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Berita Hari Ini China

  • Pasar Saham & Finansial Indonesia Dibuka Kembali Setelah Libur Idul Fitri

    Perdagangan saham di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) dimulai kembali pada hari Rabu (22/07) setelah libur Idul Fitri selama 4 hari berakhir. Segera setelah dibuka, Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) naik 0,50% karena optimisme para investor mengenai performa terkini yang baik dari pasar saham global setelah Yunani yang terbeban hutang mencapai kesepakatan dengan para koordinator internasionalnya sementara guncangan di saham Republik Rakyat Tiongkok (RRT) memudar.

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  • Bank Pembangunan Asia (ADB) memotong Proyeksi Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Asia

    Bank Pembangunan Asia (Asian Development Bank/ADB) mengumumkan telah mengurangi proyeksi pertumbuhan ekonomi 2015 dan 2016 baik untuk Republik Rakyat Tiongkok (RRT) maupun negara-negara berkembang Asia lainnya karena perlambatan perekonomian yang berkelanjutan di negara dengan ekonomi terbesar kedua di dunia ini. Ekspansi perekonomian RRT diproyeksikan untuk mencapai 7% pada basis year-on-year (y/y) di 2015 dan 6,8% (y/y) di 2016. Kedua proyeksi ini turun 0,2% poin dari proyeksi ADB sebelumnya.

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  • Saham Indonesia Meningkat karena Yunani; Rupiah Melemah karena Fed Hike

    Sejalan dengan tren global, saham Indonesia terus naik pada Selasa (14/07). Kebanyakan indeks-indeks saham (di seluruh dunia) terus bergerak dalam wilayah hijau setelah Yunani yang dibebani banyak hutang mencapai kesepakatan dengan kreditor internasionalnya - setelah pertemuan darurat selama 17 jam - untuk sebuah paket penghematan yang akan tetap mempertahankan Yunani di dalam zona euro. Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) telah naik 0,60% menjadi 4.923,36 poin pada pukul 11:45 WIB pada hari Selasa.

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  • IMF Memotong Proyeksi Global; BI Memprediksi Pertumbuhan Datar di Kuartal II

    International Monetary Fund (IMF) memotong proyeksi pertumbuhan ekonomi global di 2015 menjadi 3,3% pada basis year-on-year (y/y), dari 3,5% (y/y) sebelumnya, karena musim dingin yang keras mempengaruhi Amerika Serikat (AS) dan sejalan dengan itu menarik turun pertumbuhan global. Di kuartal 1 tahun 2015, perekonomian AS berkontraksi 0,2% (y/y). Terlebih lagi, kekacauan di Yunani dan Republik Rakyat Tiongkok menyebabkan volatilitas yang besar dalam pasar keuangan global, lembaga yang bermarkas di Washington ini menyatakan dalam sebuah update World Economic Outlook (WEO) pada hari Kamis (09/07).

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  • Indonesian Stocks & Rupiah Down on GDP Growth Concern & China Turmoil

    Indonesian stocks and the rupiah weakened further on Wednesday (08/07) due to the continuing fall of Chinese stocks (raising concerns about global economic growth) and the downward revision of the World Bank and Asian Development Bank (ADB)’s economic growth forecasts for Indonesia in 2015. Furthermore, global uncertainty brought about by the looming Greek exit (Grexit) from the euro continues to plague markets worldwide and makes investors prefer to wait for more certain times.

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  • World Bank Drastically Cuts Indonesia’s 2015 Economic Growth Forecast

    The World Bank cut its forecast for economic growth in Indonesia in 2015 from 5.2 percent year-on-year (y/y) to 4.7 percent (y/y) as private consumption, which accounts for about 55 percent of total economic growth in Indonesia, is estimated to weaken further in the second half of 2015 while government spending has been lower than expected (causing subdued fixed investment). Furthermore, persistent low commodity prices and tighter credit conditions provide further pressures that led to the extreme downward revision.

