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Berita Hari Ini GDP

  • Special Helpdesk Prevents Layoffs in Indonesia's Textile & Footwear Industries

    The Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM), the investment service agency of the Indonesian government, claims it has prevented about 24,500 of layoffs through its special desk for footwear and textile industries. This special desk is an agency set up by the BKPM in early October 2015 to support local companies in the footwear and textile industries as these industries are considered most affected by the country's economic slowdown. BKPM Chairman Franky Sibarani said a total of 48 companies have requested support through this special desk.

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  • Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) in Indonesia Expected to Rise in 2016

    RSM Indonesia, one of Indonesia's leading audit, tax and financial advisory firms, expects to see more mergers and acquisitions (M&A) in Indonesia in 2016 due to the improving global and domestic economic conditions, a stable rupiah exchange rate, and Indonesian's growing purchasing power. For foreign investors a M&A deal is one of the strategies to enter Indonesia. Up to early November, the total value of M&A deals in Indonesia in 2015 stood at USD $3.53 billion.

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  • Economic Growth Indonesia Expected to Accelerate in 2016

    Both the Center of Reform on Economics (Core) and Aberdeen Asset Management Ltd expect economic growth in Indonesia to accelerate in 2016 after Southeast Asia's largest economy may post a seven-year low GDP growth figure of 4.7 percent in 2015. Both institutions believe that household and government spending will accelerate next year, while recently unveiled economic stimulus packages (involving deregulation and tax incentives) will create a more attractive investment climate, thus both foreign and domestic investment is expected to grow.

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  • Bank Indonesia Expects GDP Growth at Lower End of Target Range in 2015

    The central bank of Indonesia (Bank Indonesia) expects the country's economic growth to come in the lower end of its 4.7-5.1 percent (y/y) gross domestic product (GDP) growth target range for full-year 2015. Bank Indonesia Governor Agus Martowardojo expects to see accelerated economic growth in the last quarter of the year (from the preceding quarter) due to increased government spending and investment. In the second quarter of 2015, Indonesia's economy expanded at the slowest pace in six years (+4.67 percent y/y), then accelerating to 4.73 percent (y/y) in the following quarter.

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  • Infrastructure Development Indonesia: Hotel Construction to Grow in 2016

    In line with rising tourism in Indonesia, the value of hotel construction in Southeast Asia's largest economy is expected to grow 16 percent to IDR 21 trillion (approx. USD $1.6 billion) in 2016. Most of the new projects - roughly 21 percent - are located in the Greater Jakarta area. Besides tapping the tourism potential, hotel developers also want to tap the business potential, meaning that due to expected accelerated economic growth in 2016, there will arrive more foreign businessmen in Indonesia to attend meetings and other activities, particularly as the ASEAN Economic Community comes online.

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  • Newsletter Indonesia Investments Edisi 8 November 2015 Diterbitkan

    Pada 8 November 2015, Indonesia Investments menerbitkan edisi terbaru dari newsletter-nya. Newsletter gratis ini, yang dikirimkan kepada para pelanggan kami sekali seminggu, berisi berita-berita paling penting di Indonesia yang telah dilaporkan di website kami dalam tujuh hari terakhir. Kebanyakan topik berkaitan dengan isu-isu ekonomi seperti analisis pertumbuhan produk domestik bruto (PDB) pada kuartal 3 tahun 2015, update inflasi, sekilas pandang perbankan syariah dan industri jasa taksi, update rupiah & pasar saham, dan banyak lagi.

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  • Statistics Agency: Unemployment in Indonesia on the Rise

    Unemployment in Indonesia increased to 6.18 percent of the labour force in August 2015, or 7.56 million people in absolute terms, from 5.81 percent in February (or 7.45 million unemployed people) as the economic slowdown led to layoffs and slower absorption of the workforce. In the second quarter of 2015 Indonesia's economy grew at the slowest pace in six years at 4.67 percent (y/y) and only managed to improve slightly (4.73 percent y/y) in the third quarter.

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  • Indonesian Economy Grows 4.73% in Third Quarter of 2015

    Statistics Indonesia (BPS) announced this morning that Indonesia's official third quarter gross domestic product (GDP) growth was 4.73 percent (y/y), slightly below analysts' consensus at 4.80 percent (y/y). However, Indonesia's economic expansion improved from the six-year low of 4.67 percent (y/y) in the preceding quarter. Still, growth in Southeast Asia's largest economy remains sluggish amid low commodity prices, weak global demand, weaker household consumption, the high interest rate environment, and stagnating investment.

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  • Indonesian Stocks & Rupiah: Yellen's Remarks Put Pressure on Emerging Market Assets

    Indonesian stocks and the rupiah are feeling the negative impact of news from the USA. Both Federal Reserve Chairwoman Janet Yellen and New York Federal Reserve President William Dudley said a Fed Fund Rate hike in December is a "live possibility" amid low US employment, continued GDP growth and confidence that inflation will rise to the US central bank's target range. As a result of these remarks gold dropped to a one-month low, stocks declined, while bond yields and the US dollar were pushed higher.

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  • Indonesia Stock Exchange Update: IPOs Short of Target in 2015

    The economic slowdown and looming capital outflows related to higher US interest rates have been the main reasons why it is highly unlikely for the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) to achieve its revised target of seeing 22 companies conducting an initial public offering (IPO) on the IDX in 2015. So far this year, only 13 companies have listed on the IDX. However, reportedly, there are still about a dozen local companies interested to prepare an IPO in the next two months.

