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Berita Hari Ini Palm Oil Export

  • Downstream Palm Oil Industry of Indonesia in Development

    Bayu Krisnamurthi, President Director of the Indonesian Oil Palm Estate Fund (BPDP-KS), said total exports of palm oil and its derivatives in the first quarter of 2016 reached 7.42 million tons. It is interesting to note that 87.2 percent of this total figure (or 6.47 million tons) comprises processed palm oil products, while the remainder consists of crude palm oil (CPO), implying that the downstreaming of the palm oil sector is developing smoothly. Krisnamurthi says the imposition of export levies on CPO has managed to encourage the development of downstream industries in the nation's palm oil sector.

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  • France Step Closer to Higher Palm Oil Import Tax, Indonesia Objects

    The National Assembly of France agreed to impose an additional tax on imports of crude palm oil (CPO) and its derivatives used for the production of food products. An additional tax of 90 euro per ton (on top of the existing 104 euro per ton import tariff) is expected to be implemented in 2017. This tax increase is part of France's wider biodiversity bill that aims to reduce deforestation and protects French citizens from the negative health effects from consuming palm oil. Indonesia and Malaysia, the world's largest CPO producers have objected strongly to this higher tax.

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  • Indonesia Asks France to Scrap Additional Tax on Palm Oil Imports

    Efforts made by the Indonesian government to convince France not to impose a progressive tax on imports of crude palm oil (CPO) and its derivatives have had some success. According to the latest stories, French authorities agree to cut the proposed additional import tax from 300 euro to 90 euro per ton. Earlier, on 21 January 2016, France approved a bill that gives birth to a progressive import tax on CPO and derivatives starting at an additional 300 euro per ton in 2017 and then increasing to 700 euro per ton in 2019, and to 900 euro per ton in 2020. Currently, France's import tax on CPO is just above 100 euro per ton.

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  • Palm Oil Industry Indonesia: CPO Prices Rise on El Nino Drought

    The crude palm oil (CPO) price continues to rise supported by the impact of the El Nino weather phenomenon. El Nino causes a dry spell in Southeast Asia, home to the world's largest palm oil plantations. As a result, CPO inventories in Malaysia may have declined to 2.11 million tons, an 11-month low in February 2016. Meanwhile, Singapore-based agribusiness trader Olam International Ltd said CPO stocks will decline to the range of 1.5 - 2.0 million tons in the second quarter of 2016. Obstacles to higher CPO prices are Malaysia's strengthening ringgit (which curtails demand for Malaysian palm oil) and attractive prices of soybean oil.

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  • Demand for Indonesian Crude Palm Oil Fell in January 2016

    Again, crude palm oil (CPO) shipments from Indonesia - the world's largest CPO producer and exporter - declined. Based on the latest data from the Indonesian Palm Oil Producers Association (Gapki), palm oil exports from Indonesia fell 16 percent on a month-on-month (m/m) basis to 2.1 million tons in January 2016. This decline was mainly caused by falling palm oil demand from the key export countries China and India.

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  • Palm Oil Update: Indonesia's CPO Export Up in Volume, Down in Earnings

    The value of Indonesia's exports of crude palm oil (CPO) and its derivatives plunged 11.8 percent year-on-year (y/y) to USD $18.6 billion in 2015 from USD $21.1 billion in the preceding year. However, in terms of volume, Indonesian exports of CPO and its derivatives actually rose 21.7 percent to 26.4 million tons. The higher volume but lower earnings are explained by the palm oil price. Palm oil traded at an average of USD $614.20 per ton in 2015, down 24.9 percent (y/y) from an average price of USD $818.20 per ton in 2014.

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  • Ekspor Minyak Sawit Indonesia Akan Jatuh karena Program Biodiesel

    Dewan Minyak Sawit Indonesia (DMSI) memperkirakan ekspor minyak sawit mentah Indonesia (crude palm oil/CPO) turun 8,7% pada basis year-on-year (y/y) menjadi 21 juta ton tahun depan dari estimasi 23 juta ton pada 2015. Penurunan ekspor disebabkan adanya peningkatan konsumsi CPO dalam negeri di tengah implementasi penuh program B15 biodiesel. Konsumsi dalam negeri CPO diperkirakan tumbuh 37% (y/y) dari 8,4 juta ton pada 2015 menjadi 11,5 juta ton pada 2016. Jika program biodiesel B20 akan dilaksanakan, maka ekspor CPO Indonesia bisa semakin menurun.

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  • Ekspor Minyak Sawit Mentah Indonesia Bertumbuh 21% pada Januari-November 2015

    Gabungan Pengusaha Kelapa Sawit Indonesia (Gapki) mengatakan ekspor minyak sawit mentah (crude palm oil/CPO) Indonesia berada pada 2,38 juta pada bulan November 2015, turun 8,6% dari ekspor CPO di bulan sebelumnya. Penurunan ini disebabkan karena permintaan yang lebih lemah dari pasar-pasar ekspor utama Indonesia dan harga kacang kedelai yang murah (minyak kedelai bisa menggantikan minyak sawit sebagai bahan dasar untuk pembuatan makanan dan biodiesel). Kendati begitu, pada basis year-on-year (y/y), ekspor CPO Indonesia naik 21% (y/y) menjadi 23,9 juta di periode Januari-November 2015.

