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Berita Hari Ini Consumer Price Index

  • Update Proyeksi Inflasi Indonesia: Bagaimana dengan Inflasi di Bulan Agustus?

    Kebanyakan analis memprediksi bahwa inflasi Indonesia akan berakselerasi menjadi sekitar 7,43% pada basis year-on-year (y/y) di bulan Agustus terutama karena inflasi impor. Karena rupiah melanjutkan pelemahan terhadap dollar Amerika Serikat (AS) selama beberapa minggu terakhir sementara Pemerintah Pusat baru-baru ini menaikkan beacukai impor untuk macam-macam produk konsumen, tekanan inflasi diprediksi untuk meningkat.

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  • Indonesia’s July Inflation Rises 0.93% on Higher Food & Transportation Prices

    Inflation in Indonesia accelerated more than expected in July 2015. Based on the latest data from Statistics Indonesia (BPS), Indonesian inflation rose 0.93 percent (m/m) in July, primarily due to higher food and transportation costs caused by the Ramadan month and Idul Fitri celebrations. During this month, the people traditionally increase consumer spending (triggering higher food prices) and millions of people travel back to their places of origin for the Idul Fitri festivities (triggering higher transportation costs).

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  • Indonesian GDP Growth and Inflation Expected to Slow further

    The pace of economic growth of Indonesia is expected to remain below five percent year-on-year (y/y) in the second quarter of 2015 according to Reuters poll involving 22 analysts. In fact, the poll shows that further slowing economic growth is expected. In the first quarter of 2015, Indonesia’s economic growth came at 4.71 percent (y/y), the weakest growth pace in six years. According to the poll, analysts see a gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate of 4.61 percent (y/y) in the second quarter of 2015.

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  • Indeks Harga Konsumen Indonesia: Inflasi Juli Terkendali

    Bank sentral Indonesia (Bank Indonesia) memprediksi melihat inflasi Indonesia di bulan Juli dalam cakupan 0,46 - 0,60% pada basis month-on-month (m/m). Inflasi di Indonesia selalu memuncak pada bulan Juni, Juli dan Agustus karena peningkatan belanja konsumen karena perayaan Ramadan & Idul Fitri dan juga awal tahun ajaran baru. Pada awal bulan ini, Gubernur Bank Indonesia (BI) Agus Martowadojo mengatakan bahwa inflasi tahunan diprediksi untuk turun di bawah 7% di bulan Juli, dari 7,26% (y/y) di bulan Juni.

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  • Update Inflasi Indonesia Bulan Juni: Indeks Harga Konsumen Naik 0.54%

    Inflasi Indonesia berakselerasi menjadi 7,26% pada basis year-on-year (y/y) di Juni 2015 karena harga bahan pangan yang lebih tinggi yang dipicu oleh awal bulan Ramadan (bulan puasa yang suci bagi umat Islam). Perayaan musiman Ramadan dan dilanjutkan oleh Idul Fitri selalu menyebabkan tekanan inflasi di Indonesia karena konsumen meningkatkan belanja mereka. Meskipun daya beli masyarakat Indonesia telah menurun di beberapa bulan terakhir, direfleksikan dengan melambatnya penjualan mobil dan sepeda motor, barang-barang konsumen yang lebih murah seperti makanan, pakaian, sepatu dan tas saat ini sedang banyak terjual.

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  • Inflation Update Indonesia: May Inflation Rises Beyond Expectation

    Inflation in Indonesia accelerated higher than expected in May 2015. Based on the latest data from Statistics Indonesia (BPS), announced today, Indonesia’s consumer price index rose to 7.15 percent (y/y) in May, from 6.79 percent (y/y) in the preceding month. The primary reason for higher inflation is rebounding oil prices thus causing higher prices at fuel pumps. As fuel subsidies have been largely cut at the start of 2015, the recent rising global oil prices now cause serious inflationary pressures in Indonesia.

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  • Update Indonesia: Inflasi Naik, Kegiatan Manufaktur Turun

    Setelah mengalami dua bulan deflasi berturut-turut, Indonesia kembali mengalami kenaikan Indeks Harga Konsumen pada bulan Maret 2015. Menurut data Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS), Indonesia mencatat kenaikan inflasi 0,17% pada basis month-to-month (m/m) pada bulan Maret. Hasil ini sejalan dengan proyeksi para analis. Pada basis year-on-year (y/y), inflasi Indonesia naik 6,38% dari bulan yang sama di tahun kemarin, sedikit lebih tinggi dari 6,29% (y/y) yang tercatat di bulan Februari. Inflasi inti negara meningkat menjadi 5,04% (y/y) di bulan Maret.

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  • Inflation Update Indonesia: Higher Fuel Prices Cause Inflationary Pressure

    The central bank of Indonesia (Bank Indonesia) estimates that Indonesia’s inflation rate in March will be around 0.3 to 0.4 percent month-to-month (m/m), slightly higher than its earlier forecast of around 0.28 percent (m/m). Later this week, Statistics Indonesia will release the country’s March inflation figure. In February inflation eased to 6.29 percent year-on-year (y/y) - from 6.96 percent (y/y) in the preceding month - amid declining fuel and food prices despite some inflationary pressures caused by higher rice prices.

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  • Update Inflasi Indonesia: 0,36% Deflasi di Bulan Februari

    Pada 2 Maret 2015, Badan Pusat Statistik mengumumkan bahwa tingkat inflasi tahunan Indonesia menurun pada bulan Februari. Di bulan Februari, tingkat inflasi tahunan di negara dengan ekonomi terbesar di Asia Tenggara menurun menjadi 6,29% dari 6,96% pada bulan sebelumnya. Hal ini disebabkan karena turunnya harga bahan bakar dan harga bahan makanan (terutama cabai) kendati adanya tekanan inflasi yang dipicu oleh tingginya harga beras. Pada periode antar bulan (month-to-month), Indonesia mencatat deflasi sebesar 0,36% pada bulan Februari, setelah Januari 2015 juga mencatat deflasi bulanan.