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Artikel Terbaru GDP

  • Ace Hardware Indonesia Plagued by Weak Rupiah & Purchasing Power

    Ace Hardware Indonesia, one of Indonesia's leading retail companies that is engaged in the markets of home improvement and lifestyle products, is expected to show modest (single-digit) growth in 2016. Same store sales growth is estimated to grow in the range of 8-10 percent year-on-year (y/y). This modest performance is caused by weak purchasing power in Indonesia amid sluggish economic growth and due to the fragile rupiah (against the US dollar).

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  • Bank Dunia Menerbitkan Indonesia Economic Quarterly "Reformasi di Tengah Ketidakpastian"

    Hari ini, Bank Dunia menerbitkan edisi terbaru dari publikasi andalannya Indonesia Economic Quarterly berjudul “Reformasi di Tengah Ketidakpastian". Dalam edisi ini, lembaga yang bermarkas di Washington ini menyatakan bahwa kondisi global masih tetap tidak menguntungkan meskipun kondisi pasar keuangan telah stabil sejak Oktober. Sementara itu, Indonesia terkena dampak negatif dari kebakaran hutan dan kabut asap beracun akibat perbuatan manusia yang merugikan Indonesia kira-kira Rp 221 triliun (atau 1,9% dari produk domestik bruto negara ini) dalam waktu lima bulan.

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  • Analyst Opinion: Indonesia Should Focus on Boosting Purchasing Power

    An Indonesian analyst says the Indonesian government needs to increase efforts to boost people's purchasing power in order to achieve the government's economic growth target of 5.3 percent in 2016. Household consumption in Indonesia accounts for about 55 percent of the nation's total gross domestic product (GDP) growth. As such, if purchasing power continues to weaken, then the economic slowdown returns. The analyst suggests the government should consider to cut personal and corporate income taxes, delay the electricity tariff hike for 900 VA households, and lower fuel prices.

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  • Bank Indonesia Remains Committed to Tight Monetary Stance

    The central bank of Indonesia (Bank Indonesia) is expected to keep its benchmark interest rate (BI rate) relatively high in order to safeguard Indonesia's financial stability in 2016 (instead of seeking accelerated economic growth through a rate cut). Despite easing pressures on inflation and the country's current account balance, Bank Indonesia Governor Agus Martowardojo said that persistent global uncertainty (referring to the looming US Fed Fund Rate hike and China's slowdown) justifies the tight monetary stance.

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  • Automotive Market Indonesia: Car Sales to Rebound in 2016

    Indonesian car sales may rise up to ten percent (y/y) to 1.1 million vehicles in 2016, from an estimated 1 million this year, amid accelerating economic growth in Indonesia. Car sales in 2015 have been disappointing, declining 18 percent (y/y) to 853,008 units in the first ten months of 2015, due to people's weakening purchasing power. Sales in 2016 are expected to be boosted by sales of the low-cost green car (LCGC), which was introduced on the Indonesian market in late-2013, and the crossover utility vehicle, a car that has gained popularity recently.

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  • Fitch Ratings Affirms Indonesia's BBB- Investment Grade Credit Rating

    Global credit rating agency Fitch Ratings affirmed Indonesia's sovereign credit rating at BBB- (investment grade) with a stable outlook. The country's long-term foreign and local currency issuer default rating, the senior unsecured foreign and local currency bonds, and Islamic certificates (sukuk) were all affirmed at BBB-. Meanwhile, the short-term foreign currency IDR was affirmed at 'F3', the country ceiling at BBB, and the outlook on the long-term IDRs are stable. Through the affirmation Fitch acknowledges Indonesia's ongoing commitment to structural reforms amid recent economic woes.

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  • Indonesia Stock Market & Rupiah Update: US Payrolls & Rate Hike Expectations Surge

    Indonesian assets weakened on Friday (06/11) on expectation that US non-farm payrolls and US employment data would improve, suggesting that a Fed Fund Rate hike may occur in December 2015. Such expectations were correct. After Indonesian and other Asian markets had closed on Friday, the US Labor Department announced that October payrolls rose 271,000 (the largest increase this year), while the US unemployment rate touched a seven-year low at 5 percent. Furthermore, the average hourly earnings over the past 12 months climbed by the most since 2009.

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  • Ekonomi Indonesia: Pertumbuhan PDB pada 4,73% di Kuartal 3 Tahun 2015 - Analisis

    Performa perekonomian Indonesia di kuartal 3 tahun 2015 agak mengecewakan pada 4,73% pada basis year-on-year (y/y) yang sedikit di bawah perkiraan pasar pada 4,8% (y/y). Kendati begitu, sebagai catatan positif, pertumbuhan produk domestik bruto (PDB) Indonesia berakselerasi dari level terendah selama 6 tahun terakhir pada 4,67% (y/y) di kuartal sebelumnya. Tabel di bawah menunjukkan bahwa pertumbuhan kuartal 3 PDB Indonesia jarang melebihi pertumbuhan kuartal 2. Ini jelas merupakan pertanda yang memberikan harapan.

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  • World Bank Releases October 2015 Indonesia Economic Quarterly

    Today (22/10), the World Bank released the October 2015 edition of its flagship Indonesia Economic Quarterly, titled "In Times of Global Volatility". In the report the World Bank states that despite current ongoing global uncertainties (caused by looming monetary tightening in the USA and China's economic slowdown), which make macroeconomic management difficult in the year ahead, pro-active government action could offset the negative impact and may help to boost growth.

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  • Debt Restructuring Trikomsel Oke, S&P Warns of Indonesian Defaults

    American financial services company Standard & Poor's warns that defaults by Indonesian companies are a serious threat over the next 18 months given their eroded balance sheets amid the country's current economic slowdown. The warning came after Indonesian mobile phone retailer Trikomsel Oke announced plans to restructure about USD $155 million worth of debt as it may not be capable to meet obligations indefinitely.

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