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Berita Hari Ini Rupiah

  • Update Saham & Rupiah Indonesia: Mengakhiri Kuartal yang Lemah dengan Angka Lebih Tinggi

    Kebanyakan indeks saham Asia menguat pada hari Rabu, dipimpin oleh Indeks Nikkei 225 di Jepang yang naik 2,70% karena prediksi akan adanya tindakan-tindakan stimulus dari Pemerintah. Sementara itu, Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) naik 1,09% menjadi 4.223,91 poin karena didukung oleh indeks-indeks saham yang naik di wilayah ini. Sementara itu, rupiah menguat 0,26% menjadi Rp 14.653 per dollar Amerika Serikat (Bloomberg Dollar Index).

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  • Perjalanan ‘Roller Coaster’ Saham & Rupiah Indonesia. Apa yang Terjadi Hari Ini?

    Saham-saham Indonesia mengalami sebuah perjalanan ‘roller coaster’ pada hari Selasa (29/09). Setelah waktu pembukaan, Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) jatuh lebih dari 2% mendekati level terendah selama tiga tahun terakhir. Kendati begitu, indeks ini berhasil ditutup pada 4.178,41 poin dalam perdagangan hari ini, naik 1,41%. Sementara itu, rupiah berhasil memotong kerugiannya. Berdasarkan Bloomberg Dollar Index, rupiah melewati batas Rp 14.800 per dollar Amerika Serikat (AS) beberapa kali namun pada akhir hari hanya melemah 0,11% menjadi Rp 14.691 per dollar AS.

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  • Pertamina Mendukung Rupiah dengan Memotong Pembelian Langsung Forex di Pasar

    Dalam rangka mendukung rupiah yang sedang lemah, Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) Pertamina akan memotong pembelian langsung foreign exchange (forex) di pasar sebanyak sekitar 50%. Pertamina bersama dengan BUMN Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) berkontribusi sekitar setengah dari transaksi sehari forex karena perusahaan-perusahaan ini membutuhkan dollar Amerika Serikat (AS) untuk pembelian bahan bakar dan pembayaran hutang luar negeri.

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  • Selloff Besar di Pasar Saham: Rupiah dan Saham Indonesia Jatuh

    Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) turun lebih dari 2%, menyentuh level terendah selama tiga tahun terakhir, sementara rupiah melemah melewati batas level Rp 14.800 per dollar Amerika Serikat (Bloomberg Dollar Index) pada pukul 09:00 Waktu Indonesia Barat (WIB) pada hari Selasa (29/09) karena penjualan saham besar-besaran terus berlanjut. Para investor kuatir mengenai kondisi ekonomi di Republik Rakyat Tiongkok (RRT) dan dunia serta rendahnya harga-harga komoditi, sambil mengantisipasi kenaikan Fed Fund Rate.

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  • Update Pasar Indonesia: Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan Jatuh, Rupiah Menguat

    Indeks-indeks saham di Asia menunjukkan hasil yang bercampur antara baik dan buruk di hari perdagangan pertama minggu ini. Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) jatuh 2,11% menjadi 4.120,50 poin (terendah dalam dua tahun terakhir), sementara rupiah (secara tidak terduga) menguat 0,13% menjadi Rp 14.674 per dollar Amerika Serikat (AS) menurut Bloomberg Dollar Index. Sementara itu, pasar-pasar Eropa turun setelah dibuka pada hari Senin (28/09). Apa yang mempengaruhi pasar hari ini?

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  • Indonesia Berencana Memotong Pajak Untuk Mengurangi Volatilitas Rupiah & Mendongkrak Pertumbuhan Ekonomi

    Indonesia berencana untuk memotong pajak yang dikenakan pada para eksportir lokal dalam rangka mendongkrak jumlah cadangan devisa, sambil mendukung rupiah, sebagai bagian dari paket kebijakan yang kedua. Rupiah Indonesia telah melemah 18,1% sejak awal 2015 karena ancaman kenaikan suku bunga AS, rendahnya harga-harga komoditi, dan devaluasi yuan Republik Rakyat Tiongkok (RRT). Pemerintah kini berencana untuk memotong pajak penghasilan atas bunga yang didapat para eksportir karena menabung pendapatan usaha ekspor mereka di bank-bank lokal. Saat ini, pajak penghasilan terhadap bunga bank (dari rekening-rekening tabungan) mencapai 20%.

