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Berita Hari Ini Coal

  • Buletin Berita Indonesia Investments 15 Maret 2015 Diterbitkan

    Pada 15 Maret 2015, Indonesia Investments menerbitkan edisi terbaru dari newsletternya. Newsletter gratis ini, yang dikirim kepada para pelanggan sekali setiap minggunya, memuat berita-berita paling penting dari Indonesia yang telah dilaporkan di website kami di tujuh hari terakhir. Kebanyakan topik membahas isu-isu ekonomi seperti analisis performa rupiah, prediksi neraca perdagangan Februari 2015, pemasukan dari industri batubara Indonesia, industri makanan dan minuman olahan, jalan tol Trans-Sumatra, dan banyak lagi.

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  • Pendapatan Usaha Tambang Batubara Turun karena Harga Rendah

    Pendapatan perusahaan-perusahaan pertambangan batubara yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) secara umum menurun pada 2014. Ini menjadi bukti bahwa industri batubara, yang merupakan bisnis yang menguntungkan pada tahun 2000an (hingga 2011), masih mengalami perlambatan karena masalah-masalah ekonomi global. Ekonomi global yang bergerak lambat menyebabkan permintaan yang rendah bagi komoditi-komoditi seperti batubara dan minyak sawit mentah (dua penghasil devisa penting di Indonesia). Perlambatan pertumbuhan ekonomi di Republik Rakyat Tionghoa (RRT) khususnya mengkhawatirkan.

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  • Indonesia Investments' Newsletter of 1 March 2015 Released

    On 1 March 2015, Indonesia Investments released the latest edition of its newsletter. This free newsletter, which is sent to our subscribers once per week, contains the most important news stories from Indonesia that have been reported on our website in the last seven days. Most of the topics involve economic matters such as a forecast for February inflation, an analysis of the rupiah exchange rate, news from the coal mining and palm oil sectors, Islamic finance, the IPO of Mitra Keluarga Karyasehat, and more.

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  • Berita Batu Bara: Indonesia Berencana Menaikkan Royalti di Bulan Maret

    Ada berita buruk bagi perusahaan-perusahaan pertambangan batu bara di Indonesia. Pemerintah Indonesia berencana untuk menaikkan royalti batubara pada Maret 2015 dalam upaya untuk meningkatkan pendapatan dari sektor sumberdaya alam. Selain menaikkan royalti, Pemerintah juga akan melaksanakan sejumlah tindakan untuk meningkatkan pengawasan di sektor pertambangan batu bara (karena pengapalan batubara secara ilegal dan penghindaran pajak telah menjadi masalah besar). Rencana untuk meningkatkan hampir 100% royalti batubara diduga akan memberikan dampak sangat negatif bagi para penambang kecil dan perusahaan-perusahaan baru yang berfokus memproduksi batubara kalori rendah.

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  • Indonesia Investments' Newsletter of 25 January 2015 Released

    On 25 January 2015, Indonesia Investments released the latest edition of its newsletter. This free newsletter, which is sent to our subscribers once per week, contains the most important news stories from Indonesia that have been reported on our website in the last seven days. Most of the topics involve economic matters such as the impact of the Eurozone’s quantitative easing program on Indonesia’s stocks and currency, the global challenges that are being faced by Indonesia, an infrastructure update, international relations, and more.

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  • Challenges to the Indonesian Economy: Global Oil Price & US Normalization

    Governor of Indonesia’s central bank (Bank Indonesia) Agus Martowardojo said that there are two main global challenges that are being faced by Southeast Asia’s largest economy and which can impact negatively on the nation’s economy. These challenges are the low global oil prices (which have fallen below USD $50 per barrel) and the monetary policy normalization of the US Federal Reserve amid the structural economic recovery of the USA. This policy involves higher US interest rates (expected in the second half of 2015) and a bullish US dollar.

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  • News from Indonesia’s Coal Mining Industry: Production & Export

    Bob Kamandanu, Chairman of the Indonesian Coal Mining Association (APBI), advises the government of Indonesia to cut the country’s coal production by about 50 million tons and cap coal exports at 300 million tons in 2015 in an effort to boost global coal prices which are currently touching an eight-year low amid the sluggish global economy (particularly weakening coal demand from China) in combination with a coal oversupply. Indonesia is the world’s leading exporter of thermal coal which is primarily used in electricity generation.

