Below is a list with tagged columns and company profiles.

Latest Reports Investment Climate

  • Bleak Q1-2017 Foreign Direct Investment Growth in Indonesia

    According to the latest data of Indonesia's Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM), growth of foreign direct investment (FDI) in Indonesia in the first quarter of 2017 was recorded at a modest pace of 0.9 percent year-to-year (y/y) to IDR 97 trillion, sliding further from a growth pace of 2.1 percent (y/y) in the preceding quarter. Declining FDI is attributed to the ethnic and religious tensions in Jakarta (surrounding the 2017 Jakarta gubernatorial election) as well as persistent global uncertainties. The FDI data exclude investment in the country's banking and the oil & gas sector.

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  • Furniture Exports Indonesia under Pressure, Companies Move to Vietnam

    The value of export products originating from Indonesia's furniture and handicraft industry fell 16 percent year-on-year (y/y) to USD $1.6 billion in 2016 from USD $1.9 billion in the preceding year. The decline is attributed to the departure of several big furniture factories from Indonesia to Vietnam due to Indonesia's high logistics costs, higher minimum wages and Indonesian workers' low productivity. One example is America-based furniture manufacturer Maitland Smith.

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  • Direct & Portfolio Investment in Indonesia Expected to Rise in 2017

    Investment in Indonesia is expected to rise in 2017. This covers both direct investment and portfolio investment. Domestic direct investment (DDI) should grow on the back of Indonesia's low interest rate environment (making it cheaper for domestic investors to purchase credit) as well as higher capital injections (from the state budget) into Indonesia's state-owned enterprises. Meanwhile, foreign direct investment (FDI) is expected to rise on the back of Indonesia's accelerating economic growth and government reforms. Both FDI and DDI should also rise amid rising commodity prices.

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  • What is the Biggest Obstacle to Business & Investment in Indonesia?

    Not the lack of (soft and hard) infrastructure development in Indonesia, or the lack of quality human resources, nor corruption or protectionism but the difficulty to obtain the necessary permits from the local governments are the biggest obstacle to investment and business in Indonesia according to a survey that was conducted by the Regional Autonomy Watch (KPPOD) in the 32 regional capital cities across the Archipelago.

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  • Investment Realization in Indonesia's Jakarta Fell in 2016

    Investment realization in Indonesia's capital city of Jakarta fell to IDR 51.2 trillion (approx. USD $3.8 billion) in full-year 2016, down from IDR 55 trillion worth of investment in the preceding year. Foreign direct investment (FDI) in Jakarta was recorded at IDR 41.5 trillion in 2016, while domestic direct investment (DDI) reached IDR 9.7 trillion. What explains this overall decline of investment in Jakarta?

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  • Government of Indonesia Cuts Cooperation with JP Morgan

    The Indonesian government - through its Finance Ministry - cut all ties with US multinational banking and financial services firm JP Morgan Chase after the latter released a report that allegedly "disturbs Indonesia's financial stability". In November 2016 JP Morgan's emerging markets equity strategists double downgraded Indonesia from overweight to underweight without elaborating on the exact motives. The report only stated that emerging markets' risk premiums are plagued by the rising yield of the benchmark US 10-year treasuries.

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  • Business Environment in Indonesia Needs Political Stability

    The business environment in Indonesia needs political stability as well as a conducive investment climate to grow. However, if there exists a high degree of social unrest then the central government can offer as many incentives as it wants but entrepreneurs will be hesitant to engage in investment and business expansion. Currently, there is quite some unrest in the capital city of Jakarta. Ever since a manipulated video of Jakarta Governor Basuki Cahaya Purnama (Ahok) surfaced in which he allegedly insulted Islam, there has been outrage among Islamic hardliners. This brings economic costs.

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  • Ease of Doing Business in Indonesia Improving, Time for Complacency?

    Indonesia's improving ranking in the World Bank's Ease of Doing Business Index shows that the government's reform efforts have had a positive effect. However, there is no time for complacency as most industries in Indonesia continue to lack competitiveness compared to regional counterparts, while many entrepreneurs in Indonesia continue to complain about (the lack of) legal certainty as well as (the lack of) good coordination and cooperation between Indonesia's central and regional governments (in terms of policy implementation).

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  • Food & Beverage Industry of Indonesia: Positive Outlook

    Turnover in one of the most lucrative industries within the Indonesian economy - the processed food and beverage industry - is expected to reach IDR 540 trillion (approx. USD $40.9 billion) in the second half of 2016, up roughly 8 percent from realization in the same period one year earlier. This solid growth is supported by Indonesia's improving purchasing power amid the accelerating economy and higher commodity prices, and growing output of the nation's processed food and beverage industry.

