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Berita Hari Ini Indonesia Stock Exchange

  • Stock Market & Rupiah Update Indonesia: Bad Day at the Office

    Again Asian stock markets went into deep red territory. Japan officially entered a bear market (the Nikkei 225 Index plunged 3.71 percent today), Singapore's benchmark Straits Times Index hit a more than four-year low after declining nearly 3 percent, while Philippine stocks dropped to a near-oversold level after falling 1.53 percent. At first Indonesia's benchmark Jakarta Composite Index managed to limit losses. However, towards the end of Wednesday's trading day pressure became too much, hence dropping 1.42 percent.

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  • Indonesia Stock Market Update: China GDP & Oil in Focus

    The spotlight is - as usual - on China today as the world's second-largest economy released various macroeconomic data and markets' reaction toward these data will determine where stocks are heading for today. Wall Street will not influence Asian markets because this US financial and investment community was closed for Martin Luther King Jr Day on Monday. Meanwhile, the crude oil price remains low around USD $29 per barrel.

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  • Stock Market Update: Indonesian Stocks to Be Under Pressure

    The Jakarta Composite Index is expected to be under pressure on Monday (18/01) as the selloff continues in Asia. Both China's Shanghai Composite Index and Japan's Nikkei 225 index were down around 1.50 percent on Monday morning. Main concerns of investors are the persistent slide of crude oil prices as well as weak US retail sales and US industrial output in December. As a result, high-yielding currencies weakened, while demand for safe haven assets supported government debt and gold.

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  • Global Selloff Continues on Low Crude Oil and China Turmoil

    Asian stocks are again in deep red territory on Thursday (14/01), led by Chinese shares (which are on track to enter a bear market) as well as Japanese shares. It means that the rebound that had occurred earlier this week - caused by positive export data from China - was short-lived. The continued slide of oil prices (below USD $30 per barrel) and turmoil in China cause money to flow away from equity and fragile emerging market currencies.

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  • IPO News Indonesia: Bank Artos Listed on the Stock Exchange

    Bank Artos Indonesia became the first company to list on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) in 2016. The Bandung-based private lender was warmly welcomed by investors. During its trading debut on Tuesday (12/01) the company's shares rose 31.1 percent. Through the initial public offering (IPO) Bank Artos Indonesia raised IDR 31.8 billion (approx. USD $2.3 million) by offering 241.3 million new shares, or 20 percent of the company's enlarged capital at IDR 132 per share.

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  • Pasar Saham & Rupiah Indonesia: Selling Besar-Besaran Terus Berlangsung

    Penjualan secara besar-besaran terus berlangsung di Asia pada Senin (11/01). Indeks-indeks saham di Asia - yang dipimpin oleh Shanghai Composite Index Republik Rakyat Tingkok (RRT) - jatuh parah. Inflasi RRT yang teredam pada bulan Desember, Shanghai Composite Index yang terjun 5,33% hari ini, turunnya harga minyak, dan jatuhnya saham di Wall Street akhir pekan lalu (saham Amerika Serikat mengalami minggu terburuknya dalam empat tahun terakhir), membuat investor mencari aset yang aman (safe haven) seperti emas, yen Jepang dan dollar AS. Sementara itu, Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) Indonesia turun 1,78% menjadi 4.465,48 poin.

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  • Pasar Saham Indonesia: Saham Asia di Zona Merah, Selloff Saham Global Besar-Besaran

    Saham dan mata uang di seluruh Asia berada di bawah tekanan berat pada hari Kamis (07/01) setelah bank sentral Republik Rakyat Tiongkok (RRT) menetapkan kurs yuan 0,51% lebih rendah (di 6.564,6 per dollar Amerika Serikat). Akibatnya, saham RRT anjlok lebih dari 7% (memicu mekanisme circuit-breaking baru - untuk hari kedua di minggu ini - 30 menit setelah perdagangan dibuka hari ini). Saham Asia juga lemah dikarenakan kerugian besar di Eropa dan di Wall Street semalam. Pasar bereaksi terhadap harga minyak yang turun ke level terendah dalam lebih dari tujuh tahun terakhir menjadi 33,97 dollar Amerika Serikat (AS) per barel.

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  • Berlawanan dengan Tren Asia, Saham Indonesia & Rupiah Rebound

    Meskipun kebanyakan pasar saham di Asia masih di wilayah merah, melanjutkan penurunan pada hari Senin, saham Indonesia dan rupiah berhasil melambung pada Selasa (5/1). Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) naik 0,70% menjadi 4.557,82 poin. Sementara itu, rupiah Indonesia naik 0,37% menjadi Rp 13.892 per dollar Amerika Serikat (Bloomberg Dollar Index). Apa yang terjadi pada perdagangan hari ini dan mengapa ada perbedaan antara aset Indonesia dan tren Asian secara umum?

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  • Mengapa Saham dan Rupiah Indonesia Melemah Hari Ini?

