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Berita Hari Ini Mining

  • Strong Debut Merdeka Copper Gold on Indonesia Stock Exchange

    Shares of Indonesian mining company Merdeka Copper Gold rose about 15 percent on its trading debut on Friday (19/06). The company, a subsidiary of Saratoga Capital, was the sixth company to conduct an initial public offering (IPO) on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) in 2015. Head of Finance and Corporate Secretary Ellie Turjandi said that Merdeka’s shares had been oversubscribed nearly 40 times during the public offering (11-15 June 2015), reflecting investors’ confidence even though the company has not yet begun production.

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  • Indonesia Opens Room for Bauxite Export, Nickel Ore to Follow?

    Indonesian miners may be allowed to resume bauxite exports after a government official signalled that the Indonesian government is looking at relaxing its (raw) mineral export ban. This ban, implemented in January 2014, was introduced in an effort to boost domestic processing capacity, generate more revenue (by adding value to its mineral products) and enhance employment opportunities in Southeast Asia’s largest economy. However, amid the lack of domestic smelting capacity, the export ban has led to a plunge of exports.

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  • Berita Batu Bara: Indonesia Berencana Menaikkan Royalti di Bulan Maret

    Ada berita buruk bagi perusahaan-perusahaan pertambangan batu bara di Indonesia. Pemerintah Indonesia berencana untuk menaikkan royalti batubara pada Maret 2015 dalam upaya untuk meningkatkan pendapatan dari sektor sumberdaya alam. Selain menaikkan royalti, Pemerintah juga akan melaksanakan sejumlah tindakan untuk meningkatkan pengawasan di sektor pertambangan batu bara (karena pengapalan batubara secara ilegal dan penghindaran pajak telah menjadi masalah besar). Rencana untuk meningkatkan hampir 100% royalti batubara diduga akan memberikan dampak sangat negatif bagi para penambang kecil dan perusahaan-perusahaan baru yang berfokus memproduksi batubara kalori rendah.

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  • Mining News Update: Indonesia May Delay Full Mineral Ore Export Ban

    The Indonesian Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources signaled that the government may (again) decide to postpone full implementation of its ban on exports of raw mineral ores and concentrates as the country still lacks sufficient smelting capacity to produce value-added mining products. Through this export ban, stipulated by the 2009 Mining Law, the Indonesian government aims to enhance revenue generation in the country’s natural resources sector by forcing miners to produce and export value-added products instead of raw materials.

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  • Mining in Indonesia: Government May Revoke Troubled Mining Permits

    Indonesia’s Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources may revoke the Mining Business Permit (Izin Usaha Pertambangan, or IUP) of 4,643 local mining companies at the end of January 2015 as these companies still lack the clean and clear certificate (CnC) from regional authorities. This CnC certificate indicates that the mining company has no outstanding royalty and other tax debts, fulfilled its exploration and environmental commitments, has no property delineation issues and obtained the necessary forestry permits.

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  • Indonesia Investments' Newsletter of 14 December 2014 Released

    On 14 December 2014, Indonesia Investments released the latest edition of its newsletter. This free newsletter, which is sent to our subscribers once per week, contains the most important news stories from Indonesia that have been reported on our website in the last seven days. Most of the topics involve economic matters such as the central bank’s interest rate policy, an update on palm oil, the middle income trap, November car sales, the performance of the rupiah exchange rate, legal matters regarding mining, and more.

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  • Strike at Freeport Indonesia’s Grasberg Mine May Support Global Copper Prices

    Due to a strike at Freeport Indonesia’s Grasberg mine in Papua, the company’s copper production has fallen by about a third thus leading to speculation that global copper prices may increase after having fallen almost ten percent in 2014. About one thousand workers of Freeport Indonesia have been on strike since the second week of October after a fatal accident at the end of last month. The workers request the sacking of around 50 managers at the subsidiary of US-based Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold.

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  • Coal Mining in Indonesia: Safeguarding Future Energy Sources

    Coal exports from Indonesia are expected to decline in the remainder of 2014 as the Indonesian government implemented a new licensing system for domestic coal miners - the ‘Listed Exporter’ status (Indonesian: Eksportir Terdaftar, ET) - per 1 October 2014 in an effort to optimize monitoring of the coal mining industry (illegal coal shipments from Indonesia form a structural problem). This new legal framework has led to confusion among miners causing that not all miners have been able to obtain the necessary status to resume coal shipments.

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  • Illegal Coal Shipments from Indonesia Form a Persistent Problem

    R. Sukhyar, Director General for Coal and Mineral Resources at the Indonesian Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, stated that the country is plagued by structural illegal coal shipments from coal-rich regions in Kalimantan and Sumatra. Sukhyar estimates that each year between 30 and 40 million tons of coal is exported illegally from Indonesia, Southeast Asia’s largest economy. Based on current coal prices, this would imply that USD $1.2 billion worth of coal is shipped illegally per year causing the government to miss out on royalties.

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  • Plantations Bill Indonesia: No Further Limit to Foreign Ownership

    Indonesia’s House of Representatives (DPR) has passed a new plantations bill that aims to maximize land usage and opens up Indonesia’s plantation sector to smallholders. However, the retroactive clause that would limit foreign ownership to a maximum of 30 percent (from 95 percent currently) was dropped from the final version. This clause was highly controversial and would have been a major obstacle for foreign companies engaged in Indonesia’s plantation sector (such as Golden Agri-Resources and Wilmar International).