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  • Housing Backlog Indonesia to Fall to 6.8 Million Units by 2019?

    The government of Indonesia may succesfully curb the nation's housing backlog figure to 6.8 million units by 2019. Providing adequate housing for the poorer segments of Indonesian society is one of the key tasks of the Indonesian government (for example through its 'one million houses' [per year] program). In 2015 Indonesia's housing backlog declined by 16 percent (y/y) to 11.4 million units according to the data from Indonesia's Statistics Agency (BPS). With enough effort of the government and private sector the figure should continue to drop in the foreseeable future.

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Latest Columns Investment Climate

  • Investment Climate: Jakarta Administration Revokes Principle Permits Island Reclamation Project

    On Wednesday 26 September 2018 the local Jakarta administration decided to revoke private developers’ principle permits for the development of 13 artificial islands (reclaimed islands) in the bay north of Indonesia's capital city of Jakarta. The decision was hardly a surprise. After Anies Baswedan was elected Governor of Jakarta in 2017 it was assumed that the end of the grand project was near.

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  • Indonesia's Intervention in Fuel Prices Thwarts Private Investment

    There is concern that the Indonesian government's plan to curb price increases of (non-subsidized) fuels in Indonesia will impact negatively on private investors' enthusiasm to invest in Indonesia's oil and gas industry. Earlier this week Arcandra Tahar, Deputy Minister at the Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry, informed that the government wants to regulate prices of fuels in order to keep inflation in check.

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  • Township Development in Indonesia: Topping Out First Meikarta Towers

    One of Indonesia's biggest diversified conglomerates, the Lippo Group, topped off two apartment towers for its ambitious and controversial Meikarta megaproject on Sunday (29/10). The topping off ceremony is a sign that - despite some legal uncertainties - the project will continue as planned and not face the same fate as the land reclamation project in the bay off the coast of North Jakarta.

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  • 16th Economic Policy Package: Single Submission System

    Indonesian President Joko Widodo unveiled the 16th economic policy package on Thursday morning (31/08) at the Indonesia stock Exchange building in Jakarta. This latest package aims to create an integrated licensing system. It also deals with strict supervision for the transition from the manual licensing system to an online system.

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  • Investment Climate Indonesia: Lenzen Group Opts for Thailand

    It is worrying that of total foreign investment commitments in Indonesia, only about 50 percent becomes actual investment. The other half decides - after initially being interested - not to pursue investment in Indonesia. Although not in all cases, it is believed that Indonesia's difficult investment climate scares away part of the (potential) investment community, specifically bureaucracy (red tape) and the lack of sufficient hard and soft infrastructure.

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  • What Can Investors Learn from Jakarta's Land Reclamation Project?

    The future of the ambitious land reclamation project in the bay of Indonesia's capital city of Jakarta is highly uncertain now Anies Baswedan has been elected as next Jakarta governor. Baswedan and his running mate Sandiago Uno have repeatedly expressed their objection to the reclamation project, while defeated Jakarta governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) was a major supporter of the project.

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  • Case Study Investment Climate & Legal Certainty: Semen Indonesia

    Although the Indonesian government has been eager to improve the nation's investment climate in a bid to attract more foreign direct investment (FDI) and thus boost economic growth of Indonesia, it is widely known that conditions in Indonesia's investment climate remain somewhat troublesome, reflected by the nation's mediocre ranking in the World Bank's Ease of Doing Business index 2017. Here it ranks 91 out of 190 countries across the globe.

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  • Weak Talent but Indonesia Remains Attractive Investment Destination

    A survey conducted by the Economist Corporate Network (ECN), published on Tuesday (17/01), shows that Indonesia is among Asia's most attractive investment destinations due to the combination of strengthening consumer demand and improvements in the nation's investment and business climate (a positive result of the government's reform efforts). In this survey, titled "Navigating Asia's Risks and Rewards: Asia Business Outlook Survey 2017", a total of 223 Asia-based business executives were asked about their business performance and expectations for the year ahead.

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  • Foreign & Domestic Investment in Indonesia Rose in Q3-2016

    According to the latest data from Indonesia's Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM), investment realization (consisting of both foreign and domestic direct investment) in Indonesia grew 10.7 percent (y/y) to IDR 155.3 trillion in the third quarter of 2016. Cumulatively, investment realization in Indonesia stands at 453.4 trillion in the first nine months of 2016, achieving about 76 percent of the full-year target (IDR 594.8 trillion). Most likely, the BKPM's full-year target will be achieved.

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