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Berita Hari Ini Cement

  • Cement Sales in Indonesia Accelerate on Kick Off Infrastructure Projects

    According to the latest data from the Indonesian Cement Association (ASI), Indonesia's cement sales climbed 10.7 percent year-on-year (y/y) to 6.4 million tons in October 2015 as government-related infrastructure development has picked up in the second half of the year (cement sales only contracted on the island of Kalimantan in October). Cement sales are an interesting indicator as they provide valuable information about the country's household consumption and investment in property and infrastructure sectors.

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  • Cement Demand Indonesia Continued to Fall in January-July 2015

    In the first seven months of 2015 Indonesian cement sales continued to fall, signalling decreased property and infrastructure development in Southeast Asia’s largest economy. Domestic cement sales fell 4.1 percent to 31.3 metric tons in the January-July 2015 period from the same period last year. Apart from the slowing economy (which slowed to a six-year low in the second quarter of 2015), weakening cement sales in July were also caused by Idul Fitri celebrations when business traditionally comes to a near standstill.

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  • Indonesia Investments' Newsletter of 26 April 2015 Released

    On 26 April 2015, Indonesia Investments released the latest edition of its newsletter. This free newsletter, which is sent to our subscribers once per week, contains the most important news stories from Indonesia that have been reported on our website in the last seven days. Most of the topics involve economic matters such as updates on Indonesia’s telecommunications, cement and rubber industries, the performance of the rupiah, the 24th World Economic Forum on East Asia, mutual fund management, and more.

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  • Economic Update Indonesia: Car & Cement Sales in First Quarter 2015

    Two important indicators to measure the condition of an economy are car and cement sales as both statistics provide valuable information about people’s purchasing power (and consumer confidence) as well as infrastructure and property development. In the first quarter of 2015, Indonesia’s car and cement sales declined (compared to the same period in the preceding year), triggering concern that economic growth will fall accordingly. In the first quarter of 2014, Indonesia’s GDP growth had already slowed to 5.14 percent (y/y).

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  • Indonesia Update: Retail Sales, Cement Sales & Motorcycle Sales

    According to the latest survey of Bank Indonesia (the central bank of Indonesia), the country’s January retail sales accelerated 10.4 percent year-on-year (y/y), up from the 3.3 percentage point growth pace (y/y) in the preceding month. Retail sales in the first month of the year in Southeast Asia’s largest economy accelerated because of higher sales of information & communication equipment (+29.9 percent y/y) as well as food, beverages & tobacco products (+15.1 percent y/y).

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  • Indonesia Investments' Newsletter of 15 February 2015 Released

    On 15 February 2015, Indonesia Investments released the latest edition of its newsletter. This free newsletter, which is sent to our subscribers once per week, contains the most important news stories from Indonesia that have been reported on our website in the last seven days. Most of the topics involve economic matters such as the latest current account figures, foreign exchange risks, foreign ownership in the banking sector, biodiesel prices, investments in the cement industry, the Cilamaya port tender, and more.

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  • Penjualan Semen di Indonesia Melambat akibat Cuaca Penghujan

    Penjualan semen di Indonesia jatuh 2.9 persen (year-on-year) menjadi 4.5 juta ton pada bulan Januari 2015. Penurunan konsumsi semen terlihat di hampir seluruh wilayah Indonesia yang kemungkinan besar disebabkan oleh curah hujan tinggi yang telah melumpuhkan beberapa wilayah pada bulan Januari dan mengakibatkan perlambatan proyek konstruksi dan infrastruktur di dalam perekonomian terbesar Asia Tenggara. Widodo Santoso, Kepala Asoasiasi Semen Indonesia (ASI), mengatakan bahwa penurunan terbesar di dalam penjualan semen dilaporkan di Kalimantan dan Sumatra.

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  • Government of Indonesia Eager to Limit Investment in Cement Industry

    The Indonesian government wants to limit investment opportunities in the country’s cement industry in an attempt to maintain a healthy business climate. Indonesian Industry Ministry official Harjanto said that Indonesia’s current cement production capacity is more than enough to meet domestic demand. Given that most established cement producers have expansion plans the influx of new cement producers leads to an oversupply thus reducing companies’ profit margins. The nation’s cement production capacity stands at 77 million tons per year.

