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Berita Hari Ini Bank Indonesia

  • Central Bank: Economy of Indonesia Expected to Grow 4.89% in 2015

    Agus Martowardojo, Governor of Indonesia’s central bank (Bank Indonesia), said on Thursday (27/08) that the nation’s economic growth pace is expected to reach 4.89 percent (y/y) in full-year 2015, down from 5.0 percent (y/y) in the preceding year and it would mark the fifth straight year of economic slowing. Earlier this week, Bank Indonesia had already revised down its economic growth forecast to the range of 4.7 - 5.1 percent (y/y) in 2015 (from 5.0 - 5.4 percent previously).

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  • Can Bank Indonesia’s US Dollar Purchase Restriction Support the Rupiah?

    Last week, Indonesia’s central bank (Bank Indonesia) refrained from adjusting its relatively high interest rate regime as it is committed to support the ailing rupiah and combat high inflation. Another decision that was revealed by Bank Indonesia is the soon-to-be-introduced regulation that limits total (non-collateral) monthly US dollar purchases to USD $25,000 (down from USD $100,000 previously). This regulation will be implemented in a move to thwart speculators that want to take advantage of the weak and volatile rupiah.

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  • What Influenced the Indonesian Rupiah? Central Bank Intervention

    Just before the market closed on Tuesday (18/08) the Indonesian rupiah experienced a remarkable recovery, signalling that the country’s central bank (Bank Indonesia) intervened to support the ailing currency (after Malaysia’s ringgit, the rupiah is the second-worst performing emerging currency in Asia so far this year, weakening 11.2 percent against the US dollar). Today, based on the Bloomberg Dollar Index, the Indonesian rupiah was gradually falling toward IDR 13,860 per US dollar until it suddenly appreciated markedly.

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  • Bank Indonesia Keeps Interest Rates Unchanged on Global Uncertainty

    For the sixth straight month, the central bank of Indonesia (Bank Indonesia) left its interest rate regime unchanged at Tuesday’s Board of Governor’s meeting (18/08) as it aims to guard the rupiah against severe volatility (which occurred after China’s yuan was allowed to devalue, while markets are still preparing for monetary tightening in the USA) and tries to combat inflation.

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  • Current Account Deficit Indonesia Improves on Weak Imports

    The central bank of Indonesia (Bank Indonesia) announced on Friday (14/08) that the country’s current account deficit narrowed to USD $4.48 billion, or 2.1 percent of gross domestic product (GDP), in the second quarter of 2015. In the same quarter last year the deficit stood at USD $9.59 billion). As such, the current account deficit (CAD) has become more sustainable and this may provide some support for the rupiah which is currently facing tough times (ahead of a looming US interest rate and China’s yuan devaluation).

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  • Indonesian GDP Growth and Inflation Expected to Slow further

    The pace of economic growth of Indonesia is expected to remain below five percent year-on-year (y/y) in the second quarter of 2015 according to Reuters poll involving 22 analysts. In fact, the poll shows that further slowing economic growth is expected. In the first quarter of 2015, Indonesia’s economic growth came at 4.71 percent (y/y), the weakest growth pace in six years. According to the poll, analysts see a gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate of 4.61 percent (y/y) in the second quarter of 2015.

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  • Indeks Harga Konsumen Indonesia: Inflasi Juli Terkendali

    Bank sentral Indonesia (Bank Indonesia) memprediksi melihat inflasi Indonesia di bulan Juli dalam cakupan 0,46 - 0,60% pada basis month-on-month (m/m). Inflasi di Indonesia selalu memuncak pada bulan Juni, Juli dan Agustus karena peningkatan belanja konsumen karena perayaan Ramadan & Idul Fitri dan juga awal tahun ajaran baru. Pada awal bulan ini, Gubernur Bank Indonesia (BI) Agus Martowadojo mengatakan bahwa inflasi tahunan diprediksi untuk turun di bawah 7% di bulan Juli, dari 7,26% (y/y) di bulan Juni.

