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Berita Hari Ini Inflation

  • Jakarta Composite Index Expected to Show Better Performance in 2014

    Various analysts believe that the benchmark stock index of Indonesia (the Jakarta Composite Index or IHSG) can make a good jump in 2014 to the level of between 5,000 to 5,300 points (from 4,182 currently) despite the looming end of the Federal Reserve's quantitative easing program (QE3) which may result in temporary capital outflow from Indonesia's capital markets. The analysts believe that positive internal developments will provide solid support for the IHSG. These developments include the trade balance, rupiah exchange rate and general elections.

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  • Realized Investment in Indonesia in 2013 Will Exceed Target of the BKPM

    Head of the Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM), Mahendra Siregar, is optimistic that total realized investments in Indonesia will exceed the target that is set for this year. The BKPM, a government institution, aims for investments worth of IDR 390 trillion (USD $32.5 billion) in 2013 and IDR 470 trillion (USD $39.2 billion) in 2014. Siregar is optimistic because many investors, particularly from Japan and the USA, are committed to engage in business expansion at the end of this year as well as next year.

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  • Bank Indonesia: Indonesia's Interest Rate (BI Rate) Stays at 7.50%

    In Bank Indonesia's Board of Governors' meeting - held on Thursday (12/12) - it was decided to keep the country's benchmark interest rate (BI rate) at 7.50 percent. Executive Director of Bank Indonesia's Communication Department Difi A. Johansyah said that the current rate of 7.50 percent is in line with the institution's inflation target of 4.5 percent (plus or minus one percent). The lending facility and deposite facility (Fasbi) rates are also maintained at 7.5 percent and 5.75 percent respectively.

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  • Developing Asia Growth Outlook Steady as Industrial Economies Firm

    An improving economic growth outlook in both Japan and the USA paired with stronger-than- expected growth in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) support a steady growth outlook for developing Asia, says a new Asian Development Bank (ADB) report. The Asian Development Outlook Supplement, released on Wednesday (11/12), forecasts growth of 6.0 percent in 2013 for ADB’s 45 developing member countries, improving to 6.2 percent in 2014. The forecasts are unchanged from the Asian Development Outlook Update issued in October.

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  • Indonesia's Domestic Consumption Will Grow in the Next 5 to 10 Years

    Indonesia's domestic consumption is expected to continue its steady growth in the next five to 10 years as Indonesia's rapidly expanding middle class is becoming increasingly consumptive and eager to follow the latest trends (purchasing the latest trendy products). This expanding middle class is the result of robust economic growth in Southeast Asia's largest economy. Although currently slowing, the country's annual gross domestic product growth has reached an average of almost 6 percent since 2005.

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  • OECD: Strong Growth in Indonesia but Takes Time to be High-Income Economy

    The latest report of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), titled "Structural Policy Challenges in Indonesia", mentions that Indonesia - with an annual GDP growth projection of about 6 percent - is estimated to be the country with the highest level of economic growth among the ASEAN countries between 2014 and 2018. The report is positive about the region's economic future that lies ahead, particularly China, despite the global crisis having managed to slow down economic expansion.

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  • Bank Indonesia: November Inflation and October Trade Balance Improving

    Inflation in November 2013 continued to show a decelerating trend at 0.12 percent (month-to-month) or 8.37 percent (year-on-year). Although higher compared to October 2013 inflation (0.09 percent), November inflation was lower than its historical pattern in the last five years. The low inflation rate was influenced by deflation in the volatile food group with deflation of 0.57 percent (mtm), a result of the correction in chilli prices, especially in Java and eastern region of Indonesia as well as the decline in the chicken meat price in almost all areas of Indonesia.

