Below is a list with tagged columns and company profiles.

Latest Reports Infrastructure

  • APEC Joint Statement: Results of the APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting

    The twenty-first APEC Economic Leaders Meeting, chaired by Indonesia's president Bambang Susilo Yudhoyono, has been concluded and in the words of the president the Summit "went on successfully and was indeed very productive." During the two-day Summit the central theme of APEC 2013: “Resilient Asia-Pacific, Engine of Global Growth” was discussed thoroughly and a number of strategic points were agreed upon. Seven of these points are highlighted in the APEC joint statement‏, delivered by Yudhoyono on Tuesday (08/10).

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  • APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC) Gives Five Recommendations

    The APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC), a permanent high-level business advisory group that is created by the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), has given five recommendations to the 21 member countries of the APEC. These recommendations involve regional economic integration, sustainable development, entrepreneurship as well as small and medium enterprises (SMEs), an economic and banking forum, and lastly, a dialogue in the industry sector concerning scientific innovation.

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  • Profile of Kawasan Industri Jababeka: Indonesian Industrial Estate Developer

    Kawasan Industri Jababeka is an Indonesian industrial estate developer that also has stakes in the country's power generation and infrastructure sectors. Between 70 and 80 percent of the company's total sales are derived from its real estate sales. Currently, the company owns strategic land banks on three locations in Indonesia (all on the island of Java): Kota Jababeka, Cilegon Industrial Park, and Tanjung Lesung. Kawasan Industri Jababeka was the first publicly listed industrial estate developer in Indonesia.

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  • Public-Private Partnership Projects in Indonesia Remain Troublesome

    The realization of infrastructure projects through the Indonesian government's public-private partnership (PPP) scheme is yet to bear fruit. Up to this day, PPP infrastructure projects in Indonesia are still constrained by the difficulty of land acquisition, regulatory uncertainties and lack of funding. These investments projects are not among the most popular investment projects of private investors because they usually involve expensive (and risky) investments as well as patience while waiting for return of investment.

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  • Indonesia Infrastructure Update: Bali Toll Road Officially Opened

    About one week ahead of the APEC Economic Leaders' Week in Bali, Indonesia's President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono inaugurated the 12.7-kilometer long toll road in Bali on Monday (23/09). The toll road, which runs almost entirely on viaducts above the sea, consists of a north-south route from the city of Denpasar to Nusa Dua, as well as a branch to the Denpasar airport (Ngurah Rai International Airport) and a connection to the port of Benoa. Operator of the Bali toll road is Jasamarga Bali Toll, a consortium of state-controlled companies.

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  • Indonesia as ASEAN's Low Cost Green Car Production Base Meets Opposition

    With the development of a production hub for low cost green cars (LCGCs), Indonesia hopes to become the leading car producer within the group of ASEAN nations. Total car sales in ASEAN in 2012 surpassed the three million cars mark. The two largest contributors to these sales were Thailand (1.3 million sold cars) and Indonesia (1.1 million). Currently, Thailand is still the largest car production hub in the ASEAN region, both in terms of production rate and domestic sales (despite having only 60 million citizens to Indonesia's 240 million).

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  • Ministry of Transportation: Moratorium on Issuance of Airline Permits

    Indonesia's Ministry of Transportation has issued a temporary moratorium on the issuance of permits for the establishment of new airlines in Indonesia. A spokesman of the Ministry said that airports will become too crowded if more applications are approved. Overcrowded airports will result in more flight delays and entails risks for safety. An increase in flight frequency of already established airlines is still permitted. The Ministry is also concerned that if more permits are issued, current rife competition between airlines will intensify.

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  • Investment in Airport Construction: Improving Indonesia's Infrastructure

    Indonesia's Ngurah Rai Airport on the idyllic island of Bali is now the country's largest airport in terms of passenger capacity. Being newly renovated, it can handle 25 million passengers per year. As such, it has surpassed Soekarno-Hatta International Airport, located just outside Jakarta (Java), and the new Kuala Namu airport in Medan (Sumatra), which have passenger capacities of 22 million and 8.1 million respectively. However, after renovation of terminal three at Soekarno-Hatta will be finished, Ngurah Rai is to lose its top spot again.

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  • Jasa Marga: Company Profile of Indonesia's Leading Toll Road Operator

    Jasa Marga is a state-controlled toll road operator that constructs and provides toll road services in Indonesia. Approximately 73 percent of total toll roads in Indonesia are operated by Jasa Marga, which makes this company the dominant player in Indonesia's toll road sector. Up to the end of 2012, the company has 22 toll road concessions - with a total length of 545 kilometer - in operation and 193 kilometer of toll road that is expected to become operational between 2013 and 2016.

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  • Indonesia's MP3EI Masterplan Received IDR 647.46 Trillion in Investments

    The total value of investments in the Masterplan for Acceleration and Expansion of Indonesia's Economic Development (MP3EI) between 2011 - when the Masterplan was first introduced - and July 2013 amounted to IDR 647.46 trillion (USD $58.86 billion). Coordinating Economic Minister Hatta Rajasa said this to state-owned news agency Antara. State-owned enterprises invested a total of IDR 173.63 trillion, followed by the private sector with IDR 231.88 trillion, the government with IDR 99 trillion and public-private partnerships with IDR 143.12 trillion.

