Below is a list with tagged columns and company profiles.

Latest Reports Federal Reserve

  • Performance Indonesia's Stock Market & Rupiah in 2016

    When on Friday afternoon (30 December 2016) the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) closed its doors it effectively brought the year 2016 to an end in terms of stock trading on the local bourse. On Friday Indonesia's benchmark Jakarta Composite Index fell 0.11 percent to 5,296.71 points after two days of impressive gains. However, when looking at full-year 2016 the Jakarta Composite Index climbed 15.32 percent, hence being the second-best performing (national) benchmark stock index (after Thailand) in the Southeast Asian region in 2016.

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  • Stock Market & Rupiah Update Indonesia: Another Day in the Red

    As we approach the year-end, and without the presence of positive triggers, investors seem to engage in profit-taking. Therefore, Indonesia's benchmark Jakarta Composite Index now extended its losing streak to seven straight sessions. Indonesian stocks fell 0.99 percent to 5,111.39 points on Wednesday (21/12), a decline led by consumer staples and financial shares, while the Indonesian rupiah depreciated 0.16 percent to IDR 13,459 per US dollar (Bloomberg Dollar Index). The Federal Reserve's recent rate hike still seems to overshadow global investor sentiment.

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  • Indonesia Investments' Newsletter of 18 December 2016 Released

    On 18 December 2016, Indonesia Investments released the latest edition of its newsletter. This free newsletter, which is sent to our subscribers once per week, contains the most important news stories from Indonesia that have been reported on our website over the last seven days. Most of the topics involve political, social and economy-related topics such as the impact of the Fed Funds Rate hike, the November trade balance, Bank Indonesia's interest rate environment, tax amnesty program, infrastructure development, Ahok's blasphemy trial, and more.

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  • Federal Reserve Raises Interest Rate, Signals at 3 Hikes in 2017

    The Federal Reserve decided - in line with expectations - to raise its benchmark Fed Funds Rate by 0.25 percent to the range of 0.50 - 0.75 percent, exactly one year after its first rate hike (in a decade). Furthermore, the Fed Chair Janet Yellen also indicated it sees three more interest rate hikes in 2017. This is a bit more hawkish than markets expected. Tighter monetary policy in the USA is required as the US labor market and growth in household spending improves. Inflation has also improved but remains below the Fed's 2 percent (y/y) target. Business investment, however, remains soft.

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  • Emerging Market Currencies & Stocks Update: Indonesia's Rupiah

    Indonesian stocks and the rupiah are under pressure on Thursday (24/11). Amid rising expectation of a Fed Funds Rate hike before the year-end, the US dollar rose to a 13 year-high implying all emerging market currencies are sliding. The Indonesian rupiah, one of the more vulnerable emerging market currencies, had depreciated 0.39 percent to IDR 13,542 per US dollar by 10:20 am local Jakarta time. Meanwhile, the benchmark Jakarta Composite Index had fallen 0.85 percent to 5,167.87 points by the same time.

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  • Markets Confused: Ethnic & Religious Tensions Flare Up in Indonesia

    Ethnic and religious tensions have flared up in Indonesia ahead of the Jakarta gubernatorial election in February 2017. Meanwhile, global financial markets, particularly emerging market assets, have been plagued by heavy volatility ever since Donald Trump became US president-elect. It all leads to a situation in which investors prefer to seek safer haven assets, reflected by major pressures on Indonesian stocks and the Indonesian rupiah exchange rate (versus the US dollar).

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  • Stock Market & Rupiah Update Indonesia: US Election Jitters

    Asian stocks are under heavy pressure on Wednesday (02/11) as the latest polls in the USA are suggesting that the US presidential race between market favorite Hillary Clinton and controversial candidate Donald Trump is closer than initially expected. Narrowing polls cause concern about future US economic policy after the election on 8 November 2016. Earlier, Trump expressed criticism on the Federal Reserve, claiming that the US central bank is engaged in politics by maintaining the loose monetary policy.

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  • The Economy of Indonesia More Promising in 2017

    Indonesia is expected to end the prolonged economic slowdown, finally, in 2016. Between 2011 and 2015 the nation's gross domestic product (GDP) continued to slide amid sluggish global growth, tumbling commodity prices and domestic changes (higher interest rate environment in 2013-2015 to combat sharply rising inflation as a result of subsidized fuel price reforms). In 2016 this prolonged slowdown will most likely end. Based on the latest forecasts, the Indonesian economy should expand by around 5.0 percent (y/y) this year, up from a growth pace of 4.7 percent in 2015.

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  • World Bank: Brexit Won't Impact Negatively on Indonesia

    When the United Kingdom (UK) decided to leave the European Union (the so-called Brexit) through a referendum that was held on 23 June 2016, global markets were in shock. While these markets and the UK economy have recovered from the shock (although the pound remains near a 30-year low and Britain lost its AAA rating implying that the cost of government borrowing becomes higher) there are still some concerns about the (negative) impact of Brexit on emerging market economies in Asia, including Indonesia.

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  • Indonesia Stock Market & Rupiah Update: Leading Declines in Asia

    Indonesian assets are leading declines in Asia on Wednesday's trading day (05/10) as (global) markets are digesting the latest reports that the European Central Bank (ECB) may withdraw its bond buying program, while statements from US Federal Reserve officials strengthened the case for a Fed Funds Rate hike before the year-end. Lastly, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) cut its forecast for US economic growth in 2016 to 1.6 percent (y/y) from its earlier estimate of 2.2 percent (y/y).