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  • Newsflash: November Inflation 0.12%, Export Grows 6.87% in October

    Today (02/12), Statistics Indonesia (BPS) announced that Indonesian inflation was recorded at 0.12 percent in November 2013. Suryamin, Head of BPS, said that the price movements of basic needs, including rice and chili, were under control in November, while other components, such as groceries and clothing, in fact recorded deflation. Compared to the month November in previous years, the 0.12 inflation rate is limited. In November 2012, inflation was recorded at 0.34 percent. Indonesia's year-on-year inflation rate now stands at 8.37 percent.

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  • Martowardojo: Indonesian Inflation Limited in November 2013

    Agus Martowardojo, Governor of Bank Indonesia, expects Indonesia's November inflation rate to be modest at 0.05 to 0.1 percent (month-to-month). If Martowardojo's expection will be met then it means that inflation in Southeast Asia's largest economy is under control as November would be the third consecutive month of low inflation (or deflation). Inflation had accelerated significantly since June 2013 after the government raised prices of subsidized fuels and might reach 9 percent (yoy) by the end of 2013.

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  • Indonesia's Depreciating Rupiah Rate Continues its Downward Spiral

    The Indonesian rupiah continued its downward spiral on Monday morning (25/11). The central bank's mid rate fell 0.14 percent to IDR 11,722 per US dollar. Last week, the rupiah fell amid negative market sentiments brought on by the result of the Federal Reserve's FOMC meeting. The result seems to indicate that it will not take long before the quantitative easing program will be wound down. Contrary to the Australian dollar as well as the Indian rupee, news about the forthcoming financial reformation in China is unable to the support the rupiah.

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Artikel Terbaru Inflation

  • Apakah Bank Indonesia Memiliki Ruang untuk Memotong Suku Bunga Acuannya?

    Karena tingkat inflasi Indonesia telah menurun menjadi 6,25% pada basis year-on-year (y/y) pada bulan Oktober 2015 dari 6,83% (y/y) di bulan sebelumnya, dan karena inflasi Indonesia akan semakin menurun secara mencolok di dua bulan terakhir tahun 2015 yang disebabkan oleh menghilangnya dampak dari kenaikan harga bahan bakar bersubsidi pada November 2014, bank sentral Indonesia (Bank Indonesia) tampaknya memiliki ruang untuk memotong suku bunga acuannya yang relatif tinggi saat ini, sehingga memungkinkan akselerasi aktivitas ekonomi.

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  • World Bank Releases October 2015 Indonesia Economic Quarterly

    Today (22/10), the World Bank released the October 2015 edition of its flagship Indonesia Economic Quarterly, titled "In Times of Global Volatility". In the report the World Bank states that despite current ongoing global uncertainties (caused by looming monetary tightening in the USA and China's economic slowdown), which make macroeconomic management difficult in the year ahead, pro-active government action could offset the negative impact and may help to boost growth.

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  • Studying Abroad More Expensive for Indonesians as Rupiah Weakens

    Indonesia's heavily depreciated rupiah makes it more difficult for Indonesians to study abroad or to send their children to universities abroad without having the financial aid in the form of a scholarship. For those that are thinking of making such a decision, they need to take into account the performance of the Indonesian rupiah as well as the inflation outlook in the country of destination. So far in 2015, the Indonesian rupiah has depreciated 18 percent against the US dollar, 9 percent against the euro, 14 percent against China's yuan, and 2.4 percent against the Australian dollar.

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  • Bank Indonesia Press Release: BI Rate Held at 7.50% in September

    The central bank of Indonesia announced on Thursday (17/09) that it the country’s key interest rate (BI rate) at 7.50 percent, while maintaining the deposit facility rate at 5.50 percent and the lending facility rate at 8.00 percent. According to Bank Indonesia (BI) this decision is consistent with its efforts to push inflation towards the target corridor of 4±1 percent in both 2015 and 2016. In addition, the decision is also part of Bank Indonesia’s measures to anticipate possibilities of a Fed Fund Rate (FFR) hike.

