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Berita Hari Ini Palm Oil Demand

  • Indonesian Palm Oil Companies Post Profit despite Low Prices

    While many of Indonesia's coal producers have ceased operations as the production cost margin turned negative, the country's crude palm oil (CPO) producers are still making a profit despite palm oil prices also having weakened sharply in recent years. The Palm Oil Agribusiness Strategic Policy Institute (Paspi) said that production costs for palm oil producers stand in the range of USD $250 to USD $300 per ton, implying that with current CPO prices at around USD $550 per ton, CPO producers still make a reasonable profit.

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  • Crude Palm Oil Industry Indonesia: Prices May Extend Rally into 2016

    The El Nino-inflicted dry weather in Indonesia and Malaysia, possibly the worst in nearly two decades, is expected to curtail crude palm oil (CPO) output in both countries, implying that palm oil prices can extend their rally into next year. Moreover, Indonesia will consume more CPO as the government will raise the mandatory amount of palm oil blended with diesel from 15 to 20 percent (part of its B20 biofuel program) in early 2016. Since August - when prices were at a six-year low - palm oil futures have surged 26 percent.

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  • Indonesia to Stop Complying with European Union's Palm Oil Standards

    The Indonesian government will (temporarily) stop using sustainability standards designed by the European Union regarding crude palm oil (CPO). Indonesian Minister of Maritime Affairs Rizal Ramli said the current strict standards of the European Union hurt the domestic palm oil industry, especially smallholders. Moreover, Indonesia and Malaysia, the world's two largest CPO producers and exporters, are to set up a new intergovernmental palm oil council that will design new rules and standards regarding sustainable palm oil production.

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  • Palm Oil Industry Update Indonesia: CPO Production at 40 Million by 2020?

    Indonesia’s production of crude palm oil (CPO) is expected to reach 40 million tons in 2020, in line with the government’s national program and downstream CPO roadmap. At the 3rd Indonesia International Palm Oil Processing Machinery & Technology Exhibition, Pranata, Director of Forest and Plantation Industries at the Indonesian Industry Ministry, said that, based on the roadmap, targeted CPO production growth should average 6.8 percent per year up to 2020, so the country will produce 40 million tons by that year.

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  • Apa yang Perlu Anda Ketahui mengenai Pungutan Ekspor Minyak Sawit Indonesia?

    Pejabat Pemerintah Indonesia mengumumkan bahwa pungutan ekspor minyak sawit yang baru saja disosialisasikan akan mulai diterapkan pada hari Kamis (16/07). Peraturan baru ini mengharuskan bahwa pungutan sebesar 50 dollar Amerika Serikat (AS) per metrik ton diterapkan untuk ekspor minyak sawit mentah (crude palm oil/CPO) dan beacukai senilai 30 dollar AS per metrik ton ditetapkan untuk ekspor produk olahan minyak sawit. Pungutan ekspor minyak sawit ini hanya perlu dibayar oleh para eksportir saat harga referensi CPO dari Pemerintah jatuh di bawah 750 dollar AS per metrik ton, yang secara efektif memotong pajak ekspor minyak sawit menjadi 0%.

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  • Update Industri Minyak Sawit di Malaysia dan Indonesia

    Pengapalan minyak sawit mentah (crude palm oil/CPO) dari Malaysia naik 18% pada basis month-to-month (m/m) pada bulan Maret karena perusahaan-perusahaan segera mengekspor CPO sebelum penerapan (kembali) pajak ekspor 4,5% di bulan April. Pajak ekspor ini telah dihapus sejak September 2014 dalam usaha untuk mendongkrak permintaan dan harga CPO. Diprediksi bahwa produksi rata-rata CPO di Malaysia naik 18% (m/m) menjadi 1,32 juta ton di bulan Maret, yang juga berarti bahwa produksi minyak sawit di Malaysia meningkat untuk pertama kalinya di dalam 7 bulan.

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  • Minyak Sawit Indonesia: Pemerintah Mengubah Kebijakan Ekspor CPO

    Pemerintah Indonesia berencana untuk merevisi kebijakan pajak ekspor minyak sawit mentah (CPO). Menteri Koordinator Bidang Perekonomian Sofyan Djalil mengatakan bahwa Pemerintah berencana untuk menerapkan pajak tetap senilai 50 dollar Amerika Serikat (AS) per metrik ton untuk ekspor CPO ketika harga CPO menurun di bawah batasan yang dibuat Pemerintah yaitu 750 dollar AS per ton. Hal ini menyiratkan bahwa tidak mungkin lagi bagi para eksportir minyak sawit Indonesia utuk melakukan pengiriman tanpa biaya. Saat ini, para eksportir minyak sawit bisa mengekspor CPO tanpa biaya karena harga CPO telah berada di bawah batasan 750 dollar AS sejak September 2014.

