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Berita Hari Ini China

  • Global Selloff Continues on Low Crude Oil and China Turmoil

    Asian stocks are again in deep red territory on Thursday (14/01), led by Chinese shares (which are on track to enter a bear market) as well as Japanese shares. It means that the rebound that had occurred earlier this week - caused by positive export data from China - was short-lived. The continued slide of oil prices (below USD $30 per barrel) and turmoil in China cause money to flow away from equity and fragile emerging market currencies.

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  • Pasar Saham & Rupiah Indonesia: Selling Besar-Besaran Terus Berlangsung

    Penjualan secara besar-besaran terus berlangsung di Asia pada Senin (11/01). Indeks-indeks saham di Asia - yang dipimpin oleh Shanghai Composite Index Republik Rakyat Tingkok (RRT) - jatuh parah. Inflasi RRT yang teredam pada bulan Desember, Shanghai Composite Index yang terjun 5,33% hari ini, turunnya harga minyak, dan jatuhnya saham di Wall Street akhir pekan lalu (saham Amerika Serikat mengalami minggu terburuknya dalam empat tahun terakhir), membuat investor mencari aset yang aman (safe haven) seperti emas, yen Jepang dan dollar AS. Sementara itu, Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) Indonesia turun 1,78% menjadi 4.465,48 poin.

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  • Pasar Saham Indonesia: Saham Asia di Zona Merah, Selloff Saham Global Besar-Besaran

    Saham dan mata uang di seluruh Asia berada di bawah tekanan berat pada hari Kamis (07/01) setelah bank sentral Republik Rakyat Tiongkok (RRT) menetapkan kurs yuan 0,51% lebih rendah (di 6.564,6 per dollar Amerika Serikat). Akibatnya, saham RRT anjlok lebih dari 7% (memicu mekanisme circuit-breaking baru - untuk hari kedua di minggu ini - 30 menit setelah perdagangan dibuka hari ini). Saham Asia juga lemah dikarenakan kerugian besar di Eropa dan di Wall Street semalam. Pasar bereaksi terhadap harga minyak yang turun ke level terendah dalam lebih dari tujuh tahun terakhir menjadi 33,97 dollar Amerika Serikat (AS) per barel.

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  • Apa Dampak Perlambatan Ekonomi Cina pada Indonesia?

    Gejolak ekonomi yang telah mendorong pertumbuhan Republik Rakyat Tiongkok (RRT) ke level terendah dalam 25 tahun terakhir telah berdampak langsung pada Indonesia karena RRT adalah mitra dagang utama Indonesia. Kekuatiran akan perlambatan ekonomi RRT (dan dampak perlambatan ini pada ekonomi dunia) bertahan pada tahun 2016 karena Caixin/Markit Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) menurun selama 10 bulan berturut-turut di Desember 2015 (di 48,2), sedangkan pembacaan jasa layanan untuk bulan Desember turun ke level terendah dalam 17 bulan terakhir (50,2).

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  • Berlawanan dengan Tren Asia, Saham Indonesia & Rupiah Rebound

    Meskipun kebanyakan pasar saham di Asia masih di wilayah merah, melanjutkan penurunan pada hari Senin, saham Indonesia dan rupiah berhasil melambung pada Selasa (5/1). Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) naik 0,70% menjadi 4.557,82 poin. Sementara itu, rupiah Indonesia naik 0,37% menjadi Rp 13.892 per dollar Amerika Serikat (Bloomberg Dollar Index). Apa yang terjadi pada perdagangan hari ini dan mengapa ada perbedaan antara aset Indonesia dan tren Asian secara umum?

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  • Pertambangan Batubara Indonesia: Fokus pada Pasar Selain Cina

    Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Indonesia mengharapkan pengiriman batubara ke India meningkat pada tahun 2016, sementara ekspor batubara ke Republik Rakyat Tiongkok (RRT) diperkirakan akan menurun lebih lanjut karena ekonomi terbesar kedua di dunia ini sedang mengalami perlambatan (dan RRT membatasi impor batubara dengan tingkat kalori yang lebih rendah). Adhi Wibowo, Direktur Batu Bara Kementerian ESDM, mengatakan - berlawanan dengan RRT - permintaan batubara dari India tidak turun. Selain itu, India sangat tergantung pada Indonesia untuk batubara termal.

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  • Mengapa Saham dan Rupiah Indonesia Melemah Hari Ini?

    Berlawan dengan harapan, saham Indonesia dan rupiah memiliki awal yang lemah di tahun yang baru. Pada hari Senin (4/1) Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) turun 1,46% menjadi 4.525,92 poin, sementara rupiah terdepresiasi 0,82% menjadi Rp 13.943 per dollar Amerika Serikat (Bloomberg Dollar Index). Kinerja saham Indonesia ini sejalan dengan kinerja saham di seluruh dunia. Perdagangan saham Republik Rakyat Tiongkok (RRT) bahkan dihentikan dua kali karena indeksnya merosot. Apa yang terjadi hari ini?

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  • Pasar Saham Indonesia: Prognosis Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan Bulan Januari

    Tahun lalu Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) turun 12,13% sehingga berakhir pada 4,593.01 poin pada 30 Desember 2015 di tengah ketidakpastian global yang parah akibat ancaman pengetatan kebijakan moneter di Amerika Serikat (AS) dan perlambatan ekonomi yang besar dari Republik Rakyat Tiongkok (RRT). Hari ini, Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) akan memasuki hari perdagangan pertamanya di tahun baru. Apa yang kita harapkan dari kinerja saham Indonesia di Januari 2016?

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  • Pasar Saham Indonesia: Apa Saham Unggulan pada tahun 2016?

