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Berita Hari Ini GDP

  • Asian Development Bank Less Positive about the Indonesian Economy in 2015

    The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has revised its economic growth forecast for Indonesia in 2015 from 5.2 percent year-on-year (y/y) to 5 percent (y/y). During a press conference on Tuesday (07/07) in Jakarta, Edimon Ginting, Deputy Country Director for Indonesia of the Philippines-based ADB, said that there are three reasons that explain why the ADB has become less optimistic about Indonesia’s gross domestic product (GDP) growth in 2015. Last year, Indonesia’s economic growth slowed to a five-year low of 5.02 percent (y/y).

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  • Indonesia Investments Menerbitkan Newsletter Edisi 5 Juli 2015

    Pada 5 Juli 2015, Indonesia Investments menerbitkan edisi terbaru dari newsletter-nya. Newsletter gratis ini, yang dikirimkan kepada para pelanggan kami sekali seminggu, berisi berita-berita paling penting dari Indonesia yang telah dilaporkan di website kami dalam tujuh hari terakhir. Kebanyakan topik berkaitan dengan isu-isu ekonomi seperti update terbaru dari peraturan kewajiban penggunaan rupiah, inflasi Juni, target pertumbuhan ekonomi Pemerintah, kepercayaan konsumen, pasar properti, pembangunan infrastruktur, dan banyak lagi.

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  • Perekonomian Indonesia: Revisi Pertumbuhan PDB, Kredit & Rupiah

    Pemerintah Indonesia merevisi target pertumbuhan perekonomian 2015. Sofyan Djalil, Menteri Koordinator Bidang Perekonomian, menyatakan pada hari Jumat (03/07) bahwa target Pemerintah yang sebelumnya 5,8% pada basis year-on-year (y/y) terlalu tinggi dan tidak realistis mengingat konteks perekonomian internasional dan domestik yang tidak kondusif. Pemerintah merevisi turun target pertumbuhan produk domestik bruto (PDB) 2015 menjadi 5,2% (y/y). Djalil mengatakan bahwa perekonomian global diproyeksi untuk bertumbuh 2,9% (y/y) di 2015 dari perkiraan awal 3,5% (y/y).

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  • Aktivitas Manufaktur Indonesia Melambat untuk 9 Bulan Berturut-turut pada Juni

    Aktivitas manufaktur Indonesia terus berkontraksi. Pada bulan Juni, untuk bulan ke-9 secara berturut-turut sektor manufaktur Indonesia berkontraksi. Purchasing manager index (PMI) dari Nikkei/Markit sedikit naik menjadi 47,8 di bulan Juni 2015 dari 47,1 di bulan Mei, mengimplikasikan bahwa sektor ini berkontraksi dalam kecepatan lebih lambat tapi tetap di bawah level 50 yang membedakan kontraksi dari ekspansi. Kontraksi berlanjut karena penurunan secara terus menerus dalam pemesanan baru dan produksi.

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  • Asumsi Ekonomi Indonesia: PDB, Rupiah, Ekspor, Minyak & Gas

    Pihak berwenang Indonesia, yaitu Pemerintah dan bank sentral (Bank Indonesia), mengumumkan sejumlah asumsi makroekonomi yang direvisi untuk 2015 dan 2016. Mungkin yang paling penting adalah bahwa asumsi pertumbuhan perekonomian Indonesia di 2016 telah diturun pada cakupan 5,5-6,0% pada basis year-on-year (y/y), turun dari asumsi sebelumnya yaitu 5,8-6,2% (y/y). Menteri Keuangan Indonesia Bambang Brodjonegoro juga menyatakan bahwa Pemerintah akan mengasumsikan rupiah pada Rp 13.000-13.400 per dollar Amerika Serikat (AS) untuk tahun 2016.

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  • Global Optimism about Greek Deal; Indonesian Stocks Fall

    Contrary to the performance of most other Asian stock indices, Indonesia’s benchmark Jakarta Composite Index fell 0.52 percent to 4,959.25 points on Monday (22/06). Other Asian markets were supported by renewed hopes of averting a Greek exit (Grexit) from the Eurozone after the debt-ridden country gave new proposals to its creditors in the Eurozone over the past weekend. According to the Greek government these proposals are mutually beneficial. Ahead of the ‘emergency’ meeting today, the euro and European stocks tend to rise heavily.

