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Berita Hari Ini BKPM

  • Special Helpdesk Prevents Layoffs in Indonesia's Textile & Footwear Industries

    The Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM), the investment service agency of the Indonesian government, claims it has prevented about 24,500 of layoffs through its special desk for footwear and textile industries. This special desk is an agency set up by the BKPM in early October 2015 to support local companies in the footwear and textile industries as these industries are considered most affected by the country's economic slowdown. BKPM Chairman Franky Sibarani said a total of 48 companies have requested support through this special desk.

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  • Investasi Asing Langsung Kuartal 3-2015 di Indonesia Bertumbuh 18,1% dalam Rupiah

    Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal (BKPM) mengumumkan pada hari Kamis (22/10) bahwa investasi asing langsung (foreign direct investment/FDI) di Indonesia naik 18,1% pada basis year-on-year (y/y) menjadi Rp 92,5 triliun di kuartal ketiga tahun 2015 dibandingkan dengan kuartal yang sama setahun sebelumnya. Pertumbuhan 18,1% pada kuartal 3 tahun 2015 hampir sama dengan kenaikan FDI 18,1% (y/y) di kuartal sebelumnya. Data FDI dari BKPM tidak mencakup investasi di sektor-sektor perbankan dan minyak & gas di negara ini.

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  • Foreign Direct Investment Indonesia: up in Rupiah, down in USD Terms

    The Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) announced today (27/07) that - in rupiah terms - foreign direct investment (FDI) in Indonesia rose 18.2 percent (y/y) to IDR 92.2 trillion rupiah in the second quarter of 2015, the fastest growth pace recorded since 2013. However, in US dollar terms, FDI fell to USD $7.38 billion in Q2-2015 from USD $7.43 billion in the same quarter one year earlier. The BKPM uses an IDR 12,500 per US dollar exchange rate in 2015 and an IDR 10,500 per US dollar exchange rate in 2014.

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  • Infrastructure Development Indonesia: More Investment Licenses Issued

    Although the Indonesian government is having difficulty to enhance infrastructure spending, a statement from Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) Chairman Franky Sibarani conveyed a more positive message. On Monday (20/07), Sibarani announced that since October 2014 the BKPM issued about IDR 335 trillion (approx. USD $25 billion) worth of investment licenses for infrastructure projects, triple the figure from the same period one year earlier, implying that President Joko Widodo’s promotional efforts have had success.

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  • S&P Awaiting Results from Indonesia’s Economic Policy Reforms

    Global credit rating agency Standard & Poor’s remains the only credit rating agency among the big three to maintain its BB+/stable rating on Indonesia’s sovereign credit (which is one notch below investment grade). Both Fitch Ratings (BBB-/stable) and Moody’s Investor Service (Baa3/stable) had already brought Indonesia back to investment grade in 2011 and 2012. Standard & Poor’s has been reluctant to raise Indonesia’s status as it wants to see more results from the country’s economic policy reforms.

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  • Investasi di Indonesia: Izin yang Dicabut Mengekspos Masalah

    Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Model (BKPM) mencabut 6.541 izin prinsip penanaman modal yang telah diberikan kepada para investor antara tahun 2007-2012 untuk proyek-proyek yang memiliki total nilai 23 miliar dollar Amerika Serikat (AS). Izin prinsip ini adalah langkah pertama untuk para investor asing supaya mereka dapat merealisasikan komitmen investasi mereka di Indonesia (biasanya membutuhlan beberapa tahun tambahan sebelum proyek-proyek ini bisa direalisasikan setelah pemberian izin prinsip).

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  • Japanese Investment in Indonesia Slowed in 2014 but Rebound Detected

    Japanese investment in Indonesia has declined drastically in 2014 due to concern about the stability of Indonesian politics. Investment realization tumbled to USD $2.7 billion in 2014 from USD $4.7 billion in the previous year. The investment climate of Indonesia in 2014 was plagued by concern about the ‘political year’, referring to the legislative and presidential elections that were organized and the uncertainty they brought about as it was a tight race between market favorite Joko Widodo and controversial candidate Prabowo Subianto.

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  • Indonesia’s One-Stop Investment Licensing Service at BKPM Launched

    Indonesian President Joko Widodo officially launched the integrated one-stop service center (in Indonesian Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu, abbreviated PTSP) at the Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) at the start of the week. This new service aims to smoothen and simplify licensing procedures for investment projects. From now on, investors will not need to visit various ministries or government agencies to obtain necessary permits but can simply turn to the BKPM’s one-stop service center.

