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Berita Hari Ini Rupiah

  • Update Mata Uang: Mengapa Rupiah Indonesia Mengalami Kenaikan?

    Rupiah Indonesia meneruskan penguatan yang luar biasa pada hari Selasa (22/12). Mata uang ini naik 0,98% menjadi Rp 13.672 per dollar Amerika Serikat (AS) pada pukul 11:10 Waktu Indonesia Barat (Bloomberg Dollar Index). Rupiah telah pulih dari level rendahnya pada Rp 14.123 per dollar AS pada hari Senin 14 Desember menjadi Rp 13.672 per dollar AS, naik 3,2% dalam waktu sekitar satu minggu. Ada beberapa hal yang menjelaskan kinerja yang luar biasa ini.

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  • Rupiah Indonesia Menguat Tajam Kendati Proyeksi Pesimis

    Rupiah Indonesia menguat secara signifikan terhadap dollar Amerika Serikat (AS) pada hari Senin (21/12) kendati ada prediksi bahwa rupiah akan menjadi mata uang dengan performa terburuk di Asia pada tahun 2016 akibat capital outflows (karena suku bunga AS direncanakan akan semakin dinaikkan pada tahun 2016), cadangan devisa Indonesia yang menurun, dan harga-harga komoditi yang terus-menerus rendah. Berdasarkan pada Bloomberg Dollar Index, rupiah telah menguat 1,13% menjadi Rp 13.760 per dollar AS pada pukul 14:20 Waktu Indonesia Barat (WIB) pada hari Senin (21/12).

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  • Indonesia Investments Menerbitkan Newsletter Edisi 20 Desember 2015

    Pada tanggal 20 Desember 2015, Indonesia Investments menerbitkan edisi terbaru dari newsletternya. Newsletter gratis ini, yang dikirim ke pelanggan kami sekali per minggu, berisi berita-berita yang paling penting dari Indonesia yang telah dilaporkan di website kami selama tujuh hari terakhir. Sebagian besar topik membahas isu-isu ekonomi seperti update performa saham dan rupiah Indonesia, tingkat suku bunga di Indonesia, neraca perdagangan, campuran energi negara ini, update dari kinerja perusahaan-perusahaan yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia, dan banyak lagi.

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  • Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan Jatuh, Rupiah Menguat

    Indeks-indeks saham di Asia Tenggara jatuh pada hari Jumat (18/12), dipimpin oleh indeks-indeks acuan di Thailand dan Indonesia. Pasar-pasar Asia ini mengikuti koreksi global yang terjadi setelah investor mempertimbangkan dampak yang mungkin terjadi dari kenaikan suku bunga Federal Reserve. Saham-saham di Amerika Serikat (AS) dan Eropa turun pada hari Kamis dan hari Jumat, sementara harga minyak dan komoditi-komoditi lainnya terus menurun. Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) Indonesia turun 1,92 persen menjadi 4,468.65 poin.

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  • Saham & Rupiah Indonesia: Aliran Modal Keluar Setelah Reli Kelegaan Pasar

    Setelah reli kuat pada hari Kamis (merespon positif terhadap pengumuman Federal Reserve untuk menaikkan Fed Fund Rate), aset-aset Indonesia melemah pada hari Jumat (18/12) sementara kebanyakan pasar Asia turun. Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) turun 1,20% menjadi 4.501,34 poin pada pukul 09:45 WIB, sementara rupiah telah melemah 0,22% menjadi Rp 14.040 per dollar Amerika Serikat (Bloomberg Dollar Index). Karena itu, saham-saham Indonesia mengikuti contoh saham-saham Amerika Serikat (AS) yang jatuh semalam.

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  • Suku Bunga Bank Indonesia Tidak Berubah di 7,50%

    Bank Indonesia, bank sentral dari negara dengan ekonomi terbesar di Asia Tenggara, mempertahankan suku bunga acuannya (BI rate) pada 7,50% pada pertemuan kebijakan di bulan Desember pada hari Kamis (17/12). Sementara itu, fasilitas simpanan Bank Indonesia (Fasbi) tidak berubah pada 5,50% dan fasilitas pinjaman di 8,00%. Ini adalah bulan kesepuluh berturut-turut Bank Indonesia tidak mengubah suku bunganya (pada bulan Februari 2015 bank sentral memangkas BI rate sebesar 0,25%).

