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Berita Hari Ini Donald Trump

  • Indonesian Stocks & Rupiah Again Under Pressure, Trump Effect

    Donald Trump becoming US president causes investors to re-evaluate emerging market assets, and Indonesia is among the biggest victims. Trump is eager to make the USA "great again", partly by using the protectionist approach. Considering Trump may be supported by the Republican-controlled US Congress, investors see a real chance for realization of Trump's plans (which include infrastructure development, tax cuts, as well as the exiting of free trade and environment deals). This has a big impact on emerging markets.

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  • Indonesia's Rupiah Depreciates Sharply against US Dollar

    Emerging markets in Asia, including Indonesia, are plagued by sharply depreciating currencies on Friday morning (11/11). Demand for the US dollar is high on the "Trump effect". With a Republican-controlled US Congress and pragmatic businessman Donald Trump in the White House, markets have become positive about US economic growth in the years ahead. Meanwhile, it feeds the likelihood of faster and more frequent Fed Funds rate hikes during Trump's administration. The Indonesian rupiah was down 5.53 percent to IDR 13,865 per US dollar by 09:18 am local Jakarta time (Bloomberg Dollar Index).

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  • Stock Market Update Indonesia: Reacting to Trump Victory

    Not only were we surprised by Donald Trump's victory in the US presidential election, but also by markets' positive reaction to Trump's win on Tuesday. It shows that most analysts' opinions and opinion polls fail to reflect reality accurately (similar to the Brexit case earlier this year). Today (10/11) the turnaround continued in Asia, extending the performance of European and US stocks overnight. Indonesia's benchmark Jakarta Composite Index opened 0.79 percent higher on Thursday morning (10/11), while the rupiah has not really moved yet.

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  • Donald Trump Next US President, Indonesian Stocks & Rupiah Down

    Donald Trump will soon become the 45th president of the United States, the world's largest economy. In the election on Tuesday (08/11) he defeated market favorite Hillary Clinton, being the first to obtain more than 270 (state-by-state) electoral votes. The world was stunned and therefore heavy movements occurred in global financial markets (that previously had priced in a Clinton win). Reportedly, Clinton has already conceded to Trump through a telephone call.

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  • Special Coverage: US Election & Indonesia, Latest Developments & Impact

    Today - Tuesday 8 November 2016 - is an important day for the United States, and perhaps even more important for the rest of the world. Around 140 million American voters are expected to show up to vote for the 45th president in today's US presidential election. The US presidential race, a tough battle between Hillary Clinton (Democrats) and Donald Trump (Republicans), has a major impact on financial markets across the globe. In this column we discuss and follow the latest developments regarding the US presidential election on Indonesian stocks and rupiah.

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  • Chances of Clinton Victory Rise, but Indonesian Stocks Down

    Most Asian stocks gained after FBI Director James Comey stated that there is no new evidence to warrant charges against US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton in the investigation involving her (private) email activities while in government. Apart from, generally, rising shares in Asia (on the back of risk-on sentiment) this news also caused a sharply strengthening US dollar. Indonesia's benchmark Jakarta Composite Index is the exception, however, having slid 0.29 percent to 5,347.16 points by 09:45 am local Jakarta time.

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Artikel Terbaru Donald Trump

  • World Economic Forum in Davos: Indonesia in a Protectionist World

    While political leaders, bankers and economists met in Davos (Switzerland) for the World Economic Forum (17-20 January 2017), Donald Trump was sworn in as the 45th US president in Washington. His speech was all about "America first", including a protectionist approach in trade, which Trump believes will lead to great prosperity and strength for the USA. Also in Europe anti-globalization sentiments are heard (such as the exit of Britain from the European Union). Most guests in Davos, on the contrary, favor higher global trade and worldwide economic participation.

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  • Bank Indonesia Kept Interest Rates Unchanged on Capital Outflow Risk

    The central bank of Indonesia (Bank Indonesia) decided to leave its interest rate environment unchanged at the January 2017 policy meeting on Thursday (19/01). The benchmark seven-day reverse repurchase rate (BI 7-day RR Rate) was kept at 4.75 percent, while the Deposit Facility and Lending Facility rates were maintained at 4.00 percent and 5.50 percent, respectively. The decisions of Bank Indonesia are in line with analysts' forecasts. Due to risks of capital outflows Indonesia's central bank had few room to ease monetary policy.