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  • Pelemahan Saham & Rupiah Indonesia karena Data Cina dan Amerika Serikat

    Setelah dibuka pada hari Senin (28/09), saham Indonesia jatuh dengan cepat di tengah pasar-pasar Asia yang performanya mixed. Faktor utama yang menyebabkan beberapa pasar Asia jatuh adalah menurunnya keuntungan industri di Cina (memicu kekuatiran mengenai semakin melambatnya negara dengan ekonomi terbesar kedua di dunia). Keuntungan industri Cina jatuh 8,8% di bulan Agustus, memburuk dari penurunan 2,9% di bulan Juli. Pada pukul 09:50 WIB, Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) turun 1,41% menjadi 4.150,27 poin.

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  • Bank Indonesia Set to Announce Policy Package to Support Rupiah

    The central bank of Indonesia (Bank Indonesia) is set to announce the second installment of a policy package that aims at raising onshore US dollar supplies (and liquidity). As the rupiah has been the second worst-performing Asian emerging market currency (after Malaysia’s ringgit), having depreciated 18.1 percent against the US dollar so far in 2015, Indonesian policymakers are anxious to prop up the ailing currency in order to safeguard the country’s financial stability. Bank Indonesia's benchmark rupiah rate (Jakarta Interbank Spot Dollar Rate, abbreviated JISDOR) stood at IDR 14,690 per US dollar on Friday (25/09), a 17-year low.

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  • Indonesia’s Rupiah & Stocks Weaken amid Mixed Asian Markets

    Stock markets in Asia were mixed on Friday (25/09) after Federal Reserve Chairwoman Janet Yellen said in a speech at the University of Massachusetts that the US central bank is still on track to raise interest rates before the year-end (provided no economic shocks take place as the move is data-dependent). After this looming hike, Yellen suggests to gradually tighten US monetary policy thereafter.

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  • Indonesian Stocks & Rupiah Update: Yellen Speaks, Japan Inflation Falls

    In line with other Asian emerging markets and currencies, Indonesian stocks and the rupiah are weakening on Friday (25/09) after Federal Reserve Chairwoman Janet Yellen said during her speech at the University of Massachusetts that US interest rates are likely to be raised before the year-end, provided no economic shocks occur. Yellen stated that most FOMC participants agree on a Fed Fund Rate hike later this year, followed by gradual further monetary tightening thereafter.

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Artikel Terbaru Rupiah

  • Indonesia Rupiah Exchange Rate Remains under Pressure on Monday

    From the start of today's trading day (06/01), the Indonesian rupiah exchange rate depreciated against the US dollar. Based on the Bloomberg Dollar Index, Indonesia's currency fell 0.48 percent to IDR 12,238 per US dollar at 13:00 local Jakarta time. This declining trend is in line with the majority of other Asian Pacific currencies. With the exception of the Australian dollar and the Japanese yen, the US dollar appreciated against all Asia Pacific currencies in the morning of Monday (06/01).

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  • Indonesia's Trade and Inflation Data Cause Positive Start of the Year

    Again positive news for Indonesia's trade balance. Last week, Statistics Indonesia announced that the largest economy of Southeast Asia posted a USD $776.8 million trade surplus in November 2013 (the largest monthly trade surplus since March 2012). After the (revised) USD $24 million trade surplus in October 2013, November was the second straight month in which the country posted a surplus. This development is important to gain investors' confidence as Indonesia's current account deficit has been a major cause for concern.

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  • Jakarta Composite Index Down 1.61% due to China Data and Wall Street

    Jakarta Composite Index Down 1.61% due to China Data and Wall Street

    On Friday (03/01), the benchmark stock index of Indonesia (known as the Jakarta Composite Index or IHSG) ended 1.61 percent down to 4,257.66 points amid a majority of global indices declining after having experienced a short (window dressing-inspired) rally at the end of the year. The IHSG, which was not affected by the window dressing phenomenon, was dragged down after experiencing a four-day rally in the last week of 2013. Positive US employment data were unable to support global indices.