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  • Statistik Indonesia: Kemiskinan di Indonesia Meningkat akibat Inflasi Tinggi

    Jumlah orang miskin di Indonesia meningkat. Menurut data terakhir dari Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS), yang diterbitkan hari ini (15/09), ada 28,59 juta orang miskin di Indonesia pada bulan Maret 2015, setara dengan 11,22% dari total penduduk Indonesia. Pada September 2014 persentase penduduk miskin di Indonesia mencapai 10,96% dari penduduk Indonesia, atau 27,73 juta orang. Maka dalam jangka waktu 5 bulan, jumlah penduduk miskin Indonesia naik sebesar 860.000 orang. BPS menerbitkan data dari persentase kemiskinan negara ini dua kali setiap tahunnya yaitu pada bulan Maret dan bulan September.

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  • Inflasi Agustus Indonesia Menurun, Manufaktur Berkontraksi untuk Sebelas Bulan Berturut-turut

    Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) mengumumkan hari ini (01/09) bahwa inflasi Indonesia telah sedikit menurun menjadi 7,18% pada basis year-on-year (y/y) di Agustus 2015, dari 7,26% (y/y) di bulan sebelumnya. Pada basis month-on-month, inflasi naik 0,39% di bulan Agustus, di bawah perkiraan para analis. Sementara itu, sektor manufaktur Indonesia terus berkontraksi di bulan Agustus, meskipun kondisinya membaik dibandingkan bulan sebelumnya.

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  • Press Release Bank Indonesia: BI Rate Held at 7.50% in August 2015

    During Bank Indonesia’s Board of Governors it was decided on 18th August 2015 to hold the BI Rate at 7.50 percent, while maintaining the Deposit Facility rate at 5.50 percent and the Lending Facility rate at 8.00 percent. The decision is consonant with efforts to control inflation within the target corridor of 4±1 percent in 2015 and 2016. In the short term, Bank Indonesia (BI) is focused on efforts to stabilize the rupiah amid uncertainty in the global economy, by optimizing monetary operations in the rupiah and the foreign exchange market.

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  • Update Inflasi Indonesia: Tekanan Musiman Meningkat di Bulan Juni

    Bank sentral Indonesia (Bank Indonesia) memprediksi kenaikan inflasi di bulan Juni dan Juli karena perayaan Ramadan dan Idul Fitri, kemungkinan dampak fenomena cuaca El Nino, dan tahun ajaran baru. Bank Indonesia memprediksi akan ada inflasi 0,66% pada basis month-to-month (m/m) di bulan Juni 2015, yang terutama didorong oleh harga bahan pangan yang tidak stabil (fenomena normal menjelang Idul Fitri). Pada basis year-on-year (y/y), inflasi Indonesia diprediksi untuk meningkat menjadi 7,40%, dari 7,15% di bulan Mei.

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  • Stocks & Rupiah Indonesia Update: Weak Performance Past Week

    Most stock markets and currencies in Southeast Asia weakened on Friday (29/05), including Indonesia’s benchmark Jakarta Composite Index and the rupiah. The Jakarta Composite Index fell 0.40 percent to 5,216.38 points, while the rupiah depreciated 0.01 percent to IDR 13,224 per US dollar according to the Bloomberg Dollar Index. Over the past week, Indonesian stocks and the rupiah weakened primarily due to the Greek debt crisis, looming higher US interest rates and the lack of positive domestic factors.

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  • Rupiah & Saham Melemah Menjelang Pertemuan Kebijakan Bank Indonesia

    Para investor jelas sedang menunggu hasil-hasil dari Pertemuan Dewan Gubernur Bank Indonesia yang diadakan pada hari ini (19/05). Dalam pertemuan kebijakan ini, bank sentral Indonesia akan memutuskan pendekatan moneternya. Bagi banyak pelaku pasar, merupakan hal yang penting dan krusial untuk mempelajari apakah Bank Indonesia akan menyesuaikan kebijakan suku bunganya dalam rangka mendukung pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia (yang telah mencapai kecepatan terlambat dalam lima tahun terakhir di kuartal 1 tahun 2015).

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