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Berita Hari Ini Federal Reserve

  • Stocks & Rupiah Update Indonesia: Impact of Janet Yellen’s Statements

    Whereas the Indonesian rupiah is depreciating on Monday’s trading day (30/03), Indonesian stocks climb significantly. At 14:15 pm local Jakarta time, the benchmark stock index (Jakarta Composite Index) had gained 0.93 percent to 5,444.27 points. In line with other Asian markets, Indonesia’s stock index felt the positive impact of Fed Chief Janet Yellen’s statements on Friday (27/03). Yellen indicated in a speech in San Francisco that it is riskier to raise US interest rates too fast than to raise them too slowly.

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  • Rupiah versus US Dollar; Faktor-Faktor yang Berperan

    Dalam beberapa hari terakhir dollar Amerika Serikat (AS) kembali mendapatkan momentum bullish dan menguat terhadap sebagian besar mata uang termasuk rupiah. Dollar AS berada di bawah tekanan setelah Federal Reserve memberikan sinyal - kontras dengan ekspektasi pasar - bahwa Fed tidak akan menaikkan suku bunga dalam waktu dekat karena prospek pertumbuhan ekonomi AS dan inflasi AS belum ada di posisi yang diinginkan. Hal ini membuat aset pasar-pasar lebih menarik untuk jangka pendek. Namun, perkembangan ini tampaknya hanya berlangsung sebentar.

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  • Update Mata Uang Indonesia: Rupiah Menguat, Dollar Amerika Melemah

    Nilai tukar rupiah mengawali minggu ini dengan posisi kuat karena dollar Amerika Serikat (AS) melemah akibat ketidakjelasan mengenai waktu kenaikan suku bunga AS. Kontras dengan dugaan awal, meeting Federal Reserve yang terakhir (diadakan 17-18 Maret) mengindikasikan bahwa belum akan ada kenaikan suku bunga dalam waktu singkat di negara dengan ekonomi terbesar. Hal ini mendorong meningkatnya minat untuk aset-aset pasar negara berkembang. Apalagi, Pemerintah Indonesia dan Bank Indonesia berjanji akan menjaga stabilitas rupiah.

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  • Apa yang Mempengaruhi Performa Rupiah Minggu ini?

    Tampaknya, pesan Federal Reserve bahwa Fed masih menunda menaikkan suku bunga di Amerika Serikat (AS) hanya mengimplikasikan periode singkat pelemahan dollar AS terhadap mata uang Asia. Pada hari Jumat (20/03), rupiah melemah 0,51% menjadi Rp 13.124 per dollar AS menurut Bloomberg Dollar Index. Volatilitas tinggi pada saat ini juga merupakan akibat dari kebijakan berbeda yang diterapkan oleh berbagai bank sentral. Sementara Federal Reserve AS bertekad untuk lebih mengetatkan kebijakan moneternya, bank sentral di Jepang dan Eropa melakukan sebaliknya.

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  • Rupiah & Saham Indonesia Menguat setelah Pertemuan Federal Reserve

    Saham di Indonesia dan nilai tukar rupiah menguat tajam pada hari Kamis (19/03) setelah Federal Reserve menunda menaikkan suku bunga acuannya dalam Pertemuan Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) selama dua hari yang berakhir pada hari Rabu (18/03) karena inflasi Amerika Serikat (AS) masih rendah sedangkan pertumbuhan ekonomi AS sedikit melambat. Bank sentral AS menberikan sinyal bahwa Fed tidak terburu-buru untuk menaikkan suku bunga acuannya. Di sisi lain, Fed juga menghapuskan kata 'sabar' dari panduannya untuk suku bunga (yang berada dalam posisi paling rendah sejak akhir 2008).

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  • Bank Sentral Indonesia Pertahankan Suku Bunga Acuan di 7,50% di Maret

    Bank Sentral Indonesia (Bank Indonesia) memutuskan untuk tetap menjaga suku bunga acuannya pada 7,5% sebagai hasil keputusan pertemuan Dewan Gubernur Bank Indonesia (BI) yang dilakukan hari ini. Suku bunga overnight deposit facility dan suku bunga lending facility dipertahankan masing-masing 5,5% dan 8%. BI menganggap bahwa kondisi suku bunga saat ini sesuai dengan targetnya untuk mendorong inflasi ke dalam target antara 3,0% sampai 5,0% dalam basis year on year (y/y) di tahun 2015 dan mengurangi defisit neraca transaksi berjalan Indonesia antara 2,5% sampai 3,0% dari produk domestik bruto (PDB).

