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Berita Hari Ini Monetary Policy

  • Bank Indonesia's Rate Cut Boosts Optimism for Economic Growth

    In the first three monthly policy meetings this year (January-March) the central bank of Indonesia (Bank Indonesia) cut borrowing costs by a total of 75 basis points. Indonesia's benchmark interest rate (BI rate) was cut from 7.50 percent at the year-start to 6.75 percent at Thursday's Board of Governors' meeting. The overnight deposit facility rate and lending facility rate were also cut by 75 basis points, each, in the first three months. The lower interest rate environment in Indonesia signals that the financial fundamentals are strong. This is partly reason behind strong inflows of foreign capital into Southeast Asia's largest economy.

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  • Lower Net Interest Margin; Indonesian Banks' Shares Plunge

    Shares of Indonesian banks were hit hard on Friday (19/02) after Indonesia's Financial Services Authority (OJK) announced its plan to push state-owned banks net interest margin (NIM) to the range of 3 to 4 percent in a bid to lower the country's lending rates, hence boosting credit growth. NIM is the difference between interest income generated by banks and the amount of interest paid out to the lenders. A higher NIM implies that banks are more profitable. Currently, the average NIM for Indonesia's state-owned banks is between 7 - 8 percent.

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  • Financial Authorities to Cut Indonesia's Lending & Mortgage Rates

    The Indonesian government, central bank (Bank Indonesia) and the Financial Services Authority (OJK) have formed a team that will study and encourage lower lending and mortgage rates in Indonesia - to single digit levels - by the end of 2016. Indonesia's Chief Economics Minister Darmin Nasution explained that this is part of government efforts to boost economic activity in Southeast Asia's largest economy. Indonesia's lending rates have been high due to banks' prudent management and the high cost of funds, hence limiting credit growth as well as economic growth.

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  • Peraturan Bank Indonesia ‘Kewajiban Penggunaan Rupiah’ Mulai Berlaku

    Pada 1 Juli 2015, Peraturan Bank Indonesia No. 17/3/PBI/2015 tentang Kewajiban Penggunaan Rupiah di Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia mulai berlaku. Peraturan BI ini, ditandatangani pada 31 Maret 2015, melarang penggunaan mata uang asing dalam transaksi di Indonesia dalam rangka memperdalam pasar domestik rupiah, menstabilkan rupiah (yang telah melemah terhadap dollar AS), dan mendorong ekspansi perekonomian. Undang-Undang sebelumnya (UU No. 7/2011) mengizinkan pihak-pihak yang terlibat dalam kontrak untuk membuat kesepakatan menggunakan mata uang lainnya (bukan rupiah) untuk pembayaran.

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  • Pemerintah Indonesia Perangi Defisit Transaksi Berjalan

    Setelah serangkaian data ekonomi yang baik (terutama data tenaga kerja di Amerika Serikat) pasar menduga Federal Reserve akan menaikkan tingkat suku bunganya pada kuartal kedua atau ketiga tahun ini dan karenanya dollar Amerika Serikat (AS) dapat bullish momentum (hampir menjadi posisi tertinggi selama 11 tahun terakhir). Karena prediksi yield yang lebih tinggi di AS, modal kembali masuk ke negara dengan ekonomi terbesar di dunia ini. Pada saat yang sama, hal ini menimbulkan kerugian besar pada mata uang di negara-negara berkembang, termasuk nilai tukar rupiah yang turun 6% terhadap dollar AS pada tahun ini.

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  • Gambaran IMF & Moody’s tentang Perekonomian Indonesia dan Dunia

    Benedict Bingham, Senior Resident Representative untuk Indonesia di International Monetary Fund (IMF), memperkirakan bahwa bank sentral Indonesia (Bank Indonesia) akan terus berkomitmen pada kebijakan moneter yang lebih ketat dalam upaya untuk menjaga fundamental fiskal nasional di tengah tekanan eksternal. Terlepas dari pertumbuhan ekonomi global yang lamban, kenaikan suku bunga di AS (tahun ini) diperkirakan mempengaruhi Indonesia karena akan mendorong aliran keluar modal dari pasar-pasar berkembang.

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  • Revising Regulations to Enhance Indonesia’s Foreign Exchange Trading

    Nanang Hendarsah, Deputy of Bank Indonesia’s financial task force, said that the central bank of Indonesia will issue two new regulations this week in an attempt to boost foreign exchange (FX) transactions in Indonesia by simplifying the bank’s previous regulations issued in 2005 and 2008 (PBI No. 10/28 on FX purchase at banks and PBI No. 10/37 on netting restrictions). Recent data from Bank Indonesia show that the amount of FX transactions in Indonesia has been lower compared to those recorded by its regional peers.

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  • Bank Indonesia’s Monetary Policy Tight until Current Account Balance Improves

    The central bank of Indonesia (Bank Indonesia) indicated that it will only loosen its monetary policy provided that the country’s current account deficit narrows to a level of 2.5 percent of gross domestic product (GDP), which is considered sustainable, and inflation is kept within the range of 3.5 to 5.5 percent (year-on-year) in line with the central bank’s target range. The current account deficit is one of the main problems being faced by Southeast Asia’s largest economy today and causes concern among foreign and domestic investors.

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  • Government of Indonesia Needs to Revise GDP Growth Target for 2014

    The Indonesian government announced to revise its GDP growth target for 2014 after seeing the disappointing economic growth result in the first quarter of 2014. Last week, Statistics Indonesia (BPS) had announced that GDP growth in Q1-2014 only amounted to 5.21 percent, far below official growth targets as well as analysts' forecasts. Indonesia's slowing growth was caused by slowing exports, brought on by the slow global recovery, China's slowing economy and the temporary impact of the ban on exports of unprocessed minerals.