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  • Saham & Rupiah Indonesia Menguat setelah Kenaikan Suku Bunga Amerika Serikat

    Saham dan rupiah Indonesia merespon sangat positif terhadap keputusan Federal Reserve Amerika Serikat (AS) untuk menaikkan Fed Fund Rate yang menjadi acuan sebesar 25 basis poin pada Rabu (16/12). Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) melonjak 1,62% menjadi 4.555,96 poin, sementara rupiah menguat 0,44% menjadi Rp 14.009 per dollar AS. Tidak hanya saham di Indonesia tetapi saham global juga sangat naik pada akhir dari ketidakpastian yang berkelanjutan mengenai waktu kenaikan suku bunga AS.

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  • Bagaimana Saham & Mata Uang Asia Bereaksi pada Kenaikan Suku Bunga Federal Reserve?

    Federal Reserve Amerika Serikat (AS) akhirnya memutuskan untuk menaikkan Fed Fund Rate sebesar 25 basis poin pada pertemuan kebijakan di bulan Desember (15-16 Desember) karena perbaikan yang signifikan pada kondisi pasar tenaga kerja AS (tingkat pengangguran di AS telah jatuh menjadi 5%) dan inflasi AS diproyeksikan untuk mencapai target the Fed sebesar 2% pada jangka waktu menengah. Setelah pengumuman ini saham AS melonjak. Pasar negara-negara berkembang tidak mengalami capital outflows besar-besaran setelah kenaikan ini. Indeks-indeks saham di Asia menguat tajam pada hari Kamis pagi (17/12).

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  • Penjualan Mobil di Indonesia Tetap Lambat di Akhir Tahun

    Sesuai dengan prediksi dan kecenderungan umum sepanjang tahun ini, penjualan mobil Indonesia turun 4,4% menjadi 87.311 unit pada bulan November 2015. Pada periode Januari-November 2015, total penjualan mobil di negara itu mencapai 940.317 unit, turun 16,7% dari penjualan mobil di periode yang sama tahun lalu. Penyebab utama dari performa yang lemah ini adalah melemahnya daya beli masyarakat Indonesia akibat perlambatan ekonomi negara ini, inflasi yang tinggi (dalam tiga kuartal pertama tahun ini), dan harga komoditi yang rendah.

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  • Update Pasar Saham & Rupiah Indonesia: Menjelang Rapat Fed, Saham Asia Melemah

    Bursa saham di Asia mengalami cuaca buruk karena para investor menarik dana dari pasar negara-negara berkembang. Pada pukul 11:25 WIB, Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) Indonesia telah jatuh 1,11% menjadi 4.344,69 poin, sementara rupiah telah melemah 0,54% menjadi Rp 14.068 per dollar Amerika Serikat (Bloomberg Dollar Index). Para investor mencari aset yang (lebih) aman haven karena Federal Reserve diperkirakan akan menaikkan Fed Fund Rate (untuk pertama kalinya dalam hampir satu dekade) pada pertemuan Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) berikutnya (dijadwalkan pada 15-16 Desember).

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Artikel Terbaru Rupiah

  • Fitch Ratings Survey Shows Optimistic View on Indonesian Economy

    Fitch Ratings, one of the three major global credit rating agencies, said that its latest annual survey on economic prospects and the business climate in Indonesia indicates an optimistic view. Respondents in the survey, mostly CEOs and Division Heads at financial institutions, companies, government and media, were asked 11 questions about the Indonesian economy, reformation and prospects for the next five years. Andrew Steel, Managing Director Head of Asia Pacific Corporate Ratings Group, presented results of the survey.

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  • Without Reform, Indonesia's Oil Imports Reach 1.6 Million Bpd by 2020

    Imports of oil will accelerate to 1.6 million barrels per day (bpd) by 2020 if fuels continue to be subsidized by the Indonesian government. This development will seriously burden Indonesia's trade balance (and current account). In 2013, Indonesia posted a trade deficit of USD $12.6 billion in the oil & gas sector. Due to improved performance in the non-oil & gas sector, the overall trade deficit was kept at USD $4.06 billion. Besides placing downward pressure on the rupiah exchange rate, expensive subsidies also burden the state budget.

