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Berita Hari Ini Bank Indonesia

  • Bank Indonesia Diprediksi Belum Akan Memotong Tingkat Suku Bunga

    Kebanyakan analis setuju bahwa Bank Indonesia akan mempertahankan tingkat suku bunga yang sama dalam pertemuan Dewan Gubernur yang dijadwalkan untuk dilaksanakan pada hari Selasa 14 Juli 2015. Bank sentral Indonesia dipediksi akan mempertahankan suku bunga acuannya (BI rate) pada 7,50%, fasilitas simpanan Bank Indonesia (Fasbi) pada 5,50%, dan suku bunga lending facility pada 8,00% karena tingkat inflasi Indonesia telah meningkat cepat baru-baru ini sementara rupiah mengalami tekanan karena faktor-faktor eksternal.

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  • IMF Memotong Proyeksi Global; BI Memprediksi Pertumbuhan Datar di Kuartal II

    International Monetary Fund (IMF) memotong proyeksi pertumbuhan ekonomi global di 2015 menjadi 3,3% pada basis year-on-year (y/y), dari 3,5% (y/y) sebelumnya, karena musim dingin yang keras mempengaruhi Amerika Serikat (AS) dan sejalan dengan itu menarik turun pertumbuhan global. Di kuartal 1 tahun 2015, perekonomian AS berkontraksi 0,2% (y/y). Terlebih lagi, kekacauan di Yunani dan Republik Rakyat Tiongkok menyebabkan volatilitas yang besar dalam pasar keuangan global, lembaga yang bermarkas di Washington ini menyatakan dalam sebuah update World Economic Outlook (WEO) pada hari Kamis (09/07).

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  • Indonesia’s Foreign Exchange Reserve’s Continue to Decline

    Indonesia’s foreign exchange reserves fell USD $2.8 billion to USD $108.0 billion at the end of June 2015 (from USD $110.8 billion one month earlier). This fall was caused by foreign debt repayment and the use of foreign exchange to stabilize the rupiah exchange rate. Due to external pressures (particularly looming further monetary tightening in the USA this year and the possible Greek exit from the euro), the rupiah is the worst performing Asian currency tracked by Bloomberg so far in 2015, weakening about 7 percent against the US dollar.

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  • Keyakinan Konsumen Indonesia Jatuh: Lebih Sedikit Belanja Ramadan & Idul Fitri

    Survei terakhir Bank Indonesia menunjukkan bahwa keyakinan konsumen di Indonesia jatuh pada bulan Juni karena kekuatiran mengenai menurunnya ketersediaan lapangan pekerjaan serta penurunan pendapatan dan aktivitas bisnis. Bulan Juni, Indeks Keyakinan Konsumen bank sentral jatuh 1,5 poin menjadi 111,3. Sejauh ini di tahun ini, keyakinan konsumen Indonesia hanya naik di bulan Mei. Di bulan lainnya, indeks ini jatuh. Indeks ini dibuat berdasarkan pada sampel di 4.600 rumah tangga di 18 kota besar di Indonesia (skor 100 membatasi optimisme dari pesimisme).

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  • Peraturan Bank Indonesia ‘Kewajiban Penggunaan Rupiah’ Mulai Berlaku

    Pada 1 Juli 2015, Peraturan Bank Indonesia No. 17/3/PBI/2015 tentang Kewajiban Penggunaan Rupiah di Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia mulai berlaku. Peraturan BI ini, ditandatangani pada 31 Maret 2015, melarang penggunaan mata uang asing dalam transaksi di Indonesia dalam rangka memperdalam pasar domestik rupiah, menstabilkan rupiah (yang telah melemah terhadap dollar AS), dan mendorong ekspansi perekonomian. Undang-Undang sebelumnya (UU No. 7/2011) mengizinkan pihak-pihak yang terlibat dalam kontrak untuk membuat kesepakatan menggunakan mata uang lainnya (bukan rupiah) untuk pembayaran.