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  • Ancaman Keluarnya Yunani dari Zona Euro: Aset Indonesia Relatif Stabil

    Meskipun Indonesia dianggap sebagai salah satu perekonomian Asia yang sangat rentah terhadap keluarnya Yunani dari zona euro (Greek exit/Grexit), saham dan rupiah Indonesia tidak melemah sebanyak aset-aset pasar negara berkembang lainnya pada hari Senin (29/06), hari perdagangan pertama setelah hancurnya pembicaraan antara Yunani, yang dibebani banyak hutang, dengan para kreditor internasionalnya. Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) jatuh 0,82% menjadi 4.882,59 poin sementara rupiah melemah 0,24% menjadi Rp 13.339 per dollar AS (Indeks Bloomberg).

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  • Saham Indonesia & Rupiah Diprediksi Merasakan Tekanan Berat Hari Ini

    Saham Indonesia diprediksi merasakan tekanan turun yang berat pada hari Senin (29/06) karena pembicaraan yang terhenti antara Yunani yang terbeban hutang dengan para kreditor internasionalnya. Transaksi Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) masih belum dibuka namun pasar-pasar Asia yang lain segera jatuh setelah pembukaan. Indeks Nikkei 225 dari Jepang turun 2,28% sementara yen menguat (para investor sedang mengejar aset-aset yang aman), sementara KOSPI dari Korea Selatan jatuh 1,5%. Nilai euro sangat menurun dalam perdagangan Asia.

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  • Minister Brodjonegoro: Economy of Indonesia is Facing Four Risks

    In a meeting with Commission XI of Indonesia’s House of Representatives (DPR), Indonesian Finance Minister Bambang Brodjonegoro stated that the economy of Indonesia is currently facing four global risks. These four risks are low international commodity prices, China’s slowing economic expansion, the Greek debt crisis in the Eurozone and, lastly, further monetary tightening to be conducted by the US Federal Reserve. These issues are not new and have already contributed to slowing economic growth in Indonesia.

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  • Update Pasar: Saham Indonesia & Rupiah Menguat pada Hari Jumat

    Nilai saham Indonesia dan rupiah menguat pada hari perdagangan terakhir karena didukung oleh kenaikan sedang dari sejumlah indeks di Wall Street pada hari Kamis (07/05), yang sangat kontras dengan penjualan besar-besaran yang terjadi sehari sebelumnya setelah pimpinan Federal Reserve Janet Yellen menyatakan bahwa harga saham-saham Amerika Serikat (AS) mungkin dihargaii secara berlebihan. Sementara itu, data perdagangan yang lemah dari Republik Rakyat Tionghoa (RRT) mungkin akan mendorong para pembuat kebijakan RRT untuk menyediakan lebih banyak stimulus. Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan naik 0,62% menjadi 5.182,21 poin pada hari Jumat (08/05).

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Artikel Terbaru China

  • Plan to Increase Revenues from Indonesia's Coal Sector may Backfire

    Concerns have arisen over the government's plan to increase royalties and export duties for coal. The Indonesian Coal Mining Association (APBI) expects that this policy will lead to the closure of various coal miners while increasing acts of illegal mining. According to Bob Kamandanu, chairman of the APBI, 60 million tons of coal per year is not listed by any authority and thus can be labeled 'illegal'. Illegal coal mining also implies that the Indonesian government misses out on about IDR 5.6 trillion (USD $495.6 million) per year.

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  • Indonesia's Benchmark Stock Index (IHSG) up 0.17% on Thursday

    Despite concerns that Indonesia's benchmark stock index (IHSG) would weaken on Thursday's trading day (12/09), the index ended 0.17 percent up to 4,356.61 points. Indices on Wall Street and in Asia impacted positively on the IHSG and kept foreign investors increasing their stock portfolios in Indonesia. Moreover, the Bank Indonesia's decision to raise the country's benchmark interest rate (BI rate) by 25 basis points to 7.25 percent was generally well-received by investors. Banking stocks helped to support the IHSG.