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Latest Columns Federal Reserve

  • Indonesia Has to Focus to Offset Impact of Quantitative Easing Tapering

    On Thursday (19/09), most currencies and stock indices outside the USA were bullish after the Federal Reserve decided to continue its massive monthly USD $85 billion bond buying program. Today (20/09), Asian currencies and stock indices took the foot off the gas as many investors sought to cash in on yesterday's gains. The MSCI Asia Pacific was still able to rise slightly (0.1 percent) after jumping 2.2 percent yesterday, but Indonesia's benchmark stock index (IHSG) plunged 1.86 percent (after gaining 4.65 percent yesterday).

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  • Global Markets Up after FOMC Outcome; Indonesia's IHSG Rises 4.65%

    Contrary to the expectation of most analysts, the Federal Reserve decided to continue its monthly USD $85 billion bond-buying program, known as quantitative easing, and retained the low interest rate of 0.25 percent. Although coming as a surprise, the news was well-received by the investor community all around the world, who were eager and confident to purchase stocks. The benchmark stock index of Indonesia, IHSG, felt this impact too and rose 4.65 percent to 4,670.73 points.

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  • Investors Waiting for Federal Reserve Decision; Indonesia's IHSG Down 1.20%

    Market participants are waiting for the outcome of the Federal Reserve's FOMC meeting, which will deal with the future of the quantitative easing program. The wait and see attitude of investors made the benchmark index of Indonesia (IHSG) fall 1.20 percent to 4,463.25 points. Few big cap stocks were able to rise and although some second liners were up, it was not enough to push the IHSG into the green zone. The rupiah continued to weaken and foreign investors were again mostly selling their Indonesian assets.

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  • The Impact of the Fed's Quantitative Easing Program on Emerging Indonesia

    Investors all around the world are in anticipation of the Federal Reserve's decision to scale back the monthly USD $85 billion bond-buying program known as quantitative easing (QE3). If indeed scaled back, then another important question remains: how much will the bond-buying program be toned down? Today (18/09), is the last day of the Fed's FOMC meeting in which these decisions are made. The market expects no drastic end to the program, instead a gradual toning down (between USD $10 to $20 billion) is anticipated.

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  • World is Waiting for Outcome of the FOMC Meeting; IHSG falls 0.10%

    World is Waiting for Outcome of the FOMC Meeting; IHSG falls 0.10%

    After a strong performance yesterday, the Jakarta Composite Index (IHSG) fell 0.10 percent to 4,517.62 points on Tuesday (17/09). Part of the investor community grabbed their chance to engage in profit taking after yesterday's gain but most investors are careful and reluctant to make any major decision prior to the result of the Federal Reserve's FOMC meeting (17-18 September). It is expected that after this meeting there will be more clarity about the future of the Fed's quantitative easing program.

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  • Indonesia's Benchmark Stock Index Up 3.35% amid Rising Asian Indices

    Rising indices on Wall Street at the end of last week were a major factor behind rising stock indices in Asia, including Indonesia's benchmark stock index (IHSG), on Monday (16/09). For market players this development was a sign to enter the market. Moreover, expectation has emerged that the Federal Reserve will not take any drastic decisions in the FOMC meeting (on 17-18 September) regarding its quantitative easing program. This expectation has calmed down markets. Indonesia's IHSG rose 3.35 percent to 4,522.54 points.

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  • Last Week's Rising Benchmark Index of Indonesia: Trap or Opportunity?

    Last week, Indonesia's benchmark stock index (IHSG) climbed 7.3 percent to end at 4,375.53 on Friday (13/09). This growth is remarkable as it remains unknown what the Federal Reserve will do with its quantitative easing program (QE3). The next Fed meeting - scheduled for 17-18 September - is expected to provide more clarity regarding this matter. Positive sentiments that lifted the IHSG were Indonesia's slightly increased foreign exchange reserves, its stable rupiah after another BI rate hike, and the Bilateral Swap Deals (BSA) with Japan and China.

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  • Official Press Release of Bank Indonesia: BI Rate up 25 bps to 7.25%

    It was decided at the Board of Governors’ meeting (RDG) of Bank Indonesia on 12 September 2013 to raise the BI Rate by 25 bps to 7.25%, the rate on the Lending Facility by 25 bps to 7.25% and the rate on the Deposit Facility by 25 bps to 5.50%. This action forms part of the follow-up measures taken to reinforce the policy mix instituted by Bank Indonesia, which focuses on controlling inflation, stabilizing the rupiah exchange rate and ensuring the current account deficit is managed to a sustainable level.

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  • Indonesia Stock Market: Overview and Analysis of Last Week's Performance

    Although many global indices were up, Indonesia's benchmark stock index (IHSG) fell a total of 2.93 percent during last week's trading. One important issue on global indices is the tapering off of the Federal Reserve's quantitative easing (QE3). On 17 and 18 September, the next meeting of the FOMC is scheduled, which is expected to discuss the future of QE3. Notably, as the meeting comes closer, most global indices in fact rise. Thus, market players seem to have become less concerned about an end to QE3.

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  • Indonesia's IHSG Index Finishes Week with a 0.53% Rise

    Contrary to Thursday's trading day (05/09) when the benchmark stock index of Indonesia (IHSG) opened strong but ended in the red, on Friday (06/09) it was the other way round. The IHSG started negative but ended the day 0.53 percent up to 4,072.35 points. Factors that made a negative impact on the IHSG were the continueing fall of the rupiah as well as speculation that Indonesia's foreign exchange reserves would decline again at end-August. However, a number of rising Asian indices influenced the IHSG in a positive way.

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