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Berita Hari Ini Trade

  • Trade Balance Indonesia: Surplus but Disappointing Imports

    Statistics Indonesia (BPS) announced on Monday (15/02) that Indonesia's trade balance turned back into a (small) surplus in January 2016. In the first month of the year, Indonesia posted a trade surplus of USD $50.6 million, beating analyst forecasts. In the preceding two months the country had to cope with a trade deficit. After the news, Indonesia's currency appreciated markedly against the US dollar. However, on a year-on-year (y/y) basis Indonesia's exports and imports are still significantly down and there remains much cause for concern.

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  • Indonesia & Hungary: Bilateral Trade, Investment & Relations

    Indonesian President Joko Widodo met Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban in Jakarta on Monday (01/02) to discuss bilateral issues including trade and investment. High on the agenda was the topic of solar power. Reportedly, Hungary plans to invest USD $20 million for the construction of a 5 megawatt (MW) solar power plant in Central Tapanuli (North Sumatra). Other topics included the manufacturing sector, fishery sector, the digital economy, and the promotion of peace and stability.

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  • Indonesia & ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) - Introduction

    Per 1 January 2016 the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) came into effect. This community implies stronger cooperation and integration among the ten member countries in Southeast Asia. According to its blue print the AEC involves the launch of a single market and production base among its member nations, hence allowing the free flow of goods, services, investment, and skilled labor as well as the freer flow of capital. Indonesia is one of the member countries.

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  • Indonesia Posts Trade Deficit in December, Surplus in 2015

    Indonesia posted a trade deficit of USD $230 million in December 2015 as imports (USD $12.12 billion) exceeded exports (USD $11.89 billion), the second monthly trade deficit in 2015. Overall, the country's trade balance shows a surplus of USD $7.51 billion in 2015, significantly improving from the USD $2.2 billion trade deficit in the preceding year. But despite posting a good trade surplus in full-year 2015, a closer look at the data still reveals weak global and domestic conditions.

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  • Apa Dampak Perlambatan Ekonomi Cina pada Indonesia?

    Gejolak ekonomi yang telah mendorong pertumbuhan Republik Rakyat Tiongkok (RRT) ke level terendah dalam 25 tahun terakhir telah berdampak langsung pada Indonesia karena RRT adalah mitra dagang utama Indonesia. Kekuatiran akan perlambatan ekonomi RRT (dan dampak perlambatan ini pada ekonomi dunia) bertahan pada tahun 2016 karena Caixin/Markit Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) menurun selama 10 bulan berturut-turut di Desember 2015 (di 48,2), sedangkan pembacaan jasa layanan untuk bulan Desember turun ke level terendah dalam 17 bulan terakhir (50,2).

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  • Indonesia Secara Tak Terduga Mencatat Defisit Perdagangan pada November 2015

    Indonesia mencatat defisit perdagangan yang tak terduga sebesar 346,4 juta dollar Amerika Serikat (AS) pada November 2015 menurut data terbaru dari Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) yang dirilis pada Selasa (15/12). Ini adalah defisit perdagangan bulanan pertama di Indonesia di tahun 2015 karena ekspor turun lebih cepat - sedangkan impor menurun lebih lambat - dari yang diperkirakan. Ekspor Indonesia turun 17,6% pada basis year-on-year (y/y) menjadi 11,16 miliar dollar AS pada bulan November, sedangkan impor menurun 18,0% (y/y) menjadi 11,51 miliar dollar AS. Defisit terjadi baik di saldo sektor minyak & gas (migas) maupun non-migas.

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  • Paris Terrorist Attacks Not to Disturb Trade between Indonesia & France

    The terrorist attacks in Paris last week are not expected to jeopardize Indonesia's trade with France or the European Union. France is expected to tighten the flow of people, but not the flow of goods after the terrorist attacks on Friday (13/11) that led to the deaths of at least 129 people as well as hundreds of injured people. In 2014 trade between Indonesia and France totaled USD $2.35 billion, down 11 percent from the preceding year. Indonesian exports to France stood at USD $1.02 billion (exports only involved non-oil & gas products), while Indonesia's imports from France stood at USD $1.33 billion in 2014.

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  • Trade Balance Indonesia: $1.01 Billion Surplus in October

    For the eleventh consecutive month Indonesia posted a trade surplus. With exports reaching a total of USD $12.08 billion, while imports were USD $11.07 billion, the country posted a USD $1.01 billion trade surplus in October, the country's statistics agency (BPS) stated on Monday (16/11). The surplus was larger than expected due to a sharp drop in imports. Although the trade surplus is good news as it supports the value of the rupiah and helps to curtail the country's current account balance, there remain concerns about rapidly plunging exports and imports.

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  • Bank Indonesia: Defisit Transaksi Berjalan Menjadi 1.86% dari PDB di Kuartal 3 Tahun 2015

    Neraca transaksi berjalan di Indonesia membaik karena neraca perdagangan non minyak & gas (migas) yang lebih kuat. Defisit transaksi berjalan Indonesia menurun menjadi 4,0 miliar dollar Amerika Serikat (AS), atau 1,86% dari Produk Domestik Bruto (PDB), di kuartal ketiga tahun 2015. Performa ini jauh lebih baik dari defisit 7,0 miliar dollar AS (3,02% dari PDB) yang tercatat di kuartal 3 tahun 2014 atau 4,2 miliar dollar AS (1,95% dari PDB) di kuartal 2 tahun 2015. Sementara itu, neraca pembayaran menunjukkan defisit sebesar 4,6 miliar dollar AS, naik dari defisit 2,93 miliar di kuartal sebelumnya.

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  • Trans-Pacific Partnership: Should Indonesia Join or Not?

    US-based bond credit rating agency Moody's Investors Service said it would be credit-positive for Indonesia's sovereign credit rating to join the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal as participation would mitigate the negative effects of sluggish commodity prices on Indonesia's export performance. Through the TPP, which is one of the world's most ambitious trade deals covering an area that accounts for about 40 percent of world trade, Indonesia will expand its export base, Moody's wrote in a recent report.

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