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Berita Hari Ini US Dollar

  • Laporan Bank Dunia: Update Ekonomi Asia Pasifik Timur Terbaru

    Di edisi terbaru dari Update Perekonomian Asia Pasifik Timur, dirilis pada hari Senin (13 April 2015), Bank Dunia menurunkan proyeksi pertumbuhan ekonomi untuk negara-negara berkembang di Asia Timur & Republik Rakyat Tionghoa (RRT) menjadi 6,7% pada basis year-on-year (y/y) di 2015 dan 2016 dari asumsi awalnya yaitu pertumbuhan 6,9% (y/y) di 2015 dan 6,8% (y/y) di 2016. Alasan utama untuk menurunnya revisi adalah karena ketidakjelasan konteks perekonomian global, yang mencakup dampak dari ancaman kenaikan suku bunga Amerika Serikat (AS) dan kenaikan nilai tukar dollar AS.

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  • Stocks & Currency: Asian Emerging Markets Relieved after Fed Minutes

    Minutes of the Federal Reserve’s latest FOMC meeting (17-18 March), released Wednesday (08/04), show that the US central bank is divided about the timing of higher US interest rates. Several policymakers would approve such an interest rate hike in June 2015, while others would prefer to see rates increase later this year or even next year as they consider that the US economy is still not strong enough yet. However, when reading the minutes there are some signs suggesting that the institution is on course to raise its key rate this year.

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  • Forget Short Term Turmoil, the Economic Rise of Asia has just Begun!

    Investors in Asian markets should not be overly concerned about slowing economic growth in China or bullish US dollar momentum ahead of higher US interest rates as economic growth rates in this region are still significantly higher than in other parts of the world. Thanks to a burgeoning middle class segment (which constitutes a strong consumer force), Asia has great prospects for the long-term. This is the message conveyed in the words of Christophe Palumbo, Senior Business Development Manager at Aberdeen Asset Management.

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  • Rupiah Update: Weak US Jobs Data Supports Indonesian Assets

    Indonesian stocks and the rupiah are performing well on Monday’s trading day (06/04) after weak US economic data suggests that the US central bank (Federal Reserve) will still refrain from raising its key interest rate too soon. Weaker-than-expected US jobs data caused that most Southeast Asian stock markets strengthened today. Moreover, the rupiah also felt the positive impact. According to the Bloomberg Dollar Index, the rupiah had appreciated 0.54 percent to IDR 12,950 per US dollar by 15:17 pm local Jakarta time.

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  • Rupiah versus US Dollar; Faktor-Faktor yang Berperan

    Dalam beberapa hari terakhir dollar Amerika Serikat (AS) kembali mendapatkan momentum bullish dan menguat terhadap sebagian besar mata uang termasuk rupiah. Dollar AS berada di bawah tekanan setelah Federal Reserve memberikan sinyal - kontras dengan ekspektasi pasar - bahwa Fed tidak akan menaikkan suku bunga dalam waktu dekat karena prospek pertumbuhan ekonomi AS dan inflasi AS belum ada di posisi yang diinginkan. Hal ini membuat aset pasar-pasar lebih menarik untuk jangka pendek. Namun, perkembangan ini tampaknya hanya berlangsung sebentar.

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  • Subsidized Gasoline Price Indonesia May Rise in April on Higher Oil Price

    The Indonesian government may raise the price of subsidized gasoline for April 2015 as the Indonesian Crude Price (ICP) rose through February and March from USD $52 per barrel to USD $57 per barrel based on data from the upstream oil & gas regulator SKK Migas. After the Indonesian government drastically reduced fuel subsidy spending at the start of 2015, subsidized gasoline prices are now set each month, in line with price fluctuations on the world market. For subsidized diesel the government provides a fixed IDR 1,000 per liter.