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  • Update Minyak Sawit Indonesia: Prediksi Pesimistis Harga CPO

    Diperkirakan bahwa ekspor minyak sawit mentah (crude palm oil/CPO) dan hasil olahannya jatuh pada Februari 2015 karena permintaan yang lambat dari India dan Republik Rakyat Tionghoa (RRT), dua negara pengimpor minyak sawit terbesar di dunia. Ekspor juga menurun karena produksi kedelai dunia meningkat (minyak kedelai adalah bahan pengganti yang mirip dengan minyak sawit untuk digunakan sebagai bahan makanan dan biodiesel). Berdasarkan pada median dari enam penghasil minyak sawit, perkiraan para analis dan lembaga, pengiriman minyak sawit Indonesia (termasuk bungkil inti sawit) jatuh 6% pada basis month-to-month (m/m) menjadi 1,7 juta metrik ton di bulan Februari.

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  • Crude Palm Oil Update Indonesia: Outlook CPO Export Not too Great

    The Indonesian Palm Oil Producers Association (Gapki) believes that it is difficult for Indonesia to achieve the government’s target of collecting USD $36 billion by 2019 through crude palm oil (CPO) exports as several government policies disturb the performance of CPO exports. Moreover, global commodity prices (including palm oil) are still showing a downward trend - hence limiting foreign exchange earnings - as global economic growth remains sluggish. Economic growth of China, a major CPO importer, is expected to slow further this year.

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  • Indonesian Palm Oil Exports and Production Grow but El Nino is Looming

    Indonesian crude palm oil (CPO) exports may have increased 3.4 percent (month-to-month) to 1.85 million metric tons in April 2014 according to the median forecast of five analysts and traders compiled by Bloomberg. Exports are forecast to increase as buyers boost purchases ahead of the holy Muslim fasting month Ramadan in June and Idul Fitri celebrations. These festivities always trigger increased demand for palm oil. If this projection is accurate, it would imply that Indonesian CPO exports in April are the highest since December 2013.

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Artikel Terbaru Palm Oil Demand

  • Palm Oil Price Touches Highest Position So Far in 2016

    The crude palm oil (CPO) price touched its highest level so far this year. On Tuesday (20/09) palm oil futures (December delivery) - traded on the Kuala Lumpur exchange - ended the day at 2,690 ringgit (approx. USD $651 per metric ton). Palm oil prices are rising as CPO production in Indonesia and Malaysia will remain subdued this year due to droughts that were brought by the El Nino weather phenomenon earlier in 2016, while there is expectation of a rather wet season later this year due to the La Nina weather phenomenon.

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  • Indonesia's February Crude Palm Oil Exports Better than Expected

    Indonesia's crude palm oil (CPO) exports rose 9 percent month-on-month (m/m) to 2.29 million tons in February 2016 on the back of growing CPO demand in Africa, Bangladesh, India and the European Union. Indonesia's February CPO export volume was better than estimated previously. Analysts had expected a figure below 2 million tons. Combined, Indonesia's palm oil exports reached 4.39 million tons in the first two months of 2016, up 22 percent (y/y) from the 3.59 million tons of CPO that Indonesia exported in the same period one year earlier.

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  • Palm Oil Industry Indonesia Update: Progressive Import Tax France

    The crude palm oil business received a blow when France announced it plans to impose progressive tax on imports of crude palm oil and its derivatives. French authorities approved a bill on 21 January 2016 that will raise the import tax on palm oil from around 100 euro per ton currently to 300 euro per ton in 2017. This tariff will then be raised to 700 euro per ton in 2019, and to 900 euro per ton in 2020. Through this tax hike France aims to discourage the palm oil industry, hence curtailing global deforestation as well as to protect its citizens from the negative health effects caused by the consumption of palm oil.

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  • Palm Oil Firm Astra Agro Lestari to Benefit from Higher CPO Price

    Agribusiness company Astra Agro Lestari, one of Indonesia's leading crude palm oil (CPO) producers, is expected to show a better performance in 2016 on an expected rise in palm oil prices. Although palm oil futures currently feel the negative effects of tumbling global crude oil prices, these futures are estimated to have risen to about 2,700 ringgit per ton by May 2016 from around 2,385 (approx. USD $540)  per ton currently.

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  • Indonesia & Malaysia Set up the Council of Palm Oil Producer Countries

    The world's two largest crude palm oil (CPO) producers and exporters - Indonesia and Malaysia - signed an agreement on Saturday (21/11) for the establishment of an intergovernmental palm oil council, called the Council of Palm Oil Producer Countries (CPOPC), that aims to control the global CPO supply, stabilize prices, promote sustainable practices in the palm oil industry, and enhance the welfare of oil palm smallholders. Both countries will invest USD $5 million each for the set up of this new council. Its headquarters will be located in Jakarta.

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  • Formula Baru Penetapan Harga Biodiesel di Indonesia

    Walaupun Pemerintah Indonesia telah mengumumkan bahwa subsidi bahan bakar nabati dinaikkan menjadi Rp. 4,000 per liter (dari Rp 1,500 per liter pada tahun 2014) dan bioethanol menjadi Rp 3,000 per liter (dari Rp 2,000 tahun lalu) - di dalam upaya untuk melindungi industri bahan bakar nabati domestik karena biaya produksi melampaui harga pasar di tengah harga minyak sawit global yang rendah -, produsen bahan bakar nabati Indonesia berharap agar harga bahan bakar nabati nasional ditetapkan berdasarkan harga patokan selain Mean of Platts Singapore (MoPS).

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