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Berita Hari Ini Food Prices

  • Deflation at 0.09% m/m, Indonesia's Annual Inflation Up 4.42% y/y

    In line with expectation, Indonesia's consumer price index fell in February 2016. Based on the latest data from Statistics Indonesia (BPS), released this morning, Southeast Asia's largest economy recorded deflation of 0.09 percent month-on-month (m/m) in the second month of the year on the back of lower food prices and lower electricity tariffs. However, on a year-on-year basis, Indonesia's inflation rate rose from 4.14 percent (y/y) in January to 4.42 percent (y/y) in February.

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  • Consumer Confidence: Why are Indonesian Consumers more Optimistic?

    The central bank of Indonesia (Bank Indonesia) reported that Indonesian consumers are becoming increasingly optimistic about economic prospects and their personal financial situation this year, evidenced by a 5.1 point rise in Bank Indonesia's Consumer Confidence Index to 112.6 points in January 2016. This index is based on a survey, involving 4,600 households in 18 cities across the archipelago (a reading above 100 indicates optimism, while a reading below 100 indicates pessimism).

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  • Consumer Price Index Indonesia: Inflation 0.51% m/m in January 2016

    Indonesia's inflation rate rose 0.51 percent on a monthly basis in January 2016 according to the latest data from Statistics Indonesia (BPS). Suryamin, Head of BPS, said food products accounted for most of the inflationary pressures in the first month of the year. Inflation tends to have a peak in the months December and January due to Christmas and New Year celebrations when consumer demand for various products, including food items, increases (the other peak comes in the June-August period due to Islamic celebrations).

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  • Update Harga Konsumen Indonesia: Deflasi di September, Inflasi Tahunan Menurun

    Indonesia mengalami deflasi, dengan harga konsumen turun 0,05% (month-on-month), pada September 2015 karena menurunnya harga makanan dan transportasi. Contoh dari penurunan harga makanan termasuk harga daging ayam, telur, cabai, bawang dan minyak untuk memasak. Biaya transportasi yang lebih rendah terutama disebabkan karena menurunnya biaya transportasi udara yang berkontribusi kepada deflasi. Pada basis tahunan, inflasi Indonesia menurun 6,83% di bulan September, turun dari 7,18 pada basis year-on-year (y/y) di bulan sebelumnya, dan di bawah perkiraan para analis pada 7,0 (y/y).

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  • Update Inflasi Indonesia Bulan Juni: Indeks Harga Konsumen Naik 0.54%

    Inflasi Indonesia berakselerasi menjadi 7,26% pada basis year-on-year (y/y) di Juni 2015 karena harga bahan pangan yang lebih tinggi yang dipicu oleh awal bulan Ramadan (bulan puasa yang suci bagi umat Islam). Perayaan musiman Ramadan dan dilanjutkan oleh Idul Fitri selalu menyebabkan tekanan inflasi di Indonesia karena konsumen meningkatkan belanja mereka. Meskipun daya beli masyarakat Indonesia telah menurun di beberapa bulan terakhir, direfleksikan dengan melambatnya penjualan mobil dan sepeda motor, barang-barang konsumen yang lebih murah seperti makanan, pakaian, sepatu dan tas saat ini sedang banyak terjual.

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  • Update Inflasi Indonesia: Harga Beras Menyebabkan Tekanan Inflasi

    Tingkat inflasi di Indonesia diperkirakan makin menurun pada Februari 2015 karena harga bahan-bahan makanan menurun. Pengecualian ada pada harga beras. Harga beras telah meningkat 30% dibandingkan tahun sebelumnya menjadi Rp 12 ribu per kilogram di bulan Februari. Harga beras yang lebih tinggi disebabkan karena banyaknya halangan dalam operasi-operasi untuk distribusi raskin dikombinasikan dengan musim panen yang terlambat di tahun ini (antara Maret dan Juni). Fluktuasi harga beras, makanan pokok untuk 250 juta penduduk Indonesia, memiliki dampak yang signifikan terhadap tingkat inflasi di Indonesia.

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  • Inflation Update Indonesia: November Inflation Rises to 6.23% Y/Y

    Indonesia’s Central Statistics Agency (BPS) announced on Monday (01/12) that the country’s inflation figure accelerated to 6.23 percent year-on-year (y/y) in November 2014 (from 6.23 percent y/y in the previous month) due to the impact of higher subsidized fuel prices implemented by the Indonesian government. On 18 November, prices for subsidized fuels (low-octane gasoline and diesel) were raised by more than 30 percent in a bid to reallocate public spending from fuel consumption to productive long-term development.

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  • Indonesia’s October Inflation: Fuel Subsidies and Volatile Food Prices

    Indonesia’s inflation figure this October may reach the highest level in five years primarily due to volatile food prices triggered by drought in several parts of Indonesia. Chili, in particular, has shown a widening gap between domestic demand and production thus adding inflationary pressures in Southeast Asia’s largest economy. The country’s central bank expects that the inflation figure may reach 0.4 percent (month-on-month, m/m), considerably higher than the historic average in October.

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  • Lower Foodstuffs and Clothes Prices; Indonesia's October Inflation 0.09%

    Inflation in October 2013 was recorded at 0.09%. This low inflation rate was mainly supported by easing food and clothes prices. The foodstuffs component in the basket recorded deflation of 0.34 percent, while clothes posted deflation of 0.56 percent. These details were presented by Suryamin, Head of Statistics Indonesia (BPS) on Friday (01/11). The 0.09 percent October inflation rate is low compared to past results in the same month with the notable exception of October 2011 when 0.12 percent of deflation was recorded.

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  • Indonesia Records Deflation of 0.35% in September 2013

    Contrary to what most analysts expected, Indonesia experienced deflation of 0.35 percent in September 2013. The figure was released today (01/10) by Statistics Indonesia. Deflation was particularly triggered by easing food prices (including onions, peppers, beef, fresh fish and carrot) and lower tariffs for air and train transportation as well as inter-city transport fares. Previously, it was expected that Indonesia would record low inflation (less than 1 percent) in September. Year-on-year inflation eased to 8.40 percent (from 8.79 in August).

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Artikel Terbaru Food Prices

  • Deflation or Inflation in September? Bank Indonesia vs Statistics Indonesia

    Indonesia's central bank, Bank Indonesia, expects deflation of about 0.9 percent in September 2013. Statistics Indonesia, on the other hand, believes there will be limited inflation this month. Both institutions agree, however, on a forecast of at least 9 percent of inflation over full-year 2013. The bank's September forecast is based on a survey that was conducted in the second week of September. This survey showed that food commodities and government administered prices eased.

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  • High Risks Remain Obstacle to Investment in Indonesia's Stock Market

    Last week, Indonesia's benchmark stock index (IHSG) remained under pressure and was corrected 122,735 points, or 2.9 percent. At the start of the week, a number of important data were released. Inflation in August 2013 was 1.12 percent (month-to-month), 7.94 percent (calender year 2013), and 8.79 percent (year on year). Major contributors to Indonesia's inflation rate were food products (0.45 percent), followed by housing, water, electricity and gas (0.16 percent), and transportation, communication and financial services (0.16 percent).

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