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  • Global Economy: Commodity Prices under Pressure

    After the World Bank released a rather gloomy forecast for global economic growth on Tuesday (13/01) while crude oil prices continue to fall, global commodity prices have become under pressure on Wednesday’s trading day. In its latest Global Economic Prospects report, the World Bank said that the global economy will grow 3 percent year-on-year (y/y) in 2015, down from its previous estimate of 3.4 percent (y/y). Its growth forecast for economic growth in 2016 was also revised down from 3.5 percent (y/y) to 3.3 percent.

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  • Indonesia Investments' Newsletter of 11 January 2015 Released

    On 11 January 2015, Indonesia Investments released the latest edition of its newsletter. This free newsletter, which is sent to our subscribers once per week, contains the most important news stories from Indonesia that have been reported on our website in the last seven days. Most of the topics involve economic matters such as the performance of Indonesian stocks and the rupiah, an update on palm oil and coal, Indonesia’s subsidized fuel policy, but also topics such as flight schedule violations and Islamic radicalism.

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  • Indonesia Investments' Newsletter of 30 November 2014 Released

    On 30 November 2014, Indonesia Investments released the latest edition of its newsletter. This free newsletter, which is sent to our subscribers once per week, contains the most important news stories from Indonesia that have been reported on our website in the last seven days. Most of the topics involve economic matters such as the country’s revised inflation outlook, participation in the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, updates on palm oil and coal, car sales, Jokowi’s development targets, and more.

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Artikel Terbaru Coal

  • After Lebaran Holiday Indonesia's Main Stock Index Starts in the Red

    After its one-week holiday, Indonesia's main stock index (IHSG) started in negative territory. The index fell 0.93 percent to 4,597.78 on Monday (12/08) with the country's miscellaneous industry sector and the consumer goods sector leading the fall. It is interesting to note that most Indonesian mining companies showed significantly rising share prices as prices of mining commodities are expected to increase. According to Morgan Stanley, coal imports to India will grow while the global coal price has already reached its lowest point.

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  • Indonesia Consumes more Electricity but Investments still Needed

    State-owned electricity provider Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) stated that consumption of electricity in Indonesia grew 7.2 percent to 90,48 terawatt hour (twh) in the first six months of 2013 compared to the same period last year. Head of PLN's Commercial Division, Benny Marbun, explained that Indonesia's industrial sector particularly consumed more electricity. Although industrial customers of PLN only grew by 4.5 percent in Semester 1-2013 (YoY), industrial electricity consumption grew 8.3 percent (YoY).

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  • Indonesia Intends to Increase Trade with Several European Countries

    Indonesia already is a strong trade partner to a number of countries in Europe. Based on data released by Indonesia's Ministry of Trade, the Netherlands and Spain are two European countries that import a considerable amount of Indonesian products and thus are important contributors to Indonesia's trade surplus in the non oil & gas sector. But other European nations, such as Germany and Russia, pressure Indonesia's trade surplus. It indicates that, despite the wide distance, Indonesia and Europe have a close and valuable trade relationship.

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  • Indonesia's Trade Balance Reports Another Trade Deficit in April

    Indonesia's trade balance recorded another deficit in April 2013 as imports (USD $16.31 billion) exceeded exports (USD $14.70 billion). April's trade deficit, amounting to USD $1.62 billion, was mainly due to continued weak commodity exports in combination with strong oil, basic machinery and utensils imports. After five consecutive months of deficits up to February, Indonesia’s trade account reported a surplus of USD $330 million in March, but fell back into deficit in April. From January to April, Indonesia's trade deficit stands at USD $1.85 billion.

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  • Forecasts for Indonesia's Coal Output and Export are Revised up for 2013

    The chairman of the Indonesia Coal Mining Association said that Indonesia's coal exports are expected to increase from 310 million tons in 2012 to 330 million tons in 2013, a 6.5 percent increase. Coal producers have been facing a tough period since July 2008 when global coal demand weakened and triggered volatile - but mostly declining - coal prices ever since. Coal demand from China and India, however, is expected to increase this year.

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