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  • Update Mata Uang Indonesia: Rupiah Menguat, Dollar Amerika Melemah

    Nilai tukar rupiah mengawali minggu ini dengan posisi kuat karena dollar Amerika Serikat (AS) melemah akibat ketidakjelasan mengenai waktu kenaikan suku bunga AS. Kontras dengan dugaan awal, meeting Federal Reserve yang terakhir (diadakan 17-18 Maret) mengindikasikan bahwa belum akan ada kenaikan suku bunga dalam waktu singkat di negara dengan ekonomi terbesar. Hal ini mendorong meningkatnya minat untuk aset-aset pasar negara berkembang. Apalagi, Pemerintah Indonesia dan Bank Indonesia berjanji akan menjaga stabilitas rupiah.

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  • Apa yang Mempengaruhi Performa Rupiah Minggu ini?

    Tampaknya, pesan Federal Reserve bahwa Fed masih menunda menaikkan suku bunga di Amerika Serikat (AS) hanya mengimplikasikan periode singkat pelemahan dollar AS terhadap mata uang Asia. Pada hari Jumat (20/03), rupiah melemah 0,51% menjadi Rp 13.124 per dollar AS menurut Bloomberg Dollar Index. Volatilitas tinggi pada saat ini juga merupakan akibat dari kebijakan berbeda yang diterapkan oleh berbagai bank sentral. Sementara Federal Reserve AS bertekad untuk lebih mengetatkan kebijakan moneternya, bank sentral di Jepang dan Eropa melakukan sebaliknya.

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  • Rupiah & Saham Indonesia Menguat setelah Pertemuan Federal Reserve

    Saham di Indonesia dan nilai tukar rupiah menguat tajam pada hari Kamis (19/03) setelah Federal Reserve menunda menaikkan suku bunga acuannya dalam Pertemuan Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) selama dua hari yang berakhir pada hari Rabu (18/03) karena inflasi Amerika Serikat (AS) masih rendah sedangkan pertumbuhan ekonomi AS sedikit melambat. Bank sentral AS menberikan sinyal bahwa Fed tidak terburu-buru untuk menaikkan suku bunga acuannya. Di sisi lain, Fed juga menghapuskan kata 'sabar' dari panduannya untuk suku bunga (yang berada dalam posisi paling rendah sejak akhir 2008).

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  • Penurunan Drastis Rupiah Indonesia: Jatuh ke Rp 13,200 per Dollar AS

    Di Indonesia, lampu sorot tetap tajam terfokus pada pelemahan drastis rupiah. Karena semakin berkembangnya spekulasi bahwa US Federal Reserve akan segera menaikkan tingkat suku bunga pinjamannya, aset-aset pasar berkembang (baik mata uang maupun saham) cenderung melemah. Walau sebagian besar mata uang Asia melemah terhadap dolar Amerika Serikat (AS), rupiah lebih rentan karena Indonesia sedang mengalami defisit transaksi berjalan yang besar. Hal ini menginformasikan kepada para investor bahwa negara ini bergantung pada capital inflows dari negara-negara asing.

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Artikel Terbaru US Dollar

  • Concerns about Ending of QE3 Reappear, Indonesia's IHSG Falls 2.25%

    Concerns about Ending of QE3 Reappear, Indonesia's IHSG Falls 2.25%

    Both the Indonesian currency and the benchmark stock index (IHSG) continued their fall on Tuesday (24/09). Wall Street's weak performance on the last three trading days was a major factor that brought negative market sentiments to the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). Even good openings in Europe were not able to push the IHSG back into green territory. The index fell 2.25 percent to 4,460.41 points. Foreign investors were net sellers of Indonesian stocks, while domestic investors were net buyers.

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  • Continued Profit Taking Causes Indonesia's IHSG to Fall 0.46%

    Indonesia's benchmark stock index (IHSG) extended its downward movement on Monday (23/09) as investors continued to look for profits after the index had risen sharply following the announcement that the US quantitative easing program will not be ended yet. Pressures on the IHSG were intensified by the depreciating rupiah and the weakening of Hong Kong's Hang Seng Index (which was partly brought on by a typhoon). Despite foreign investors being net buyers of Indonesian stocks, the IHSG fell 0.46 percent to 4,562.86 points.

