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Berita Hari Ini Inflation

  • Indonesian Stock Market & Rupiah Update: Positive Global Sentiments

    Indonesian stocks and the rupiah outperformed their regional peers on Tuesday (03/11) after US stocks posted strong gains overnight on the back of a spate of acquisition deals and positive US manufacturing activity and construction spending data. Most Asian stock indices rose on these improved global market sentiments. Indonesia's benchmark Jakarta Composite Index climbed 1.53 percent to 4,533.09 points.

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  • BPS: Pemotongan Subsidi Listrik Meningkatkan Angka Inflasi & Kemiskinan

    Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) mengatakan rencana Pemerintah untuk memotong subsidi listrik untuk rumahtangga-rumahtangga penguna listrik 450 VA dan 900 VA (per 1 Januari 2016) mungkin akan menyebabkan kenaikan angka inflasi dan kemiskinan. Memotong jumlah subsidi listrik adalah bagian dari usaha Pemerintah untuk mengurangi subsidi energi yang mahal dan mengarahkan kembali dananya pada investasi produktif (contohnya program pembangunan infrastruktur atau kesejahteraan sosial). Terlebih lagi, lebih dari 20 juta penduduk Indonesia menikmati listrik subsidi, sementara mereka tidak diklasifikasikan sebagai (hampir) miskin.

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  • Update Pasar Saham & Rupiah Indonesia: Melawan Tren

    Indek Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) adalah salah satu dari beberapa indeks di Asia yang melawan tren pada perdagangan hari ini (02/11). Sementara kebanyakan indeks Asia, dipimpin oleh saham di Jepang, jatuh karena kekuatiran mengenai kontraksi yang berkelanjutan di Republik Rakyat Tiongkok (RRT), IHSG berhasil naik 0,22% menjadi 4.464,96 poin. Sementara itu, harga minyak jatuh dan dollar Amerika Serikat (AS) memperpanjang kerugian terhadap sebagian besar mata uang negara-negara berkembang.

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  • Indonesia October Inflation, Manufacturing PMI & Tourism Update

    In line with estimates, Indonesia posted 0.08 percent (m/m) deflation in October 2015. Deflation was primarily caused by lower food prices in Southeast Asia's largest economy. Annual inflation eased to 6.25 percent (y/y) and is expected to ease more markedly in the last two months of the year as the impact of last year November's subsidized fuel price hike will be swept away from inflation figures. Indonesia's core inflation - which excludes volatile food and administered prices - was 5.02 percent (y/y) in October.

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  • Indonesia Investments' Newsletter of 25 October 2015 Released

    On 25 October 2015, Indonesia Investments released the latest edition of its newsletter. This free newsletter, which is sent to our subscribers once per week, contains the most important news stories from Indonesia that have been reported on our website in the last seven days. Most of the topics involve economic subjects such as the government's fifth stimulus package, Indonesia's tourism and automotive industries, Bank Indonesia's inflation forecast, a stock & rupiah update, the latest World Bank report, commodity updates, and more.

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  • Bank Indonesia Memotong Proyeksi Inflasi 2015 Menjadi 3.6%

    Bank sentral Indonesia (Bank Indonesia) memprediksi akan terjadi penurunan inflasi yang besar dalam beberapa bulan terakhir di tahun 2015. Saat ini, laju inflasi tahunan mencapai 6,83% pada basis year-on-year (y/y). Kendati begitu, pada akhir tahun Bank Indonesia memperkirakan bahwa indeks harga konsumen akan menurun menjadi 3,6% (y/y), yang termasuk area bawah dari range target inflasi 2015 (3-5% y/y). Berita terbaru ini disampaikan oleh Gubernur Bank Indonesia Agus Martowardojo ketika bertemu dengan Forum Koordinasi Stabilitas Sistem Keuangan (FKSSK).

