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Berita Hari Ini PLN

  • Pertamina, Marubeni & General Electric Team Up for Power Plant Project

    A consortium consisting of Indonesia's state-owned oil & gas company Pertamina and Japan-based general trading company Marubeni Corp has teamed up with American multinational conglomerate corporation General Electric (GE) to bid for success in a USD $2 billion power plant project in Bekasi (West Java) tendered by Indonesia's state-owned utility company Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN). Reportedly, this 1,600 MW power plant, named Jawa I, is set to become the largest gas and steam power plant in Indonesia.

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  • Indonesia's Low Electricity Price Discourages Investment in Geothermal Energy

    Indonesia's push for usage of renewable energy sources, particularly geothermal energy, at the expense of usage of fossil fuels (such as oil or coal) has experienced a setback as there has been an impasse between state-owned electricity company Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) and Pertamina Geothermal Energy (PGE), a subsidiary of state-owned energy company Pertamina regarding the renewal of their power purchase deal for electricity generated by PGE's Lahendong and Kamojang plants. The existing deal expires at the end of the year.

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  • S&P: Indonesia's Electricity Firm PLN Needs better Regulatory Framework

    Credit rating agency Standards & Poor's (S&P) says Indonesia (and Malaysia) need to increase efforts to build a good track record of timely and reasonable power tariffs adjustments in order to ensure decent returns for investors and recover their costs. Delays in energy price revisions, which are sometimes the result of political strategy, are the key risk that jeopardize the financial stability (and credit profile) of state-owned utility company Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN). S&P therefore advises the Indonesian government to enhance efforts to ensure a sound regulatory framework (i.e. a transparent tariff rate-setting mechanism).

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  • Electricity in Indonesia: Plenty Natural Resources but Shortage of Electricity

    Despite having abundant natural resources at its disposal (including coal and gas), Indonesia has difficulty to supply enough electricity to its people and businesses. Robust economic growth over the past decade has given rise to increased domestic demand for electricity but the country has not been able to adequately meet demand resulting in frequent blackouts and in one of the lowest electrification rates (the percentage of Indonesian households connected to the nation's electricity grid) in the region (about 80.4 percent at end-2013).

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  • Indonesia Investments' Newsletter of 10 August 2014 Released

    On 10 August 2014, Indonesia Investments released the latest edition of its newsletter. This free newsletter, which is sent to our subscribers once per week, contains the most important news stories from Indonesia that have been reported on our website in the last seven days. Most of the topics involve economic topics such as economic growth in the second quarter, July inflation, the June trade balance, company profiles of PP London Sumatra Indonesia and Perusahaan Listrik Negara, guidelines for the construction of a PT PMA, and more.

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  • Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) Posts Good Earnings in First Half 2014

    Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN), the state-owned utility company that has a monopoly on the distribution of electricity in Indonesia, recorded a 158 percent growth (year-on-year) in net profit to IDR 12.3 trillion (USD $1.1 billion) in the first half of 2014 due to improved operational efficiency and a foreign-exchange gain of IDR 4.4 trillion (USD $376 million). Meanwhile, the company's revenue increased 24 percent to IDR 145.1 trillion (USD $12.4 billion) as electricity sales increased and PLN received more subsidies from the Indonesian government.

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  • Supplying Electricity to Indonesians; Domestic Coal Consumption Rises

    Indonesian state-owned electricity firm Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) said that Indonesia - Southeast Asia's largest economy - is expected to nearly double domestic consumption of thermal coal over the next eight years in an attempt to meet the nation's growing electricity demand. Moreover, coal, of which the country has huge reserves at its disposal, is regarded a better fuel source in electricity generation compared to expensive diesel. At present, many power stations in Indonesia are still diesel-powered.

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  • General Electric (GE) Seeking to Expand its Business in Indonesia

    General Electric (GE), one of the largest American multinational conglomerates, has already started to show its commitment to invest in Indonesia. Over the course of three years, the company will invest USD $300 million in Southeast Asia's largest economy. CEO of General Electric Indonesia, Handry Satriago, stated that - although the year 2013 was a year full of challenges - the company managed to record revenues worth about USD $1 billion and aims to reach double-digit growth in 2014.

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  • Indonesian Vertically Integrated Energy Producer: Exploitasi Energi Indonesia

    Indonesia Investments added the preliminary company profile of Exploitasi Energi Indonesia. The company, a vertically-integrated energy company, is engaged in coal production & trading, coal logistics & transportation, and power generation. Currently, most of its revenue is derived from its coal mining activities. However, in the years ahead it intends to focus more on turning electricity generation into its main source of revenue. It has a long-term coal supply contract with state electricity company Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN).

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  • Profile of Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN): Indonesia's Electricity Provider

    Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) is the state-owned company (SOE) that holds the monopoly on the distribution of electricity in Indonesia. The company is the second-largest SOE by assets after energy company Pertamina. Total capacity of PLN’s power plants at end-2012 have grown to 32.901 MW. The company is tasked to increase Indonesia's electrification ratio (the percentage of Indonesian households that are connected to the nation's electricity grid) to 90 percent by 2020. Currently, the ratio is around 77 percent.