    Meskipun tantangan tetap ada, Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) diperkirakan naik pada tahun 2016, melebihi level 5.000 poin. Tahun lalu IHSG turun 12,13% menjadi ditutup pada 4.593,01 poin. Khususnya untuk sektor infrastruktur, perbankan, konsumsi, semen, properti dan konstruksi di Indonesia diprediksi akan memiliki kinerja yang baik tahun ini karena percepatan pertumbuhan ekonomi domestik yang didukung oleh pengeluaran pemerintah dan paket stimulus ekonomi baru-baru ini.

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  • Pasar Saham Indonesia: Kinerja IHSG pada Tahun 2015

    Hari perdagangan terakhir tahun 2015 di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) telah berlalu dan sekarang saatnya untuk melihat kembali kinerja Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) dan rupiah selama tahun 2015. Tahun 2015 merupakan tahun yang hektik, ditandai dengan volatilitas tinggi karena ketidakpastian tentang waktu kenaikan tingkat suku bunga AS (yang akhirnya diputuskan oleh Federal Reserve pada bulan Desember 2015) dan perlambatan ekonomi Republik Rakyat Tiongkok (RRT).

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Artikel Terbaru China

  • Indonesia's Stock Index Falls due to Chinese and American Economic Data

    The Jakarta Composite Index (IHSG) did not make a good start on the first trading day of the new week. Similar to last week's Monday, it were falling American stock indices on Friday that impacted on Monday's IHSG performance: US Retail Sales, Michigan Consumer Sentiment, and commodity prices were topics that were not well-received by market players. Moreover, weak economic data from China made many foreign investor decide to sell their Indonesian assets.

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  • Indonesia's Stock Index (IHSG) Rises on a Wave of Global Optimism

    Rising American stock indices on Wednesday provided solid support for stock indices around Asia the following day, including Indonesia's main index (IHSG). Amid this global positivity, market players were eager to add stocks to their portfolios. News from Japan, China and the Indonesian central bank's announcement to maintain its low benchmark interest rate were well-received, particularly by domestic market players. It made the IHSG rise to 4,924.26, a 0.96 percent gain.

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  • Despite Rising Asian Stock Indices, Indonesia's IHSG Falls 0.45 Percent

    Although most Asian stock indices went up on Wednesday (10 April 2013), the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IHSG) could not cling on to their movement. In fact, even the main index of South Korea, a country plagued by political tensions, reported a rise. The IHSG was not able to follow suit due to investors' profit taking. Foreign market participants recorded a net sell, particularly Indonesia's blue chip stocks, which caused the index to end at 4,877.48, a 0.45 percent fall.

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  • A Small Gain for the Jakarta Composite Index (IHSG) Amid Global Positivity

    On Monday, the Dow Jones Index gained as corporate results of Q1-2013 are estimated to be good. This subsequently had a positive impact on Asian stock indices on Tuesday, including Indonesia's main index (IHSG). Moreover, positive news from both Australia and China were well-received as well as the higher metal price (reflected by Hong Kong's rising Hang Seng Index). Amid this positivity, investors took the opportunity to enlarge their stock portfolios.

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  • Without Clear Reference Point, Indonesia Stock Exchange Posts Small Decline

    Reza Priyambada Indonesia Stock Exchange - Indonesia Investments

    With a number of important global stock exchanges still closed due to Easter, it seemed that the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IHSG) lacked a reference point to which it could cling. It is also likely that market participants have already consumed most of the 2012 corporate company reports and are therefore not waiting for new data of listed companies. Moreover, today's announcement of the relative high inflation rate of March did not support the IHSG either.

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  • World Bank: Indonesia Shows Steady Growth but Pressures Are Mounting

    This week, the World Bank published its Indonesia Economic Quarterly (IEQ, edition March 2013) titled 'Pressures Mounting'. It reports on key developments over the past three months in Indonesia’s economy, and places these in a longer-term and global context. To read the whole report, please visit the World Bank's website at www.worldbank.org or download this edition directly through this link. Below we present the executive summary.

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  • Bailout in Cyprus Impacts Negatively on the Indonesia Stock Exchange

    We had hoped for a continuation of the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IHSG)'s rebound after forming a green candle. It failed, however, due to negative market sentiments brought on by the bailout of Cyprus. Also, selling pressures on American stock markets late last week blocked a potential longer rally. The IHSG felt the impact of the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) that fell after a weaker NY Empire State Manufacturing Index as well as Consumer Sentiment.

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  • Forecasts for Indonesia's Coal Output and Export are Revised up for 2013

    The chairman of the Indonesia Coal Mining Association said that Indonesia's coal exports are expected to increase from 310 million tons in 2012 to 330 million tons in 2013, a 6.5 percent increase. Coal producers have been facing a tough period since July 2008 when global coal demand weakened and triggered volatile - but mostly declining - coal prices ever since. Coal demand from China and India, however, is expected to increase this year.

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  • Indonesia Stock Exchange Down Despite Positive Asian Market Sentiments

    On Thursday's trading day, the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IHSG) was tame and weakened again. Foreign market participants were mostly selling their Indonesian assets and influenced domestic investors to behave similarly. Most other Asian stock markets, however, turned positive and were followed by good European openings. It did not prevent the IHSG from losing 49.07 points, or 1.01 percent to 4,786.37. Trade volume increased, while total value of transactions decreased.

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  • Indonesia Stock Exchange Gains Amid Global Positive Market Sentiments

    Apparently, market participants were eagerly waiting for positive news regarding stimulus packages that various central banks will apply to boost local economies. Once the news spread, investors hunted for stocks that previously weakened. Moreover, increased manufacturing data from the USA and Europe contributed to positive market sentiments. Lastly, China indicated to maintain its economic pace of 7.5 percent GDP growth this year.

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