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  • World Bank: March 2014 Indonesia Economic Quarterly Investment in Flux

    Today (18/03), the World Bank released the March 2014 edition of its Indonesia Economic Quarterly (IEQ), titled Investment in Flux. The report discusses key developments over the past three months in Indonesia’s economy, and places these developments in a longer-term and global context. Secondly, it provides a more in-depth examination of selected economic and policy issues, as well as analysis of Indonesia’s medium-term development challenges. Click here for further information about the World Bank and its activities in Indonesia.

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  • The Jokowi Effect: Indonesia's Financial Markets Gain on Political Certainty

    A shock wave went through Indonesia's financial markets on Friday (14/03) after 15:00 local Jakarta time, when it became known that Joko Widodo (popularly known as Jokowi) is joining the presidential race for the July 2014 election. Moreover, he can count on full support from the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P), one of Indonesia's largest political parties, led by chairwoman Megawati Soekarnoputri. Few people doubt that Jokowi - current Governor of Jakarta - will be elected as the next president of Indonesia.

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  • Jokowi Candidate for Indonesian Presidency; Markets React Positively

    After months of uncertainty and speculation, Governor of Jakarta Joko Widodo (popularly known as Jokowi) has finally declared to run for the Indonesian presidency in the presidential election scheduled for 9 July 2014. Jokowi is backed by the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P), one of the largest political parties in Indonesia, led by chairwoman Megawati Sukarnoputri. On Friday (14/03), Megawati released a statement in which she announced to fully support Jokowi in the upcoming elections.

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  • Analysis of Indonesia's Current Account Deficit: the Structural Oil Problem

    Fitch Ratings, one of the three major global credit rating agencies, estimates that Indonesia's current account deficit will reach USD $27.4 billion, equivalent to 3.1 percent of the country's gross domestic product (GDP) in 2014. As such, Fitch Ratings' forecast is more pessimistic than forecasts presented by both Indonesia's central bank (Bank Indonesia) and government. Both these institutions expect to curb the current account deficit below the three percent of GDP mark (a sustainable level). Global investors continue to carefully monitor the deficit.

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  • ICRA Indonesia’s Economic Review; an Update on the Macroeconomy

    ICRA Indonesia, an independent credit rating agency and subsidiary of ICRA Ltd. (associate of Moody's Investors Service), publishes a monthly newsletter which provides an update on the financial and economic developments in Indonesia of the last month. In the February 2014 edition, a number of important topics that are monitored include Indonesia's inflation rate, the trade balance, the current account deficit, the IDR rupiah exchange rate, and gross domestic product (GDP) growth. Below is an excerpt of the newsletter:

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  • Indonesia's Benchmark Stock Index Down 0.04% due to Profit Taking

    On the last day of the week (07/03), Indonesia's benchmark stock index (Jakarta Composite Index or IHSG) fell 0.04 percent to 4,685.89 points as market participants engaged in profit taking (cashing in on the recent strong performance of the IHSG) amid resurging concerns about the situation in Ukraine. On the other hand, losses were limited as investors are upbeat about the improved outlook for the global economy. US data were good as the number of people who filed for unemployment benefits fell to the lowest level in three months.

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  • Despite Uncertain International Context Indonesia's Stock Index Climbs 0.37%

    Although the gap on 4,575-4,579 was closed, Indonesia's benchmark stock index (Jakarta Composite Index or IHSG) was given limited room to go up further as the performance of global stock indices did not support a bigger rebound. On the contrary, despite the 0.37 percent rise of the IHSG to 4,601.28 points on Tuesday (04/03), there are still pressures that may push the index down in the days ahead. Amid the political conflict in the Ukraine, Wall Street fell on Monday (03/03), which led to profit taking in the first trading session.

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  • Indonesian Rupiah Exchange Rate to Stabilize Near Current Level

    The Indonesian rupiah exchange rate had depreciated (0.15 percent) to IDR 11,665 per US dollar on Thursday (27/02), 15:00 local Jakarta time, based on the Bloomberg Dollar Index. Governor of Bank Indonesia Agus Martowardojo stated yesterday to expect the currency to stabilize near current levels in line with its economic fundamentals ahead of looming further Federal Reserve tapering. Analysts estimate that Indonesia's trade balance might deteriorate in January 2014 as the impact of the mineral-ore export ban kicks in.

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Bisnis Terkait Rupiah