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Berita Hari Ini Economic Policy Package

  • Paket Kebijakan Ekonomi: Pemerintah Indonesia Merevisi Pajak Barang Mewah untuk Rumah

    Sejalan dengan paket kebijakan ekonomi yang baru-baru ini diumumkan, Menteri Keuangan Bambang Brodjonegoro mengatakan bahwa Pemerintah berencana untuk merevisi kebijakan pajak barang mewah untuk rumah. Saat ini, rumah-rumah bernilai lebih Rp 2 miliar dikenai pajak barang mewah 20%. Pemerintah kini berencana untuk menaikkan batasannya menjadi Rp 10 miliar. Pajak barang mewah Indonesia diperkenalkan oleh rejim Orde Baru Suharto dalam rangka membatasi kesenjangan sosial dalam masyarakat Indonesia.

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  • Newsletter Indonesia Investments Edisi 13 September 2015 Diterbitkan

    Pada 13 September 2015, Indonesia Investments menerbitkan edisi terbaru dari newsletternya. Newsletter gratis ini, yang dikirimkan kepada para pelanggan kami sekali seminggu, berisi berita-berita paling penting dari Indonesia yang telah dilaporkan di website kami dalam tujuh hari terakhir. Kebanyakan topik berkaitan dengan isu-isu ekonomi seperti paket kebijakan ekonomi pemerintah, stabilitas keuangan negara ini, pertumbuhan produk domestik bruto (PDB), pertambangan batubara, minyak sawit mentah, dan banyak lagi.

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  • Indonesia’s 10-Year Bond Yield Climbs to a 5-Year High

    Based on data from the Inter Dealer Market Association, Indonesia’s ten-year sovereign bond yield climbed 31 basis points since 4 September 2015 to 9.24 percent, its highest level since 2010, on Friday morning (11/09) amid concern about the ailing rupiah. The rupiah has been under pressure as emerging market currencies have become unattractive ahead of a looming US interest rate hike and China’s recent decision to devalue its yuan (triggering concern about a currency war among Asia’s emerging currencies).

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  • Stocks & Rupiah Update Indonesia: Asian Markets Down, No Impact Policy Package

    Indonesian stocks and the rupiah started weak on Thursday morning (10/09), the day after the Indonesian government unveiled its first economic policy package. In line with the trend in the whole region this morning, most (emerging market) assets in Asia are declining on weak Chinese and Japanese economic data. These weak data cause heightened concern about sluggish global economic growth.

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  • President Joko Widodo Unveils Indonesia’s 1st Economic Policy Package

    On Wednesday afternoon, Indonesian President Joko Widodo unveiled some details of the new economic policy package, involving major deregulation measures, that had been announced last week by Chief Economics Minister Darmin Nasution. This package aims - on the medium to long term - to boost Indonesia’s sluggish economy.

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  • Boosting Economic Activity in Indonesia: Stimulus Package to See Daylight this Month

    The government of Indonesia is still busy preparing the policy package that was announced last week by Chief Economics Minister Darmin Nasution. Earlier it was reported that this stimulus package, expected to be finalized this month, involves deregulation and tax holidays designed to boost economic activity in Indonesia as well as to attract foreign currency inflows. The government will also look at how it can provide incentives to accelerate smelter development in Southeast Asia’s largest economy.

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  • Government of Indonesia Optimistic that GDP Growth Target Can Be Met

    Contrary to the World Bank and Bank Indonesia that both revised down forecasts for economic growth of Indonesia in 2014, the government of Indonesia is still convinced that it can meet the target of 5.8 to 6.0 percent as has been set in the 2014 State Budget (APBN 2014). In its most recent Indonesia Economic Quarterly report, the World Bank said it expects Indonesia’s economic growth to reach 5.3 percent in 2014, while Bank Indonesia targets a 5.7 percentage growth rate.

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  • Improving Financial Stability: Update on Indonesia's Third Policy Package

    Chatib Basri, the Finance Minister of Indonesia, said that the government will focus more on infrastructure development in order to support the third economic policy package which was announced last week by Coordinating Minister of Economic Affairs Hatta Rajasa. Previously, in August and December 2013, the government had already implemented two policy reform packages aimed at safeguarding financial stability as the country had been plagued by a wide current account deficit, high inflation, large capital outflows and sharp rupiah depreciation.

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  • Indonesia's New Fiscal Policies to Curb Imports and Support Exports

    On Monday (09/12), the government of Indonesia outlined the long-awaited extension of its economic policy package that was released in August 2013. This extension involves new fiscal policies, aimed at reducing imports and supporting exports, that will be implemented at the start of 2014. An improving global economy in combination with the government's August package and yesterday's extension package is expected to reduce Indonesia's wide current account deficit to a sustainable level of below 3 percent of gross domestic product (GDP).

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Artikel Terbaru Economic Policy Package

  • 16th Economic Policy Package: Tax Holidays, Tax Incentives & Negative Investment List Revision

    The Indonesian government plans to roll out the red carpet for investors in another attempt to attract direct investment, hence boost the macroeconomy, increase employment opportunities and combat poverty. In the 16th economic policy package, which was announced on Friday 16 November 2018 - but is yet to be signed by Indonesian President Joko Widodo - three programs are included that should improve the nation’s investment climate, thus strengthen the economy.

