Below is a list with tagged columns and company profiles.

Latest Reports Infrastructure

  • Infrastructure in Indonesia: Start Construction Patimbang Seaport in June

    Indonesia's Transportation Ministry is optimistic that the construction of the Patimban Seaport in Subang (West Java) can commence in June 2018 after the Idul Fitri celebrations have completed. Meanwhile, the port operator tender is scheduled to be opened in July 2018. The USD $3.1 billion Patimban seaport is envisaged to become a key international seaport in Indonesia with a 7.5 million twenty-foot equivalent units (TEU) capacity.

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  • Infrastructure Development in Indonesia Update: Toll Roads

    The Indonesian government targets to see 17 toll road projects, all part of the national strategic projects program, being completed before the end of 2019. Two of these projects - (1) the 7.2 km-long Bekasi-Cawang-Kampung Melayu toll road and (2) the 11 km-long Bogor Ring Road - are estimated to be ready for the public before the end of 2018. Combined, the 17 toll road projects cost IDR 105.35 trillion (approx. USD $7.6 billion) and will contribute to improved connectivity in Southeast Asia's largest economy.

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  • Infrastructure Update Indonesia: 14 National Strategic Projects Removed

    The Committee for the Acceleration of Priority Infrastructure Delivery (in Indonesian: Komisi Penyediaan Percepatan Infrastruktur Prioritas, or KPPIP), said 14 projects have been removed from the national strategic projects list. KPPIP Program Director Rainier Haryanto said an evaluation showed that these 14 projects failed to meet specific criteria and can therefore not be started - or reach financial close - before the fourth quarter of 2019.

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  • Internet Infrastructure Indonesia: What About Progress on the Palapa Ring?

    It has been a while since we last reported on developments surrounding the Palapa Ring project, one of Indonesia's priority infrastructure projects in the 2016-2019 period. The Palapa Ring, which involves an undersea fiber-optic cable network that stretches across 13,000 kilometers as well as an onshore network of nearly 22,000 kilometers, will provide fast broadband Internet to Indonesians in both the urban and rural areas across the country. Once completed, all Indonesian districts (kabupaten) are connected through fiber-optic communication.

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  • Waskita Karya Shares Down after Gov't Halts Elevated Construction Projects

    Shares of listed construction company Waskita Karya are under pressure on Wednesday (21/02) after the Indonesian government decided to temporary halt all elevated construction projects that involve girder installations (which include projects such as flyover toll roads, bridge construction, and the light rail transit, or LRT).

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  • IMF Sees Room for Rising Tax-to-GDP Ratio for Indonesia

    The International Monetary Fund (IMF) sees room for Indonesia's tax ratio to rise up to 15 percent of gross domestic product (GDP). Luis Breuer, IMF Mission Chief for Indonesia, expects to see an improvement in Indonesia's tax ratio - from the weak level of 10 percent of GDP in 2017 - on the back of Indonesia's improving economic growth. Accelerating economic growth should boost tax revenue realization.

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  • Optimism About Rising Sales of Commercial Vehicles in Indonesia

    After a good year in 2017, sales of commercial vehicles in Indonesia are expected to accelerate further in 2018 on the back of accelerating economic growth, growing activity in the mining and agriculture sectors, and the Gaikindo Indonesia International Commercial Vehicle Expo (to be held between 1-4 March 2018 in the Jakarta Convention Center).

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Latest Columns Infrastructure

  • 20 Japanese Food and Beverage Companies Plan to Invest in Indonesia

    A total of twenty Japanese companies engaged in the food and beverage industry are exploring investment opportunities in Indonesia. According to research conducted by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), the food and beverage industry of Indonesia is regarded as a lucrative investment opportunity by these companies. If realized, these foreign direct investments could be worth between USD $400 million to USD $1 billion. However, JICA’s research did not mention any names of the Japanese companies.

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  • Indonesia Vulnerable to Land Disputes as Few Plantation Estate is Registered

    The plantation sector of Indonesia is vulnerable to land disputes. Noor Marzuki, a Director at the National Land Agency (Badan Pertanahan Nasional, or BPN), a non-departmental government institution, said that currently only 30 percent of Indonesia's total plantation estate area has been registered at the BPN. This implies that 70 percent of Indonesian plantation estates are unregistered and thus susceptible to land conflicts. The total size of Indonesia's plantation estate area is 120 million hectares.

