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Berita Hari Ini Commodities

  • Sales of Trucks in Indonesia Continued to Decline in January

    Sales of trucks in Indonesia fell 30.2 percent year-on-year (y/y) to 5,555 units in January 2016 from 7,918 units in the same month one year earlier. This weaker sales figure indicates that the market for trucks in Indonesia remains subdued. According to the latest data from the Indonesian Automotive Industry Association (Gaikindo), sales of all types of trucks fell with the exception of heavy trucks. Heavy trucks, used for mining, agriculture and infrastructure development, rose slightly to 518 units in January 2016.

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  • Demand for Indonesian Crude Palm Oil Fell in January 2016

    Again, crude palm oil (CPO) shipments from Indonesia - the world's largest CPO producer and exporter - declined. Based on the latest data from the Indonesian Palm Oil Producers Association (Gapki), palm oil exports from Indonesia fell 16 percent on a month-on-month (m/m) basis to 2.1 million tons in January 2016. This decline was mainly caused by falling palm oil demand from the key export countries China and India.

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  • Indonesia's 2017 Mineral Ore Export Ban to Be Reviewed

    Again there has emerged speculation that Indonesia may not fully implement its ban on exports of concentrates (partially processed metals) in 2017. This controversial ban, part of the country's 2009 Mining Law, aims to boost domestic processing facilities and reduce the country's dependence on raw commodity exports. The ban was originally implemented in January 2014. However, as there was insufficient domestic smelting capacity full implementation would imply a huge revenue loss. Therefore, concentrate exports were allowed to resume (until 2017) provided exporters pay higher taxes, royalties and provide evidence that they are committed to develop smelters.

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  • Apa Dampak Perlambatan Ekonomi Cina pada Indonesia?

    Gejolak ekonomi yang telah mendorong pertumbuhan Republik Rakyat Tiongkok (RRT) ke level terendah dalam 25 tahun terakhir telah berdampak langsung pada Indonesia karena RRT adalah mitra dagang utama Indonesia. Kekuatiran akan perlambatan ekonomi RRT (dan dampak perlambatan ini pada ekonomi dunia) bertahan pada tahun 2016 karena Caixin/Markit Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) menurun selama 10 bulan berturut-turut di Desember 2015 (di 48,2), sedangkan pembacaan jasa layanan untuk bulan Desember turun ke level terendah dalam 17 bulan terakhir (50,2).

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  • Rupiah Indonesia Menguat Tajam Kendati Proyeksi Pesimis

    Rupiah Indonesia menguat secara signifikan terhadap dollar Amerika Serikat (AS) pada hari Senin (21/12) kendati ada prediksi bahwa rupiah akan menjadi mata uang dengan performa terburuk di Asia pada tahun 2016 akibat capital outflows (karena suku bunga AS direncanakan akan semakin dinaikkan pada tahun 2016), cadangan devisa Indonesia yang menurun, dan harga-harga komoditi yang terus-menerus rendah. Berdasarkan pada Bloomberg Dollar Index, rupiah telah menguat 1,13% menjadi Rp 13.760 per dollar AS pada pukul 14:20 Waktu Indonesia Barat (WIB) pada hari Senin (21/12).

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  • Harga Minyak Mencapai Level Terendah Selama 11 Tahun, Batubara & Gas Tertekan

    Meskipun musim dingin telah tiba, harga minyak dunia masih menurun. Hari ini (21/12), harga minyak mentah Brent jatuh ke level terendah sejak 2004 karena kekuatiran yang berkelanjutan tentang berlimpahnya suplai global karena Energy Information Administration melaporkan bahwa suplai minyak mentah AS naik 4,8 juta barel menjadi 490,7 juta pada minggu kedua bulan Desember, sementara tingkat produksi OPEC mencapai 31,7 juta barel per hari (bph) pada bulan November 2015. Sementara itu, permintaan minyak diperkirakan akan turun di tahun 2016. Sebagai contoh, konsumsi minyak di AS diperkirakan akan turun menjadi 1,2 juta bph tahun depan, dari 1,8 bph pada tahun 2015.

