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Berita Hari Ini Federal Reserve

  • Stocks & Rupiah Update Indonesia: Impact of Janet Yellen’s Statements

    Whereas the Indonesian rupiah is depreciating on Monday’s trading day (30/03), Indonesian stocks climb significantly. At 14:15 pm local Jakarta time, the benchmark stock index (Jakarta Composite Index) had gained 0.93 percent to 5,444.27 points. In line with other Asian markets, Indonesia’s stock index felt the positive impact of Fed Chief Janet Yellen’s statements on Friday (27/03). Yellen indicated in a speech in San Francisco that it is riskier to raise US interest rates too fast than to raise them too slowly.

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  • Rupiah versus US Dollar; Faktor-Faktor yang Berperan

    Dalam beberapa hari terakhir dollar Amerika Serikat (AS) kembali mendapatkan momentum bullish dan menguat terhadap sebagian besar mata uang termasuk rupiah. Dollar AS berada di bawah tekanan setelah Federal Reserve memberikan sinyal - kontras dengan ekspektasi pasar - bahwa Fed tidak akan menaikkan suku bunga dalam waktu dekat karena prospek pertumbuhan ekonomi AS dan inflasi AS belum ada di posisi yang diinginkan. Hal ini membuat aset pasar-pasar lebih menarik untuk jangka pendek. Namun, perkembangan ini tampaknya hanya berlangsung sebentar.

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  • Update Mata Uang Indonesia: Rupiah Menguat, Dollar Amerika Melemah

    Nilai tukar rupiah mengawali minggu ini dengan posisi kuat karena dollar Amerika Serikat (AS) melemah akibat ketidakjelasan mengenai waktu kenaikan suku bunga AS. Kontras dengan dugaan awal, meeting Federal Reserve yang terakhir (diadakan 17-18 Maret) mengindikasikan bahwa belum akan ada kenaikan suku bunga dalam waktu singkat di negara dengan ekonomi terbesar. Hal ini mendorong meningkatnya minat untuk aset-aset pasar negara berkembang. Apalagi, Pemerintah Indonesia dan Bank Indonesia berjanji akan menjaga stabilitas rupiah.

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  • Apa yang Mempengaruhi Performa Rupiah Minggu ini?

    Tampaknya, pesan Federal Reserve bahwa Fed masih menunda menaikkan suku bunga di Amerika Serikat (AS) hanya mengimplikasikan periode singkat pelemahan dollar AS terhadap mata uang Asia. Pada hari Jumat (20/03), rupiah melemah 0,51% menjadi Rp 13.124 per dollar AS menurut Bloomberg Dollar Index. Volatilitas tinggi pada saat ini juga merupakan akibat dari kebijakan berbeda yang diterapkan oleh berbagai bank sentral. Sementara Federal Reserve AS bertekad untuk lebih mengetatkan kebijakan moneternya, bank sentral di Jepang dan Eropa melakukan sebaliknya.

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  • Rupiah & Saham Indonesia Menguat setelah Pertemuan Federal Reserve

    Saham di Indonesia dan nilai tukar rupiah menguat tajam pada hari Kamis (19/03) setelah Federal Reserve menunda menaikkan suku bunga acuannya dalam Pertemuan Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) selama dua hari yang berakhir pada hari Rabu (18/03) karena inflasi Amerika Serikat (AS) masih rendah sedangkan pertumbuhan ekonomi AS sedikit melambat. Bank sentral AS menberikan sinyal bahwa Fed tidak terburu-buru untuk menaikkan suku bunga acuannya. Di sisi lain, Fed juga menghapuskan kata 'sabar' dari panduannya untuk suku bunga (yang berada dalam posisi paling rendah sejak akhir 2008).

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  • Bank Sentral Indonesia Pertahankan Suku Bunga Acuan di 7,50% di Maret

    Bank Sentral Indonesia (Bank Indonesia) memutuskan untuk tetap menjaga suku bunga acuannya pada 7,5% sebagai hasil keputusan pertemuan Dewan Gubernur Bank Indonesia (BI) yang dilakukan hari ini. Suku bunga overnight deposit facility dan suku bunga lending facility dipertahankan masing-masing 5,5% dan 8%. BI menganggap bahwa kondisi suku bunga saat ini sesuai dengan targetnya untuk mendorong inflasi ke dalam target antara 3,0% sampai 5,0% dalam basis year on year (y/y) di tahun 2015 dan mengurangi defisit neraca transaksi berjalan Indonesia antara 2,5% sampai 3,0% dari produk domestik bruto (PDB).