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Artikel Terbaru PLN

  • Renewable Energy Sources in Indonesia; What Can We Learn from Solar Power Development?

    At the start of the New Year we are taking a look at renewable energy development in Indonesia, specifically the case of solar power. Solar power is energy from the Sun that is converted into thermal or electrical energy, either through photovoltaic (PV) panels or through mirrors that concentrate solar radiation. The electrical energy can be used to generate electricity, or, it can be stored in batteries or thermal storage.

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  • Massive Electricity Blackouts in Java; A look at Indonesia’s Electrification Ratio & PLN's Performance

    On Sunday 4 August 2019 and Monday 5 August 2019 the capital city of Jakarta, a large part of West Java, and parts of Central Java were without electricity. On Sunday the power outage lasted from around noon to 21:00 pm, an unusually long period, while the following day the outage lasted for approximately six hours (depending on the exact location); also an unusually long period albeit not as long as on the preceding day.

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  • Domestic Market Obligation Indonesia: Coal Price Capped at $70 per Ton

    Through Energy and Mineral Resource Ministry Regulation No. 19/2018 on the Procedures for Determining Benchmark Prices of Metal and Coal Sales as well as through Energy and Mineral Resource Ministry Regulation No. 1395 K/30/MEM/2018 on the Selling Price of Coal for the Electricity Supply for the Public Interest the Indonesian government confirmed a new set of rules in the coal mining sector, specifically regarding coal that is sold domestically under the domestic market obligation.

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  • Only the (Near) Poor Deserve Electricity Subsidies in Indonesia

    Indonesia needs to prepare for higher electricity tariffs as the government and House of Representatives (DPR) agreed on cutting electricity subsidies for 450 VA and 900 VA households starting from 1 January 2016. Indonesian authorities only want to provide electricity subsidies to the 24.7 million poorest Indonesian households. However, currently around 45.4 million Indonesians have connections of 450 VA and 900 VA.

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  • Sarulla Geothermal Project Indonesia: Inpex Corp Joins Consortium

    Inpex Corporation, a leading Japanese oil & gas exploration and production firm, announced today that it agreed to take part in the 330-megawatt Sarulla Geothermal Power Project in North Sumatra (Indonesia), the world’s largest single-contract geothermal power project. Inpex Corp acquired a 49 percent stake in a local unit of Medco Power Indonesia. As such, Inpex Corp’s participation in the project is indirect. Parent company Medco Power Indonesia owns a 37.5 percent stake in the Sarulla project.

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  • Indonesia’s Quest for Energy Security: 25 Geothermal Projects Tendered

    The Indonesian government plans to tender 25 new geothermal development sites with a total combined capacity of 1,225 megawatt (MW). These 25 projects will require a total of USD $4.6 billion worth of investments and help to achieve the government’s target to raise the portion of geothermal energy in the country’s energy mix to 7.1 percent by 2025. These 25 projects are in addition to the 31 geothermal development projects that are currently being constructed and which should be operational by 2020.

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  • Indonesian Government Tries to Lure Investment in Geothermal Power

    In an attempt to attract investments in Indonesia's geothermal power sector, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources plans to offer higher prices for geothermal-based electricity. Based on a recommendation from the World Bank, the new proposed geothermal-produced electricity price will range between 11.5 and 29 cents per KwH and will be effective until 2025. Currently, state-owned Perusahaan Listrik Negara pays between 10 and 18.5 cents per KwH to independent geothermal power producers (feed-in tariff).

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  • Financial Victims of Sharp Rupiah Depreciation: Garuda and PLN

    As companies' financial results of 2013 slowly start to be released, two reports - so far - have raised eyebrows due to significant declines in net profit. These are publicly listed, but majority state-owned, airline Garuda Indonesia and fully state-owned electricity firm Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN). Both companies felt the impact of the sharply depreciating Indonesia rupiah exchange rate. The currency fell over 21 percent against the US dollar in 2013 due to capital outflows amid looming US tapering and current account deficit concerns.

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  • Government May Stop Indonesia's Crude Palm Oil (CPO) Exports to Europe

    The Indonesian government is considering to stop exports of crude palm oil (CPO) to Europe from 2014 onwards as domestic CPO demand in Southeast Asia's largest economy is rising, brought on by the country's biofuel industry which is expected to grow 70 percent next year to 5 million tons. To curtail oil imports, the government stimulates the production of crude palm oil-based biofuel by raising the mandatory content of fatty acid methyl ester (which is made from palm oil) in biodiesel products from 7.5 percent to 10 percent.

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  • Gain Knowledge and Make Contacts: 12th Clean Coal Forum Indonesia 2013

    Organized by China Decision Makers Consultancy (CDMC) Events, the 12th Clean Coal Forum Indonesia 2013 will be held on Wednesday 4 and Thursday 5 December 2013 in the Pullman Jakarta Indonesia Hotel (located at the most prestigious part of Jakarta's Central Business District). This event will generate some valuable advices to assist you to gauge the pulse of this ever-changing industry while grasping the latest and most advanced clean coal technologies, particularly in the Asia Pacific market.

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