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  • What are the Best Performing Indonesian Stocks so Far in 2014?

    Regarding stock trading on the Indonesia Stock Exchange, investors who focused on property, banking and infrastructure stocks have made the highest profit so far in 2014. Although all sectoral indices that are contained within the benchmark stock index of Indonesia, known as the Jakarta Composite Index (abbreviated IHSG) have shown a good performance, the three aforementioned sectoral indices stand out as the country's top performers. Indonesia's IHSG has risen 16.14 percent between 1 January and 26 May 2014.

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  • Indonesian Cement Sales Decline in April 2014 due to Legislative Election

    Indonesian cement sales fell 0.4 percent (year-on-year) to 4.52 million tons in April 2014. The decline in cement sales was the result of the country’s legislative election that was held on 9 April 2014 as consumers bought few building materials during the campaign period. Head of the Indonesian Cement Association (ASI) Widodo Santoso stated that a number of large infrastructure projects are currently being tendered and are thus unable to boost domestic cement sales yet.

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  • World Bank: East Asia Pacific at Work: Employment, Enterprise & Well-Being

    As rapid economic development has pushed the percentage of people working in most East Asian countries to among the highest in the world, policy makers should enact labor regulations and social protection policies to benefit all workers, including those in the large informal economy, according to a new World Bank report, East Asia Pacific at Work: Employment, Enterprise and Well-Being (released on 8 May 2014). Current regulations, however, favor salaried, prime-age males at the expense of women and youth.

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  • Jakarta's Giant Sea Wall & National Capital Integrated Coastal Development

    The Indonesian government is still studying the feasibility study for the National Capital Integrated Coastal Development (NCICD) masterplan. The NCICD masterplan, a joint project between the governments of Indonesia and the Netherlands, aims to protect the capital city of Jakarta against floods caused by high tides and faciliates sustainable development of Jakarta. The masterplan is developed by a consortium headed by Witteveen+Bos (main contractor) and Grontmij, with subconsultants KuiperCompagnons, Deltares, Ecorys and Triple-A.

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  • Fitch Ratings Survey Shows Optimistic View on Indonesian Economy

    Fitch Ratings, one of the three major global credit rating agencies, said that its latest annual survey on economic prospects and the business climate in Indonesia indicates an optimistic view. Respondents in the survey, mostly CEOs and Division Heads at financial institutions, companies, government and media, were asked 11 questions about the Indonesian economy, reformation and prospects for the next five years. Andrew Steel, Managing Director Head of Asia Pacific Corporate Ratings Group, presented results of the survey.

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  • Without Reform, Indonesia's Oil Imports Reach 1.6 Million Bpd by 2020

    Imports of oil will accelerate to 1.6 million barrels per day (bpd) by 2020 if fuels continue to be subsidized by the Indonesian government. This development will seriously burden Indonesia's trade balance (and current account). In 2013, Indonesia posted a trade deficit of USD $12.6 billion in the oil & gas sector. Due to improved performance in the non-oil & gas sector, the overall trade deficit was kept at USD $4.06 billion. Besides placing downward pressure on the rupiah exchange rate, expensive subsidies also burden the state budget.

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  • Tourism in Indonesia: Terrorism, Infrastructure and Asean Common Visa

    Tourism in Indonesia has posted impressive growth rates in recent years. This development is due to the fact that Indonesia has plenty of beautiful sites and cultural traditions to offer to foreign (and domestic) tourists, improved airline accessibility to Indonesia, and enhanced focus on promotional campaigns in foreign countries. Lastly, and not unimportantly, there have been no violent terrorist attacks in recent years. In the 2000s, a vicious terrorist attack always resulted in a temporary drop in foreign tourist arrivals.

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  • Infrastructure Development Update Indonesia: Trans-Sumatra Highway

    In 2015, Indonesia's Ministry of Public Works will start with the land acquisition process for the construction of the Trans-Sumatra Highway. This highway is a 2,732.2 kilometers-long toll road connecting Banda Aceh in the north of Sumatra to Bandar Lampung in the south through 23 routes that connect ten provinces. The total land area that needs to be acquired is roughly 218,976 million m² and is expected to cost around IDR 15 trillion (USD $1.3 billion). By 2025, construction of the project should be finished.

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