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Berita Hari Ini Rupiah

  • Indonesia Investments' Newsletter of 31 May 2015 Released

    On 31 May 2015, Indonesia Investments released the latest edition of its newsletter. This free newsletter, which is sent to our subscribers once per week, contains the most important news stories from Indonesia that have been reported on our website in the last seven days. Most of the topics involve economic topics such as Indonesia’s GDP growth, a stocks and rupiah update, the IPO of Puradelta Lestari, Indonesia’s participation in a news Islamic infrastructure bank, the role of household consumption in the Indonesian economy, and more.

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  • Saham & Rupiah Indonesia: Tekanan karena Kenaikan Suku Bunga AS & Yunani

    Sebagian besar pasar saham Asia turun pada hari Rabu (27/05), termasuk Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG). IHSG turun 0,95% menjadi 5.270,22 poin pada pukul 14:32 WIB. Performa yang buruk saham-saham di seluruh Asia hari ini mengikuti jatuhnya pasar saham Amerika Serikat (AS) kemarin. Dow Jones, S&P 500 dan Nasdaq semuanya menurunkan sekitar 1% karena kuatnya dollar AS setelah terbitnya sejumlah data perekonomian AS yang kuat (yang mendukung kenaikan suku bunga AS sebelum akhir tahun) dan meningkatnya kekuatiran mengenai krisis hutang di Yunani.

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  • Rupiah Indonesia Mulai Melemah setelah Dollar AS Menguat Pasca Data Inflasi

    Rupiah Indonesia memulai minggu perdagangan baru dengan catatan negatif. Pukul 10:45 WIB, rupiah telah melemah 0,17% menjadi Rp 13.181 per dollar AS menurut Bloomberg Dollar Index. Alasan utama untuk performa ini adalah karena dollar AS telah menguat secara global setelah Pimpinan Federal Reserve Janet Yellen menyatakan bahwa dia yakin akan terjadi kenaikan suku bunga as yang pertama sejak hampir satu dekade sebelum akhir tahun ini (asal data perekonomian AS terus membaik).

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  • Indonesian Stocks Up, Rupiah Weakens: Focus on Fed’s FOMC Minutes

    Indonesian stocks continued to rise one day after the country’s central bank (Bank Indonesia) announced to leave the interest rate policy unchanged and, instead, choosing to loosen its macro-prudential policy by revising the LDR-RR regulation, LTV policy for mortgage loans and down payments on automotive loans, hence increasing liquidity and boosting credit growth in the banking sector. Indonesia's rupiah, however, depreciated sharply after the market opened on Wednesday (20/05) due to the strong US dollar.

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  • Bank Indonesia Menjaga Kebijakan Moneter Ketat, Suku Bunga Tak Berubah

    Bank Indonesia menunjukkan komitmennya pada kebijakan moneter yang relatif ketat karena tidak mengubah suku bunga dalam Pertemuan Dewan Gubernur bulan Mei. Meskipun ada tekanan-tekanan dari pemerintah dan para pelaku bisnis untuk memotong suku bunga (yang akan mendongkrak pertumbuhan ekonomi), Bank Indonesia mempertahankan suku bunga BI yang menjadi acuannya pada 7,50%, overnight deposit facility pada 5,50% dan lending facility rate pada 8,00%.

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  • Rupiah Down against US Dollar, Markets Wait for Bank Indonesia Meeting

    Indonesia’s rupiah continued to weaken on Monday’s trading day (18/05). The Indonesian rupiah had depreciated 0.22 percent to IDR 13,113 per US dollar by 12:08 pm based on the Bloomberg Dollar Index as market participants are waiting for results of the central bank’s Board of Governor’s Meeting, scheduled for Tuesday (19/05). At this meeting Indonesia’s central bank (Bank Indonesia) will discuss and determine its stance on the country’s interest rate environment. Currently, the key rate (BI rate) is set relatively high at 7.50 percent.

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  • Indonesia’s Rupiah Weak on US Dollar Strength & Greek Debt Concerns

    The Indonesian rupiah is again depreciating. On Tuesday (12/05), the rupiah had depreciated 0.39 percent to IDR 13,206 per US dollar by 11:51 am local Jakarta time based on the Bloomberg Dollar Index. The primary reason for this weak performance today is US dollar demand amid heightened concerns about Greece’s debt situation. Talks between the Greek leftist government and its international partners are heading toward a crucial phase. As a result, the greenback is appreciating against almost all Asian currencies.

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  • Cadangan Devisa Indonesia Jatuh karena Soal Hutang & Rupiah

    Bank sentral Indonesia (Bank Indonesia) mengumumkan pada hari Jumat (08/05) bahwa cadangan devisa Indonesia turun sebesar kurang lebih 700 juta dollar Amerika Serikat (AS) menjadi 110,87 miliar dollar AS pada akhir April 2015 (dari 111,55 miliar dollar AS dari bulan sebelumnya). Penurunan ini diakibatkan oleh pembayaran hutang luar negeri pemerintah dan juga usaha bank sentral untuk menstabilkan nilai mata uang rupiah akibat volatilitas saat ini dan ketidakjelasan keadaan ekonomi (global dan domestik). Di April, rupiah menguat 0,8% terhadap dollar AS.