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  • Update Rupiah Indonesia: Dekat dengan Rp 13.400 per Dollar AS

    Menurut Bloomberg Dollar Index, rupiah terus melemah pada hari Senin (20/07). Mata uang Indonesia melemah 0,31% menjadi Rp 13.395 per dollar Amerika Serikat (AS), level terlemahnya sejak 1998 waktu negara ini dilanda oleh Krisis Finansial Asia. Sementara itu, aktivitas Bank Indonesia masih terbatas sampai hari Rabu (22/07) karena libur umum (perayaan Idul Fitri), menyebabkan bank sentral untuk sementara tidak mempublikasikan Jakarta Interbank Spot Dollar Rate (JISDOR).

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  • Indonesia Mencatat Surplus Perdagangan Bulan Juni Namun Kekuatiran Berlanjut

    Indonesia mencatat surplus perdagangan 477 juta dollar Amerika Serikat (AS) pada bulan Juni 2015, surplus perdagangan ke-7 secara beruntun. Meskipun begitu, menurut data terakhir dari BPS, diterbitkan pada hari Rabu (14/07), ekspor Indonesia pada Juni ini jatuh 12,8% (year-on-year) menjadi 13,4 miliar dollar AS, sementara impor jatuh 17,4% (year-on-year) menjadi 12,9 miliar dollar AS. Angka-angka ini menunjukkan bahwa surplus perdagangan Indonesia terutama disebabkan oleh permintaan domestik yang lemah dan lebih melambat daripada permintaan global (yang terus melambat juga). Kondisi ini meningkatkan kekuatiran mengenai pertumbuhan perekonomian domestik dan global.

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  • Bank Indonesia Tidak Ubah Suku Bunga Selama 5 Bulan Berturut-Turut

    Seperti yang telah diprediksi, Bank Indonesia tidak mengubah tingkat suku bunganya pada pertemuan Dewan Gubernur Bank Indonesia (BI) pada hari Selasa (14/07). BI rate yang menjadi acuan dipertahankan pada 7,50%, sementara fasilitas simpanan Bank Indonesia (Fasbi) dan suku bunga lending facility dipertahankan masing-masing pada 5,50% dan 8,00%. Bank Indonesia meyakini bahwa kondisi tingkat suku bunga saat ini sejalan dengan upaya untuk menurunkan inflasi dan juga mendukung rupiah yang melemah menjelang perkiraan pengetatan moneter lebih lanjut oleh Amerika Serikat (AS) di kemudian hari pada tahun ini.

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Artikel Terbaru Bank Indonesia

  • Update Indonesian Economy: Economic Growth and Financial Stability

    Despite rising concerns about the slowing pace of the Indonesian economy, the deputy minister of Finance Bambang Brodjonegoro reminded investors that Indonesia's economic growth in the third quarter of 2013 still constitutes one of the highest growth rates around the globe. Economic expansion in Q3-2013 slid to 5.6% in Southeast Asia's largest economy. With the exception of China (7.8% GDP growth in Q3-2013), Indonesia's growth continues to outpace growth in other emerging markets, such as Brazil (3.3%) and Turkey (4%).

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  • Pesimisme Mewarnai Pasar Indonesia: IHSG Terjun 1.80% pada Rabu

    Seperti yang kami sampaikan sebelumnya dimana pelemahan terbatas akan sulit tercapai dengan negatifnya sentimen yang justru datang dari dalam negeri. Aksi jual masih dimungkinkan akan berlanjut dan akan berpengaruh pada masih melemahnya IHSG. Laju IHSG bukannya membaik, justru semakin anjlok. Tampaknya pelaku pasar, terutama asing, memanfaatkan rilis kenaikan BI rate tersebut untuk jor-joran melakukan aksi jual. Rilis kenaikan BI rate tersebut tampak menjadi pembenaran dilakukannya aksi jual besarbesaran tersebut.

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  • Kenaikan BI Rate Berdampak pada Kinerja Rupiah dan IHSG

    Kenaikan BI Rate Berdampak pada Rupiah dan IHSG

    Laju IHSG yang awalnya hanya melemah tipis dan mencoba untuk rebound, jelang sore hari berubah menjadi pelemahan setelah dipersuram oleh hasil RDG BI yang menaikkan BI rate dari level 7,25 persen menjadi 7,5 persen. Kenaikan BI rate ini tentunya dipersepsikan bahwa kondisi makroekonomi Indonesia yang belum akan membaik dan terutama timbul juga penilaian bahwa masih akan tingginya inflasi hingga akhir tahun.

