Below is a list with tagged columns and company profiles.

Latest Reports Employment

  • Despite Poverty Reduction in Indonesia, Gap between Rich and Poor Widens

    The World Bank said that the widening of income distribution inequality in Indonesia grew at the second fastest pace among Asian countries in the past two decades. Based on the World Bank’s Indonesia Economic Quarterly (IEQ) report, Indonesia recorded the second fastest Gini coefficient increase after China. In the period 1990-2011, the Gini coefficient of Indonesia rose by an average of 0.5 percentage point per year. This is a serious matter as social cohesion and economic growth can be jeopardized by increased inequality within Indonesian society.

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  • Latest News Update: Boat Carrying Indonesians Sinks off Coast Malaysia

    On Thursday (19/06), Malaysian rescuers intensified the search for 26 missing Indonesians after their wooden boat had capsized during a storm on Wednesday (18/06) while making the journey from Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur) to Indonesia (Aceh, Sumatra). Nine people have died, while 26 persons remain missing. At least 62 people have survived the disaster. Reportedly, the boat, carrying mostly illegal Indonesian workers who returned to Indonesia to participate in the Ramadan and Idul Fitri festivities, was overloaded.

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  • Unemployment in Indonesia Declines to 5.70% of the Total Labor Force

    On Monday (05/05), Statistics Indonesia announced that unemployment in Indonesia declined to 5.70 percent (of the total labor force) in February 2014, equivalent to 7.2 million people in absolute terms. Compared to August 2013 (when Indonesia's unemployment rate was 6.17 percent), this constitutes a marked improvement. However, growth was limited compared to February 2013 (when unemployment was 5.82 percent), Data on Indonesia's (un)employment are released twice per year, covering conditions in the months February and August.

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  • Gini Ratio of Indonesia May Improve in 2014 on Stable Commodity Prices

    The Gini ratio of Indonesia - the coefficient that measures inequality in income distribution - is expected to improve slightly this year as commodity prices have a stable outlook. Based on data from Statistics Indonesia, the ratio increased significantly since the country's Reformasi period. Between 1999 and 2013, it rose from 0.31 percent to 0.41 percent (a coefficient of zero expresses perfect equality, while one implies perfect inequality). In the last three years (2011- 2013), however, the ratio remained stable at 0.41 percent.

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  • Expatriates in Indonesia: Number of Foreign Workers is Declining

    The number of expatriates working in Indonesia has declined in the last three years. Based on data from the Ministry of Manpower & Transmigration there were 68,957 expatriates working in Indonesia in 2013, a 4.8 percent decline from 2012. The main reason for this falling number is tighter government policy. Minister Muhaimin Iskandar stated that curtailing the influx of expats is one way of developing the country's human resources. Only when a foreigner has such exceptional qualities - not easily found in Indonesia - should he/she work in Indonesia.

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  • Tourism in Indonesia is Growing but Infrastructure Investments Needed

    In 2013 Indonesia managed to attract a record number of foreign tourists. Around 8.8 million foreigners entered Indonesia - mostly in Bali - last year, a 9.42 percent increase from 2012, and earning up to USD $10.05 billion in foreign exchange (up 10.23 percent from 2012). Indonesia's tourism sector thus grew at a faster pace in 2013 than the general economy (5.78 percent) and now accounts for 3.8 percent (IDR 347.35 trillion) of the country's gross domestic product (GDP). However, this is still a low figure compared to its regional peers.

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  • Central Bank Survey Indicates Rising Consumer Confidence in Indonesia

    Indonesians' consumer confidence has increased in January 2014 according to the latest survey conducted by Indonesia's central bank (Bank Indonesia). The outcome of the survey indicated a rise of Indonesia's Consumer Confidence Index (CCI) from 116.5 in December 2013 to 116.7 in January 2014¹. This index illustrates consumer perceptions of current economic conditions compared to conditions in the previous six months as well as the expectations of Indonesian consumers for economic conditions in the next six months.

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  • Higher Gini Ratio Shows Indonesia's Widening Income Distribution Inequality

    The Indonesian government should take more action to reverse the country's widening income distribution inequality. Indonesia's Gini ratio, the coefficient that measures inequality among income distribution, has risen in 2013 according to economist Lana Soelistianingsih. The Gini coefficient rose from 0.37 in 2012 to 0.41 in 2013 (a coefficient of zero expresses perfect equality, while one implies maximal inequality). The growth not only shows that the Indonesian government fails to tackle this problem but also implies social risks.

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  • Indonesia's Unemployment Rate Expected to Fall to 6.03% in 2014

    The unemployment rate of Indonesia is forecast to ease to 6.03 percent (7.24 million people) in 2014 from 6.25 percent (7.39 million people) in August 2013. The Indonesian government expects a reduction in the unemployment rate as the country's economic growth is assumed to grow strongly and thus will provide more job opportunities for Indonesians next year. Various institutions, including the IMF, World Bank and the Indonesian government, expect Indonesia's GDP growth in 2014 to range between 5.3 and 6.0 percent.

