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Berita Hari Ini China

  • Paket Kebijakan Bank Indonesia untuk Mengamankan Stabilitas Rupiah & Memperkuat Manajemen

    Setelah Pemerintah Indonesia mengumumkan paket kebijakan ekonomi yang kedua pada hari Selasa (29/09), bank sentral (Bank Indonesia) mengikuti dengan mengeluarkan paket stabilisasi nilai tukar rupiah pada hari Rabu (30/09). Paket Bank Indonesia ini memiliki tiga pilar utama: (1) mengamankan stabilitas nilai tukar rupiah, (2) memperkuat manajemen likuiditas rupiah, dan (3) memperkuat manajemen penawaran dan permintaan mata uang asing.

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  • Update Saham & Rupiah Indonesia: Mengakhiri Kuartal yang Lemah dengan Angka Lebih Tinggi

    Kebanyakan indeks saham Asia menguat pada hari Rabu, dipimpin oleh Indeks Nikkei 225 di Jepang yang naik 2,70% karena prediksi akan adanya tindakan-tindakan stimulus dari Pemerintah. Sementara itu, Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) naik 1,09% menjadi 4.223,91 poin karena didukung oleh indeks-indeks saham yang naik di wilayah ini. Sementara itu, rupiah menguat 0,26% menjadi Rp 14.653 per dollar Amerika Serikat (Bloomberg Dollar Index).

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  • Perjalanan ‘Roller Coaster’ Saham & Rupiah Indonesia. Apa yang Terjadi Hari Ini?

    Saham-saham Indonesia mengalami sebuah perjalanan ‘roller coaster’ pada hari Selasa (29/09). Setelah waktu pembukaan, Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) jatuh lebih dari 2% mendekati level terendah selama tiga tahun terakhir. Kendati begitu, indeks ini berhasil ditutup pada 4.178,41 poin dalam perdagangan hari ini, naik 1,41%. Sementara itu, rupiah berhasil memotong kerugiannya. Berdasarkan Bloomberg Dollar Index, rupiah melewati batas Rp 14.800 per dollar Amerika Serikat (AS) beberapa kali namun pada akhir hari hanya melemah 0,11% menjadi Rp 14.691 per dollar AS.

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  • Update Pasar Indonesia: Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan Jatuh, Rupiah Menguat

    Indeks-indeks saham di Asia menunjukkan hasil yang bercampur antara baik dan buruk di hari perdagangan pertama minggu ini. Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) jatuh 2,11% menjadi 4.120,50 poin (terendah dalam dua tahun terakhir), sementara rupiah (secara tidak terduga) menguat 0,13% menjadi Rp 14.674 per dollar Amerika Serikat (AS) menurut Bloomberg Dollar Index. Sementara itu, pasar-pasar Eropa turun setelah dibuka pada hari Senin (28/09). Apa yang mempengaruhi pasar hari ini?

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  • Pelemahan Saham & Rupiah Indonesia karena Data Cina dan Amerika Serikat

    Setelah dibuka pada hari Senin (28/09), saham Indonesia jatuh dengan cepat di tengah pasar-pasar Asia yang performanya mixed. Faktor utama yang menyebabkan beberapa pasar Asia jatuh adalah menurunnya keuntungan industri di Cina (memicu kekuatiran mengenai semakin melambatnya negara dengan ekonomi terbesar kedua di dunia). Keuntungan industri Cina jatuh 8,8% di bulan Agustus, memburuk dari penurunan 2,9% di bulan Juli. Pada pukul 09:50 WIB, Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) turun 1,41% menjadi 4.150,27 poin.

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  • Indonesia Stock Market & Rupiah News Update: What is Going on Today?