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  • Indonesia Investments' Newsletter of 11 January 2015 Released

    On 11 January 2015, Indonesia Investments released the latest edition of its newsletter. This free newsletter, which is sent to our subscribers once per week, contains the most important news stories from Indonesia that have been reported on our website in the last seven days. Most of the topics involve economic matters such as the performance of Indonesian stocks and the rupiah, an update on palm oil and coal, Indonesia’s subsidized fuel policy, but also topics such as flight schedule violations and Islamic radicalism.

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  • Cement Sales Growth in Indonesia Limited due to Politics & Commodities

    Indonesian cement sales in 2014 reached 59.9 million metric tons, up 3.3 percent from domestic sales in the previous year but below the target that was set by the Indonesian Cement Association (ASI). The ASI targeted a sales growth rate of between 3.5 percent and 4.0 percent year-on-year. This sales target had in fact already been revised down from 6 percent (y/y) due to weak cement sales amid uncertainties brought about by Indonesia’s ‘political year’ (legislative and presidential elections) as well as weak global commodity prices.

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Artikel Terbaru Cement

  • Cement Producer Cemindo Gemilang Conducts Initial Public Offering on Indonesia Stock Exchange

    Despite the challenging conditions, Indonesian cement producer Cemindo Gemilang decided to offer 2.71 billion shares, equivalent to 15.0 percent of the company’s total shares, to the public through an initial public offering (IPO) on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX). With the IPO price set at the range of 600-800 per share, the cement producer eyes to collect around IDR 1.89 trillion (approx. USD $133 million) through this corporate move.

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  • Overview of Indonesia's Cement Industry; Challenging Times to Persist into 2020 and Beyond

    Between the years 2011 and 2013 Indonesia’s cement industry seemed to be a goldmine. Double-digit growth in annual domestic cement sales – supported by strong growth in the country’s property sector, particularly on the islands of Java and Sumatra – attracted new foreign investment in cement production facilities, while established cement producers in the Archipelago invested in expansion of their cement production facilities.

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  • Cement Industry Update Indonesia: Rising Sales in January 2018

    Cement sales were good in January 2018 for Indonesian cement manufacturers, growth that is attributed to rising cement demand on the back of the government-led infrastructure development program, particularly the construction of toll roads. Indonesia's cement consumption rose 9.9 percent year-on-year (y/y) to 5.68 million tons in January 2018.

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  • Cost Efficiency High on the Agenda of Indonesia's Cement Producers

    Over the past five years Indonesia's annual cement production capacity surged to above 100 million tons, while domestic cement consumption has difficulty to reach beyond 65 million tons (and Indonesia exports relatively few cement). The subsequent oversupply condition puts significant pressure on cement prices. So, what are the strategies of Indonesian cement producers in 2018?

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  • What about Indonesia's Cement Market & Export Competitiveness

    Cement consumption in Indonesia grew 5.7 percent year-on-year (y/y) to 41.1 million tons in the January-August 2017 period (compared to the same period one year earlier). This can be labelled a rebound compared to bleak growth of 1.8 percent (y/y) and 1.6 percent (y/y) in 2015 and 2016, respectively. This year Indonesian cement demand could in fact reach 64 million tons.

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  • Cement Industry Indonesia: Export Focus Boosts Sales

    While domestic cement demand remains bleak, Indonesia's cement producers managed to raise their level of production capacity utilization due to a surge in exports. However, export growth will only slightly improve the structural oversupply situation in Indonesia's cement market. With installed annual production capacity estimated at 103.8 million tons of cement, nearly 40 million tons of capacity remains unused.

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  • Case Study Investment Climate & Legal Certainty: Semen Indonesia

    Although the Indonesian government has been eager to improve the nation's investment climate in a bid to attract more foreign direct investment (FDI) and thus boost economic growth of Indonesia, it is widely known that conditions in Indonesia's investment climate remain somewhat troublesome, reflected by the nation's mediocre ranking in the World Bank's Ease of Doing Business index 2017. Here it ranks 91 out of 190 countries across the globe.

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  • Fierce Battle for Market Share in Indonesia's Cement Sector

    For Indonesian cement producers it is vital to maintain their market share amid ongoing difficult times. With Indonesia's total installed annual cement production capacity now being around 100 million tons, while domestic demand is only expected to reach 65 million in 2017, cement players are facing weak prices amid a big oversupply, while foreign demand for Indonesian cement is yet to grow. Meanwhile, due to the arrival of various new cement players in Indonesia in recent years, competition for market share has become increasingly fierce.

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