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  • Indonesia to Stop Complying with European Union's Palm Oil Standards

    The Indonesian government will (temporarily) stop using sustainability standards designed by the European Union regarding crude palm oil (CPO). Indonesian Minister of Maritime Affairs Rizal Ramli said the current strict standards of the European Union hurt the domestic palm oil industry, especially smallholders. Moreover, Indonesia and Malaysia, the world's two largest CPO producers and exporters, are to set up a new intergovernmental palm oil council that will design new rules and standards regarding sustainable palm oil production.

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  • Update Berita Minyak Sawit: Pajak Ekspor CPO Indonesia Tetap pada 0%

    Pajak ekspor Indonesia untuk pengapalan minyak sawit mentah (crude palm oil/CPO) akan tetap pada 0% di Oktober 2015 karena harga referensi CPO Pemerintah jatuh 13% (month-on-month) menjadi 529,51 dollar Amerika Serikat (AS) per metrik ton. Ketika harga referensi CPO ini berada di bawah batasan 750 dollar AS per ton, maka Pemerintah menghapuskan pajak ekspor dalam rangka untuk membuat pembelian minyak sawit Indonesia menjadi lebih menarik. Kendati begitu, para eksportir masih tetap dikenai beacukai ekspor minyak sawit yang baru-baru ini diberlakukan. Ketika pajak ekspor dipotong menjadi 0%, para eksportir diharuskan untuk membayar beacukai senilai 50 dollar AS per ton untuk pengapalan CPO dan 30 dollar AS per ton untuk pengapalan produk-produk minyak sawit olahan (sebagian dari pendapatan ini disalurkan kepada program subsidi biodiesel Indonesia).

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Artikel Terbaru Palm Oil Export

  • Palm Oil Update Indonesia: Rising CPO Price in Q1-2018?

    The crude palm oil (CPO) price is expected to strengthen in the first quarter of 2018 due to the impact of the La Nina weather phenomenon and rising CPO demand in the traditional big CPO importing countries. This is good news for stakeholders in the palm oil industry as the price has been sliding around 16 percent so far this year (toward the 2,700 Malaysian ringgit per ton level).

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  • Palm Oil Price Touches Highest Position So Far in 2016

    The crude palm oil (CPO) price touched its highest level so far this year. On Tuesday (20/09) palm oil futures (December delivery) - traded on the Kuala Lumpur exchange - ended the day at 2,690 ringgit (approx. USD $651 per metric ton). Palm oil prices are rising as CPO production in Indonesia and Malaysia will remain subdued this year due to droughts that were brought by the El Nino weather phenomenon earlier in 2016, while there is expectation of a rather wet season later this year due to the La Nina weather phenomenon.

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  • Indonesia's February Crude Palm Oil Exports Better than Expected

    Indonesia's crude palm oil (CPO) exports rose 9 percent month-on-month (m/m) to 2.29 million tons in February 2016 on the back of growing CPO demand in Africa, Bangladesh, India and the European Union. Indonesia's February CPO export volume was better than estimated previously. Analysts had expected a figure below 2 million tons. Combined, Indonesia's palm oil exports reached 4.39 million tons in the first two months of 2016, up 22 percent (y/y) from the 3.59 million tons of CPO that Indonesia exported in the same period one year earlier.

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  • Palm Oil Industry Indonesia Update: Progressive Import Tax France

    The crude palm oil business received a blow when France announced it plans to impose progressive tax on imports of crude palm oil and its derivatives. French authorities approved a bill on 21 January 2016 that will raise the import tax on palm oil from around 100 euro per ton currently to 300 euro per ton in 2017. This tariff will then be raised to 700 euro per ton in 2019, and to 900 euro per ton in 2020. Through this tax hike France aims to discourage the palm oil industry, hence curtailing global deforestation as well as to protect its citizens from the negative health effects caused by the consumption of palm oil.

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  • Palm Oil Firm Astra Agro Lestari to Benefit from Higher CPO Price

    Agribusiness company Astra Agro Lestari, one of Indonesia's leading crude palm oil (CPO) producers, is expected to show a better performance in 2016 on an expected rise in palm oil prices. Although palm oil futures currently feel the negative effects of tumbling global crude oil prices, these futures are estimated to have risen to about 2,700 ringgit per ton by May 2016 from around 2,385 (approx. USD $540)  per ton currently.

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  • Indonesia & Malaysia Set up the Council of Palm Oil Producer Countries

    The world's two largest crude palm oil (CPO) producers and exporters - Indonesia and Malaysia - signed an agreement on Saturday (21/11) for the establishment of an intergovernmental palm oil council, called the Council of Palm Oil Producer Countries (CPOPC), that aims to control the global CPO supply, stabilize prices, promote sustainable practices in the palm oil industry, and enhance the welfare of oil palm smallholders. Both countries will invest USD $5 million each for the set up of this new council. Its headquarters will be located in Jakarta.

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Bisnis Terkait Palm Oil Export