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  • Apindo: Indonesia Mungkin Mengalami Pertumbuhan Ekonomi 5.5% di 2016

    Asosiasi Pengusaha Indonesia (Apindo) optimis bahwa pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia akan mencapai 5,5% pada basis year-on-year (y/y) di 2016, angka yang lebih tinggi dari proyeksi yang ditetapkan Pemerintah Pusat dan bank sentral. Optimisme Apindo berdasarkan pada prediksi bahwa investasi publik dan swasta akan meningkat tahun depan karena iklim investasi yang membaik di negara dengan ekonomi terbesar di Asia Tenggara ini, yang disebabkan oleh serangkaian paket stimulus ekonomi yang diumumkan Pemerintah di beberapa bulan terakhir dan juga stabilitas politik dan sosial.

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  • Agricultural Commodities: Indonesia Highly Dependent on Soybean Imports

    More than 60 percent of Indonesia's soybean consumption still needs to be imported from abroad. To reduce its dependence on soybean imports Indonesia's Agriculture Ministry aims to enhance domestic soybean production. For this reason soybeans have been included in the government's list of strategic food commodities (other examples are rice, sugar and corn), meaning these food items get special attention from the government. The Agriculture Ministry targets to see the production of 1.5 million tons of soybean in 2016, up from an expected 920,000 tons this year. Meanwhile, Indonesian soybean demand in 2015 is estimated to reach 2.3 million tons.

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  • Economy of Indonesia: GDP Growth Slows to 4.67% y/y in Q2-2015

    Statistics Indonesia (BPS) announced today (05/08) that the Indonesian economy grew 4.67 percent (y/y) in the second quarter of 2015, the slowest pace since 2009. However, the result was in line with expectation. Most analysts assumed that economic growth would continue to slow as there has been no rebound in global commodity prices, interest rates remained high, people’s purchasing power weakened, government spending remained problematic, companies Q2-2015 earnings reports were not too good, and manufacturing contracted.

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  • Cuaca di Indonesia: El Nino Berdampak pada Komoditi Agrikultur di 2015?

    Semakin kuat dugaan bahwa fenomena cuaca El Nino akan berdampak pada Indonesia dalam beberapa bulan mendatang. Selama beberapa minggu terakhir ini muncul beberapa laporan mengenai cuaca kering yang ganjil dan memberikan dampak negatif pada panen dan komoditi agrikultur di sejumlah wilayah Asia Tenggara. Di Indonesia, cuaca kering pada umumnya terjadi dari bulan Mei sampai Agustus. Meskipun begitu, El Nino mungkin menyebabkan cuaca yang lebih hangat dan memperpanjang musim kering sampai September dan karenanya mempengaruhi produksi di puncak musim panen. Hal ini akan mengurangi hasil produksi agrikultur dan menyebabkan tekanan inflasi.

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Artikel Terbaru Commodities

  • Indonesia Financial Market Update: Indonesia's Current Account Deficit

    Currently, one of Indonesia's main financial issues (and one which puts serious pressures on the Indonesian rupiah exchange rate) is the country's wide current account deficit. According to data from Statistics Indonesia, Indonesia's current account deficit totaled USD $8.4 billion in the third quarter of 2013. This figure is equivalent to a whopping 3.8 percent of Indonesia's gross domestic product (GDP). Generally, a current account deficit that exceeds 2.5 percent of GDP is considered unsustainable.

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  • The Netherlands Sends Largest Ever Trade Mission to Indonesia

    This week, a group of Dutch politicians and businessmen, led by prime minister Mark Rutte, will pay a four day visit to Indonesia. The aim of the visit is to smoothen bilateral relations and search for business opportunities between both countries. This Dutch group, which includes more than one hundred Dutch company delegates, forms the largest Dutch trade delegation that has visited Southeast Asia's biggest economy in the modern history. However, relations between the Netherlands and Indonesia are still complex today.

