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Berita Hari Ini Rupiah

Artikel Terbaru Rupiah

  • Downgrade Ekonomi Dunia oleh OECD Berdampak pada Pasar Saham Asia

    OECD Growth Downgrade Results in Falling Asian Stock Markets

    Tampaknya laju IHSG tidak sebaik sehari sebelumnya dimana mampu menguat jelang akhir sesi perdagangan. IHSG sedari awal perdagangan terus melaju melemah setelah terimbas penurunan bursa saham Asia. Seperti yang pernah kami katakan dimana setiap adanya kenaikan akan selalu dimanfaatkan untuk aksi jual sehingga penguatan yang sempat terjadi hanya bersifat terbatas dan tidak dapat bertahan lama.

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  • Indonesia's New Fiscal Policy Packages for Financial Stability Expected Soon

    The government of Indonesia will release two additional fiscal policy packages at the end of November or start of December that both aim to heal Indonesia's current account deficit. The two packages constitute follow ups of the policy package that was released in August 2013. Previously, deputy minister of Finance, Bambang Brodjonegoro, announced that an additional package would be released in October. However, it turned out that the government needed some more time to prepare the two additional packages.

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  • Rupiah Melemah 0.57% dan IHSG Melaju 1.34% pada Hari Senin

    Positifnya laju bursa saham Asia sepanjang sesi yang terimbas dari menghijaunya bursa saham AS dan Eropa di akhir pekan kemarin dan adanya spekulasi Pemerintah China akan melakukan reformasi ekonomi untuk menopang pertumbuhan negaranya dan berita positif dari tetapnya rating BBB- peringkat utang Indonesia oleh Fitch Rating memberikan angin segar pada IHSG pada hari Senin (18/11).

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  • Bank Indonesia: Managing Stability and Promoting Transformation

    On Thursday 14 November 2013, Agus Martowardojo, Governor of Indonesia's central bank (Bank Indonesia), delivered his end-of-the-year speech at the Annual Bankers’ Dinner. The meeting was attended by leaders from Indonesia's House of Representatives (DPR), economic ministers, leaders of the country's banking industry and business community, non-ministerial government agencies as well as a number of international institutions, thus representing a strategic forum in terms of the national economy.

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  • Unable to Continue Rebound; Indonesia's Stock Index Falls 0.73%

    Indonesia's benchmark stock index (IHSG) was not able to continue its rebound. On Friday (15/11), the IHSG fell 0.73 percent to 4,335.45 points amid widespread profit taking. Foreign investors recorded net selling of IDR 193 billion (USD $16.9 million) on today's trading day. Moreover, investors are concerned about the impact of the higher interest rate of the central bank (7.50 percent), particularly on the property and banking sectors in the fourth quarter of 2013.

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  • Update Indonesian Economy: Economic Growth and Financial Stability

    Despite rising concerns about the slowing pace of the Indonesian economy, the deputy minister of Finance Bambang Brodjonegoro reminded investors that Indonesia's economic growth in the third quarter of 2013 still constitutes one of the highest growth rates around the globe. Economic expansion in Q3-2013 slid to 5.6% in Southeast Asia's largest economy. With the exception of China (7.8% GDP growth in Q3-2013), Indonesia's growth continues to outpace growth in other emerging markets, such as Brazil (3.3%) and Turkey (4%).

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  • Pesimisme Mewarnai Pasar Indonesia: IHSG Terjun 1.80% pada Rabu

    Seperti yang kami sampaikan sebelumnya dimana pelemahan terbatas akan sulit tercapai dengan negatifnya sentimen yang justru datang dari dalam negeri. Aksi jual masih dimungkinkan akan berlanjut dan akan berpengaruh pada masih melemahnya IHSG. Laju IHSG bukannya membaik, justru semakin anjlok. Tampaknya pelaku pasar, terutama asing, memanfaatkan rilis kenaikan BI rate tersebut untuk jor-joran melakukan aksi jual. Rilis kenaikan BI rate tersebut tampak menjadi pembenaran dilakukannya aksi jual besarbesaran tersebut.

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  • Kenaikan BI Rate Berdampak pada Kinerja Rupiah dan IHSG

    Kenaikan BI Rate Berdampak pada Rupiah dan IHSG

    Laju IHSG yang awalnya hanya melemah tipis dan mencoba untuk rebound, jelang sore hari berubah menjadi pelemahan setelah dipersuram oleh hasil RDG BI yang menaikkan BI rate dari level 7,25 persen menjadi 7,5 persen. Kenaikan BI rate ini tentunya dipersepsikan bahwa kondisi makroekonomi Indonesia yang belum akan membaik dan terutama timbul juga penilaian bahwa masih akan tingginya inflasi hingga akhir tahun.

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  • Bank Indonesia Raises Benchmark Interest Rate (BI Rate) to 7.50%

    Bank Indonesia decided to raise the BI rate by 25 bps to the level of 7.50 percent, with the Lending Facility rate and Deposit Facility rate raised to 7.50 percent and 5.75 percent respectively. This policy was taken in light of the persistently large current account deficit amid widespread global uncertainty. Therefore, the decision was taken in order to ensure that the current account deficit is reduced to a more sound level and inflation in 2014 returns to around 4.5±1 percent, thereby supporting sustainable economic growth.

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  • Ahead of the Bank Indonesia Meeting Jakarta Composite Index Falls 0.78%

    The Jakarta Composite index (Indonesia's benchmark stock index or IHSG) fell on Monday (11/11) amid mixed Asian markets. Not even positive finishes on Wall Street last Friday (08/11) were able to support the IHSG. Most investors seem to be waiting for results of Bank Indonesia's Board of Governor's Meeting which is scheduled for Tuesday (12/11). This meeting will provide answers about the central bank's view of the domestic economy and whether it thinks another adjustement of the BI rate is necessary.

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