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  • Penurunan Drastis Rupiah Indonesia: Jatuh ke Rp 13,200 per Dollar AS

    Di Indonesia, lampu sorot tetap tajam terfokus pada pelemahan drastis rupiah. Karena semakin berkembangnya spekulasi bahwa US Federal Reserve akan segera menaikkan tingkat suku bunga pinjamannya, aset-aset pasar berkembang (baik mata uang maupun saham) cenderung melemah. Walau sebagian besar mata uang Asia melemah terhadap dolar Amerika Serikat (AS), rupiah lebih rentan karena Indonesia sedang mengalami defisit transaksi berjalan yang besar. Hal ini menginformasikan kepada para investor bahwa negara ini bergantung pada capital inflows dari negara-negara asing.

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  • Bank Indonesia Ok dengan Rupiah Lemah Demi Memperbaiki Transaksi Berjalan

    Nilai tukar rupiah melemah 0,79% menjadi Rp 12.932 per dollar Amerika Serikat (AS) menurut Bloomberg Dollar Index pada hari Jumat (27/02), level terendah sejak akhir 2008, setelah bank sentral Indonesia (Bank Indonesia) menyatakan tidak berencana melakukan terlalu banyak intervensi untuk mendukung rupiah. Bank Indonesia (BI) menyatakan tidak memiliki level target untuk rupiah dan tidak akan melawan pasar. Statemen ini merupakan sinyal-sinyal bahwa BI nyaman dengan rupiah yang lemah demi memperbaiki neraca transaksi berjalan.

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  • What Impacts on the Indonesian Rupiah Today? Fed, China, Greece & Inflation

    After Federal Reserve Chairwoman Janet Yellen indicated that the US central bank will be patient in raising the interest rate environment in the world’s largest economy, Indonesian assets gained on Wednesday (25/02). Both the benchmark Jakarta Composite Index and rupiah exchange rate strengthened 0.51 percent yesterday. Apart from increased speculation that the Fed will not raise interest rates before summer, expectation that Greece will avoid a disastrous default brought more positive market sentiments.

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  • Rupiah Indonesia Update: Falling towards IDR 13,000 per US Dollar

    Indonesia’s rupiah depreciated to its lowest level since mid-December 2014 nearly touching the psychological level of IDR 13,000 per US dollar ahead of Federal Reserve Chairwoman Janet Yellen appearance before the US Senate Banking Committee and the US Congress (in a two-day meeting) to elaborate on the Fed’s stance on US interest rates. As US jobless claims fell more than expected, analysts believe that it will not take long before the US central bank introduces higher borrowing costs in the world’s largest economy.

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Artikel Terbaru Federal Reserve

  • Weaker US Consumer Confidence Supports Asian Indices Including IHSG

    Wall Street and European indices being up at the end of last week had a positive impact on Asian stock indices on Monday (28/10), despite experiencing a correction during today's trading day. The Jakarta Composite Index (IHSG), Indonesia's benchmark stock index, joined this trend. After making a strong start, it became susceptible to profit taking and thus had a mixed performance although it ended at 4,590.54 points, a 0.21 percent increase. The IHSG was supported by foreign net buying and an appreciating rupiah exchange rate.

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  • Amid Falling Asian Indices, Jakarta Composite Index (IHSG) Rises 0.75%

    Amid falling Asian stock indices, Indonesia's benchmark stock index (the IHSG or Jakarta Composite Index) managed to gain 33.8 points to 4,546.50 (+0.75 percent) on Wednesday (23/10). The main reason for today's upward movement was large-scale stock purchases by domestic investors, who are more confident now after it has been expected that the Federal Reserve will not tone down its massive bond-buying program (quantitative easing) in the near future. A few blue chips, including Bank Mandiri and Unilever, were popular stocks today.

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  • Jakarta Composite Index (IHSG) Rises 0.70% on Monday

    Rising global stock indices at the end of last week continued to impact positively on Asian stock indices on Monday (21/10), including Indonesia's Jakarta Composite Index (IHSG). Moreover, speculation that the Federal Reserve will not alter its quantitative easing program until early next year also brought along positive market sentiments. This is expected to result in the inflow of US dollars into emerging markets. On Monday, the IHSG rose 0.70 percent to 4,578.18 despite continued foreign selling and rupiah depreciation.