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  • Update Indonesian Economy: Economic Growth and Financial Stability

    Despite rising concerns about the slowing pace of the Indonesian economy, the deputy minister of Finance Bambang Brodjonegoro reminded investors that Indonesia's economic growth in the third quarter of 2013 still constitutes one of the highest growth rates around the globe. Economic expansion in Q3-2013 slid to 5.6% in Southeast Asia's largest economy. With the exception of China (7.8% GDP growth in Q3-2013), Indonesia's growth continues to outpace growth in other emerging markets, such as Brazil (3.3%) and Turkey (4%).

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  • Indonesian Economic and Financial Update: Challenges in October

    ICRA Indonesia, an independent credit rating agency and subsidiary of ICRA Ltd. (associate of Moody's Investors Service), publishes a monthly newsletter which provides an update on the financial and economic developments in Indonesia of the last month. In the October 2013 edition, a number of important issues that are monitored include Indonesia's inflation rate, the trade balance, the current account deficit, the IDR rupiah exchange rate, and gross domestic product (GDP) growth. Below is an excerpt:

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  • Analysis of Indonesia’s 5.62% Economic Growth Rate (GDP) in Q3-2013

    Indonesia will most likely not meet its original GDP growth target of 6.3 percent (stipulated in the 2013 State Budget). Yesterday (06/11), it was announced by Statistics Indonesia that Indonesia’s GDP growth figure in the third quarter of 2013 was recorded at 5.62 percent (year-on-year, yoy), the weakest quarterly growth figure since 2009 when the global financial crisis impacted on Southeast Asia’s largest economy. In 2013, Indonesia feels the global impact again, in combination with domestic factors.

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  • Deflation or Inflation in September? Bank Indonesia vs Statistics Indonesia

    Indonesia's central bank, Bank Indonesia, expects deflation of about 0.9 percent in September 2013. Statistics Indonesia, on the other hand, believes there will be limited inflation this month. Both institutions agree, however, on a forecast of at least 9 percent of inflation over full-year 2013. The bank's September forecast is based on a survey that was conducted in the second week of September. This survey showed that food commodities and government administered prices eased.

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  • World is Waiting for Outcome of the FOMC Meeting; IHSG falls 0.10%

    World is Waiting for Outcome of the FOMC Meeting; IHSG falls 0.10%

    After a strong performance yesterday, the Jakarta Composite Index (IHSG) fell 0.10 percent to 4,517.62 points on Tuesday (17/09). Part of the investor community grabbed their chance to engage in profit taking after yesterday's gain but most investors are careful and reluctant to make any major decision prior to the result of the Federal Reserve's FOMC meeting (17-18 September). It is expected that after this meeting there will be more clarity about the future of the Fed's quantitative easing program.

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  • Plan to Increase Revenues from Indonesia's Coal Sector may Backfire

    Concerns have arisen over the government's plan to increase royalties and export duties for coal. The Indonesian Coal Mining Association (APBI) expects that this policy will lead to the closure of various coal miners while increasing acts of illegal mining. According to Bob Kamandanu, chairman of the APBI, 60 million tons of coal per year is not listed by any authority and thus can be labeled 'illegal'. Illegal coal mining also implies that the Indonesian government misses out on about IDR 5.6 trillion (USD $495.6 million) per year.

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  • Fitch Ratings: Major Indonesian Banks Resilient Against Market Turmoil

    According to global credit rating and research agency Fitch Ratings, Indonesia's major banks are robust against the rupiah currency slide due to their low unhedged foreign currency exposure, strong loss-absorption cushions and - in some cases - foreign ownership. The slowdown in the economy will weigh on these (rated) banks' operating environment, but is unlikely to damage their credit profiles to any great extent. Below we provide Fitch Ratings' report. This report can also be accessed on their website.

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  • Current Account Deficit of Indonesia Expected to Ease to 2.5% of GDP

    Indonesia's current account deficit, which caused much alarm among the investor community, is expected to ease to about 2.5 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) in the second half of 2013. This assumption is supported by Indonesia's central bank and various analysts. The country's current account deficit reached USD $9.8 billion or 4.4 percent of GDP in Q2-2013. In combination with the weakening rupiah, higher inflation and the possible end to the Federal Reserve's quantitative easing program, investors have been pulling money out of Indonesia.

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Bisnis Terkait Commodities