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  • Update Inflasi Indonesia Bulan Juni: Indeks Harga Konsumen Naik 0.54%

    Inflasi Indonesia berakselerasi menjadi 7,26% pada basis year-on-year (y/y) di Juni 2015 karena harga bahan pangan yang lebih tinggi yang dipicu oleh awal bulan Ramadan (bulan puasa yang suci bagi umat Islam). Perayaan musiman Ramadan dan dilanjutkan oleh Idul Fitri selalu menyebabkan tekanan inflasi di Indonesia karena konsumen meningkatkan belanja mereka. Meskipun daya beli masyarakat Indonesia telah menurun di beberapa bulan terakhir, direfleksikan dengan melambatnya penjualan mobil dan sepeda motor, barang-barang konsumen yang lebih murah seperti makanan, pakaian, sepatu dan tas saat ini sedang banyak terjual.

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  • Bank Indonesia Tak Ubah BI Rate pada 7,50% di Pertemuan Kebijakan Juni

    Sejalan dengan prediksi pasar, bank sentral Indonesia (Bank Indonesia) tidak mengubah suku bunga acuannya (BI rate) yang tetap pada 7,50% di hari Kamis (18/06). Bank Indonesia tetap berkomitmen pada posisi moneternya yang relatif ketat dalam usaha melawa percepatan inflasi, membatasi defisit transaksi berjalan Indonesia yang lebar, dan mendukung rupiah yang sedang melemah. Bank sentral juga menetapkan tingkat fasilitas simpanan bank Indonesia (Fasbi) dan suku bunga lending facility masing-masing pada 5,50% dan 8,00%.

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  • Bank Indonesia Diprediksi Tidak Akan Mengubah Tingkat Suku Bunga Pinjaman

    Bank sentral Indonesia (Bank Indonesia) diprediksi tidak akan mengubah tingkat suku bunganya pada pertemuan Dewan Gubernur yang akan dilaksanakan hari Kamis. Pada saat ini suku bunga acuan Bank Indonesia (BI rate) berada pada 7,50%, fasilitas simpanan Bank Indonesia (Fasbi) pada 5,50%, dan suku bunga lending facility pada 8,00%. Bank sentral tampaknya berkomitmen pada tingkat suku bunga yang relatif tinggi ini karena inflasi Indonesia telah naik menjadi 7,15% pada basis year-on-year (y/y) di bulan Mei, sementara rupiah menyentuh level terendah selama 17 tahun terakhir pada 9 Juni 2015.

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  • Bank Indonesia Sees Currency War Unfolding over the Next 3 Years

    Indonesia's central bank (Bank Indonesia) is well aware of the continuation of the "currency war" as a side-effect of further monetary tightening in the USA. Bank Indonesia Governor Agus Martowardojo said on Monday (08/06), quoted by state news agency Antara, that he sees a currency war continuing over the next three years provided that the Federal Reserve starts to tighten its monetary approach gradually. Markets expect the Fed to raise US interest rates in September 2015.

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  • Bank Indonesia’s Consumer Confidence Index Signals Improved Optimism

    The latest Consumer Confidence Index, compiled by the central bank of Indonesia (Bank Indonesia) shows that Indonesian consumers have become more optimistic about their economic prospects in May 2015. The index rose to 112.8 points in May, up 5.4 points from the preceding month (a score higher than 100.0 signal consumer optimism). It was the first time this year that Bank Indonesia’s Consumer Confidence Index, which is based on a sample of 4,600 household in 18 major Indonesian cities, increased.

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Artikel Terbaru Bank Indonesia

  • Economic Update Indonesia: Interest Rate, Inflation, GDP and Trade Balance

    Bank Indonesia’s Board of Governors decided to hold the BI Rate at a level of 7.25 percent, with rates on the Lending Facility and Deposit Facility held respectively at 7.25 percent and 5.50 percent. Bank Indonesia will continue to monitor global and domestic developments and further synergise the monetary and macroprudential policy mix in order to ensure that inflationary pressures remain under control, that rupiah exchange rate stability is maintained according to its fundamentals and the current account deficit is reduced to a sustainable level.

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  • Indonesia's Inflation Eases to 8.40% as September Shows Deflation of 0.35%

    After three months of high monthly inflation rates, Indonesia's inflation eased in September due to falling prices of food, transportation, communications and financial services after the Muslim celebrations of Idul Fitri, which always cause a spike in inflation, have passed. In September 2013, Indonesia posted deflation of 0.35 percent. It was the first time in 12 years that the country posted deflation in this month. The annual inflation rate eased to 8.40 percent from 8.79 percent in August 2013.

