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Berita Hari Ini GDP

  • Apa Dampak Perlambatan Ekonomi Cina pada Indonesia?

    Gejolak ekonomi yang telah mendorong pertumbuhan Republik Rakyat Tiongkok (RRT) ke level terendah dalam 25 tahun terakhir telah berdampak langsung pada Indonesia karena RRT adalah mitra dagang utama Indonesia. Kekuatiran akan perlambatan ekonomi RRT (dan dampak perlambatan ini pada ekonomi dunia) bertahan pada tahun 2016 karena Caixin/Markit Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) menurun selama 10 bulan berturut-turut di Desember 2015 (di 48,2), sedangkan pembacaan jasa layanan untuk bulan Desember turun ke level terendah dalam 17 bulan terakhir (50,2).

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  • Pasar Saham Indonesia: Prognosis Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan Bulan Januari

    Tahun lalu Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) turun 12,13% sehingga berakhir pada 4,593.01 poin pada 30 Desember 2015 di tengah ketidakpastian global yang parah akibat ancaman pengetatan kebijakan moneter di Amerika Serikat (AS) dan perlambatan ekonomi yang besar dari Republik Rakyat Tiongkok (RRT). Hari ini, Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) akan memasuki hari perdagangan pertamanya di tahun baru. Apa yang kita harapkan dari kinerja saham Indonesia di Januari 2016?

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  • Ekonomi Indonesia Tahun 2015: Kegagalan Mencapai Kebanyakan Target

    Kementerian Keuangan Indonesia mengeluarkan pernyataan pada hari Minggu (3/1) yang menyatakan bahwa Indonesia gagal memenuhi sebagian besar target ekonomi yang ditetapkan dalam Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara Perubahan (APBN-P) 2015. Alasan utama dari lemahnya kinerja adalah harga komoditi yang rendah, pertumbuhan ekonomi global yang lesu, perlambatan ekonomi Republik Rakyat Tiongkok (RRT), dan arus keluar modal yang dipicu oleh pengetatan kebijakan moneter Federal Reserve Amerika Serikat (AS). Hanya realisasi inflasi dan hasil treasury yield yang sejalan dengan target pemerintah.

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  • Tantangan bagi Perekonomian Indonesia Tetap Berlanjut di 2016

    Dengan akan berakhirnya tahun 2015, maka ada baiknya kita melihat tantangan yang dihadapi Indonesia tahun ini dan apakah tantangan ini akan tetap ada di tahun 2016. Singkatnya, kami percaya bahwa tantangan eksternal yang ada saat ini akan bertahan di tahun yang baru. Pertumbuhan ekonomi negara ini diproyeksikan melaju menjadi 5,3% pada basis year-on year (y/y) pada tahun 2016 dari perkiraan 4,7% (y/y) pada tahun 2015 (tahun kelima berturut-turut perlambatan pertumbuhan produk domestik bruto), tetapi pertumbuhan ini terutama disebabkan oleh peningkatan pengeluaran pemerintah.

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  • Consumer Price Index Indonesia: Inflation in 2015 Expected Below 3%

    Indonesian inflation may reach 2.9 percent year-on-year (y/y) only in full-year 2015, the lowest level since 2009 when inflation in Southeast Asia's largest economy was recorded at 2.78 percent (y/y). In recent years Indonesia's inflation has been volatile with peaks correlating with administered price adjustments (primarily fuel and electricity price hikes as the government is keen on limiting spending on subsidies). Another characteristic of Indonesia is that inflation is generally high (compared to advanced economies), which is in line with the higher economic growth pace (than that of advanced economies).

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  • Pertumbuhan Kredit di Indonesia Tidak Akan Mencapai Target Bank Indonesia

    Bank Indonesia memprediksi bahwa realisasi pertumbuhan kredit akan mencapai 9-10% pada basis year-on-year (y/y) di 2015, di bawah targetnya pada 11%-13% (y/y). Sampai dengan Oktober 2015 pertumbuhan kredit bank-bank di Indonesia mencapai 10,4%, melambat dari 11,1% di bulan sebelumnya. Juda Agung, Direktur Eksekutif Kebijakan Ekonomi dan Moneter Bank Indonesia (BI), mengatakan pertumbuhan kredit yang melambat sejalan dengan perlambatan ekonomi.

