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Berita Hari Ini Trade Balance

  • Indonesia Records Trade Deficit of USD $657.2 Million in September 2013

    Indonesia's trade surplus in August 2013 was not continued into September. Today (01/11), Statistics Indonesia announced that the country experienced a trade deficit of USD $657.2 million in September 2013. Exports in September fell 6.85 percent year-on-year (yoy) to USD $14.81 billion, while imports rose 0.77 percent (yoy) to USD $15.47 billion. During January-September 2013, total exports amounted to USD $134.05 billion, while total imports amounted to USD $140.31 billion. This means that the current trade deficit stands at USD $6.26 billion.

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  • Indonesia's Current Account Deficit May Moderate to 2.6% in 2014

    A senior official at Indonesia's central bank (Bank Indonesia) stated that the country's current account deficit is expected to ease to 2.5 - 2.7 percent of Indonesia's gross domestic product (GDP) by 2014. In the second quarter of 2013, the account deficit reached USD $9.8 billion or 4.4 percent of GDP in Q2-2013, an alarmingly high figure that has caused much concern among the investor community. This deficit is particularly brought on by a large deficit in the country's oil & gas sector in combination with strong domestic demand for imports.

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  • World Bank: Indonesia's Resilience Tested, Adjustment Continues

    Indonesia’s economy continues to adjust, as weaker commodity prices, tighter international financing, and slowing domestic demand moderate the growth rate to 5.6 percent for 2013. This downward revision is discussed in the latest edition of the World Bank’s Indonesia Economic Quarterly (IEQ). Further moderation of growth (at 5.3 percent) may be expected in 2014, with growth in high income economies firming but international market conditions likely remaining volatile.

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  • Indonesian Government Expects Trade Deficit to Ease to USD $4 Billion

    Indonesia's trade deficit is expected to amount to USD $4 billion by the end of 2013, implying a moderation from the USD $5.54 billion deficit that emerged between January and August 2013. Indonesia's exports are forecast to decline by about 5 percent in the remainder of 2013 due to the weak global environment, particularly with the current ongoing political uncertainties in the USA. As such, in order to combat the deficit, the government intends to limit imports. Next year, Indonesia will most likely continue to post a trade deficit.

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  • Indonesia Records USD $132 Million Trade Surplus in August 2013

    Today, Statistics Indonesia (BPS) released Indonesia's export and import figures for the month August 2013. Exports in August amounted to USD $13.16 billion, implying a 12.77 percent decline compared to exports in July 2013, or a 6.31 decline year-on-year. Imports in August 2013 amounted to USD $13.03 billion, a 25.20 percent fall compared to the previous month, or a 5.69 percent fall year-on-year. As such, Indonesia recorded a trade surplus of USD $130 million in August.

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  • Indonesia May Become the World's Largest Oil Importer by 2018

    Indonesia is expected to replace the United States as the world's largest importer of oil by 2018, unless the country is able to limit domestic oil consumption or boost the nation's oil production. Recently, Indonesia has put more effort in limiting oil imports as these have caused a widening trade deficit. The trade deficit was at a new record high at USD $5.65 billion in the first seven months of 2013, particularly caused by the country's oil & gas deficit (USD $7.6 billion), while the non-oil & gas sector posted a surplus of USD $1.9 billion.

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  • Weak Rupiah and Global Economy Enlarge Indonesia's Budget Deficit

    The outcome of Indonesia's 2014 budget deficit is expected to be higher than initially planned in the 2014 State Budget Draft (RAPBN 2014). In the 2014 draft, the deficit is proposed to amount to IDR 154.2 trillion (USD $13.6 billion), or 1.49 percent of Indonesia's gross domestic product (GDP). However, the government's latest estimate indicates a widening of the deficit to IDR 209.5 trillion (USD $18.5 billion), equivalent to 2.02 percent of GDP. The wider deficit is mainly caused by Indonesia's depreciating rupiah as well as the weak global economy.

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  • Promising Data from China and Japan Support Indonesia's Exports

    Exports of China in August 2013 surpassed expectations and provides hope that the world's second largest economy is resuming its admirable growth. Overseas shipments were reported to have grown 7.2 percent year-on-year, while analysts expected a 5.5 percent growth rate. In July, China's exports had already recorded a 5.1 percent growth compared to the same month in 2012. On the other hand, imports in China grew slower than had been forecast at 7 percent (YoY). The country's trade surplus reached over USD $28 billion.

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  • IMF Downgrades Indonesia's Economic Growth in 2013 to 5.25%

    The International Monetary Fund (IMF) expects the economy of Indonesia to expand by 5.25 percent in 2013, which is considerably lower than the IMF's earlier forecast. In its World Economic Outlook, released in April 2013, the institution set economic growth of Indonesia at 6.3 percent. However, after emerging markets were hit by large capital outflows when the Federal Reserve began to speculate about an end to its quantitative easing program (QE3), Indonesia's GDP growth assumptions were quickly revised downwards.

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  • Indonesia's Inflation 1.12% in August, Trade Deficit at Record High

    Indonesia's inflation rate in August 2013 was 1.12 percent (month to month) according to Statistics Indonesia (BPS). This result is rather positive as many analysts projected a higher outcome for August inflation. Last month (July), inflation accelerated by 3.29 percent as the impact of higher subsidized fuel prices was felt in combination with weak government policies regarding food quotas, Muslim celebrations (Ramadan and Idul Fitri) as well as the beginning of the news school year.

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