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  • Investing in Indonesia: BKPM’s New One-Stop Service and a Tax Cut

    The Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) conducted a trial of its new one-stop integrated service on Thursday (15/01). This soft launch was attended by various Indonesian ministers. The introduction of the one-stop service aims to attract more (foreign) investment as it speeds up licensing procedures. Currently, Indonesia is characterized by a high degree of bureaucracy resulting in a lengthy licensing process as investors need to obtain permits from various ministries as well as local government institutions.

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  • Indonesia Investment Coordination Board Targets 15% Investment Growth

    Government investment service agency Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) targets IDR 524 trillion (USD $42 billion) worth of investments in 2015, a 15 percent growth from estimated investment realization this year (IDR 450 trillion). BKPM is optimistic that after the ‘political year’ of 2014 (due to the legislative and presidential elections) the new government will push for the implementation of various infrastructure projects such as toll roads, harbours and airports, thus making Indonesia more attractive to foreign investors.

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Artikel Terbaru BKPM

  • Economy of Indonesia: Shifting from Consumption to Investment?

    Thomas Lembong, Head of Indonesia's Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM), said the 5.01 percent year-on-year (y/y) economic growth pace of Indonesia in the second quarter of 2017 was rather disappointing as consumption remained bleak. Only Indonesia's export and investment realization showed an improvement, Lembong added. But, overall, Indonesia's economic growth stagnated.

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  • Direct Investment in Indonesia Rebounds in Second Quarter 2017

    The Investment Coordinating Board of Indonesia (in Indonesian: Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal, or BKPM) reported that total direct investment realization in Indonesia was recorded at IDR 170.9 trillion in the second quarter of 2017. This constitutes a 12.7 percent growth pace from IDR 151.6 trillion worth of total direct investment in the same quarter one year earlier. Thomas Lembong, Head of BKPM, said investment realization managed to absorb 345,323 Indonesian workers in Q2-2017.

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  • How Many Foreigners Actually Work in Indonesia? No Hoax!

    Over the past couple of weeks public outcry ensued in Indonesia due to rumors (a hoax) that said there are currently about ten million workers from China in Indonesia, implying these immigrants are (potentially) "stealing" jobs from the local population. Xenophobia and nationalist sentiments are no strangers to Indonesia, a country that faced a long colonial period, and therefore this hoax easily ignited anxiety among (part of) the Indonesian people. But how many foreigners are currently actually working in Indonesia?

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  • Foreign & Domestic Investment in Indonesia Rose in Q3-2016

    According to the latest data from Indonesia's Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM), investment realization (consisting of both foreign and domestic direct investment) in Indonesia grew 10.7 percent (y/y) to IDR 155.3 trillion in the third quarter of 2016. Cumulatively, investment realization in Indonesia stands at 453.4 trillion in the first nine months of 2016, achieving about 76 percent of the full-year target (IDR 594.8 trillion). Most likely, the BKPM's full-year target will be achieved.

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  • Investment in Indonesia: 59 Investors Used BKPM's 3-Hour Licensing Service

    According to the Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM), the government agency that provides investment services and forms the primary interface between the Indonesian government and businesses, it has assisted 59 companies through the three-hour licensing service that was started on 11 January 2016. Originally, this service was only available to big investors who either invest at least IDR 100 billion (approx. USD $7.5 million) or generate 1,000 new job positions for Indonesian workers. However, a Presidential Instruction also opened this special service to investment in four infrastructure-related sectors.

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  • Bilateral Economic Relations Belgium & Indonesia: 5th Economic Mission

    Until 19 March, a Belgian mission - led by Princess Astrid, accompanied by four ministers and 301 participants (including 127 company representatives) - visits Indonesia in an effort to strengthen bilateral economic cooperation between both nations and boost foreign direct investment from Belgium into Indonesia. According to the Belgian Embassy, the ongoing mission in Indonesia is the fifth - and largest ever - economic mission conducted by Belgium in Southeast Asia's largest economy. Belgium is the fifth-largest investor from the European Union (EU).

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  • Business Update Indonesia: BKPM Wants Desk for Chinese Investors

    In order to improve communication and avoid language barriers, the Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) plans to open a special service desk for Chinese investors. BKPM, the investment services agency of the Indonesian government, sees language barriers between Chinese investors and Indonesians as a major obstacle; one that blocks foreign direct investment from China into Indonesia. The new desk, specifically for investment from China or Hong Kong, should improve communication hence improving realization of China's investment plans.

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