Below is a list with tagged columns and company profiles.

Latest Reports International Monetary Fund

  • IMF: Change in Global Dynamics, Emerging versus Developed Economies

    On Wednesday (04/09), the International Monetary Fund (IMF) released a report that describes a change in the current global economic dynamic as developed economies are showing signs of recovery, while growth in emerging markets is slowing down. These two developments are interrelated because stagnating developed economies from the late 2000s meant that investors started to look for lucrative assets in rapidly-growing emerging markets, including Indonesia.

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  • IMF Downgrades Indonesia's Economic Growth in 2013 to 5.25%

    The International Monetary Fund (IMF) expects the economy of Indonesia to expand by 5.25 percent in 2013, which is considerably lower than the IMF's earlier forecast. In its World Economic Outlook, released in April 2013, the institution set economic growth of Indonesia at 6.3 percent. However, after emerging markets were hit by large capital outflows when the Federal Reserve began to speculate about an end to its quantitative easing program (QE3), Indonesia's GDP growth assumptions were quickly revised downwards.

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  • Asia Development Bank (ADB) Also Warns for Asset Bubble in Asia

    Similar to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Asia Development Bank has warned that Asia can become hit by an asset bubble as central banks are loosening monetary policy. Besides Japan's program to inject USD $1.4 trillion into the domestic economy, America's Federal Reserve and United Kingdom's Bank of England will increase their money supplies to spur economic growth. These measures can result in economic overheating as well as asset bubbles across the Asian region.

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  • IMF: Asia's Economic Growth Promising but Dangers Lurk in 2013

    Although the International Monetary Fund (IMF) retains its positive outlook regarding Asia's economic growth for the foreseeable future, the institution warns that the enormous influx of foreign capital in recent years can result in a new bubble due to excessive growth in lending and property prices. Despite these concerns, the IMF expects Asia to grow 5.75 percent in 2013 and calls Asia the leader of global economic recovery, followed by the US and, lastly, Europe.

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  • IMF Optimistic About Economic Growth in the Asian Region

    The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has upgraded its forecast for this year's economic growth in the ASEAN-5 countries (which comprises Indonesia, the Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam) from an initial 5.5 percent to 6.0 percent. Next year, however, the IMF revised down its forecast for the region from 5.7 percent to 5.5 percent. In 2012, ASEAN-5 had experienced 6.1 percent of economic growth, up from 4.5 percent the previous year.

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Latest Columns International Monetary Fund

  • Indonesia's Index Up 0.56% on IMF's Global Economic Outlook Upgrade

    Indonesia's Index Up 0.56% on IMF's Global Economic Outlook Upgrade

    The upward revision of the IMF's outlook for global economic growth (raised to 3.7 percent) was able to boost several commodity prices. This then was a reason for investors to purchase mining stocks, which made a positive impact on the performance of Indonesia's benchmark stock index (known as the Jakarta Composite Index or IHSG) on Wednesday (22/01). Stocks in the consumer and trade sectors were also popular as speculation emerged that demand for consumer goods will rise due to the severe floods in several cities in Indonesia.

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  • IMF: Asia and Pacific Regional Economic Update by Anoop Singh

    Anoop Singh, Director of the Asia and Pacific Department within the International Monetary Fund (IMF), conducted a media roundtable in Tokyo today (30/10) in which he outlined the IMF's view on the economy of Asia. Asia will remain the global growth leader, although the IMF has lowered growth forecasts. Both tighter global liquidity and homegrown structural impediments will weigh on growth, but for most economies a gradual pickup in exports to advanced economies and resilient domestic demand should help support growth.

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  • Indonesia's Economic Growth Amid the Global Economic Slowdown

    Last week, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) published its World Economic Outlook (edition April 2013) titled "Hopes, Realities and Risks". In the report, the IMF lowered its forecast for global economic growth from an initial 3.5 percent (January edition) to 3.3 percent currently. Although the IMF lowered its economic forecasts for most countries (including emerging markets as a whole), it revised up its projection for the ASEAN-5 countries¹ by 0.3 percent to 5.9 percent.

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  • Indonesia's Stock Index Heads Towards the Next Psychological Boundary

    Indonesia's main stock index, the IHSG, continued its rally on Wednesday 17 April due to increased US monthly Housing Starts, decreased US inflation, as well as financial results of companies that indicated revenues and net profits exceeded expectations. Moreover, the IMF upgraded its outlook for East Asia's economic, which made investors buy stocks. Within Indonesia, there was enthusiasm regarding Q1-2013 corporate results and dividend payouts, which offset uncertainties about the new fuel policy.

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