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  • Investors Waiting for Federal Reserve Decision; Indonesia's IHSG Down 1.20%

    Market participants are waiting for the outcome of the Federal Reserve's FOMC meeting, which will deal with the future of the quantitative easing program. The wait and see attitude of investors made the benchmark index of Indonesia (IHSG) fall 1.20 percent to 4,463.25 points. Few big cap stocks were able to rise and although some second liners were up, it was not enough to push the IHSG into the green zone. The rupiah continued to weaken and foreign investors were again mostly selling their Indonesian assets.

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  • The Impact of the Fed's Quantitative Easing Program on Emerging Indonesia

    Investors all around the world are in anticipation of the Federal Reserve's decision to scale back the monthly USD $85 billion bond-buying program known as quantitative easing (QE3). If indeed scaled back, then another important question remains: how much will the bond-buying program be toned down? Today (18/09), is the last day of the Fed's FOMC meeting in which these decisions are made. The market expects no drastic end to the program, instead a gradual toning down (between USD $10 to $20 billion) is anticipated.

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  • World is Waiting for Outcome of the FOMC Meeting; IHSG falls 0.10%

    World is Waiting for Outcome of the FOMC Meeting; IHSG falls 0.10%

    After a strong performance yesterday, the Jakarta Composite Index (IHSG) fell 0.10 percent to 4,517.62 points on Tuesday (17/09). Part of the investor community grabbed their chance to engage in profit taking after yesterday's gain but most investors are careful and reluctant to make any major decision prior to the result of the Federal Reserve's FOMC meeting (17-18 September). It is expected that after this meeting there will be more clarity about the future of the Fed's quantitative easing program.

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  • Amid Falling Asian Stock Markets, Indonesia's IHSG Drops 2.27%

    Indonesia's benchmark stock index (IHSG) could not continue its rebound on Wednesday (04/09). Amid mostly falling Asian markets, the IHSG fell 2.17 percent to 4,073.46 points. Asia was on a four-day winning streak but after president Obama received support from the Republican speaker of the House of Representatives, John Boehner, regarding military actions in Syria, global investors shied away from riskier assets. Indonesia and India are currently viewed as weak investment targets due to the countries' current account deficits.

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  • Indonesia Stock Exchange (IHSG) Extends 'Winning Streak' on Friday

    The decision of Indonesia's central bank (Bank Indonesia) to raise its benchmark interest rate by 50 basis points to 7.00 percent and its deposit facility (Fasbi) by 0.50 percent to 5.25 percent seem to have had a good impact on the value of Indonesia's stocks and the rupiah. Indonesia's benchmark stock index (IHSG) rose 2.23 percent to 4,195.09 points on Friday (30/08), implying a three-day winning streak. Since the first trading day of this year, the IHSG is down 3.47 percent.

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  • Global Markets Down due to Syria; Indonesia Stock Index Falls 3.71%

    Most of us who were hoping for a limited weakening of Indonesia's benchmark stock index (IHSG) today (27/08) were to be disappointed. Instead of a limited decline, the IHSG fell 3.71 percent to 3,967.84 points. Market participants are concerned about both the global and domestic economy, thus pulling money out from Indonesia. The weakening rupiah and weak stock index openings in Europe (due to tensions in Syria) pushed the IHSG further down into red territory. Foreign investors were again net sellers of Indonesian assets.

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  • Despite Government's 'Rescue Package' IHSG and Rupiah Weaken

    Today's release of the economic rescue package was not able to put Indonesia's main stock index (IHSG) into green territory. Also, the Indonesian rupiah maintained its losing streak. The IHSG fell 0.04 percent to 4,169.83 points. Interestingly enough, the IHSG was rising previous to the release of the package. After the release, however, it started to weaken slightly, which seems to indicate that market participants were a bit disappointed with the contents of the package as it contained no quick fixes to the economy.

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  • Indonesian Government Releases 'Emergency Plan' to Support Economy

    As had been announced previously, today (23/08) the government of Indonesia released an 'emergency plan' that aims to improve the financial sector while restoring confidence in the country's fundamentals as turmoil emerged on Indonesia's stock exchange, bonds market and the rupiah. Economic minister Hatta Rajasa said that this plan consists of four packages. These four packages cover the current account deficit, rupiah performance, economic growth, purchasing power, inflation and investments.

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