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  • Two Indonesian Airlines Plan Corporate Actions for Business Expansion

    Garuda Indonesia, the country's top-class airline, is planning to conduct a rights issue in the first quarter of 2014. Through this corporate action, which has already been approved by the shareholders, the state-controlled company aims to raise IDR 2 trillion (USD $162.6 million). For 2014, the airline plans to allocate IDR 4 trillion in capital expenditure (capex) for business expansion. About half of this amount should originate from funds generated through the rights issue.

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  • Overview of the Performance of Indonesia's Stock Market in 2013

    As we approach the end of 2013 it is worth taking a look back to the performance of the stock market of Indonesia this year. At the start of the year, investors and analysts were positive that the country's benchmark stock index (known as the IHSG or Jakarta Composite Index) would post steady growth. Initial forecasts claimed that the IHSG could surpass the 5,000 points level by the end of 2013 from 4,300 at end-2012. The actual performance of the IHSG in fact exceeded expectations as in May 2013 the index moved beyond 5,200 points.

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  • January 2014 Tapering Has Euphoric Effect on Global Stock Markets

    On Wednesday (18/12), the Federal Reserve announced to slightly scale back its quantitative easing program starting from January 2014. The reduction of the bond-buying program involves USD $5 billion of mortgage-backed securities and USD $5 billion of US treasury securities. Thus, the Federal Reserve will purchase a total of USD $75 billion worth of bonds per month instead of the current pace of USD $85 billion. For the moment, this policy change has an euphoric effect on global stock markets.

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  • Indonesia Stock Market News: Positive Impact of January 2014 Fed Tapering

    The announcement that the Federal Reserve (FED) will start its quantitative easing tapering in January 2014, while keeping interest rates low, made stock indices in Asia rise, including Indonesia's benchmark stock index (IHSG), although mining and property stocks were able to limit today's gain. The IHSG rose 0.85 percent to 4,231.98 points on Thursday (19/12). The Indonesia rupiah exchange rate (IDR), however, was down as future tighter US dollar supplies causes market participants to buy US dollar now.

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  • Emerging Market Currency News: Continued Decline of Indonesia's Rupiah

    The Indonesia rupiah exchange rate continued its downward trend on Wednesday (18/12). Both Bank Indonesia's Jakarta Interbank Spot Dollar Rate (JISDOR) and Bloomberg Dollar Index indicated a depreciating rupiah against the US dollar. Bank Indonesia's JISDOR was set at IDR 12,151 per US dollar, a 0.39 percent fall from yesterday (17/12), while in the Bloomberg Dollar Index the currency depreciated 0.35 percent to IDR 12,168 per US dollar at 16:55 in the afternoon, local Jakarta time.

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  • Indonesia’s Stock Index (IHSG) Up on US Economic Data on Tuesday

    Wall Street, which was up on Monday (16/12) supported by various economic data, managed to support Asian stock indices on Tuesday (17/12), including Indonesia’s benchmark stock index (IHSG). Investors were back and ready to trade on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. As usual, the big cap stocks were highly popular. The rupiah’s Bank Indonesia mid-rate, which improved slightly, also contributed to the good performance of the IHSG today. The index rose 1.37 percent to 4,182.35 points.

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  • Ahead of FOMC Indonesia's Rupiah Rate Weakens, Stock Index Jumps

    Ahead of the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting on 17-18 December 2013, the Indonesia rupiah exchange rate is continuing its depreciating trend as the economies of the USA and Japan, particularly the capital markets, are improving and causes the US dollar and Yen to appreciate against other currencies. Both currencies are considered safe havens amid the current volatile world economy. One of the victims is the rupiah, which fell to IDR 12,126 per US dollar at 12.30 local Jakarta time (Bloomberg Dollar Index).

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Bisnis Terkait Rupiah