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  • Bank Indonesia Raises Benchmark Interest Rate (BI Rate) to 7.50%

    Bank Indonesia decided to raise the BI rate by 25 bps to the level of 7.50 percent, with the Lending Facility rate and Deposit Facility rate raised to 7.50 percent and 5.75 percent respectively. This policy was taken in light of the persistently large current account deficit amid widespread global uncertainty. Therefore, the decision was taken in order to ensure that the current account deficit is reduced to a more sound level and inflation in 2014 returns to around 4.5±1 percent, thereby supporting sustainable economic growth.

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  • Ahead of the Bank Indonesia Meeting Jakarta Composite Index Falls 0.78%

    The Jakarta Composite index (Indonesia's benchmark stock index or IHSG) fell on Monday (11/11) amid mixed Asian markets. Not even positive finishes on Wall Street last Friday (08/11) were able to support the IHSG. Most investors seem to be waiting for results of Bank Indonesia's Board of Governor's Meeting which is scheduled for Tuesday (12/11). This meeting will provide answers about the central bank's view of the domestic economy and whether it thinks another adjustement of the BI rate is necessary.

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  • Analysis of Indonesia's October Inflation and September Trade Deficit

    Indonesia's October inflation rate was well-received by investors. On Friday (01/11), Statistics Indonesia (BPS) announced that the country's inflation in October 2013 grew 0.09 percent. Easing inflation was mainly due to falling prices of raw foods and clothes. Year-on-year (yoy), however, Indonesia's inflation is still high at 8.32 percent, although showing a moderating trend from 8.40 percent (yoy) in September 2013 and 8.79 percent (yoy) in August 2013. Inflation had skyrocketed after subsidized fuel prices were raised by an average 33 percent in June.

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  • Indonesia’s Slowing Economic Growth: the Case of Private Consumption

    Forecasts for Indonesia’s gross domestic product (GDP) growth in 2013 and beyond have been revised down by all institutions, including the Indonesian government and central bank as well as international organizations such as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Initially, the country’s economic growth was expected to reach around 6.5 percent in 2013. However, most institutions have downgraded forecasts for the country’s economic growth to below the 6.0 percent mark.

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  • Agreement Bank Indonesia and the Indonesian Financial Services Authority

    Today (18/10), the Governor of Bank Indonesia and the Chairman of the Indonesian Financial Services Authority (OJK) signed an agreement concerning “cooperation and coordination to support task implementation at Bank Indonesia and OJK”. The agreement forms a basis for expediting and optimising coordination between both organisations in terms of their function, task and authority in light of the upcoming transfer of the banking regulation and supervision function from Bank Indonesia to OJK on 31 December 2013.

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  • Bilateral Currency Swap Arrangement (BCSA) Indonesia and Korea

    On 12 October 2013 Finance Minister and Central Bank Governors from Korea and Indonesia agreed to establish a bilateral KRW/IDR swap arrangement in the near future. The size of the swap arrangement is up to KRW 10.7 trillion/IDR 115 trillion (equivalent to USD $10 billion). The effective period of the facility will be three years, and could be extended by agreement by both sides. This Bilateral Currency Swap Arrangement (BCSA) aims to promote bilateral trade and further strengthen financial cooperation, an objective of mutual interest to both countries.

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  • Indonesia's Main Stock Index (IHSG) Rises Slightly amid Mixed Markets

    Although Indonesia's benchmark stock index (IHSG) started mixed on Wednesday (09/10), it gradually climbed as the trading day moved on. The country's benchmark interest rate (BI rate), which was kept at 7.25 percent by Bank Indonesia on Tuesday (08/10), continued to make a positive impact. However, negative market sentiments were brought on by the US shutdown as well as the downgrade of the IMF's outlook for world economic growth in 2013 and 2014. Lastly, the weakening IDR rupiah also implied negative market sentiments.

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