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Artikel Terbaru Mining

  • Indonesian Mining Firm Aneka Tambang (Antam) Still in Troubled Waters

    New funds obtained from a rights issue and the revaluation of its assets will have a positive impact on Aneka Tambang (Antam), a diversified mining company in Indonesia. The miner, majority-owned by the Indonesian government, is engaged in all activities ranging from exploration, exploitation, processing, refining to the marketing of nickel ore, ferronickel, gold, silver, bauxite, coal and precious metals refining services. However, its corporate earnings remained disappointing so far in 2015.

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  • Corporate Earnings Reports Indonesian Companies First Quarter 2015

    A selection of corporate earnings reports (covering net profit and revenues in the first quarter of 2015) of Indonesian companies that are listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) is presented by Indonesia Investments below. The companies are categorized by sector: (1) agriculture and mining, (2) basic industry and chemicals, (3) miscellaneous industry, (4) consumer goods, (5) property and real estate, (6) infrastructure, utilities and transportation, (7) finance, and (8) trade, services and investment.

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  • Regulatory Uncertainty Plagues Indonesia’s Mining Sector Again

    One of the weak points of Indonesia, one that seriously hurts the country’s investment climate as well as foreign confidence, is regulatory uncertainty. In 2009 the government of Indonesia introduced Law No. 4/2009 on Mineral and Coal Mining (New Mining Law) which caused a shock in Indonesia’s natural resources sector as it includes several new policies that make investors think twice before investing in Indonesia as the consequences of these new policies are far-reaching. However, a possible new amendment to the law causes new concern.

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  • Laporan Pendapatan Perusahaan Indonesia Tahun Fiskal 2014

    Laporan-laporan pendapatan perusahaan yang dipilih (mencakup laba bersih dan pendapatan untuk tahun fiskal 2014) dari perusahaan-perusahaan Indonesia yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) disediakan di bawah ini. Perusahaan-perusaahaan ini dibagi dalam kategori sektor: (1) pertanian dan pertambangan, (2) industri dasar dan kimia, (3) macam-macam industri, (4) barang konsumsi, (5) properti dan real estate, (6) infrastruktur, peralatan dan transportasi, (7) keuangan, dan (8) perdagangan, jasa dan investasi.

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  • Indonesia Policy Easing Could Mean More Gold Production in 2015

    When we look at activity in the precious metals markets over the last decade, one of the biggest developing trends has been the increase in both demand and production output from emerging Asian economies. For most of this period, Indonesia has been participating with these trends - especially on the production output front. As recently as 2009, Indonesia was responsible for 130 tons worth of gold production, as mining activity becomes more efficient and increased investment resources flow into the country.

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  • Foreign Direct Investment in Indonesia Hit Record High in 2014

    The Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) announced that foreign and domestic direct investment realization in Indonesia totalled IDR 463.1 trillion (USD $37 billion) in 2014, a 16.2 percent increase from the previous year and exceeding the target that was set previously. This is a positive result as 2014 was expected to be a rather bleak year in terms of direct investment amid political uncertainties triggered by the (fragmented results) of the country’s legislative and presidential elections.

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  • Mining Indonesia | Introduction and Overview

    Mining in Indonesia includes a part or all stages of coal and mineral exploration and exploitation. Minerals are defined by law number 4 of 2009 on Mineral and Coal Mining (“Mining Law”) as inorganic compounds which possess specific characteristics and compositions in the form of ores. Coal is defined as sediment of organic carbon which is naturally formed from plants. Mining in Indonesia does not include any activities related to exploration and exploitation of geothermal, oil and gas and ground water.

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  • Indonesia’s Quest for Energy Security: 25 Geothermal Projects Tendered

    The Indonesian government plans to tender 25 new geothermal development sites with a total combined capacity of 1,225 megawatt (MW). These 25 projects will require a total of USD $4.6 billion worth of investments and help to achieve the government’s target to raise the portion of geothermal energy in the country’s energy mix to 7.1 percent by 2025. These 25 projects are in addition to the 31 geothermal development projects that are currently being constructed and which should be operational by 2020.

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  • Without Exploration Indonesia Turns into Net Energy Importer by 2019

    Indonesia is facing the risk of becoming a net importer of energy by 2019 as the nation’s energy demand will reach 6.19 million barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd) whereas the domestic energy supply will only reach 6.04 million boepd by that year. Provided that the economy of Indonesia remains expanding at a pace of +5 percent (year-on-year) while investments in energy exploration do not rise accordingly, Southeast Asia’s largest economy will become dependent on foreign energy supplies.

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  • Corporate Earnings Reports Indonesian Companies in First 9 Months 2014

    Indonesia Investments presents a selection of corporate earnings reports (covering the first 9 months of 2014) of Indonesian companies that are listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), categorized by sector: (1) agriculture and mining, (2) basic industry and chemicals, (3) miscellaneous industry, (4) consumer goods, (5) property and real estate, (6) infrastructure, utilities and transportation, (7) finance, and (8) trade, services and investment. The tables display both net profit (loss) and revenues, together with year-on-year (yoy) growth.

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