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  • Update Pasar: Saham Indonesia & Rupiah Menguat pada Hari Jumat

    Nilai saham Indonesia dan rupiah menguat pada hari perdagangan terakhir karena didukung oleh kenaikan sedang dari sejumlah indeks di Wall Street pada hari Kamis (07/05), yang sangat kontras dengan penjualan besar-besaran yang terjadi sehari sebelumnya setelah pimpinan Federal Reserve Janet Yellen menyatakan bahwa harga saham-saham Amerika Serikat (AS) mungkin dihargaii secara berlebihan. Sementara itu, data perdagangan yang lemah dari Republik Rakyat Tionghoa (RRT) mungkin akan mendorong para pembuat kebijakan RRT untuk menyediakan lebih banyak stimulus. Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan naik 0,62% menjadi 5.182,21 poin pada hari Jumat (08/05).

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  • Bagaimana dengan Ekonomi Indonesia di 2015?

    Setelah kecewa melihat pertumbuhan produk domestik bruto (PDB) yang hanya 4,71% pada basis year-on-year (y/y) di kuartal 1 tahun 2015, para investor merasa kuatir dengan pertumbuhan perekonomian Indonesia pada sisa tahun ini. Pertumbuhan PDB yang lemah disebabkan oleh lemahnya performa ekspor (akibat lambatnya perekonomian global dan rendahnya harga-harga komoditi), tingkat suku bunga Indonesia yang tinggi (mengurangi daya beli masyarakat dan expansi bisnis oleh perusahaan lokal), dan lambatnya belanja pemerintah.

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Artikel Terbaru Rupiah

  • Currency Markets: Indonesian Rupiah Trends Trading Under Pressure Once Again

    As financial market turbulence has reached extreme levels over the last several weeks, recent events have severely limited this year’s prospects for economic growth in both developed markets and emerging markets. Of course, it is still too early to accurately assess the true macroeconomic impact of COVID-19, so we are still dealing with broad conjectures more than anything else. But the widespread limitations on that have been placed upon international travelers and the severity of business disruptions that have been seen around the world will almost certainly impact global GDP figures for the next several quarters.

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  • Indonesian Currency Update: Rupiah Weakens Against US Dollar in March

    The Indonesian rupiah rate weakened against the US dollar in March 2019. Bank Indonesia’s benchmark JISDOR rate finished the third month of the year at a position of IDR 14,244 per US dollar, down 1.29 percent compared to the level of IDR 14,062 per US dollar that was set at the last trading day of February 2019. Nevertheless, compared to the start of the year, the rupiah has remained in positive territory, having appreciated 1.64 percent against the US greenback in the first quarter of 2019.

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  • Monetary Policy Indonesia: the Need for Hawkish Statements Reduces

    In line with expectations, the central bank of Indonesia (Bank Indonesia) kept its benchmark BI 7-Day Reverse Repo Rate at 6.00 percent at the February policy meeting that was held on 20-21 February 2019. Also the deposit facility and lending facility rates were kept at 5.25 percent and 6.75 percent, respectively.

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  • Currency Update: Strong Rupiah Performance in the First Month of 2019

    The Indonesian rupiah appreciated markedly in January 2019, and reached its strongest level since the end of June last year. The benchmark JISDOR rate of Bank Indonesia ended the first month of 2019 at IDR 14,072 per US dollar, strengthening from the level of IDR 14,481 per US dollar at the last trading day of 2018. Or, in other words, the rupiah managed to appreciate 2.82 percent against the greenback in the first month of 2019.

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  • Monetary Policy: Bank Indonesia Leaves Interest Rates Unchanged in December

    In line with expectations, the central bank of Indonesia (Bank Indonesia) left its interest rates unchanged at the last monetary policy meeting of 2018 (held on 19-20 December 2018). The benchmark BI 7-Day Reverse Repo Rate was held at 6.00 percent, while the deposit facility and lending facility rates were kept at 5.25 percent and 6.75 percent, respectively.

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  • CEOs’ Perceptions of the National Economy and Politics Improves in Q4-2018

    It are challenging times for businessmen and investors in Indonesia. An escalating trade war between the United States and China is felt by emerging markets including Indonesia. For example, the rupiah has weakened to a 20-year low against the US dollar. Meanwhile, Indonesia's legislative and presidential elections are scheduled for April 2019 and the results can have big consequences for the country's investment climate.

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  • Indonesian Gov't Confused: Postpone Power Projects or Not?

    Based on the latest reports - and contrary to earlier plans - the Indonesian government will not postpone the development of 15,200 MW of power projects. Earlier the government said it wanted to delay various power projects in an effort to curtail imports, thus improve the country's current account balance and ease heavy pressures on the rupiah exchange rate.

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Bisnis Terkait Rupiah