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  • Update Inflasi Indonesia: Harga Beras Menyebabkan Tekanan Inflasi

    Tingkat inflasi di Indonesia diperkirakan makin menurun pada Februari 2015 karena harga bahan-bahan makanan menurun. Pengecualian ada pada harga beras. Harga beras telah meningkat 30% dibandingkan tahun sebelumnya menjadi Rp 12 ribu per kilogram di bulan Februari. Harga beras yang lebih tinggi disebabkan karena banyaknya halangan dalam operasi-operasi untuk distribusi raskin dikombinasikan dengan musim panen yang terlambat di tahun ini (antara Maret dan Juni). Fluktuasi harga beras, makanan pokok untuk 250 juta penduduk Indonesia, memiliki dampak yang signifikan terhadap tingkat inflasi di Indonesia.

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Artikel Terbaru Consumer Price Index

  • Consumer Price Index Update: Easing Inflationary Pressures in June

    On Monday 1 July 2019 Statistics Indonesia (BPS) released Indonesia’s latest inflation data. The data show that headline inflation in Southeast Asia’s largest economy eased to a level of 0.55 percent month-on-month (m/m) in June 2019, down from 0.68 percent (m/m) in May 2019 when price pressures peaked due to Ramadan and Lebaran celebrations. This period always gives rise to a significant boost in consumption, hence prices of foodstuffs peak. Meanwhile, people also tend to buy new clothes, bags and shoes because they want to look good at these celebrations.

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  • Bank Indonesia: Low & Stable Inflation Positive for the Economy

    Bank Indonesia is content seeing Indonesia's inflation pace at a rather mild rate of 0.22 percent month-on-month (m/m) in July 2017. Dody Budi Waluyo, Executive Director of Economic and Monetary Policy at the central bank, said low and stable inflation is a positive asset for the economy as it supports the rupiah exchange rate as well as the investment climate and safeguards people's purchasing power.

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  • Consumer Price Index Indonesia: Low Inflation Expected in April

    It is highly unlikely to see the continuation of deflation in April. Last month (March 2017) Indonesia recorded 0.02 percent of deflation, primarily on the back of easing food prices amid the big harvest season. This harvest season will continue into April and therefore we expect few (to none) inflationary pressures stemming from food products. However, administered price adjustments (specifically another round of higher electricity tariffs in March) will impact of April's inflation figure, while consumer prices may also start to feel the impact of the approaching Ramadan month.

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  • Update Consumer Price Index & Manufacturing PMI Indonesia

    In line with expectations, Indonesia's inflation rate eased to 2.79 percent year-on-year (y/y) in August 2016, from 3.21 percent (y/y) in the preceding month. Consumer price inflation in Indonesia fell on the back of declining prices after the Islamic celebrations of Ramadan and Idul Fitri ended in July. On a monthly basis, Indonesia recorded deflation of 0.02 percent (m/m) in August. Meanwhile, the manufacturing sector of Indonesia turned positive again.

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  • Consumer Price Index Indonesia: July Inflation Expected at 1%

    The central bank of Indonesia (Bank Indonesia) expects Indonesia's inflation to reach slightly below 1 percent month-to-month (m/m) in July 2016. According to central bank surveys, Indonesia's inflation accelerated in the first and second week of July by 1.18 percent (m/m) and 1.25 percent (m/m), respectively. Juda Agung, Executive Director of Bank Indonesia's Economic and Monetary Policy Department, said inflation tends to peak ahead of - and during - the Idul Fitri holiday (4-8 July) but is set to ease in the third and fourth week.

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  • Economic Update Indonesia May 2016: Inflation & Manufacturing PMI

    The first day of the month - in case of a working day - implies that investors can count on the release of several macroeconomic data from Indonesia, specifically inflation and manufacturing activity. Statistics Indonesia (BPS) announced this morning (01/06) that Indonesia's consumer inflation reached 0.24 percent (m/m), or 3.33 percent (y/y), in May 2016. Meanwhile, the Nikkei Indonesia Manufacturing Purchasing Managers' Index (PMI) eased to a reading of 50.6 in May from 50.9 one month earlier. Lets take a closer look at these data.

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  • Central Bank & Indonesia's Statistics Agency Expect Deflation in April 2016

    The central bank of Indonesia (Bank Indonesia) expects to see deflation in April 2016 on the back of controlled food prices as the harvest season has arrived. Bank Indonesia Governor Agus Martowardojo said a central bank survey shows deflation of 0.33 percent month-to-month (m/m) during the first three weeks of April. Besides lower food prices, Martowardojo also attributes April deflation to the government's decision to cut fuel prices (premium gasoline and diesel) by IDR 500 (approx. USD $0.04) per liter per 1 April. This move led to a 4 percent drop in public transportation tariffs.

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  • Bank Indonesia Expects Deflation in February 2016

    The central bank of Indonesia (Bank Indonesia) expects to see deflation at 0.15 percent month-to-month (m/m) in February 2016. Bank Indonesia Governor Agus Martowardojo said lower (government) administered prices in combination with low core inflation will be the recipe for deflation in the second month of the year. The lower administered prices that are primarily the cause of deflation consist of fuel prices, air fares and 12-kilogram liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) canisters. In the first month of the year Indonesian inflation accelerated to 4.14 percent (y/y).

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