Below is a list with tagged columns and company profiles.

Latest Reports Infrastructure

  • Heavy Equipment Industry Indonesia Plagued by Low Commodity Prices

    Production of heavy equipment in Indonesia fell 23 percent (y/y) to 4,100 units in 2015 due to the weak conditions in the mining and agriculture sectors. Traditionally, most of heavy equipment sales occur in these two sectors. Weak demand caused utilization of the nation's installed production capacity for heavy equipment to fall to 41 percent in 2015 from 51 percent in the preceding year. When fully utilized Indonesia can produce an estimated total of 10,000 units of heavy equipment per year.

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  • Cement Industry Indonesia in 2016: Growth on Infrastructure Push

    The push for government-led infrastructure development across Indonesia, which started from mid-2015, is expected to cause rising cement sales in Indonesia in 2016. The Indonesian Cement Association (ASI) expects to see a 5 percentage point growth in Indonesian cement sales to 64.5 million tons this year (from an estimated 61.5 million tons in 2015). However, ASI Chairman Widodo Santoso emphasized that a delay in government spending could jeopardize achieving the sales projection.

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  • Government of Indonesia Preparing 2016 Infrastructure Projects

    Although Indonesian President Joko 'Jokowi' Widodo pledged to boost infrastructure development across Indonesia, government spending on infrastructure projects was sluggish during his first year in office due to budgetary and organizational reforms (including cutting the energy subsidies). A positive sign, however, is that government spending on infrastructure development and the number of groundbreaking ceremonies for infrastructure projects rose in the second half of 2015 as reforms were completed.

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  • Analysts: Indonesia Should Attract 33 Million Foreign Tourists by 2019

    Although the Indonesian government's target of welcoming 20 million foreign tourists by 2019 seems highly ambitious given that Indonesia may fail to achieve its target of seeing 10 million foreign visitor arrivals in 2015, several analysts claim that this target is too low. They believe that the target should be raised to 33 million foreign visitors, earning USD $40 billion in foreign exchange, hence replacing crude palm oil as the country's leading foreign exchange earner. However, this new target would only be possible if the government is serious about developing its 10 designated tourist destinations.

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  • Cement Sales Indonesia Climb 4.7% (y/y) in November 2015

    Cement sales in Indonesia climbed 4.7 percent (y/y) to 6.1 million tons in November 2015 supported by rising cement sales in all regions apart from the Moluccas and Papua. Widodo Santoso, Chairman of the Indonesian Cement Association (ASI), said domestic cement demand rose sharply in November despite seeing some rainfall (which usually leads to delays in development of infrastructure and other construction projects). Santoso says this rise is due to improved government spending on infrastructure projects.

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  • Batang Plant: Test Case for Indonesia's Land Acquisition Act

    Land acquisition remains a major obstacle to infrastructure development in Indonesia. Full-scale construction of the USD $4 billion Batang plant, a 2 GW coal-fired power plant in Central Java, is waiting for the final ruling of Indonesia's Supreme Court near the year-end. This court case is an important one as it will be the first court case to test Indonesia's Law No.2/2012 on Land Procurement for Development in the Public Interest (known as the 'Land Acquisition Act'). The Batang plant is a public-private partnership (PPP) project.

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  • Fitch Ratings' Indonesia Property Watch Report: Pessimistic View

    In its latest Indonesia Property Watch report, Fitch Ratings states that housing demand in Indonesia remained weak in the third quarter of 2015, leading to property developers' decision to postpone a number of new projects. Low commodity prices and high inflation (up to Q3-2015) led to sluggish demand and tepid economic growth in Southeast Asia's largest economy. Fitch Ratings said residential property price growth in Indonesia continued to slow for the eight consecutive quarter and believes prices are to remain muted in the coming year.

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  • Indonesia Investments' Newsletter of 22 November 2015 Released

    On 22 November 2015, Indonesia Investments released the latest edition of its newsletter. This free newsletter, which is sent to our subscribers once per week, contains the most important news stories from Indonesia that have been reported on our website over the last seven days. Most of the topics involve economic matters such as updates on Indonesia's trade balance, the interest rate environment, infrastructure development, global bonds, IPOs on the Indonesia Stock Exchange, Islamic banking, and much more.

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  • Construction Firm Adhi Karya Thriving on Indonesia's Infrastructure Push

    Indonesian publicly-listed construction firm Adhi Karya is expected to be one of the main beneficiaries of the government's push for infrastructure development across the archipelago. Adhi Karya is for 51 percent government-owned and therefore has close ties with the government. In the first ten months of 2015 Adhi Karya clinched IDR 10.6 trillion (approx. USD $774 million) worth of new contracts, up 100 percent from contracts won in the same period last year. Nearly half of these contracts involve projects (partly) financed by the central or local governments' budgets.

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  • Bank Indonesia Expects GDP Growth at Lower End of Target Range in 2015

    The central bank of Indonesia (Bank Indonesia) expects the country's economic growth to come in the lower end of its 4.7-5.1 percent (y/y) gross domestic product (GDP) growth target range for full-year 2015. Bank Indonesia Governor Agus Martowardojo expects to see accelerated economic growth in the last quarter of the year (from the preceding quarter) due to increased government spending and investment. In the second quarter of 2015, Indonesia's economy expanded at the slowest pace in six years (+4.67 percent y/y), then accelerating to 4.73 percent (y/y) in the following quarter.

