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Berita Hari Ini Trade

  • Increasing Cases of Piracy in Indonesian Ports and Waters

    Despite a global drop in piracy incidents in the first half of 2013, Indonesia has experienced a 50 percent surge in pirate attacks to 43 incidents in the same period. Total worldwide pirate attacks in Semester I-2013 fell to 138 cases (from 177). The location where most incidents take place in Indonesia are the waters around the Riau province, particularly around the ports in Dumai and Belawan. "Within Southeast Asia, most of the attacks occur on Indonesian anchorages [not when ships are sailing]" according to the International Maritime Bureau.

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  • Pelindo II Announces Winner of New Priok Port Tender at the End of 2013

    PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Indonesia Port Corporation in English but most widely known as Pelindo II), the state-owned enterprise that is involved in port and harbour services in ten Indonesian provinces, will choose its partner for the construction of terminal II and terminal III of the New Priok Port project from a selection of 12 companies. These companies can either opt to join the tender for the construction of one terminal, or, for both terminals together. At the end of the year, the winners of the tenders will be announced.

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  • Royal HaskoningDHV to Supervise Construction of the New Priok Port

    Royal HaskoningDHV, a Netherlands-based international project management and engineering consultancy services provider, has won the contract to supervise the construction of the extension of the main port of Jakarta, Tanjung Priok. The contract is part of the New Kalibaru Terminal Development. The first phase includes the development of a new 4.5 million TEUs container terminal which aims to enhance the economic development of Indonesia and will bring Indonesia's port facilities on par with other world-class ports.

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  • Tender for Construction Terminal 2 and 3 of the Kalibaru New Priok Harbour

    PSA International (the Port of Singapore Authority) is one of the participants in the tender - organized by PT Pelindo II - for the construction of terminal two and three of the Kalibaru New Priok harbour in North Jakarta. According to the Director of Pelindo II, RJ Lino, there are 18 participants in the tender, of which the winner will probably be announced in September 2013. Companies can either opt to join the tender for the construction of both terminals, or, one of the two terminals.

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  • Indonesia's Trade Deficit Narrowed in January but Remains under Pressure

    Indonesia's trade deficit narrowed slightly in January as there has been better demand from developed countries. However, Indonesian exports remain under pressure with persistent weak global demand. Moreover, higher crude oil prices increase the country's import costs. In addition to Indonesia's trade deficit, annual inflation increased to 5.31 percent in February due to rising food prices and higher electricity tariffs.

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Artikel Terbaru Trade

  • Working on a Bilateral Trade Agreement between Indonesia-USA

    The Indonesian government is currently studying the opportunities and challenges with regard to the making of a new bilateral trade deal with the USA. These efforts are a side-effect of US Vice President Mike Pence's recent visit to Indonesia when he signed 11 trade and investment deals worth a combined USD $10 billion.

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  • Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA) Summit in Indonesia

    Indonesian President Joko Widodo emphasized that the area around the Indian Ocean is the future of the world economy. He made this statement at the Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA) summit in the Jakarta Convention Center on Monday (06/03). This region, which has a 2.7 billion population in total (around 35 percent of the world population), already sees 70 percent of world trade go through the area and hence the Indian Ocean forms a key trade route, especially for the distribution of oil and gas.

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  • Trump's USA Leaves Trans-Pacific Deal, Room for Indonesia & China?

    As promised US President Donald Trump pulled the United States out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), an ambitious free trade deal that was signed in October 2015 (after five years of negotiating) and had created the world's largest free trade area (covering 12 countries and 40 percent of global trade). Trump's move to withdraw the USA from the TPP implies that he distances the USA from its Asian allies and gives China the opportunity to fill in the empty space that is left by America.