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  • JP Morgan Upgrades Investment Recommendation for Indonesia

    Whether it was caused by pressure from the Indonesian government, or, whether US multinational banking and financial services firm JP Morgan Chase itself came to the conclusion that its decision to double downgrade Indonesia from overweight to underweight (in November 2016) was excessive remains unknown. What is known is that JP Morgan upgraded its investment recommendation on Indonesian stocks to neutral from underweight on Monday (16/01). Main reason for this upgrade is that redemption and bond volatility risks have now played out, in the view of JP Morgan.

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  • Foreign Perceptions of Indonesian Economy, Gov't vs JPMorgan

    The government of Indonesia suspended all cooperation with US multinational banking and financial services firm JP Morgan Chase after the US bank double downgraded Indonesia from overweight to underweight without elaborating too much on the exact motives behind this drastic move. According to Indonesian government officials this downgrade is excessive and lacks evidentiary support or rational justification. Moreover, they argue this "misleading" downgrade has a big psychological impact on investors and therefore it "disturbs Indonesia's financial stability".

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  • Goldman Sachs Group Optimistic on the Indonesian Economy

    American multinational finance company Goldman Sachs Group Inc believes Indonesia currently has strong enough economic fundamentals to cope with monetary tightening in the USA. Indonesia is in a better position now compared to 2013 when the taper tantrum (the winding down of the US Federal Reserve's quantitative easing program) led to massive capital outflows from emerging markets (and Indonesia was among the biggest victims with the rupiah weakening more than 25 percent against the US dollar in 2013).

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  • Indonesian President Widodo: Focus Less on US Dollar as Benchmark

    Indonesian President Joko Widodo said market participants should reduce their focus on the US dollar as benchmark for Indonesia's rupiah currency. Instead of the US dollar, it is better to use China's renminbi, the European Union's euro, or Japan's yen as a benchmark for the rupiah as these rates better reflect the fundamentals of Southeast Asia's largest economy. The rupiah has come under pressure against the US dollar after Donald Trump's victory in the 2016 US presidential election.

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  • Impact Trump Presidency on Foreign Direct Investment in Indonesia

    Donald Trump becoming next US president in January 2017 will not affect foreign direct investment (FDI) in Indonesia according to the Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM). Trump's election caused a huge wave of uncertainty in financial markets worldwide. However, the BKPM remains committed to its investment realization targets (including both domestic and foreign direct investment) of IDR 594.8 trillion (approx. USD $44.7 billion) in 2016 and IDR 631.5 trillion (approx. USD $47.5 billion) in 2017.

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  • Stock Market & Rupiah Indonesia: Long Period of Uncertainty Ahead?

    Indonesia's benchmark Jakarta Composite Index experienced another tough day on Monday (14/11). After Indonesian stocks plunged 4.01 percent on Friday, stocks fell another 2.2 percent today. Not only Indonesia, but most Asian markets are hit by the selloff, particularly the emerging markets of Southeast Asia. Investors are re-evaluating their emerging market assets now Donald Trump has been elected the next US president (and who can rely on a Republican-controlled US Congress). To make matters worse, current uncertainty is expected to persist in the next couple of months.

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  • Stock & Currency Markets Indonesia: All Eyes on US Presidential Election

    On Tuesday 8 November the people of the world's largest economy will vote for their next president. According to the latest polls the race between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump is too close to call. This is the reason why we saw the global selloff last week: markets had already priced in a Clinton victory (who was leading the polls earlier) but when polls started to suggest a rather tight battle, many investors turned to safe haven assets. In the coming days investors will remain focused on the US presidential election.

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  • Asian Stocks Sliding on US Election Jitters, It's All about Safety

    Asian stocks, including Indonesia's benchmark Jakarta Composite Index, continue their persistent slide on Friday (04/11) ahead of the US presidential election on Tuesday 8 November 2016. By 10:45 am local Jakarta time, Indonesian stocks were down 0.29 percent to 5,314.00 points, while the rupiah had depreciated 0.14 percent to IDR 13,093 per US dollar (Bloomberg Dollar Index). Besides the too-close-to-call US election, investors are also keeping an eye on the mass demonstration in Jakarta today.

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