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  • Penjualan Mobil di Indonesia Tetap Lambat di Akhir Tahun

    Sesuai dengan prediksi dan kecenderungan umum sepanjang tahun ini, penjualan mobil Indonesia turun 4,4% menjadi 87.311 unit pada bulan November 2015. Pada periode Januari-November 2015, total penjualan mobil di negara itu mencapai 940.317 unit, turun 16,7% dari penjualan mobil di periode yang sama tahun lalu. Penyebab utama dari performa yang lemah ini adalah melemahnya daya beli masyarakat Indonesia akibat perlambatan ekonomi negara ini, inflasi yang tinggi (dalam tiga kuartal pertama tahun ini), dan harga komoditi yang rendah.

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  • Asian Development Bank Cuts Forecast for Economic Growth Indonesia

    The Asian Development Bank (ADB) lowered its forecast for economic growth in Indonesia to 4.8 percent year-on-year (y/y) in 2015 and to 5.3 percent (y/y) in 2016 from previously 4.9 percent (y/y) and 5.4 percent (y/y), respectively. In its latest report on Indonesia, the ADB cited that problems related to budget disbursement and the nation’s weak export performance were the main factors to cut its growth projection for Indonesia - for both 2015 and 2016 - by 0.1 percentage point. In September 2015, the ADB had already cut its growth forecast for Indonesia on the back of negative effects of China’s economic slowdown.

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  • Ceramic Industry Indonesia in 2015: Year Full of Challenges

    Ceramic sales in Indonesia are projected to decline to IDR 25 trillion (approx. USD $1.8 billion) in 2015 from total sales worth IDR 36 trillion last year. Elisa Sinaga, Chairman of the Indonesian Ceramic Industry Association (ASAKI), said 2015 is a year full of challenges for the domestic ceramic industry due to Indonesia's slowing economic growth (particularly the slowdown of the nation's property sector), high gas prices, higher minimum wages, and the fragile rupiah (having depreciated around 11 percent against the US dollar so far in 2015).

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  • Budget Deficit of Indonesia Safe on non-Optimal Government Spending

    One advantage of Indonesia's non-optimal government spending is that it somewhat covers for the shortfall of tax revenue that is expected to occur in 2015. The shortfall in tax collection may reach up to IDR 250 trillion (approx. USD $18 billion) and this failure to meet the government's tax collection target in the 2015 State Budget was the reason behind the resignation of Sigit Priadi Pramudito as Director General of Indonesia's Tax Office. But with government spending estimated to reach only about 90 percent of this year's target, the budget deficit should not go beyond the 2.7 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) mark.

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Artikel Terbaru GDP

  • Overview of the Booming Residential Property Sector of Indonesia

    Indonesia's residential property market has shown robust growth in recent years as demand from the country's rapidly expanding middle class for mid-level and luxury property increased steadily amid a low interest rate environment and robust national economic growth. Demand for property is also backed by high consumer confidence as a recent Nielsen survey shows that Indonesians are among the world's most confident consumers. Indonesians' consumer confidence was at a four-year high in the fourth quarter of 2013.

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  • ICRA Indonesia’s Economic Review; an Update on the Macroeconomy

    ICRA Indonesia, an independent credit rating agency and subsidiary of ICRA Ltd. (associate of Moody's Investors Service), publishes a monthly newsletter which provides an update on the financial and economic developments in Indonesia of the last month. In the February 2014 edition, a number of important topics that are monitored include Indonesia's inflation rate, the trade balance, the current account deficit, the IDR rupiah exchange rate, and gross domestic product (GDP) growth. Below is an excerpt of the newsletter:

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  • Poverty Eradication and Unemployment Reduction Below Target in Indonesia

    After Indonesia's outlook for economic growth in 2014 was revised down from 6 percent to between 5.8 and 6 percent, the government also revised targets of poverty and unemployment reduction. In the 2014 State Budget (APBN 2014), the government set the targeted poverty rate at 9.0 to 10.5 percent of Indonesia's total population. However, the government revised down this poverty rate to between 10.54 and 10.75 percent, which is also far below the target that was set in the National Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMN) at 8 to 10 percent.

