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Latest Reports Competitiveness

  • Trans-Pacific Partnership Makes Indonesia Attractive for Investment

    The Indonesian government under the leadership of President Joko Widodo is eager to join the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), the trade deal (signed in October 2015) that involves twelve countries, including the USA and Japan. However, opinions vary about whether it would be a wise decision for Indonesia to join the TPP. Airlangga Hartarto, Indonesian Minister of Industry, is a supporter, claiming that Indonesia can become a more attractive export hub for Japanese manufacturers due to zero export tariffs.

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  • WEF Competitiveness Report 2016-2017: Indonesia falls to 41st

    Indonesia fell four places in the World Economic Forum (WEF)'s Global Competitiveness Report 2016-2017. In the latest edition, which was released on Wednesday (28/09), Indonesia ranked 41st. The WEF stated that despite the many reforms to the nation's business environment, the performance of Indonesia in the index remains one of contrasts. The WEF's competitiveness report assesses the competitiveness landscape of 138 economies, providing a unique insight into the drivers of these nation's productivity and prosperity.

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  • Gas Price Behind Weak Competitiveness Indonesia's Steel Industry

    The competitiveness of Indonesia's steel industry remains weak. One of the main issues being the high gas price in Indonesia. High input costs make it difficult for the domestic steel industry to expand as investors prefer to import steel from abroad (mainly from China) for their infrastructure projects in Indonesia. Southeast Asia's largest economy needs about 12.5 million tons of steel per year. However, Indonesia's steel industry can only supply about 30 percent of this demand, the remainder being imported.

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  • Textile Industry Indonesia: Sluggish Exports, Weak Domestic Market

    Indonesia's textile and textile products industry remains under pressure this year. Exports of Indonesian textile and textile products are only expected to grow 1 percent to USD $12.3 billion in full-year 2016, below the 3 percent target that was set by the Indonesian Textile Association (API). API Chairman Ade Sudrajat said exports in the first quarter only reached USD $2.6 billion. Moreover, even on the domestic market Indonesia has trouble to compete with imports of cheap textile and textile products from Vietnam and China.

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  • Indonesia's Ranking in A Selection of International Indexes

    How does Indonesia rank internationally in terms of happiness, human development, global innovation, and global competitiveness? Below we present a number of global rankings. Generally, Indonesia is ranked among the lower-medium segment, implying the nation has a long way to go before becoming an advanced economy.

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  • 12th Economic Policy Package Indonesia: Ease of Doing Business

    The Indonesian government released the 12th economic policy package on Thursday (28/04). This latest edition focuses on enhancing the ease of doing business for the small and mid-sized companies in Indonesia in a bid to attract more investment, hence giving a boost to economic growth. In the 12th package the government announces it has cut a number of procedures and permits, as well as costs, required for the development of a business. Indonesia's Chief Economics Minister Darmin Nasution unveiled the package on Thursday in Jakarta's Presidential Palace.

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  • Indonesia's 9th Economic Stimulus Package: Logistics Costs

    The government of Indonesia unveiled its ninth economic stimulus package on Wednesday (27/01) in an effort to boost the nation's economic growth. The ninth package aims to combat Indonesia's high logistics costs hence improving competitiveness of domestic industries while making Indonesia's investment climate more attractive. It is estimated that Indonesia's logistics costs are equivalent to around 25 percent of the nation's gross domestic product (GDP), among the highest in the ASEAN region.

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  • Indonesia & ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) - Introduction

    Per 1 January 2016 the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) came into effect. This community implies stronger cooperation and integration among the ten member countries in Southeast Asia. According to its blue print the AEC involves the launch of a single market and production base among its member nations, hence allowing the free flow of goods, services, investment, and skilled labor as well as the freer flow of capital. Indonesia is one of the member countries.

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  • Trans-Pacific Partnership: Should Indonesia Join or Not?

    US-based bond credit rating agency Moody's Investors Service said it would be credit-positive for Indonesia's sovereign credit rating to join the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal as participation would mitigate the negative effects of sluggish commodity prices on Indonesia's export performance. Through the TPP, which is one of the world's most ambitious trade deals covering an area that accounts for about 40 percent of world trade, Indonesia will expand its export base, Moody's wrote in a recent report.

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  • Ease of Doing Business Indonesia; World Bank's Doing Business 2016 Ranking

    Indonesia improved 11 positions in the World Bank Doing Business 2016 ranking. Southeast Asia's largest economy jumped from rank 120 in the (revised) 2015 index to 109 in the 2016 ranking. The 'Doing Business 2016: Measuring Regulatory Quality and Efficiency' is an annual flagship publication of the World Bank, monitoring the regulations that enhance the ease of doing business in the following areas: starting a business, dealing with construction permits, getting electricity, registering property, getting credit, protecting minority investors, paying taxes, trading across borders, enforcing contracts and resolving insolvency.

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Latest Columns Competitiveness

  • ADB: Need to Continue Reforms to Improve Indonesia's Competitiveness

    Growth rates in Indonesia in 2013 and 2014 will fall below earlier projections, highlighting the need to continue improving the country’s competitiveness in manufactured exports, says the Asian Development Bank (ADB) in an update of its flagship annual economic publication, Asian Development Outlook 2013. ADB revised down its 2013 gross domestic product (GDP) growth forecast for Indonesia to 5.7% from 6.4% seen in April. For 2014, growth will also be adjusted to 6.0% from the previous estimate of 6.6%.

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  • Indonesia Increasingly Important Investment Destination for Japan

    After China and India, Indonesia is currently the third most important investment destination for Japanese investments in the manufacturing sector. In 2011, Indonesia - Southeast Asia's largest economy - was still ranked number five on that list. However, in recent years the country managed to surpass Thailand and Vietnam. This fact indicates the important link between Indonesia and Japan. The chief executive officer of the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC), Hiroshi Watanabe, confirmed these findings.

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  • World Bank: Logistics Costs Reduce Economic Potential of Indonesia

    In its most recent report regarding Indonesia's economy, the World Bank states that high logistic costs form a serious impediment to the country's economic growth. The report, titled Annual Logistics Report, is compiled by Bandung Institute of Technology’s Research Center for Logistics and Supply Chains, the Indonesian Logistics Association (ALI), the STC Group, Panteia Research Institute, and the World Bank Indonesia Office. The report provides an analysis and overview of the progress made in tackling the problem of logistics in Indonesia.

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  • Low Competitiveness Blocks Development of Indonesia's Manufacturing Sector

    Despite the fact that Indonesia reported the world's third-highest GDP growth in 2012 (behind China's 7.4 percent and Saudi Arabia's 7.1 percent), supported by rising consumption by a burgeoning middle class and significant increased foreign direct investment, the country's performance in terms of competitiveness is disappointing. It is cheaper to import products from countries that contain competitive businesses than to produce them in Indonesia.

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