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  • US Debt Ceiling Agreement Results in Rising Jakarta Composite Index

    US Debt Ceiling Agreement Results in Rising Jakarta Composite Index

    The Jakarta Composite Index (IHSG) rebounded on Thursday's trading day (17/10), supported by good news from the United States where finally an agreement was reached regarding the US debt ceiling. This agreement brought positive market sentiments on Asian stock markets, including the IHSG which rose 0.59% to 4,518.93 points. Moreover, Indonesia's minister of Economy Hatta Rajasa stated that Indonesia had not been significantly impacted by the US shutdown issue and this statement also managed to ease investors' concerns.

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  • Indonesia's Main Stock Index (IHSG) Rises Slightly amid Mixed Markets

    Although Indonesia's benchmark stock index (IHSG) started mixed on Wednesday (09/10), it gradually climbed as the trading day moved on. The country's benchmark interest rate (BI rate), which was kept at 7.25 percent by Bank Indonesia on Tuesday (08/10), continued to make a positive impact. However, negative market sentiments were brought on by the US shutdown as well as the downgrade of the IMF's outlook for world economic growth in 2013 and 2014. Lastly, the weakening IDR rupiah also implied negative market sentiments.

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  • Indonesia's Benchmark Stock Index (IHSG) Falls Slightly on Thursday

    As had been hoped, after closing the gap at 4.375-4.403, Indonesia's benchmark stock index (IHSG) did not continue its fall at the same pace as it had in the past couple of days. Investors were still cautious, however, and took a wait and see attitude. Foreign investors were net sellers of Indonesian stocks, while the rupiah exchange rate kept depreciating. Moreover, Asian stock indices were mixed and thus provided no good support for the IHSG. The index fell 0.02 percent to 4,405.89. Domestic investors were net buyers of Indonesian stocks.

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  • Concerns about Ending of QE3 Reappear, Indonesia's IHSG Falls 2.25%

    Concerns about Ending of QE3 Reappear, Indonesia's IHSG Falls 2.25%

    Both the Indonesian currency and the benchmark stock index (IHSG) continued their fall on Tuesday (24/09). Wall Street's weak performance on the last three trading days was a major factor that brought negative market sentiments to the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). Even good openings in Europe were not able to push the IHSG back into green territory. The index fell 2.25 percent to 4,460.41 points. Foreign investors were net sellers of Indonesian stocks, while domestic investors were net buyers.

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  • Continued Profit Taking Causes Indonesia's IHSG to Fall 0.46%

    Indonesia's benchmark stock index (IHSG) extended its downward movement on Monday (23/09) as investors continued to look for profits after the index had risen sharply following the announcement that the US quantitative easing program will not be ended yet. Pressures on the IHSG were intensified by the depreciating rupiah and the weakening of Hong Kong's Hang Seng Index (which was partly brought on by a typhoon). Despite foreign investors being net buyers of Indonesian stocks, the IHSG fell 0.46 percent to 4,562.86 points.

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  • No Tapering is Bullish? The Federal Reserve Playing with the Global Market

    Starting from May 2013, Indonesia's benchmark stock index (IHSG) has been on a weakening (bearish) trend inflicted by various reasons. First, in early May, Standard & Poor's downgraded Indonesia's credit rating due to the government's hesitancy to slash fuel subsidies. Then, the Federal Reserve started to speculate about ending its quantitative easing program. Capital outflows that followed indicated the vulnerable state of the Indonesian economy. Moreover, the controversial hike in fuel prices in late-June resulted in high inflation.

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  • Indonesia Has to Focus to Offset Impact of Quantitative Easing Tapering

    On Thursday (19/09), most currencies and stock indices outside the USA were bullish after the Federal Reserve decided to continue its massive monthly USD $85 billion bond buying program. Today (20/09), Asian currencies and stock indices took the foot off the gas as many investors sought to cash in on yesterday's gains. The MSCI Asia Pacific was still able to rise slightly (0.1 percent) after jumping 2.2 percent yesterday, but Indonesia's benchmark stock index (IHSG) plunged 1.86 percent (after gaining 4.65 percent yesterday).

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