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  • Asian Markets Continue Rebound; Indonesia's IHSG Climbs 3.98%

    Asian Markets Continues Rebound; Indonesia's IHSG Climbs 3.98%

    Good economic data from China and Japan made many Asian stock indices go into green territory, including Indonesia's benchmark stock index (IHSG) which gained 3.98 percent to close at 4,358.14 points on Tuesday (10/09) despite the lack of positive internal factors in Indonesia. Promising European openings also provided support for the index. Foreign investors, similarly to yesterday, were net purchasers of Indonesian assets, while domestic investors mostly sold their assets.

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  • Positive Market Sentiments in Asia Push Indonesia's Index Up 2.92%

    The release of positive economic data in China at the end of last week were continued into this week and had a good impact on regional stock indices. Most Asian stock indices continued their upward movement. This time, Indonesia's benchmark stock index (IHSG) was able to join its regional peers. Although Indonesia's investment climate is still not conducive, foreign investors were back buying more Indonesian stocks than they sold. The index rose 2.92 percent to 4,191.26 points on Monday (09/09).

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  • Indonesia Stock Market: Overview and Analysis of Last Week's Performance

    Although many global indices were up, Indonesia's benchmark stock index (IHSG) fell a total of 2.93 percent during last week's trading. One important issue on global indices is the tapering off of the Federal Reserve's quantitative easing (QE3). On 17 and 18 September, the next meeting of the FOMC is scheduled, which is expected to discuss the future of QE3. Notably, as the meeting comes closer, most global indices in fact rise. Thus, market players seem to have become less concerned about an end to QE3.

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  • Indonesia Stock Index Rebounds on Tuesday; Rupiah Depreciates

    Indonesia's benchmark stock index (IHSG) rebounded on Tuesday (03/09) amid rising Asian stock indices inflicted by optimism about economic recovery in China and the USA. The IHSG rose 1.53 percent to 4,164.12 points. Agribusiness and mining stocks were the top performers today, while the miscellaneous industry, which fell 0.09 percent, was the only sectoral index on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) that was down. The rupiah depreciated against the US dollar as investors are concerned about July's USD $2.3 billion current account deficit.

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  • Market Update: Eurozone Posts Good Data, USA Waiting for Decisions

    Most European stock indices rose sharply on Monday (02/09) as investors were happy to see favorable industrial data from China and the Eurozone. The benchmark stock indices in Paris, Frankfurt, London and Amsterdam climbed up to 1.8 percent. Trade was relatively quiet as Wall Street was closed due to Labor Day celebrations. However, it may be a 'calm before the storm' because on Friday (06/09) new official data about U.S. job creation will be released, while next week more clarity about a military operation in Syria is expected.

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  • Amid Mixed Asian Markets Indonesia's Main Index Rises 1.02%

    After Wall Street turned back into the green zone on Tuesday (13/08) and was accompanied by continued rising stock indices in Europe, it provided good support for Asian stock indices on Wednesday (14/08), including Indonesia's main stock index (IHSG). Indonesian mining commodities and plantation stocks fell but these losses were offset by rising big cap stocks (particularly finance stocks) and speculation that Indonesia's central bank will keep its benchmark interest rate (BI rate) at 6.50 percent.

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  • Jakarta Composite Index Rebounds amid Rising Asian Indices

    Jakarta Composite Index Rebounds amid Rising Asian Indices

    Rising Asian stock indices from the start of the week have supported Indonesia's main stock index (IHSG) to follow suit on Tuesday (13/08). Despite mixed markets in the United States and Europe, the IHSG grew 1.19 percent to 4,652.40 points. Japan's Nikkei index, which weakened seriously after the country's disappointing Q2 GDP result, rebounded and had a positive impact on the IHSG. Lastly, positive European openings made sure the IHSG would stay in the green zone.

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  • After Lebaran Holiday Indonesia's Main Stock Index Starts in the Red

    After its one-week holiday, Indonesia's main stock index (IHSG) started in negative territory. The index fell 0.93 percent to 4,597.78 on Monday (12/08) with the country's miscellaneous industry sector and the consumer goods sector leading the fall. It is interesting to note that most Indonesian mining companies showed significantly rising share prices as prices of mining commodities are expected to increase. According to Morgan Stanley, coal imports to India will grow while the global coal price has already reached its lowest point.

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