    In line with other Asian markets, Indonesian stocks and the rupiah are weakening heavily on Wednesday (23/09). Based on the Bloomberg Dollar Index, Indonesia’s rupiah had depreciated 0.71 percent to IDR 14,655 per US dollar by 11:08 am local Jakarta time, while the benchmark Jakarta Composite Index had fallen 1.56 percent to 4,276.43 points by the same time, with the financial sector in particular taking a hit. There are several causes that explain this weak performance today.

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  • Latest News Rupiah Indonesia: Why is It Weakening against the US Dollar Today?

    Today (22/09), the Indonesian rupiah extended its weak performance and has passed beyond the level of IDR 14,500 per US dollar. Most Asian currencies continue to fall against the greenback as uncertainty about the timing of higher US interest rates persists. Although the Federal Reserve decided to postpone a Fed Fund Rate hike at its September policy meeting, markets are still preparing for a hike before the year-end as many Federal Reserve objectives had been met.

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  • Indonesia Stock & Rupiah Update: Will the Federal Reserve Raise Interest Rates?

    While most Asian stock indices were mixed, Indonesia’s benchmark Jakarta Composite Index rose 0.69 percent to 4,390.37 points on Monday (14/09) with foreign investors recording a net buy of IDR 91.2 billion (approx. USD $6.5 million). Meanwhile, ahead of a crucial Federal Reserve meeting, the Indonesian rupiah depreciated 0.08 percent to IDR 14,333 per US dollar according to the Bloomberg Dollar Index.

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  • Stocks & Rupiah Update Indonesia: Asian Markets Down, No Impact Policy Package

    Indonesian stocks and the rupiah started weak on Thursday morning (10/09), the day after the Indonesian government unveiled its first economic policy package. In line with the trend in the whole region this morning, most (emerging market) assets in Asia are declining on weak Chinese and Japanese economic data. These weak data cause heightened concern about sluggish global economic growth.

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  • Indonesian Stocks & Rupiah Update: Asian Markets Start Strong on Wednesday

    Indonesian stocks and the rupiah started strong on Wednesday (09/09). Immediately after opening the benchmark Jakarta Composite Index rose over one percent to 4,366 points, while the rupiah appreciated 0.25 percent to IDR 14,244 per US dollar (Bloomberg Dollar Index) as these assets were supported by positive global sentiments after there had occurred a rally in most global equity markets on Tuesday (08/09).

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Artikel Terbaru China

  • Global Concern: Economy of China Slows to 7.3% in Q3-2014

    Economic expansion of China slowed to a growth pace of 7.3 percent year-on-year (y/y) in the third quarter of 2014, the slowest pace in five years. Although China’s Q3-2014 GDP growth result was better than most analysts’ projections of 7.2 percent, Chinese policy makers will face difficulties to achieve its 7.5 percent annual growth target for full-year 2014. Being one of the most important trading partners of Indonesia, slowing economic growth of China has a major impact on the export performance of Indonesia.

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  • Finance Minister Chatib Basri on Indonesia’s Economic Fundamentals

    Indonesian Finance Minister Chatib Basri said that the lower pace of economic growth in China, the world’s second-largest economy, is a major concern for Indonesia as it leads to declining demand for commodities (and thus places downward pressure on commodity prices). As Indonesia is a major commodity exporter - such as coal, crude palm oil, nickel ore and tin - the country feels the impact of weak global demand for commodities. About 60 percent of Indonesia’s exports are commodities, mostly raw ones.

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  • Despite Sharp Rupiah Depreciation, Indonesian Stocks Rise 0.18%

    The benchmark stock index of Indonesia (Jakarta Composite Index, abbreviated IHSG) rose 0.18 percent to 5,142.01 points on Monday (29/09) despite the sharp depreciation of the Indonesian rupiah exchange rate. Possibly market participants took advantage of relatively cheap blue chip stocks after the 1.3 percent drop on Friday (26/09) caused by negative market sentiments brought about by the parliament’s passing of a bill which abolishes direct voting of regional leaders. Foreign investors recorded net selling of IDR 542.4 billion.

