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Berita Hari Ini Trade Balance

  • Trade Balance Indonesia: Exports & Imports Rising in October 2016

    Indonesia recorded a USD $1.21 billion trade surplus in October 2016 according to the latest data from the nation's Central Statistics Agency (BPS). In line with expectations both exports and imports rose last month supported by rising commodity prices (hence boosting the country's export performance) and an increase in machinery and electrical appliance imports into Indonesia. Meanwhile, BPS revised September's trade surplus to USD $1.27 billion, from USD $1.22 billion reported last month.

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  • Trade Balance Indonesia: Export & Import Down in September 2016

    Indonesia's Statistics Agency (BPS) announced that the nation's trade surplus improved to USD $1.22 billion in September 2016, the highest monthly surplus over the past 13 months. The rising surplus was primarily the result of a growing non-oil & gas trade surplus. However, both Indonesia's exports and imports contracted on an annual basis. But because imports declined more rapidly, Southeast Asia's largest economy managed to record a solid trade surplus in September, beating analysts' estimates, by far (that averaged around USD $450 million).

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  • Indonesia Posts USD $293.6 Million Trade Surplus in August 2016

    Although at a slower pace, Indonesia's exports and imports continued to contract in August 2016. In August Indonesia exported USD $12.63 billion worth of goods down 0.75 percent on a year-on-year basis (much better than analysts had forecast). Meanwhile, Indonesia imported USD $12.34 billion worth of goods in August, down 0.49 percent (y/y). As such, the trade balance in August showed a USD $293.6 million surplus. However, Indonesia's Statistics Agency (BPS) added that it was the 23rd month of declining imports and exports for Indonesia.

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  • Trade Balance Indonesia: $598 Million Surplus in July 2016

    Indonesia's Statistics Agency (BPS) announced on Monday (15/08) that the trade balance of Indonesia showed a surplus of USD $598 million in July 2016, down from a USD $879.2 million surplus in the preceding month and considerably below analyst forecasts. Although Indonesia, Southeast Asia's largest economy, booked a USD $4.2 billion trade surplus in the first seven months of 2016, concern about Indonesia's weakening exports and imports persist. Faster falling imports (compared to exports) explains the trade surplus.

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  • Trade Balance Indonesia: $900 Million Surplus in June 2016

    Indonesia's latest trade data beat forecasts by quite a distance. According to Statistics Indonesia (BPS), Indonesia's trade balance recorded a monthly surplus of USD $900.2 million in June 2016. Previously, median forecasts expected a USD $300 million surplus. Meanwhile, the nation's trade surplus more than doubled in June from the monthly surplus in the preceding month, supported by strong exports of electronics, auto parts, finished garments, and rubber products. Despite this positive result, there remain some concerns.

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  • Indonesia's May Trade Surplus Narrows to $375.6 Million

    Today (15/06) Statistics Indonesia (BPS) announced that Indonesia's May trade balance showed a surplus of USD $375.6 million, below analyst estimates (at USD $680 million) and below the (revised) USD $660 million trade surplus recorded in the preceding month. Although having a trade surplus is good, there remain concerns about Indonesia's falling exports and imports as these declines are signs of weakening domestic and global economic activity.

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  • Indonesia Investments' Newsletter of 22 May 2016 Released

    On 22 May 2016, Indonesia Investments released the latest edition of its newsletter. This free newsletter, which is sent to our subscribers once per week, contains the most important news stories from Indonesia that have been reported on our website over the last seven days. Most of the topics involve economic matters such as revisions made to the economic growth forecasts for Indonesia in 2016 and 2017, the trade balance, batik industry, infrastructure, rupiah & stocks, company updates, and much more.

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  • Trade Balance Indonesia: $670 Million Surplus in April 2016

    Based on the latest data from Statistics Indonesia (BPS), Indonesia booked a USD $670 million trade surplus in April 2016, primarily caused by a bigger-than-expected decline in imports. Most analysts expected to see a monthly trade surplus around USD $200 million last month. In the first four months of 2016, Indonesia's trade balance has now accumulated into a USD $2.3 billion trade surplus. Although the surplus is positive, there remain deep concerns about the persistently falling import and export figures.

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  • Indonesia Investments' Newsletter of 17 April 2016 Released

    On 17 April 2016, Indonesia Investments released the latest edition of its newsletter. This free newsletter, which is sent to our subscribers once per week, contains the most important news stories from Indonesia that have been reported on our website over the last seven days. Most of the topics involve hot topics and economic matters such as an update on GDP growth, Bank Indonesia's new benchmark monetary tool, the palm oil sector, the coal price, the trade balance, an excise tax on plastic items, and more.

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  • Trade Balance Indonesia: $490 Million Surplus in March 2016

    Indonesia's Statistics Agency (BPS) announced today that the nation's trade balance posted a USD $490 million trade surplus in March 2016. In line with analysts' forecasts, Indonesia's March trade surplus shrank considerably from a USD $1.1 billion surplus one month earlier. Indonesia's March exports reached a total of USD $11.79 billion, while imports were recorded at USD $11.30 billion. Although the nation's exports and imports rose compared to the preceding month, there remains ongoing concern about the slumping export/import figures on a year-on-year basis.