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  • 16th Economic Policy Package: Single Submission System

    Indonesian President Joko Widodo unveiled the 16th economic policy package on Thursday morning (31/08) at the Indonesia stock Exchange building in Jakarta. This latest package aims to create an integrated licensing system. It also deals with strict supervision for the transition from the manual licensing system to an online system.

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  • Fitch Ratings Affirms Indonesia's Sovereign Credit Rating at BBB-/Stable

    Global credit rating agency Fitch Ratings maintained Indonesia's sovereign credit rating at BBB-/stable outlook in May 2016. BBB- is the lowest notch within the investment grade category. In a statement released on Tuesday (24/05) Fitch Ratings expressed that Indonesia's low public debt (at 26.8 percent of gross domestic product), limited risks in the banking sector, and the economic growth outlook at 5.1 percent (y/y) in 2016 amid global challenges were all factors that supported the decision of the credit rating agency to keep Indonesia on investment grade status.

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  • HSBC: Indonesia's Economic Growth 5% in 2nd Quarter of 2016

    Although Indonesia's economic growth in the first quarter of 2016 was below analysts' estimates, most analysts agree that the nation's economic growth in the second quarter of the year could reach 5 percent (y/y), supported by domestic consumption and capital inflows. In Q1-2016 Indonesia's economic growth climbed at a pace of 4.92 percent (y/y) - accelerating from the 4.73 percent (y/y) GDP growth pace in the same quarter one year earlier - but significantly below estimates of most analysts. For example, Bank Indonesia expected GDP growth around 5.1 - 5.2 percent (y/y).

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  • Economic Packages Indonesia: Key to Success Lies in Regions

    Infrastructure development and deregulation are the two main recipes used by the Indonesian government - under the leadership of Joko Widodo - to attract investment. By making it easier and cheaper to obtain permits and by providing better infrastructure (implying investors need to invest less in additional infrastructure facilities while logistic costs ease) Indonesia's investment climate improves. As such, the ease of doing business in Indonesia will improve accordingly. However, good coordination and cooperation between the central and regional governments is required.

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  • Asian Development Bank: Economic Growth Indonesia to Rebound in 2016

    The Asian Development Bank (ADB) expects Indonesia's economic growth to rebound in 2016 on the back of improving government spending realization (specifically on infrastructure development) and the series of economic policy packages that have been unveiled by the government since September 2015. Consumers and private investors are expected to respond positively to these government efforts hence contributing to macroeconomic growth.

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  • GDP in Focus: Analysis Indonesia's 5.04% Economic Growth in Q4-2015

    The Indonesian economy expanded 5.04 percent year-on-year (y/y) in the fourth quarter of 2015, slightly beating analyst expectations and constituting the highest quarterly growth pace since Q1-2014 thus providing optimism that Indonesia's economic growth will finally be able to accelerate in 2016 after six years of economic slowdown (therefore Indonesia's benchmark Jakarta Composite Index surged a staggering 2.85 percent on Friday). In full-year 2015 the economy of Indonesia expanded 4.79 percent (y/y), the slowest growth pace since 2009.

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  • Paket Stimulus ke-8 Indonesia: Pajak Impor, Kilang Minyak & Kebijakan Satu-Peta

    Pada hari Senin (21/12), Pemerintah Indonesia meluncurkan paket stimulus ekonomi ke-8. Paket terbaru ini dari serangkaian paket kebijakan - semuanya bertujuan untuk mendongkrak pertumbuhan ekonomi - mencakup tiga kebijakan. Pertama, menghapuskan pajak impor untuk 21 kategori suku cadang pesawat. Kedua, insentif fiskal dan non-fiskal untuk pengembangan kilang minyak. Ketiga, Pemerintah Pusat akan merampingkan dan menyelaraskan proses akuisisi lahan untuk pembangunan infrastruktur di seluruh negeri menggunakan "kebijakan satu-peta" yang baru.

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  • Fitch Ratings Affirms Indonesia's BBB- Investment Grade Credit Rating

    Global credit rating agency Fitch Ratings affirmed Indonesia's sovereign credit rating at BBB- (investment grade) with a stable outlook. The country's long-term foreign and local currency issuer default rating, the senior unsecured foreign and local currency bonds, and Islamic certificates (sukuk) were all affirmed at BBB-. Meanwhile, the short-term foreign currency IDR was affirmed at 'F3', the country ceiling at BBB, and the outlook on the long-term IDRs are stable. Through the affirmation Fitch acknowledges Indonesia's ongoing commitment to structural reforms amid recent economic woes.

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  • Ekonomi Indonesia: Pertumbuhan PDB pada 4,73% di Kuartal 3 Tahun 2015 - Analisis

    Performa perekonomian Indonesia di kuartal 3 tahun 2015 agak mengecewakan pada 4,73% pada basis year-on-year (y/y) yang sedikit di bawah perkiraan pasar pada 4,8% (y/y). Kendati begitu, sebagai catatan positif, pertumbuhan produk domestik bruto (PDB) Indonesia berakselerasi dari level terendah selama 6 tahun terakhir pada 4,67% (y/y) di kuartal sebelumnya. Tabel di bawah menunjukkan bahwa pertumbuhan kuartal 3 PDB Indonesia jarang melebihi pertumbuhan kuartal 2. Ini jelas merupakan pertanda yang memberikan harapan.

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