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Berita Hari Ini Trade Balance

  • Indonesia Trade Balance Update: USD $673 Million Surplus in March 2014

    Indonesia's March 2014 trade balance recorded a surplus of USD $673 million as the value of exports reached USD $15.21 billion, while imports stood at USD $14.54 billion. It was the second consecutive monthly trade surplus for Indonesia. In February 2014, the country posted an USD $843.4 million trade surplus. In the first three months of this year, Indonesia's trade balance now accumulated to an USD $1.07 billion surplus. Market participants will be pleased to see this balance as it eases pressures on the current account deficit.

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  • Projections Indonesia's April 2014 Inflation and March 2014 Trade Balance

    Head of Statistics Indonesia (Badan Pusat Statistik or BPS) Suryamin said that inflation in April 2014 is estimated to be low or will turn into deflation as food stockpiles in a number of regions are sufficient amid the peak of the harvest season. Suryamin based his estimation on BPS monitoring conducted from 17 April. The monitoring indicated that prices of the main food commodities (which include rice, chili, chicken meat, cooking oil as well as beef) are stable or even declining from the previous month.

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  • Bappenas Expects Indonesia to Record a Trade Surplus in 2014

    Indonesian exports are expected to rise 6.7 percent to IDR 1,399.7 trillion (USD $123.9 billion) in 2014 as a number of advanced markets (including the United States) have been showing signs of improving economies (the calculation of the figures was done by the Ministry of National Development Planning also known as Bappenas). Increased demand from these advanced markets will result in more exports of Indonesian manufactured products. Indonesian exports of natural resources, on the contrary, are expected to slow.

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  • Trade Balance: Indonesia Posts $785 Million Trade Surplus in February 2014

    After announcing the low March inflation rate (0.08 percent), Statistics Indonesia (BPS) also released positive news about Indonesia's trade balance. In February 2014, Indonesia recorded a USD $785.3 million trade surplus, supported by a USD $1.58 billion surplus in the non-oil and gas sector (the oil and gas sector recorded a deficit of USD $797.4 million). According to BPS Head Suryamin, exports in February rose 0.68 percent (month-to-month) to USD $14.57 billion, while imports declined 7.58 percent (mtm) to USD $13.78 billion.

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  • Bank Indonesia Optimistic on Posting Trade Surplus in February 2014

    Agus Martowardojo, Governor of the central bank of Indonesia (Bank Indonesia) expects a trade surplus of around USD $700 million in February 2014. If Martowardojo's forecast is realized, it would be a sharp contrast to the USD $430.6 million trade deficit that was recorded one month earlier. In January, the trade deficit was mainly due to declining exports of coal and vegetable oil (which together account for 26.7 percent of total non-oil & gas exports), among others, due to ongoing annual contractual negotiations at the year-start.

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  • Mixed Predictions about Interest Rate Policy Decision of Bank Indonesia

    Tomorrow (13/03), Bank Indonesia will hold its next Board of Governor's Meeting to discuss general policies in the monetary field. As usual, market participants are highly interested in the central bank's assessment of the country's economic fundamentals and interest rates policy. However, predictions about Bank Indonesia's stance toward its benchmark interest rate (BI rate) are mixed. Some expect it to be kept at 7.50 percent as inflation has been under control. Others anticipate a 0.25 percent hike due to the country's weak exports.

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  • Indonesia Records USD $430 Million Trade Deficit in January 2014

    After recording three months of consecutive trade surpluses at the end of 2013, Indonesia's trade balance slipped back into deficit in January 2014. Indonesia - Southeast Asia's largest economy - posted a USD $430.6 million deficit in the first month of 2014. Exports fell 5.79 percent (year-on-year) to USD $14.48 billion, while imports fell 3.46 percent to USD $14.92 billion. The decline in exports were caused by the implementation of the ban on raw minerals (per 12 January 2014). Mineral ore exports fell over 70 percent (month-to-month).

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  • Indonesia Investments' Newsletter of 16 February 2014 Released

    On 16 February 2014, Indonesia Investments released the latest edition of its newsletter. This free newsletter, which is sent to our subscribers once per week, contains the most important news stories from Indonesia that have been reported on our website in the last seven days. Most of the topics involve economic matters such as Bank Indonesia's benchmark interest rate, the rupiah exchange rate, tourism, trade balance, the eruption of Mount Kelud, cement sales, an update on the MP3EI, and more.

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  • Bappenas More Optimistic about Indonesia's Economic Growth in 2014

    Indonesia's Ministry of National Development Planning (Bappenas) is optimistic that economic expansion in Southeast Asia's largest economy will exceed the 6 percent mark in 2014, thus outpacing growth last year which reached 5.78 percent (yoy). According to Minister Armida S Alisjahbana, two factors will contribute positively to Indonesia's GDP growth in 2014. These are the legislative and presidential elections (scheduled for April and July 2014) as well as the improvement of Indonesia's trade balance.

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  • Indonesia’s Foreign Exchange Reserves Grow to USD $100.7B in January 2014

    Amid an improving trade balance, Indonesia’s foreign exchange reserves rose to USD $100.7 billion at the end of January 2014, according to a press release of Indonesia's central bank (Bank Indonesia). Compared to December 2013, the reserves increased USD $1.3 billion. These reserves are sufficient to finance 5.7 months of imports or 5.6 months of imports and servicing of government external debt, which is well above the international standard of reserve adequacy at 3 months of imports.