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  • Stocks & Rupiah Update Indonesia: Performance Today

    Stocks & Rupiah Update Indonesia: Performance Today

    In line with the trend on other Asian stock indices, the benchmark stock index of Indonesia (Jakarta Composite Index, abbreviated IHSG) fell on Monday (22/09) amid profit taking after three days of gains. Not even the appreciating rupiah exchange rate and net buying of foreign investors (IDR 26.6 billion) were able to push Indonesia’s index into the green zone. The IHSG declined 0.15 percent to 5,219.80 points. All sectors on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) fell except for the consumer goods and finance sectors.

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  • Nickel Price Influenced by Export Bans of Indonesia and the Philippines

    The global nickel price declined 5.1 percent on Tuesday (09/09) after it became known that the Philippines would not implement a ban on exports of this commodity yet. Similar to Indonesia, the Philippines was preparing to implement a ban on exports of unprocessed minerals in an attempt to boost revenues (by exporting mining products with added value). However, it may take seven years before such a policy is implemented. This implies that the occurrence of a possible shortage of nickel on the global market in the coming years has diminished.

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  • Saham Indonesia Menguat karena Spekulasi Pelonggaran Moneter Cina

    Saham Indonesia Menguat karena Spekulasi Pelonggaran Moneter Cina

    IHSG mampu bergerak positif di awal minggu ini melampaui ekspektasi kekhawatiran kami terhadap potensi pelemahan lanjutan setelah mencermati penutupan laju bursa saham AS dan Eropa yang variatif cenderung melemah akhir minggu yang lalu. Berbalik positifnya laju bursa saham Asia seiring ekspektasi penilaian akan adanya tambahan stimulus dari pemerintah Cina berimbas pada terapresiasinya IHSG. Pelaku pasar pun kembali memanfaatkan pelemahahan sebelumnya untuk akumulasi secara bertahap.

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  • Indonesian Stocks Decline but Rupiah Appreciates Slightly on Tuesday

    Weakening global stock indices meant that it would be difficult for the benchmark stock index of Indonesia (Jakarta Composite Index or IHSG) to continue its upward movement on Tuesday (05/08). Moreover, there were few positive sentiments originating from the Archipelago as Indonesia’s Q2-2014 GDP growth (+5.12 percent year-on-year) was below expectation and the country’s trade balance showed a deficit of USD $300 million in June 2014. Meanwhile, the Indonesian rupiah exchange appreciated slightly.

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  • Narendra Modi’s Reforms: India at the Basis of a New Commodities Boom?

    Prestigious Hong Kong-based HSBC Bank claims that a new commodity boom may appear if India will boost investments in infrastructure and housing. Chances of increased spending in India have grown considerably after reform-minded Narendra Modi posted a victory in the May 2014 election. Economists at the HSBC Bank say that this may give rise to a new prolonged commodities boom as had occurred in the 2000s which - to a large extent - was triggered by accelerated economic growth in emerging economies, particularly China.

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  • How Did the Indonesian Rupiah and Stock Market Perform Last Week?

    Emerging currencies in Asia, led by the Indonesian rupiah exchange rate, strengthened in the past week on positive economic data from the US and China, the world’s two largest economies. Companies in the US added more jobs than expected in June 2014, while manufacturing in China grew at its fastest pace in 2014. Improving economies of the US and China are important for Asian countries as it boosts Asian exports. Moreover, Indonesian inflation and trade data contributed to positive market sentiments.

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  • China Concerns: What to Expect of the Global Copper Price in 2014?

    In the last 12 months, the international copper price showed a neutral movement (moving more or less sideways). This is particularly due to a number of issues in China, the world’s second largest economy, which impact negatively on the copper price movement. China has become such an important market for a variety of commodities, including copper (used in construction and electronics), that other countries can be considered almost irrelevant. Why do analysts have low expectations of the copper market for the remainder of 2014?

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