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  • Pertumbuhan Perekonomian Indonesia Jatuh di Bawah 5% di 2015?

    Beberapa institusi internasional merevisi turun proyeksi mereka untuk pertumbuhan perekonomian Indonesia di 2015 karena investor asing telah kecewa dengan performa pemerintah Indonesia yang baru, sementara gambaran perekonomian global tetap jauh dari membaik. Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, Credit Suisse dan Nomura Holdings semuanya memotong proyeksi pertumbuhan perekonomian Indonesia tahun ini menjadi di bawah batasan 5% (year-on-year). Tahun lalu pertumbuhan perekonomian Indonesia menyentuh titik terendah selama lima tahun terakhir yaitu 5,02% di basis year-on-year (y/y).

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  • Bank Indonesia Revises Down Economic Growth Outlook to 5.1%

    The central bank of Indonesia (Bank Indonesia) revised down its economic growth outlook for Indonesia in 2015. In a meeting with the House of Representatives’ Budget Committee, Bank Indonesia Governor Agus Martowardojo said that Indonesia’s GDP growth is expected to reach 5.1 percent (y/y) this year. Previously, the central bank projected economic growth in the range of 5.4 to 5.8 percent (y/y). However, after seeing weak growth in the first quarter (4.71 percent y/y), projections had to be revised.

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  • Minister Brodjonegoro: Economy of Indonesia is Facing Four Risks

    In a meeting with Commission XI of Indonesia’s House of Representatives (DPR), Indonesian Finance Minister Bambang Brodjonegoro stated that the economy of Indonesia is currently facing four global risks. These four risks are low international commodity prices, China’s slowing economic expansion, the Greek debt crisis in the Eurozone and, lastly, further monetary tightening to be conducted by the US Federal Reserve. These issues are not new and have already contributed to slowing economic growth in Indonesia.

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  • OECD: Tingkatkan Kualitas Pekerjaan & Kurangi Ketidaksetaraan Gender

    Di laporan terakhir dari Organization for Economic Co-operation and Developmen (OECD) ditekankan bahwa kesetaraan gender dalam pekerjaan harus dipromosikan oleh pemerintah dalam rangka melawan ketidaksetaraan pendapatan dan karenanya mencapai masyarakat yang harmonis serta mendongkrak pertumbuhan ekonomi inklusif. Di kebanyakan negara ketidaksetaraan gender tetap merupakan masalah yang menimbulkan keprihatinan. Laporan ini juga menyatakan bahwa pemerintah seharusnya tidak mengacuhkan pentingnya meluaskan akses pekerjaan dan mendorong investasi di pendidikan.

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Artikel Terbaru GDP

  • Stock Market Update Indonesia: IHSG Gains on 2013's GDP Growth Result

    On Wednesday (05/02), several factors caused a rebound of Indonesia's benchmark stock index (Jakarta Composite Index/IHSG). The IHSG climbed 0.74 percent to 4,384.31 points, thus closing the gap on 4,367-4,377. These factors were strengthening indices on Wall Street after US factory orders did not decline as much as was anticipated by the market, as well as today's release of Indonesia's 5.78 percent GDP growth figure (which was slightly higher than forecasted) and which led to an appreciating rupiah exchange rate.

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  • Indonesia Designs Three Scenarios for Infrastructure Funding in the RPJMN

    The government of Indonesia - through its Ministry of National Development Planning (known as Bappenas) - designed three funding scenarios for Indonesia's infrastructure development in the National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN 2015-2019). The lack of appropriate infrastructure is one of the bottlenecks to Indonesia's development. The scenarios involve the amount of funds and other requirements for infrastructure investment. The three scenarios are divided into a 'full scenario', a 'partial scenario' and a 'baseline scenario'.

