: the Indonesia Stock Exchange Falls 1.04 Percent

    After continuously reaching new record-high levels last week, the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IHSG) finally had to give up some of its gain and closed 1.04 percent lower. Declining Asian stock markets (excluding Japan's main index) and fears that the IHSG had already reached a (too) high level impacted on today's result. Market participants, who recently confirmed good corporate annual results of many companies by buying, now engaged in profit taking.

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