    Berlawan dengan harapan, saham Indonesia dan rupiah memiliki awal yang lemah di tahun yang baru. Pada hari Senin (4/1) Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) turun 1,46% menjadi 4.525,92 poin, sementara rupiah terdepresiasi 0,82% menjadi Rp 13.943 per dollar Amerika Serikat (Bloomberg Dollar Index). Kinerja saham Indonesia ini sejalan dengan kinerja saham di seluruh dunia. Perdagangan saham Republik Rakyat Tiongkok (RRT) bahkan dihentikan dua kali karena indeksnya merosot. Apa yang terjadi hari ini?

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  • Pasar Saham Indonesia: Prognosis Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan Bulan Januari

    Tahun lalu Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) turun 12,13% sehingga berakhir pada 4,593.01 poin pada 30 Desember 2015 di tengah ketidakpastian global yang parah akibat ancaman pengetatan kebijakan moneter di Amerika Serikat (AS) dan perlambatan ekonomi yang besar dari Republik Rakyat Tiongkok (RRT). Hari ini, Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) akan memasuki hari perdagangan pertamanya di tahun baru. Apa yang kita harapkan dari kinerja saham Indonesia di Januari 2016?

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Artikel Terbaru Indonesia Stock Exchange

  • Indonesia’s Jakarta Composite Index Likely to Touch New Record High Position in 2022

    Indonesia’s benchmark stock index (Jakarta Composite Index, or IHSG) grew 10.08 percent in full-year 2021, a good performance after a volatile and highly uncertain 2020 when the COVID-19 crisis emerged. At around 6,580 points on the first trading day of 2022, the index remains at near-record high territory (with the record being set recently, in mid-November 2021, at around 6,750 points).

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  • Cement Producer Cemindo Gemilang Conducts Initial Public Offering on Indonesia Stock Exchange

    Despite the challenging conditions, Indonesian cement producer Cemindo Gemilang decided to offer 2.71 billion shares, equivalent to 15.0 percent of the company’s total shares, to the public through an initial public offering (IPO) on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). With the IPO price set at the range of 600-800 per share, the cement producer eyes to collect around IDR 1.89 trillion (approx. USD $133 million) through this corporate move.

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  • Indonesia's Listed Companies' Corporate Earnings Reports: FY-2017

    Earnings season has arrived again! Here Indonesia Investments presents a selection of full-year 2017 corporate earnings reports of Indonesian companies that are listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), categorized by sector: (1) agriculture and mining, (2) basic industry and chemicals, (3) miscellaneous industry, (4) consumer goods, (5) property and real estate, (6) infrastructure, utilities and transportation, (7) finance, and (8) trade, services and investment.

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  • Looking Back at 2017: Indonesian Stocks Having a Good Year

    The year 2017 already finished for equity investors and therefore we can take a look back at the performance of Indonesia's benchmark Jakarta Composite Index over the past 12 months. Indonesian stocks, generally, had a good year, with the benchmark index rising 19.99 percent to close 2017 at 6,355.65 points, a new all-time record high.

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  • Indonesian Stocks at Record High Despite Foreign Outflows

    After touching a new all-time record high level last week, analysts are optimistic that Indonesia's benchmark Jakarta Composite Index will surpass the psychological level of 6,000.00 points later this year. Last Friday (25/08) the benchmark index of Indonesia reached 5,915.36 points, a new record, while market capitalization touched IDR 6,481.8 trillion (approx. USD $483.9 billion).

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  • What are Indonesia's Biggest Listed Companies in 2017?

    While the Jakarta Composite Index has been touching record high levels recently, there emerged a new leader on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Indonesia's largest telecommunication and network provider Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Telkom) is now the largest company in Indonesia in terms of market capitalization on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. It replaced tobacco manufacturer HM Sampoerna that fell to third position.

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  • Corporate Earnings Reports Indonesia's Listed Companies 2016

    Here Indonesia Investments presents a selection of corporate earnings reports over full-year 2016 of Indonesian companies that are listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), categorized by sector: (1) agriculture and mining, (2) basic industry and chemicals, (3) miscellaneous industry, (4) consumer goods, (5) property and real estate, (6) infrastructure, utilities and transportation, (7) finance, and (8) trade, services and investment. The tables below display both net profit (or loss) and revenues, together with year-on-year (yoy) growth.

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  • Should the Indonesia Stock Exchange Lower the IPO Costs?

    In order to make an initial public offering (IPO) in Indonesia more attractive the Indonesia Stock Exchange is advised to make this corporate move less expensive for companies. Also the annual listing fee as well as the deposit that needs to be paid to the Financial Services Authority (OJK) need to be revised in order to encourage more local companies to conduct an IPO in Indonesia. Although being Southeast Asia's largest economy, the number of listed companies in Indonesia is far below the number of listed companies in Singapore, Thailand and Malaysia.

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  • Stock Market & Rupiah Indonesia: Long Period of Uncertainty Ahead?

    Indonesia's benchmark Jakarta Composite Index experienced another tough day on Monday (14/11). After Indonesian stocks plunged 4.01 percent on Friday, stocks fell another 2.2 percent today. Not only Indonesia, but most Asian markets are hit by the selloff, particularly the emerging markets of Southeast Asia. Investors are re-evaluating their emerging market assets now Donald Trump has been elected the next US president (and who can rely on a Republican-controlled US Congress). To make matters worse, current uncertainty is expected to persist in the next couple of months.

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