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  • Indonesia's Household Consumption and Optimism Up in November 2013

    Household consumption in Indonesia has improved in November 2013 according to Bank Indonesia's Consumer Survey. The central bank's Consumer Confidence Index (CCI) rose 4.8 points to 114.3 points. This improvement is attributable to increased available job opportunities and increased purchases of durable goods ahead of Christmas 2013 and New Year. Lastly, Indonesian consumers are more positive about Indonesia's economic condition in the coming six months.

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Latest Columns Employment

  • Fixed Term Employees in Indonesia: Early Termination

    Early termination of the employment agreement of fixed term employees in Indonesia is separately regulated from termination of permanent employees in the Indonesian Law number 13 of 2003 regarding Manpower (Labor Law). Fixed term employees have an employment agreement which will end at a particular date, or on completion of a specific task or project. In this column we will discuss the reasons of termination of the employment agreement of fixed term employees and its financial impact on the employee or the company.

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  • World Bank Report: How Can Indonesia Avoid the Middle Income Trap?

    On Monday (23/06), the World Bank released its latest analysis regarding the Indonesian economy. In its report, titled ‘Indonesia: Avoiding the Trap’, the World Bank states that Indonesia needs to implement a six reforms in priority areas in order to avoid the so-called middle income trap (referring to the situation where a country gets stuck at a certain income level). Without these critical reforms, the country’s economic growth will slow and may not be able to escape the middle income trap.

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  • Youth Unemployment in Indonesia: A Demographic Bonus or Disaster?

    High youth unemployment is one of the threats that is being faced by Indonesia. Indonesia has a young population as roughly half of the total population is below thirty years of age. This means that the country contains a potentially large workforce. But this demographic bonus can turn into a demographic disaster if this workforce cannot be absorbed by employment opportunities. The World Bank recently warned against Indonesia's high youth unemployment and misplaced focus on education spending.

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  • World Bank: East Asia Pacific at Work: Employment, Enterprise & Well-Being

    As rapid economic development has pushed the percentage of people working in most East Asian countries to among the highest in the world, policy makers should enact labor regulations and social protection policies to benefit all workers, including those in the large informal economy, according to a new World Bank report, East Asia Pacific at Work: Employment, Enterprise and Well-Being (released on 8 May 2014). Current regulations, however, favor salaried, prime-age males at the expense of women and youth.

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  • Indonesia's Consumer Confidence Rises Slightly in September 2013

    The Consumer Confidence Index of Indonesia rose 0.9 percent in September 2013 after having fallen 8.4 percent in the previous month. In September, the index rose because Indonesian consumers are more confident about prospects of the Indonesian economy, while concerns about the increase of certain food prices eased. Purbaya Yudhi Sadewa, chief economist at the Danareksa Research Insititute, said that in September 77.4 percent of consumers were concerned about rising food prices, down from 82.5 percent in August.

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  • Indonesia Manufacturing PMI Contracts Sharply in August 2013

    HSBC's latest release of the Indonesia Manufacturing PMI did not paint a positive picture as Indonesia's manufacturing activity was reported to have contracted sharply in August 2013. The index declined to a 15-month low amid a contraction of output, new orders and export business. Payroll numbers fell at the fastest rate in the history of the HSBC survey. The August index stood at 48.5, down from 50.7 in July 2013, and marks the fourth consecutive month of decline. A reading below 50.0 indicates a contraction in manufacturing activity.

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  • Government Target: Indonesia's Unemployment Rate to 5.7% in 2014

    The government of Indonesia has the ambition to reduce Indonesia's unemployment rate to about 5.7 percent in 2014. This ambition was pronounced by Armida Alisjahbana, the minister of National Development Planning. According to the latest data released by Statistics Indonesia, the country's unemployment rate currently stands at 5.92 percent. The minister stressed that the unemployment target of 6 percent that was set in Indonesia's National Medium Term Development Plan to be reached in 2014, has already been achieved.

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  • Indonesian Crude Palm Oil Exports Surge 29% in June 2013

    Indonesian exports of crude palm oil (CPO) in June 2013 grew about 29 percent to 1.62 million ton compared to the same month last year. Although production of CPO in Indonesia slowed down in June, higher demand for Indonesia's CPO is met because there are still sufficient amounts of stockpiles. A high official at the Indonesian Palm Oil Association (Gapki) said that stockpiles in 2012 grew to 5 million tons as global demand for the commodity weakened sharply amid international economic turmoil.

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  • No Recovery in Palm Oil Price: Demand Weakens while Production Grows

    The recovery in global palm oil prices that seemed to have started last spring, has ended. A few months ago, optimism had colored expectations of many analysts as palm oil prices went up about 10 percent between early May and mid-June, after tumbling 30 percent in 2012 (causing that palm oil was one of the worst performing commodities in terms of price growth last year). However, the palm oil price increase earlier this year was merely the result of falling production rates in Indonesia and Malaysia, the world's largest palm oil producers.

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