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Artikel Terbaru Trade Balance

  • Trade Deficit of Indonesia in 2014 Expected to Remain USD $4 Billion

    Statistics Indonesia (BPS), a non-departmental government institute, expects that Indonesia's trade balance will post a deficit of around USD $4 billion in 2014. The key question is whether increased manufacturing and agricultural exports can replace reduced raw mineral exports. The forecast of BPS is approximately similar to the country's trade deficit in 2013. Last year, Southeast Asia's largest economy recorded a deficit of USD $4.06 billion as the total value of exports amounted to USD $182.57 billion, while imports reached USD $186.63 billion.

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  • ICRA Indonesia’s Economic Review; an Update on the Macroeconomy

    ICRA Indonesia, an independent credit rating agency and subsidiary of ICRA Ltd. (associate of Moody's Investors Service), publishes a monthly newsletter which provides an update on the financial and economic developments in Indonesia of the last month. In the January 2014 edition, a number of important topics that are monitored include Indonesia's inflation rate, the trade balance, the current account deficit, the IDR rupiah exchange rate, and gross domestic product (GDP) growth. Below is an excerpt of the newsletter:

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  • Analysis of Indonesia's 5.78% Economic Expansion in 2013

    On Wednesday (05/02), Statistics Indonesia (BPS) reported that the economy of Indonesia expanded 5.78 percent in 2013. This result implies that in 2013 Indonesia experienced the slowest pace of GDP growth since its 4.63 percentage growth in 2009. However, this slowing growth was basically self-inflicted as both the Indonesian government and central bank (Bank Indonesia) used various monetary and fiscal policies to curb economic expansion in order to tackle several financial issues.

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  • Despite December Trade Surplus Indonesia Posted $4.06B Deficit in 2013

    In the last month of 2013, Indonesia's trade balance posted a surplus of USD $1.52 billion, almost twice as high as economists had previously predicted. The December surplus implied Indonesia's third consecutive monthly trade surplus and fifth monthly trade surplus in full year 2013. However, considering the whole year, the trade balance still posted a deficit of USD $4.06 billion in 2013 as the total value of exports amounted to USD $182.57 billion while imports reached USD $186.63 billion.

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  • Jakarta Composite Index Falls 0.74% due to External and Internal Issues

    Jakarta Composite Index Declines 0.74% due to External and Internal Issues

    The benchmark stock index of Indonesia (known as the Jakarta Composite Index or IHSG) was again affected by profit taking after market participants saw falling indices on Wall Street and in Europe at the end of last week due to various negative sentiments including the Federal Reserve's tapering issue, slowing Chinese manufacturing and the release of several global companies' financial reports that were below expectation. Moreover, the rupiah exchange rate continued to depreciate while Asian indices were down on Monday (03/02).

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  • Despite Positive Domestic Data Rupiah Exchange Rate Continues Depreciation

    Despite the release of positive macroeconomic data on Monday (03/02), Indonesia's rupiah exchange rate depreciated 0.22 percent to IDR 12,240 per US dollar based on the Bloomberg Dollar Index. China’s Manufacturing PMI fell to a six-month low of 50.5 in January and put pressure on stocks and currencies in emerging markets. Moreover, the Federal Reserve's further reduction of its quantitative easing program (to USD $65 billion per month) continues to strengthen the US dollar at the expense of emerging currencies.

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  • Indonesia's Chamber of Commerce: Economic Growth Will Slow in 2014

    This year, legislative and presidential elections will be held in Indonesia. Obviously, there is a strong relationship between the politics and economics of a country. Businessmen from various sectors of Indonesia's economy have already been voicing their views. As the umbrella organization of the Indonesian business chambers and associations, Kadin Indonesia recently shared its views about the elections as well. The institute believes that the 2014 elections will run smoothly because Indonesia's democracy has matured.

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  • Analyst Opinion: Bank Indonesia's Interest Rate Might Be Raised Again

    According to Fauzi Ichsan, Managing Director at Bank Standard Chartered Indonesia, there is a possibility that Indonesia's central bank (Bank Indonesia) will raise its benchmark interest rate (BI rate) from 7.50 percent to 8 percent at the next Board of Governor's Meeting as the country's current account deficit has not improved markedly yet. The deficit stood at about 3.5 percent of the country's gross domestic product (GDP) at the end of 2013. Bank Indonesia intends to lower the deficit to a sustainable level of below 3 percent in 2014.

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  • Export Ban Influence, Indonesia's Trade Balance May Record Surplus by 2017

    According to Indonesia's Finance Minister Chatib Basri, the country's trade deficit will continue between 2014 and 2016 (although expecting to show an easing trend) but will turn into a surplus from 2017 onwards. One of the most influential factors that will impact on the trade balance is Indonesia's raw ore export ban, in effect as of Sunday 12 January 2014. In the short term, this ban will limit Indonesia's exports but in the long term, from 2017 onward, it will lead to high added-value exports.

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  • ICRA Indonesia’s Monthly Economic Review; a Macroeconomic Update

    ICRA Indonesia, an independent credit rating agency and subsidiary of ICRA Ltd. (associate of Moody's Investors Service), publishes a monthly newsletter which provides an update on the financial and economic developments in Indonesia of the last month. In the December 2013 edition, a number of important topics that are monitored include Indonesia's inflation rate, the trade balance, the current account deficit, the IDR rupiah exchange rate, and gross domestic product (GDP) growth. Below is an excerpt of the newsletter:

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