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Artikel Terbaru Trade Balance

  • Indonesia's Mining Export Ban Impacts on Current Account Deficit in 2014

    Indonesia's ban on the export of unprocessed minerals, which is scheduled to take effect on 12 January 2014, is expected to lead to a temporary slowdown of Indonesia's total exports and thus will put more pressure on the country's current account deficit. Despite two consecutive months with trade surpluses (October and November 2013), Indonesia's wide current account deficit is still a concern to investors as well as the government although the deficit has shown an easing trend in recent quarters.

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  • Indonesia's Trade and Inflation Data Cause Positive Start of the Year

    Again positive news for Indonesia's trade balance. Last week, Statistics Indonesia announced that the largest economy of Southeast Asia posted a USD $776.8 million trade surplus in November 2013 (the largest monthly trade surplus since March 2012). After the (revised) USD $24 million trade surplus in October 2013, November was the second straight month in which the country posted a surplus. This development is important to gain investors' confidence as Indonesia's current account deficit has been a major cause for concern.

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  • Monthly Economic Review: Overview of Indonesia's Macroeconomic Data

    ICRA Indonesia, an independent credit rating agency and subsidiary of ICRA Ltd. (associate of Moody's Investors Service), publishes a monthly newsletter which provides an update on the financial and economic developments in Indonesia of the last month. In the November 2013 edition, a number of important issues that are monitored include Indonesia's inflation rate, the trade balance, the current account deficit, the IDR rupiah exchange rate, and gross domestic product (GDP) growth. Below is an excerpt of the newsletter:

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  • Indonesia Stock Exchange: 1.54% Gain due to Trade Surplus and Inflation

    The benchmark stock index of Indonesia (known as the Jakarta Composite index or IHSG) was able to continue its rise on Monday (02/12), supported by economic data released by Statistics Indonesia. Although Indonesia's November inflation rate (0.12 percent) was slightly higher than previously expected, investors were content with the result. Moreover, Indonesia's October trade balance showed a (limited) surplus of USD $42.2 million, constituting a sharp improvement from the large deficit in the previous month.

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  • Indonesia's Current Account Balance Improved in Q3-2013

    The economic stabilisation policies launched by Indonesia's central bank (Bank Indonesia) and the Indonesian government in recent months have brought a steady improvement in the country's current account balance. The current account deficit moderated from the previous quarter’s record USD $9.9 billion (equivalent to 4.4 percent of the country's GDP) to USD $8.4 billion (3.8 percent of GDP) in the third quarter of 2013. A shrinking current account deficit is highly awaited by investors. The text below is the official press release of Bank Indonesia.

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  • Indonesian Economic and Financial Update: Challenges in October

    ICRA Indonesia, an independent credit rating agency and subsidiary of ICRA Ltd. (associate of Moody's Investors Service), publishes a monthly newsletter which provides an update on the financial and economic developments in Indonesia of the last month. In the October 2013 edition, a number of important issues that are monitored include Indonesia's inflation rate, the trade balance, the current account deficit, the IDR rupiah exchange rate, and gross domestic product (GDP) growth. Below is an excerpt:

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  • ADB: Need to Continue Reforms to Improve Indonesia's Competitiveness

    Growth rates in Indonesia in 2013 and 2014 will fall below earlier projections, highlighting the need to continue improving the country’s competitiveness in manufactured exports, says the Asian Development Bank (ADB) in an update of its flagship annual economic publication, Asian Development Outlook 2013. ADB revised down its 2013 gross domestic product (GDP) growth forecast for Indonesia to 5.7% from 6.4% seen in April. For 2014, growth will also be adjusted to 6.0% from the previous estimate of 6.6%.

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  • Bank Indonesia Press Release: August Trade Surplus, September Deflation

    Inflationary pressures eased in September 2013 to a 0.35% rate of deflation (mtm), or 8.40% (yoy). The rate of deflation exceeded the projections contained within the Price Monitoring Survey conducted by Bank Indonesia and much lower than inflation expectations by some analysts. Abundant supply in the wake of horticultural harvests (shallots and chilli peppers), triggered a deep correction in food prices. In addition, sliding beef prices also exacerbated further deflationary pressures, with volatile foods recording deflation of 3.38% (mtm).

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  • Indonesia's Deflation and Trade Data Impact on the IHSG and Rupiah

    Indonesia's Deflation and Trade Data Impact on IHSG and Rupiah

    On this week's second day of trading (01/10), the benchmark stock index of Indonesia (IHSG) was able to post a 0.69 percent rise to 4,345.90 points despite ongoing concerns about the economic shutdown in the United States as discussions have not led to agreement about the country's debt ceiling. However, various data from Asia made a good impact. Indonesia's trade surplus in August and deflation in September contributed to positive market sentiments and provided a boost for the rupiah.

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  • Market Waiting for September Inflation Rate and August Trade Figures

    Investors are eagerly waiting for the release of Indonesia's September inflation rate. Indonesia has been hit by high inflation since the government decided to increase prices of subsidized fuels at the end of June. High inflation limits its people's purchasing power and as domestic consumption accounts for about 55 percent of Indonesia's economic growth, it thus impacts negatively on GDP growth, particularly after Bank Indonesia raised its benchmark interest rate (BI rate) from 5.75 to 7.25 percent between June and September.

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