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Latest Columns Infrastructure

  • Recap: G20 Major Economies Agree that the Global Economy is Improving

    One of the conclusions of the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors meeting (MGM) that was conducted on 22 and 23 February 2014 in Sydney, Australia, was the group's shared view that the global economy is displaying signs of improvement. Indications of global economic improvement are reflected by strengthening growth in the USA, United Kingdom and Japan. In the meeting Indonesia was represented by Finance Minister Chatib Basri and Bank Indonesia Governor Agus Martowardojo.

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  • MP3EI Update Indonesia: Total Investments Reach USD $51.6B in 2014

    Total realized investments in the context of the government's Masterplan for Acceleration and Expansion of Indonesia's Economic Development (MP3EI) will reach IDR 628.9 trillion (USD $51.6 billion) in 2014. The MP3EI was unveiled by the Indonesian government in May 2011 to accelerate its ambitious goal of becoming one of the world's largest economies by 2025. This masterplan particularly focuses on (much-needed) infrastructure development by cooperating with the private sector (for example through public-private partnerships).

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  • Along Slowing Economy and Floods Indonesia's Cement Sales Decline

    Indonesia's cement sales in January 2014 declined 1 percent to 4.65 million metric tons from the same month in 2013 (4.68 million metric tons). The decline was caused by severe floods brought about by high rainfall amid a peak in Indonesia's rainy season. The floods resulted in disrupted distribution networks, therefore blocking cement shipments to retailers. Moreover, these weather conditions caused the postponement of several construction activities, thus reducing demand for cement.

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  • Indonesia Designs Three Scenarios for Infrastructure Funding in the RPJMN

    The government of Indonesia - through its Ministry of National Development Planning (known as Bappenas) - designed three funding scenarios for Indonesia's infrastructure development in the National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN 2015-2019). The lack of appropriate infrastructure is one of the bottlenecks to Indonesia's development. The scenarios involve the amount of funds and other requirements for infrastructure investment. The three scenarios are divided into a 'full scenario', a 'partial scenario' and a 'baseline scenario'.

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  • Japan's Mitsui Confident in Long-Term Prospects of Investing in Indonesia

    Mitsui & Co, one of the largest trading companies in Japan, believes that Indonesia is one of the most prospective investment destinations for the middle and longer term. After Brasil and Chile, Indonesia is currently the third-largest investment market for Mitsui & Co, which is part of the Mitsui Group. The latter has stakes in various sectors including energy, food, logistics and finance. The CEO of Mitsui & Co, Masami Iijima, stated that Indonesia is lucrative due to its large and young population as well as its rapidly expanding middle class.

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  • Indonesia Received Record Amount of Direct Investments in 2013

    On Tuesday (21/01), the Indonesia Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) announced that investments in Indonesia grew 27 percent to IDR 398.6 trillion (USD $33 billion) in 2013, thus exceeding the target that was set at the start of the year (IDR 390 trillion). This result, which is a new record high for Southeast Asia's largest economy, was supported by a 39 percent increase in domestic direct investment (IDR 128.2 trillion) and a 22 percent increase in foreign direct investment (IDR 272.6 trillion).

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  • Two Airports Serving the Community of Indonesia's Capital City of Jakarta

    On Friday 10 January 2014, the government of Indonesia opened Halim Airport for scheduled commercial flights. Previously, the only airport that served these types of flights around Indonesia's capital city of Jakarta and surrounding towns was the Soekarno-Hatta International Airport (Soetta), located in Cengkareng (Banten). However, the amount of daily passengers at Soetta has exceeded its capacity. Based on data from Airports Council International, released in 2013, Soetta is the world's tenth busiest airport.

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  • Indonesia's Retail Sales Accelerate in November; Positive Outlook for 2014

    Indonesian retail sales surged 14 percent in November 2013 from one year earlier (the highest growth rate since July 2013). On a month-to-month basis, Indonesia's retail sales increased 1.5 percent from October 2013. These findings were the result of a survey conducted by the central bank of Indonesia (Bank Indonesia), which surveyed 650 retailers in 10 Indonesian cities. The bank's survey also indicated that Indonesian retailers may increase prices of their products in 2014 in order to compensate for the depreciating rupiah exchange rate.

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  • International Tender Surabaya Monorail and Tram Project in December 2013

    The regional government of Surabaya, Indonesia's second-largest city after the capital city of Jakarta, is planning to tender two separate infrastructure projects - open to both foreign and domestic investors - at the start of December 2013. The two projects involve the construction of the city's monorail, valued at IDR 6.42 trillion (USD $558.3 million), and the construction of a tramline, valued at IDR 2.41 trillion (USD $209.6 million). When finished, the two projects are expected to reduce traffic congestion in Surabaya, East Java's economic center.

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  • Indonesian Government Offers Private Sector 27 Infrastructure Projects

    One of the major problems which is blocking Indonesia's economic growth is the country's infrastructure. The lack of quality and quantity of Indonesia's infrastructure causes logistics costs to rise steeply and thus makes investors (particularly the foreign ones) hesitant to invest as high logistics costs imply a weakening of the country's competitiveness. The problem of Indonesia's infrastructure is both 'hard' infrastructure (roads, airports and electricity supply) and 'soft' infrastructure (social welfare and health care).

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