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  • Car Sales Indonesia Update: Falling on Weak Purchasing Power

    Car sales in Indonesia continued to decline in September 2015. Based on the latest data from the Indonesian Automotive Industry Association (Gaikindo), a total of 92,478 vehicles were sold in Southeast Asia's largest economy in September, down 9.8 percent from sales in the same month last year. Indonesian car sales have been slowing since the all-time sales peak in 2013 amid the country's easing economic growth pace (triggering weaker purchasing power).

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  • Indonesia Investments' Newsletter of 4 October 2015 Released

    On 4 October 2015, Indonesia Investments released the latest edition of its newsletter. This free newsletter, which is sent to our subscribers once per week, contains the most important news stories from Indonesia that have been reported on our website in the last seven days. Most of the topics involve economic subjects such as the government and Bank Indonesia’s new economic policy package, an update of inflation and manufacturing activity, US interest rates the impact of El Nino on coffee and palm oil production, and much more.

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  • Indonesia akan Memotong Harga Bahan Bakar di Paket Kebijakan III?

    Pemerintah Indonesia mungkin akan memotong harga bahan bakar minyak di kuartal 4 tahun 2015 dalam rangka mendongkrak daya beli masyarakat dan mengurangi biaya yang ditanggung para pelaku manufaktur lokal. Tindakan ini akan menjadi bagian dari paket stimulus Pemerintah yang diprediksi akan diumumkan minggu depan. Pada tanggal 9 September dan tanggal 29 September, Pemerintah Indoensia telah mengumumkan dua paket kebijakan ekonominya. Kontras dengan dua paket kebijakan yang pertama, paket ketiga seharusnya memberikan hasil dalam jangka waktu pendek.

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  • Update Harga Konsumen Indonesia: Deflasi di September, Inflasi Tahunan Menurun

    Indonesia mengalami deflasi, dengan harga konsumen turun 0,05% (month-on-month), pada September 2015 karena menurunnya harga makanan dan transportasi. Contoh dari penurunan harga makanan termasuk harga daging ayam, telur, cabai, bawang dan minyak untuk memasak. Biaya transportasi yang lebih rendah terutama disebabkan karena menurunnya biaya transportasi udara yang berkontribusi kepada deflasi. Pada basis tahunan, inflasi Indonesia menurun 6,83% di bulan September, turun dari 7,18 pada basis year-on-year (y/y) di bulan sebelumnya, dan di bawah perkiraan para analis pada 7,0 (y/y).

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Artikel Terbaru Inflation

  • Indonesian Rupiah and IHSG Strengthen on Yellen and Domestic Data

    At 15:00 local Jakarta time on Tuesday (01/04), the Indonesian rupiah exchange rate as well as the country's benchmark stock index (known as the IHSG or Jakarta Composite Index) have shown a positive performance so far. Based on the Bloomberg Dollar Index, the rupiah appreciated 0.64 percent to IDR 11,288 per US dollar, while the IHSG climbed 2.15 percent to 4,871.38. A number of internal and external factors contributed to this remarkable performance today.

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  • A Strong End of the Week for the Indonesian Rupiah Exchange Rate

    By the end of Friday's trading day (28/03), the Indonesian rupiah exchange rate appreciated 0.75 percent to IDR 11,361 per US dollar based on the Bloomberg Dollar Index. At the end of March 2014, the rupiah is still the best-performing Asian currency this year, outperforming 24 emerging-market currencies that are tracked by Bloomberg. Since 31 December 2013, the rupiah appreciated nearly seven percent against the US dollar as an easing current account deficit and slowing inflation triggered capital inflows into Southeast Asia's largest economy.

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  • Rupiah Falls on Fed Policy; Market Waiting for Indonesia's Economic Data

    The Indonesian rupiah exchange rate depreciated 0.31 percent to IDR 11,447 per US dollar on Thursday (27/03) based on the Bloomberg Dollar Index. The currency's strong performance in February and the first half of March, supported by Indonesia's easing current account deficit and inflation, has met resistance due to global concern about the aggressive US Federal Reserve monetary tightening (winding down its quantitative easing program by another chunk of USD $10 billion as well as possible US interest rate hikes in 2015 and 2016).