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  • Profit of Indonesian Banks Expected to Grow Double-Digit Again in 2014

    Moody's Investors Service, one of the big three global credit rating firms, predicts that profit in Indonesia's banking sector remains stable due to strong financial fundamentals. In its report "Indonesia Banking System Outlook", which discusses Indonesian banks' creditworthiness over the next 12 to 18 months, Moody's assesses that - despite an economic slowdown having reduced GDP growth to 5.78 percent in 2013 and puts some pressure on asset quality - high profitability and strong capital levels will continue into 2014.

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  • Bank Indonesia: Export Ban Causes Slowing Economy Eastern Regions

    The central bank of Indonesia (Bank Indonesia) believes that Indonesia's recently introduced ban on the export of unprocessed minerals, in effect since 12 January 2014, will result in slowing economic growth in several regions in the eastern part of Indonesia as these regions are main sources of mineral production. Doddy Zulverdi, Head of the Economic Assessment Group in Bank Indonesia's Department of Economic and Monetary Policy, said that Sulawesi and Kalimantan will post slowing economic growth this year.

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  • What about Indonesia's Domestic Consumption in 2014?

    Recently, Statistics Indonesia (BPS) released various data in the context of Indonesia's gross domestic product (GDP). Economic expansion of Southeast Asia's largest economy slowed to 5.78 percent (year-on-year) in 2013. Household consumption accounted for the largest share of Indonesia's GDP (55.8 percent) and continued to grow significantly (5.28 percent yoy) in 2013. This consumer force is one of the main reasons why many foreign companies enter and expand their businesses in Indonesia.

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  • Official Press Release of Bank Indonesia: BI Rate Kept at 7.50%

    At Bank Indonesia's Board of Governors’ Meeting today (13/02), it was decided to maintain the country's benchmark interest rate (BI rate) at 7.50 percent as well as the interest rates on the Lending Facility and Deposit Facility at 7.50 percent and 5.75 percent respectively. The policy is consistent with the tight monetary policy stance currently adopted in order to steer inflation back towards its target corridor of 4.5±1 percent in 2014 and 4±1 percent in 2015, as well as to reduce the current account deficit to a more sustainable level.

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  • Along Slowing Economy and Floods Indonesia's Cement Sales Decline

    Indonesia's cement sales in January 2014 declined 1 percent to 4.65 million metric tons from the same month in 2013 (4.68 million metric tons). The decline was caused by severe floods brought about by high rainfall amid a peak in Indonesia's rainy season. The floods resulted in disrupted distribution networks, therefore blocking cement shipments to retailers. Moreover, these weather conditions caused the postponement of several construction activities, thus reducing demand for cement.

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  • ICRA Indonesia’s Economic Review; an Update on the Macroeconomy

    ICRA Indonesia, an independent credit rating agency and subsidiary of ICRA Ltd. (associate of Moody's Investors Service), publishes a monthly newsletter which provides an update on the financial and economic developments in Indonesia of the last month. In the January 2014 edition, a number of important topics that are monitored include Indonesia's inflation rate, the trade balance, the current account deficit, the IDR rupiah exchange rate, and gross domestic product (GDP) growth. Below is an excerpt of the newsletter:

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  • Analysis of Indonesia's 5.78% Economic Expansion in 2013

    On Wednesday (05/02), Statistics Indonesia (BPS) reported that the economy of Indonesia expanded 5.78 percent in 2013. This result implies that in 2013 Indonesia experienced the slowest pace of GDP growth since its 4.63 percentage growth in 2009. However, this slowing growth was basically self-inflicted as both the Indonesian government and central bank (Bank Indonesia) used various monetary and fiscal policies to curb economic expansion in order to tackle several financial issues.

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