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  • World Economic Forum in Davos: Indonesia in a Protectionist World

    While political leaders, bankers and economists met in Davos (Switzerland) for the World Economic Forum (17-20 January 2017), Donald Trump was sworn in as the 45th US president in Washington. His speech was all about "America first", including a protectionist approach in trade, which Trump believes will lead to great prosperity and strength for the USA. Also in Europe anti-globalization sentiments are heard (such as the exit of Britain from the European Union). Most guests in Davos, on the contrary, favor higher global trade and worldwide economic participation.

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  • Dutch Trade Mission in Indonesia: Rutte Addressed Parliament

    Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte addressed Indonesian Parliament on Wednesday (23/11) in Jakarta. In his speech he praised Indonesia for rapid economic development that has been booked over the past decade and also touched on the sensitive subject of the colonial period. Rutte acknowledged that the Netherlands waited too long before apologizing (in 2005) for excessive violence that occurred shortly after the Second World War when the Dutch tried to reconquer their former colony.

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  • Netherlands Sends Trade Mission to Indonesia, Rutte Addresses Parliament

    On 23 November 2016 Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte will become the first Dutch prime minister to address Indonesian parliament. It is rare for foreign political leaders to speak to Indonesian parliament. Rutte's speech is part of a four-day Dutch trade mission program to Indonesia. Mark Rutte is accompanied by Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation Minister Lilianne Ploumen, Infrastructure and the Environment Minister Melanie Schultz van Haegen and Environment Minister Sharon Dijksma. In recent years the Netherlands and Indonesia have both been eager to enhance bilateral relations.

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  • G20 Summit & Indonesia: President Joko Widodo Speaks in Hangzhou

    At the G20 summit in Hangzhou (China) Indonesian President Joko Widodo urged the leaders of the 20 strongest economies, in particular leaders of the advanced economies, to curb protectionist measures (tariff and non-tariff barriers) as these measures entail negative consequences for emerging markets. Trade could be the engine of international economic growth. Protectionism, however, undermines the flow of trade and therefore blocks accelerated economic growth. Widodo made this statement on Monday (05/09) at the third session of the G20 summit in Hangzhou's International Expo Center.

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  • CSIS: Indonesia Benefits when Joining the Trans-Pacific Partnership

    The Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) believes that the economy of Indonesia will benefit if the government decides to participate in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) because this free trade deal would make the Indonesian economy more efficient and makes Indonesian exports more competitive. However, Philip Vermonte, Executive Director of CSIS, said a comprehensive study on the matter is yet to be carried out. Others remain concerned about a possible huge rise in imports into Indonesia if Southeast Asia's largest economy would join the TPP deal.

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  • Indonesia & Free Trade Agreements: Indonesia-EU CEPA, TPP & EFTA

    Indonesia is eager to enhance trade relations with Europe through the establishment of the Indonesia-European Union (EU) Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA). Thomas Lembong, Indonesia's Trade Minister, said joining this free trade deal will modernize and improve Indonesia's existing trade regulations. Joining the Indonesia-EU CEPA is the current top priority of the Indonesian government in terms of free trade deals. It aims to have reached an agreement with the EU by late-2017. Afterwards, Indonesia will seek to join the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and it also showed interest to join the European Free Trade Association (EFTA).

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  • Bank Dunia Menerbitkan Indonesia Economic Quarterly "Reformasi di Tengah Ketidakpastian"

    Hari ini, Bank Dunia menerbitkan edisi terbaru dari publikasi andalannya Indonesia Economic Quarterly berjudul “Reformasi di Tengah Ketidakpastian". Dalam edisi ini, lembaga yang bermarkas di Washington ini menyatakan bahwa kondisi global masih tetap tidak menguntungkan meskipun kondisi pasar keuangan telah stabil sejak Oktober. Sementara itu, Indonesia terkena dampak negatif dari kebakaran hutan dan kabut asap beracun akibat perbuatan manusia yang merugikan Indonesia kira-kira Rp 221 triliun (atau 1,9% dari produk domestik bruto negara ini) dalam waktu lima bulan.

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