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  • Indonesia's Chamber of Commerce: Economic Growth Will Slow in 2014

    This year, legislative and presidential elections will be held in Indonesia. Obviously, there is a strong relationship between the politics and economics of a country. Businessmen from various sectors of Indonesia's economy have already been voicing their views. As the umbrella organization of the Indonesian business chambers and associations, Kadin Indonesia recently shared its views about the elections as well. The institute believes that the 2014 elections will run smoothly because Indonesia's democracy has matured.

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  • Analysis: What Caused Indonesia's Slowing Economic Growth in 2013

    On Wednesday 5 February 2014, Statistics Indonesia (BPS, a non-departmental government institute) is expected to release Indonesia's official GDP growth figure for the year 2013. It is estimated that the outcome will be the lowest GDP growth figure since 2009 when Southeast Asia's largest economy grew 4.6 percent after feeling the impact of the global financial crisis. In 2013, again, Indonesia felt the negative influence of external troubles. And in combination with domestic factors, Indonesia's economic growth is expected to be around 5.7 percent in 2013.

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  • Schroders Optimistic and Intends to Increase its Indonesian Assets

    The Jakarta Globe reported that Schroders Indonesia will increase its Indonesian assets by 5 to 10 percent in 2014 as the company expects the country's benchmark stock index (IHSG) to rise amid the legislative and presidential elections that are scheduled for April and July 2014. Schroders is optimistic that growth in Southeast Asia's largest economy will accelerate after the hiccup in 2013 when large capital outflows emerged amid international and domestic troubles. Indonesia's GDP growth is estimated to have slowed to 5.7 percent in 2013.

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  • Standard Chartered Bank: Indonesian Economy Expands 5.8% in 2014

    The Standard Chartered Bank expects Indonesia's economy to expand 5.8 percent in 2014, followed by a 6 percentage growth in 2015 as an improving global economy has a positive effect on emerging economies, including Indonesia. The world economy is estimated to grow between 3.2 and 3.5 percent this year and expected to accelerate to 3.8 percent in 2015. David Mann, the regional Head of Research at the Standard Chartered Bank in Asia, said that Indonesia's economic performance in 2013 was negatively influenced by external factors.

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  • ICRA Indonesia’s Monthly Economic Review; a Macroeconomic Update

    ICRA Indonesia, an independent credit rating agency and subsidiary of ICRA Ltd. (associate of Moody's Investors Service), publishes a monthly newsletter which provides an update on the financial and economic developments in Indonesia of the last month. In the December 2013 edition, a number of important topics that are monitored include Indonesia's inflation rate, the trade balance, the current account deficit, the IDR rupiah exchange rate, and gross domestic product (GDP) growth. Below is an excerpt of the newsletter:

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  • From BRIC to MINT Countries: Will Indonesia Become a Powerhouse?

    Over a decade ago, economist Jim O'Neill became famous for the introduction of the term BRIC (indicating the promising economic perspectives of Brazil, Russia, India and China). Now the BRICs have lost some of its significance, he has turned to a new acronym: MINT. These MINT countries - consisting of Mexico, Indonesia, Nigeria and Turkey - share a number of features that make them potential giant economies in the future: promising demographic structure, strategic geographical location, and commodity-rich soil.

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  • Searching for Financial Stability: Indonesia's BI Rate Policy Questioned

    On Thursday 12 December 2013, Indonesia's central bank (Bank Indonesia) announced that the country's benchmark interest rate (BI rate) remains unchanged at the level of 7.50 percent in December 2013. This announcement was a bit surprizing as about 80 percent of analysts expected Bank Indonesia to raise the BI rate in order to support the depreciating Indonesia rupiah exchange rate. Starting the year at IDR 9,670 per US dollar, the rupiah has fallen around 25 percent to IDR 12,081 per US dollar.

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  • Bank Indonesia: Current Account Deficit Will Continue to Ease in 2014

    The central bank of Indonesia (Bank Indonesia) estimates that Indonesia's current account deficit will ease to 3.5 percent of the country's gross domestic product (GDP) by the end of 2013. Indonesia's wide current account deficit has been one of the major financial troubles this year and managed to weaken investors' confidence in Southeast Asia's largest economy. Thus, Indonesia became one of the hardest hit emerging countries after the Federal Reserve started to speculate about an ending to its quantitative easing program.

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