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Berita Hari Ini Education

  • Indonesia's Unemployment Rate Expected to Fall to 6.03% in 2014

    The unemployment rate of Indonesia is forecast to ease to 6.03 percent (7.24 million people) in 2014 from 6.25 percent (7.39 million people) in August 2013. The Indonesian government expects a reduction in the unemployment rate as the country's economic growth is assumed to grow strongly and thus will provide more job opportunities for Indonesians next year. Various institutions, including the IMF, World Bank and the Indonesian government, expect Indonesia's GDP growth in 2014 to range between 5.3 and 6.0 percent.

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  • Optimizing Indonesia's Economic Potential: Early Childhood Education

    In the past decade Indonesia experienced economic growth, reduced poverty, and continued progress towards many of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). However, for the poor families in Indonesia, national economic improvements have brought only modest gains in both health and education. Poverty and the lack of related opportunities continue to challenge the development, school readiness, as well as educational progress of many Indonesian children, according to the World Bank.

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Artikel Terbaru Education

  • An MBA in Indonesia, is it a Good Idea?

    In Southeast Asia, Indonesia is considered the land of opportunity. Located at the crossroads of the Pacific and the Indian Ocean, Indonesia is climbing up the ladder in terms of its education standards to bring better work opportunities and business arenas for the locals as well as foreigners.

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  • World Bank Keeps Favorable Growth Outlook for East Asia & Pacific

    In the April 2018 edition of its East Asia and Pacific Economic Update, the World Bank is cautiously optimistic about economic growth in developing East Asia and Pacific (EAP). After a better-than-expected global economy in 2017, growth in developing EAP is expected to remain stable in 2018, reflected by solid prospects in Thailand and several commodity exporters, notably Indonesia. Domestic demand is estimated to remain robust in most of the region's economies and continue to underpin growth in 2018 and beyond. However, with economies operating close to their potential, price pressures are expected to rise.

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  • Difficult for Indonesia to Become an Innovation-Driven Economy

    A new report shows Indonesia lacks behind its regional peers in terms of innovation. This is a concern because it means Indonesia's workforce is not equipped with the skills, knowledge or health that are necessary to be innovation-driven. Therefore, the Indonesian government needs to remain focused on enhancing the quality of education and healthcare. Innovation is widely regarded as a driver of economic growth and development.

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  • Link between Indonesia's National Education Day & International Labor Day

    The month May is a memorable month for Indonesia in terms of historic significance. On 21 May 1998 former president Suharto - who ruled the country for more than three decades through his authoritarian New Order regime - resigned after having become politically isolated after Jakarta had turned into a bloody battlefield. This was one of the largest events in the political history of Indonesia, causing structural changes in the political system. Other key days in May are International Labor Day (1 May), National Education Day (2 May), and National Awakening Day (20 May).

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  • National Heroes Indonesia: Ki Hajar Dewantara; Education Pioneer

    Ki Hajar Dewantara (also known as Raden Mas Soewardi Soerjaningrat), 1889-1959, was a writer, columnist, politician and advocator of Indonesian independence from the Dutch colonial power. However, he may be most remembered for his pioneering role in the development of education in the Indonesian colony. A native of Yogyakarta (Java), Dewantara founded the Taman Siswa school in 1922 in Yogyakarta. This school provided education for native Indonesians, whereas previously education was limited to the Dutch colonials and Javanese aristocracy.

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  • Studying Abroad More Expensive for Indonesians as Rupiah Weakens

    Indonesia's heavily depreciated rupiah makes it more difficult for Indonesians to study abroad or to send their children to universities abroad without having the financial aid in the form of a scholarship. For those that are thinking of making such a decision, they need to take into account the performance of the Indonesian rupiah as well as the inflation outlook in the country of destination. So far in 2015, the Indonesian rupiah has depreciated 18 percent against the US dollar, 9 percent against the euro, 14 percent against China's yuan, and 2.4 percent against the Australian dollar.

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  • Slowing Economy of Indonesia: Rising Youth Unemployment

    Hariyadi Sukamdani, Chairman of the Indonesian Employers Association (Apindo), expressed his concern about unemployment in Indonesia, particularly unemployment among the younger generation of Indonesians (aged between 15 and 29). Amid slowing economic growth over the past six years, various industries have been cutting employment. With roughly half of the total population below 30 years of age, Indonesia’s demographic bonus can turn into disaster if this potential workforce fails to obtain employment opportunities.

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  • Bank Dunia Mengkaji 10 Tahun Program Bantuan Operasional Sekolah di Indonesia

    Program Bantuan Operasional Sekolah (BOS) telah beroperasi selama satu dekade. Selama periode ini, program BOS terus menerus diperbaiki dan mengalirkan pendanaan yang besar untuk kira-kira 43 juta sekolah dasar dan sekolah menengah pertama di Indonesia. Program BOS yang berdana besar bertujuan untuk memastikan bahwa sekolah memiliki cukup dana untuk beroperasi, mengurangi biaya pendidikan yang dibayar rumah tangga dan memperbaiki manajemen berbasis sekolah.

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  • World Bank Report: How Can Indonesia Avoid the Middle Income Trap?

    On Monday (23/06), the World Bank released its latest analysis regarding the Indonesian economy. In its report, titled ‘Indonesia: Avoiding the Trap’, the World Bank states that Indonesia needs to implement a six reforms in priority areas in order to avoid the so-called middle income trap (referring to the situation where a country gets stuck at a certain income level). Without these critical reforms, the country’s economic growth will slow and may not be able to escape the middle income trap.

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