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  • Asian Development Bank Outlook 2014 'Fiscal Policy for Inclusive Growth'

    According to the Asian Development Bank's latest annual Asian Development Outlook (which provides an analysis of economic performance for the past year and near future), developing Asia is expected to extend its steady growth. The region’s growth is projected to edge up from 6.1 percent in 2013 to 6.2 percent in 2014 and 6.4 percent in 2015. Moderating growth in China (PRC) as its economy adjusts to more balanced growth will offset to some extent the stronger demand expected from the industrial countries as their economies recover.

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Artikel Terbaru Monetary Policy

  • Prudent Fiscal Management; IMF Positive about Indonesian Economy

    A team of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), led by David Cowen (advisor at the IMF’s Asia and Pacific Department), visited several Indonesian cities in the first three weeks of December 2014 to conduct research on the economic fundamentals of Southeast Asia’s largest economy. This research included the study of recent macroeconomic developments as well as the formulation of prognosis scenarios for the short and middle term. The IMF team held discussions with the government, Bank Indonesia, private entrepreneurs and scholars.

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  • Fitch Ratings Keeps Indonesia’s Sovereign Rating at BBB-/Stable

    International credit rating agency Fitch Ratings maintained Indonesia’s sovereign rating at BBB-/stable outlook (investment grade). Baradita Katoppo, President Director of Indonesia’s Fitch Ratings branch, said that the firm is positive about the country’s financial fundamentals and prudent fiscal policy as the central bank has showed to prefer stability over growth, resulting in slowing credit growth and rising foreign exchange reserves in Southeast Asia’s largest economy. Economic growth is expected to fall to 5.1 percent (y/y) in 2014.

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  • Performance of Indonesian Stocks Depends on Subsidized Fuel Policy

    Indonesia’s fuel subsidy policy is estimated to have a large influence on investors’ confidence in the financial or fiscal fundamentals of Southeast Asia’s largest economy and thus on the performance of the local stock index and currency. New president elect Joko Widodo (popularly known as Jokowi) is expected to raise prices of subsidized fuels after taking office in late October 2014 in an attempt to combat the country’s wide current account deficit (mainly caused by expensive oil imports to meet domestic fuel demand).

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  • Official Press Release of Bank Indonesia: BI Rate Kept at 7.50%

    At Bank Indonesia's Board of Governors’ Meeting today (13/02), it was decided to maintain the country's benchmark interest rate (BI rate) at 7.50 percent as well as the interest rates on the Lending Facility and Deposit Facility at 7.50 percent and 5.75 percent respectively. The policy is consistent with the tight monetary policy stance currently adopted in order to steer inflation back towards its target corridor of 4.5±1 percent in 2014 and 4±1 percent in 2015, as well as to reduce the current account deficit to a more sustainable level.

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  • Searching for Financial Stability: Indonesia's BI Rate Policy Questioned

    On Thursday 12 December 2013, Indonesia's central bank (Bank Indonesia) announced that the country's benchmark interest rate (BI rate) remains unchanged at the level of 7.50 percent in December 2013. This announcement was a bit surprizing as about 80 percent of analysts expected Bank Indonesia to raise the BI rate in order to support the depreciating Indonesia rupiah exchange rate. Starting the year at IDR 9,670 per US dollar, the rupiah has fallen around 25 percent to IDR 12,081 per US dollar.

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  • Sales of Ceramics in Indonesia Expected to Plunge 10% in 2014

    With slowing economic growth and a stricter monetary policy approach of the central bank, Indonesia's ceramic industry is expected to record slowing growth in 2014. This year, the country's ceramic sales are projected to amount to 400 million square meters (m²). About 12 percent of this amount is exported to countries abroad. However, in 2014, sales are expected to plunge by 5 to 10% to 360-380 million m². A weakening rupiah and slowing property sector, which accounts for significant ceramic demand, are the major causes of the decline.

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  • Indonesia's New Fiscal Policy Packages for Financial Stability Expected Soon

    The government of Indonesia will release two additional fiscal policy packages at the end of November or start of December that both aim to heal Indonesia's current account deficit. The two packages constitute follow ups of the policy package that was released in August 2013. Previously, deputy minister of Finance, Bambang Brodjonegoro, announced that an additional package would be released in October. However, it turned out that the government needed some more time to prepare the two additional packages.

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  • Bank Indonesia: Managing Stability and Promoting Transformation

    On Thursday 14 November 2013, Agus Martowardojo, Governor of Indonesia's central bank (Bank Indonesia), delivered his end-of-the-year speech at the Annual Bankers’ Dinner. The meeting was attended by leaders from Indonesia's House of Representatives (DPR), economic ministers, leaders of the country's banking industry and business community, non-ministerial government agencies as well as a number of international institutions, thus representing a strategic forum in terms of the national economy.

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  • IMF: Asia and Pacific Regional Economic Update by Anoop Singh

    Anoop Singh, Director of the Asia and Pacific Department within the International Monetary Fund (IMF), conducted a media roundtable in Tokyo today (30/10) in which he outlined the IMF's view on the economy of Asia. Asia will remain the global growth leader, although the IMF has lowered growth forecasts. Both tighter global liquidity and homegrown structural impediments will weigh on growth, but for most economies a gradual pickup in exports to advanced economies and resilient domestic demand should help support growth.

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  • Bank Indonesia Takes Steps to Maintain Macroeconomic Stability

    Similar to the Indonesian government, Indonesia's central bank also announced a fiscal policy package to support sustainable nationwide economic growth by curbing inflation, maintaining a more sustainable balance of payments as well as strengthening financial system stability. These additional policies are expected to synergise with the policy package unveiled by the government on Friday (23/08). These measures were taken as both the rupiah and Indonesia's main stock index (IHSG) are in a downward spiral.

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