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  • Penurunan Drastis Rupiah Indonesia: Jatuh ke Rp 13,200 per Dollar AS

    Di Indonesia, lampu sorot tetap tajam terfokus pada pelemahan drastis rupiah. Karena semakin berkembangnya spekulasi bahwa US Federal Reserve akan segera menaikkan tingkat suku bunga pinjamannya, aset-aset pasar berkembang (baik mata uang maupun saham) cenderung melemah. Walau sebagian besar mata uang Asia melemah terhadap dolar Amerika Serikat (AS), rupiah lebih rentan karena Indonesia sedang mengalami defisit transaksi berjalan yang besar. Hal ini menginformasikan kepada para investor bahwa negara ini bergantung pada capital inflows dari negara-negara asing.

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  • Bank Indonesia Ok dengan Rupiah Lemah Demi Memperbaiki Transaksi Berjalan

    Nilai tukar rupiah melemah 0,79% menjadi Rp 12.932 per dollar Amerika Serikat (AS) menurut Bloomberg Dollar Index pada hari Jumat (27/02), level terendah sejak akhir 2008, setelah bank sentral Indonesia (Bank Indonesia) menyatakan tidak berencana melakukan terlalu banyak intervensi untuk mendukung rupiah. Bank Indonesia (BI) menyatakan tidak memiliki level target untuk rupiah dan tidak akan melawan pasar. Statemen ini merupakan sinyal-sinyal bahwa BI nyaman dengan rupiah yang lemah demi memperbaiki neraca transaksi berjalan.

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  • What Impacts on the Indonesian Rupiah Today? Fed, China, Greece & Inflation

    After Federal Reserve Chairwoman Janet Yellen indicated that the US central bank will be patient in raising the interest rate environment in the world’s largest economy, Indonesian assets gained on Wednesday (25/02). Both the benchmark Jakarta Composite Index and rupiah exchange rate strengthened 0.51 percent yesterday. Apart from increased speculation that the Fed will not raise interest rates before summer, expectation that Greece will avoid a disastrous default brought more positive market sentiments.

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  • Rupiah Indonesia Update: Falling towards IDR 13,000 per US Dollar

    Indonesia’s rupiah depreciated to its lowest level since mid-December 2014 nearly touching the psychological level of IDR 13,000 per US dollar ahead of Federal Reserve Chairwoman Janet Yellen appearance before the US Senate Banking Committee and the US Congress (in a two-day meeting) to elaborate on the Fed’s stance on US interest rates. As US jobless claims fell more than expected, analysts believe that it will not take long before the US central bank introduces higher borrowing costs in the world’s largest economy.

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Artikel Terbaru Federal Reserve

  • A Day of Recovery: the IHSG Gains 1.91% after European Indices Open

    IHSG - Indonesia Stock Exchange - 12 June 2013 - Indonesia Investments

    Despite continued foreign selling of Indonesian stocks on today's trading day (12/06), we see that there is an end in sight to the sell of. During the last three days, Indonesia's main index (IHSG) had fallen considerably. The fall was led by the big cap companies that generally are target of most foreign investment. As stock prices of these companies had experienced a free fall in previous days, it made them attractive for limited buying. However, negative sentiments that have coloured the stock market recently, have not waned yet.

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  • Indonesia's Main Stock Index (IHSG) Continues its Volatile Performance

    Indonesia's main stock index (IHSG) was mixed on Tuesday's trading day (04/06) as negative market sentiments were still felt after yesterday's tumble (inflicted by Indonesia's April trade deficit). Foreigners continued to sell parts of their Indonesian stock portfolios causing the index to fall below the psychological boundary of 5,000 points, which also meant that it went into oversold territory. But the rise of the Yen, thus supporting Asian indices, in combination with positive openings in Europe made the IHSG rise in the end.