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  • Fitch Ratings Survey Shows Optimistic View on Indonesian Economy

    Fitch Ratings, one of the three major global credit rating agencies, said that its latest annual survey on economic prospects and the business climate in Indonesia indicates an optimistic view. Respondents in the survey, mostly CEOs and Division Heads at financial institutions, companies, government and media, were asked 11 questions about the Indonesian economy, reformation and prospects for the next five years. Andrew Steel, Managing Director Head of Asia Pacific Corporate Ratings Group, presented results of the survey.

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  • World Bank: March 2014 Indonesia Economic Quarterly Investment in Flux

    Today (18/03), the World Bank released the March 2014 edition of its Indonesia Economic Quarterly (IEQ), titled Investment in Flux. The report discusses key developments over the past three months in Indonesia’s economy, and places these developments in a longer-term and global context. Secondly, it provides a more in-depth examination of selected economic and policy issues, as well as analysis of Indonesia’s medium-term development challenges. Click here for further information about the World Bank and its activities in Indonesia.

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  • Analysis of Indonesia's Current Account Deficit: the Structural Oil Problem

    Fitch Ratings, one of the three major global credit rating agencies, estimates that Indonesia's current account deficit will reach USD $27.4 billion, equivalent to 3.1 percent of the country's gross domestic product (GDP) in 2014. As such, Fitch Ratings' forecast is more pessimistic than forecasts presented by both Indonesia's central bank (Bank Indonesia) and government. Both these institutions expect to curb the current account deficit below the three percent of GDP mark (a sustainable level). Global investors continue to carefully monitor the deficit.

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  • Indonesian Rupiah Exchange Rate's New Equilibrium at IDR 11,000?

    Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Hatta Rajasa said that the rupiah exchange rate's new equilibrium is at IDR 11,000 per US dollar. As the economic fundamentals of Indonesia's economy have improved in recent months - evidenced by the easing current account deficit and inflation - the rupiah has shown a strong performance, appreciating around six percent against the US dollar in 2014 (year to date). In fact, Rajasa warned that the rupiah should not strengthen too much as this impacts negatively on Indonesia's trade balance.

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  • ICRA Indonesia’s Economic Review; an Update on the Macroeconomy

    ICRA Indonesia, an independent credit rating agency and subsidiary of ICRA Ltd. (associate of Moody's Investors Service), publishes a monthly newsletter which provides an update on the financial and economic developments in Indonesia of the last month. In the February 2014 edition, a number of important topics that are monitored include Indonesia's inflation rate, the trade balance, the current account deficit, the IDR rupiah exchange rate, and gross domestic product (GDP) growth. Below is an excerpt of the newsletter:

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  • Bank Indonesia's Analysis of February Inflation and January Trade Deficit

    The rate of Indonesian inflation eased in February 2014. Inflation decelerated in February 2014 to 0.26 percent (month-to-month) or 7.75 percent (year-on-year), down from the previous month at 1.07 percent (mtm) or 8.22 percent (yoy) respectively. The drop in the inflation rate is attributable to central and local government policy taken to minimize the second-round effects of recent natural disasters, thereby bringing the inflation of volatile foods in the reporting month to just 0.32 percent (mtm) or 9.85 percent (yoy).

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  • Optimism about the Performance of the Indonesian Rupiah Rate in 2014

    The central bank of Indonesia (Bank Indonesia) is optimistic that the country's currency will continue to appreciate against the US dollar in the first quarter of 2014. Executive Director at the Economic and Monetary Policy Department of Bank Indonesia Juda Agung said that there are two factors that impact positively on the performance of the Indonesian rupiah exchange rate: the improved global economy and strengthening domestic economic fundamentals. However, Agung declined to estimate the value of the rupiah by the end of Q1-2014.

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