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Latest Columns Infrastructure

  • Indonesia Jumps to No. 38 in Global Competitiveness Index 2013-2014

    In recent weeks, Indonesia has to cope with a large amount of negative publicity as large capital outflows from the country's financial markets occurred, partly due to weak economic results regarding the current account balance, inflation and the the rupiah. Interest rates are rising, thus eroding people's purchasing power and consequently curbing economic growth. However, the Global Competitiveness Index 2013-2014, released by World Economic Forum, contained a positive outcome for Southeast Asia's largest economy.

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  • Indonesian Government Proposes $32.6 Billion of Subsidy Spending in 2014

    The government of Indonesia proposes to allocate IDR 336.24 trillion (USD $32.6 billion) for subsidy spending in the 2014 state budget draft: IDR 284.7 trillion (USD $27.6 billion) for energy subsidies and IDR 51.6 trillion (USD $5.0 billion) for non-energy subsidies. The proposed amount implies a 3.41 percent fall in total subsidy allocation compared to Indonesia's state budget in 2013. However, despite a reduction, subsidy expenditure is still large at 18.5 percent of total government spending (IDR 1,816.7 trillion).

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  • Slowing Growth in Indonesian Cement Sales Continues in Semester II

    Cement sales in Indonesia grew by seven percent to 32.9 million tons in the period January to July 2013. This pace of growth is significantly lower compared to the double-digit cement growth rate last year and thus forms another sign of cooling economic growth in Southeast Asia's largest economy (cement sales are a good indicator to measure the state of economic growth of a country). A slowdown in domestic cement sales is likely to continue in the second half of 2013, partly due to a decline in infrastructure projects.

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  • Revised Tax Holiday and Tax Allowance to Attract Investments in Indonesia

    Apart from the five tax incentives that I have mentioned in a previous column, the Indonesian government also intends to ease two other tax rules in order to boost investments in Indonesia from 2014 onwards. These are the tax holiday and tax allowance. Relaxation of the tax holiday involves an alteration to the period as well as the size of the investment, and relaxation of procedural difficulties. Relaxation of the tax allowance involves the revision of the number of sectors that are eligible and a relaxation of procedures in the form of tax clearance.

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  • Groundbreaking of Sunda Strait Bridge Project Unlikely to Occur in 2014

    Due to uncertainty over the feasibility study, it seems highly unlikely that groundbreaking of the ambitious Sunda Strait Bridge project can be conducted in 2014. There has been a long delay with the feasibility study as differences of opinion emerged over who would undertake the study and how it will be financed. Economic Minister Hatta Rajasa said that if the government considers the project to have high priority, then it should make a decision now. If not, Indonesia's next government - after the 2014 elections - will be burdened with the issue.

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  • Supported by Domestic Investors, Indonesia's Stock Index Rises 0.61%

    Indonesia's main stock index (IHSG) rebounded on Tuesday (30/07) as domestic investors were keen on buying Indonesian assets. The value of transactions rose steeply to IDR 8.9 trillion (USD $872.5 million) and four billion shares changed hands. Indonesia's blue chips experienced a good day with Perusahaan Gas Negara gaining 3.51 percent, Bank Rakyat Indonesia 3.18 percent, and Telekomunikasi Indonesia rising 3.07 percent. The IHSG ended the trading day at 4,608.49 points, a 0.61 gain.

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  • Chamber of Commerce: Problems of Infrastructure Projects in Indonesia

    Indonesia's Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) said that it signals a lot of foreign interest in infrastructure projects in Indonesia. However, the country's unconducive investment climate blocks investors from initiating or participating in these projects. A number of matters that cause the unconducive investment climate are discrepancies in regulatory framework between central and regional governments, land acquisition, and a lack of human resources with adequate skills.

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  • Indonesia's Cement Consumption Grows 8.6% in January - April 2013

    Cement consumption in Indonesia increased 8.6 percent to 18.11 million tons in the first four months of 2013. Demand was particularly supported by property and housing projects in the bigger cities of Indonesia. Another pillar of support was found in the development of various infrastructure projects (including those within the framework of the government's ambitious MP3EI plan). The Indonesian Cement Association expects this year's cement consumption in Indonesia to rise to 61 million tons in total.

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  • Bloody May; the Month that Brings Traditional Pressures on Indonesia's IHSG

    Last week Indonesia's main stock index (IHSG) was mixed with a weakening trend. The index lost 19.9 points, equivalent to 0.40 percent of its value. During the last month, the index consolidated within the range of 4,800 and 5,030 points. Foreign funds continued to pour in and trade volume remained high although below average trade in the last three weeks. In fact, our technical indicators are showing signs that Indonesia's main stock index has become saturated.

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  • Astra International (ASII) Presents First Quarter Results of 2013

    Astra International, Indonesia's largest listed company by market capitalization, presented its Q1-2013 financial results yesterday. The company, which represents the dominating force in Indonesia's automotive sector, posted a seven percent fall in net earnings (YoY) to IDR 4,310 trillion (USD $444.3 million) amid Indonesia's rising labour costs, weak commodity prices, increased competition in the country's car sector and effects of new minimum down-payment regulations in automotive Shariah-financing.

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