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  • Bank Indonesia Press Release: August Trade Surplus, September Deflation

    Inflationary pressures eased in September 2013 to a 0.35% rate of deflation (mtm), or 8.40% (yoy). The rate of deflation exceeded the projections contained within the Price Monitoring Survey conducted by Bank Indonesia and much lower than inflation expectations by some analysts. Abundant supply in the wake of horticultural harvests (shallots and chilli peppers), triggered a deep correction in food prices. In addition, sliding beef prices also exacerbated further deflationary pressures, with volatile foods recording deflation of 3.38% (mtm).

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  • Market Waiting for September Inflation Rate and August Trade Figures

    Investors are eagerly waiting for the release of Indonesia's September inflation rate. Indonesia has been hit by high inflation since the government decided to increase prices of subsidized fuels at the end of June. High inflation limits its people's purchasing power and as domestic consumption accounts for about 55 percent of Indonesia's economic growth, it thus impacts negatively on GDP growth, particularly after Bank Indonesia raised its benchmark interest rate (BI rate) from 5.75 to 7.25 percent between June and September.

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  • Bank Indonesia Amends LTV/FTV Ratio to Safeguard Financial Stability

    Bank Indonesia amended its regulation concerning the Loan To Value (LTV) and Financing To Value (FTV) ratio for property credit and property-backed consumer loans. The LTV/FTV ratio is the ratio between the value of credit/financing that can be allocated by a bank and the corresponding value of collateral in the form of property when the loan is allocated. Property is real property that includes houses, vertical housing (apartments, flats, condominiums and penthouses), home offices and home stores.

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  • Deflation or Inflation in September? Bank Indonesia vs Statistics Indonesia

    Indonesia's central bank, Bank Indonesia, expects deflation of about 0.9 percent in September 2013. Statistics Indonesia, on the other hand, believes there will be limited inflation this month. Both institutions agree, however, on a forecast of at least 9 percent of inflation over full-year 2013. The bank's September forecast is based on a survey that was conducted in the second week of September. This survey showed that food commodities and government administered prices eased.

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  • Bank Indonesia Plans New Rule to Avert Possible Property Bubble

    In order to avert a potential bubble in Indonesia's property sector, Bank Indonesia (the central bank of Indonesia) is planning to further tighten its monetary policy in the sector. After having raised the minimum down payment requirement on housing loans to 30 percent for first home ownership (thus a loan-to-value ratio of 70 percent) in June 2012, Bank Indonesia now intends to prohibit credits for the purchase of a second, third (or more) house that has not been built yet (still in the preconstruction phase). This new rule is expected to be introduced this month.

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  • Investors Waiting for Federal Reserve Decision; Indonesia's IHSG Down 1.20%

    Market participants are waiting for the outcome of the Federal Reserve's FOMC meeting, which will deal with the future of the quantitative easing program. The wait and see attitude of investors made the benchmark index of Indonesia (IHSG) fall 1.20 percent to 4,463.25 points. Few big cap stocks were able to rise and although some second liners were up, it was not enough to push the IHSG into the green zone. The rupiah continued to weaken and foreign investors were again mostly selling their Indonesian assets.

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  • Indonesia's Benchmark Stock Index Up 3.35% amid Rising Asian Indices

    Rising indices on Wall Street at the end of last week were a major factor behind rising stock indices in Asia, including Indonesia's benchmark stock index (IHSG), on Monday (16/09). For market players this development was a sign to enter the market. Moreover, expectation has emerged that the Federal Reserve will not take any drastic decisions in the FOMC meeting (on 17-18 September) regarding its quantitative easing program. This expectation has calmed down markets. Indonesia's IHSG rose 3.35 percent to 4,522.54 points.

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  • Indonesia's Benchmark Stock Index (IHSG) up 0.17% on Thursday

    Despite concerns that Indonesia's benchmark stock index (IHSG) would weaken on Thursday's trading day (12/09), the index ended 0.17 percent up to 4,356.61 points. Indices on Wall Street and in Asia impacted positively on the IHSG and kept foreign investors increasing their stock portfolios in Indonesia. Moreover, the Bank Indonesia's decision to raise the country's benchmark interest rate (BI rate) by 25 basis points to 7.25 percent was generally well-received by investors. Banking stocks helped to support the IHSG.

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Bisnis Terkait Bank Indonesia