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  • Investors Say Goodbye to the Month of May and Welcome June

    On the very last trading day of May (31/05), Indonesia's main stock index (IHSG) closed at 5,068.63 points. During the month, the index showed a volatile performance as it reached its peak at 5,251.29 and its low at 4,907.59 points. Overall, the IHSG continued to rise in May despite various negative sentiments. Foreign investors recorded a net sell of IDR 7.9 trillion (USD $806.12 million). However, optimistic domestic investors kept Indonesia's index in the green zone.

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  • Amid Mixed Asian Stock Markets Indonesia's Main Index Falls 1.36%

    The weak stock indices in Europe and USA at the end of last week had a negative impact on stock indices in Asia on Monday (27/05/13), including Indonesia's main stock index (IHSG). Investors rushed to reduce their stock portfolios, which resulted in an 1.36 percent fall to 5,085.14 points. At the end of last week, the IHSG had formed a green candlestick but today there were no continued positive signals as the market lacked positive sentiments. But a number of rising Asian indices and the positive openings of European stock indices managed to support the IHSG a bit.

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  • Indonesia Stock Exchange Down 0.50% amid Mixed Asian Markets

    American stock indices that refrained from staying in the green zone at the end of Monday's trading session (20/05/13) made market participants less enthusiastic to invest in Asian stocks. Indonesia's main stock index (IHSG) was one of the indices that felt this impact as a lack of positive sentiments blocked it from rising to another record high level. Investors were also concerned about profit taking because the index had reached the overbought level. When European indices opened weak on Tuesday it increased downward pressures on the IHSG.

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  • Indonesia Stock Index Rises 0.54%; Europe and USA Up, Asia Down

    Analysis IHSG 14 May 2013 - Indonesia Stock Exchange - Indonesia Investments

    On Tuesday (14/05/13), Indonesia's main stock index (IHSG) rose supported by positive Asian stock indices in the first trading session. But this pillar of support did not last for long as the Asian stock indices weakened afterwards, which impacted on the performance of the IHSG. Pressures of profit taking remained as the IHSG is still near its record high level but foreign investors - being net buyers of Indonesian stocks - helped to offset profit taking, resulting in a 0.54 percent gain to 5,081.94 points.

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  • Indonesia's Main Stock Index Falls 1% Amid Mixed Asian Markets

    After setting a new record last Friday, Indonesia's main stock index (IHSG) lost its strength on Monday (13/05/13). A number of factors were behind the decline. Foreign investors mostly sold their Indonesian assets as the record high level of the IHSG made it tempting to engage in profit taking. Moreover, the still unclear policy regarding Indonesia's subsidized fuel causes uncertainties. Lastly, Asian stock indices were mixed while European indices opened lower on Monday.

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  • Standard & Poor's Revised Outlook Ushers in Indonesia's Traditional 'May Cycle'?

    The Indonesia Stock Index (IHSG) fell victim to large profit taking on Thursday's trading day (02/05/13) after having set a new record yesterday. Market players are probably concerned about the 'May Cycle' which refers to the traditional fall of the IHSG in the month of May. But negative market sentiments were particularly brought on by Standard & Poor’s revised outlook on Indonesia’s BB+ rating from positive to stable. It triggered a 1.32 percent correction in Indonesia's stock index.

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  • Amid Global Negative Sentiments Indonesia's Main Index (IHSG) Falls 0.32%

    On Friday's trading day, the Indonesia Stock Index (IHSG) started in an upward direction. However, as it felt the impact of European stock indices, that mostly opened lower, the IHSG weakened 0.32 percent to 4,978.51 points. Moreover, most other Asian indices were down (except for Hong Kong's HSI) and thus contributed to the IHSG's fall. Market participants also seem to fear the annual 'May Cycle' of the IHSG, which involves the traditional large-scale selling of IHSG stocks.

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  • Earthquake in China Burdens on Asian Stock Indices, Including the IHSG

    Rising American and European stock indices last Friday, helped to support Asian stock indices today (22 April 2013), including the Indonesia stock index (IHSG). However, the ongoing drama brought on by last Saturday's earthquake in China, impacted on the China stock index as well as on other Asian stock indices, including the IHSG. As the IHSG has been showing signs that it is overbought, market participants preferred to sell portions of their stock portfolios, resulting in a limited fall of the IHSG.

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