Below is a list with tagged columns and company profiles.

Latest Reports Energy

  • Indonesia Offers 19 Geothermal Blocks to Investors in 2016

    The government of Indonesia plans to offer 19 geothermal blocks to investors in 2016 through tenders and direct assignment. Yunus Saifulhak, Chief of Geothermal Power at the Energy Ministry's Directorate General, said eight blocks will be offered through open tenders, while the 11 remaining geothermal power blocks will be given to state-owned enterprises. These 19 blocks are part of a larger package consisting of 27 geothermal blocks with a total combined power capacity of 1,535 megawatt (MW) that is to be offered to private and state-owned investors in the 2016-2017 period.

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  • Coal Mining Indonesia: Adaro Energy's Need to Transform

    As the coal mining industry will not rebound anytime soon, Adaro Energy, the second-largest producer of thermal coal in Indonesia, has to find another strategy to make a profitable business. Income coal sales has weakened but the company's mining services and logistics segments have been growing. Meanwhile, the company has been expanding to the downstream power generation industry. Not coal, but power generation may be the center of a new super-cycle in Indonesia as the government aims to see the construction of 35,000 megawatts (MW) of power plants in the next five years.

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  • Indonesia & Hungary: Bilateral Trade, Investment & Relations

    Indonesian President Joko Widodo met Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban in Jakarta on Monday (01/02) to discuss bilateral issues including trade and investment. High on the agenda was the topic of solar power. Reportedly, Hungary plans to invest USD $20 million for the construction of a 5 megawatt (MW) solar power plant in Central Tapanuli (North Sumatra). Other topics included the manufacturing sector, fishery sector, the digital economy, and the promotion of peace and stability.

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  • Government of Indonesia to Auction Geothermal Power Blocks

    The government of Indonesia will offer 21 geothermal blocks to investors over the next two years. Combined these 21 blocks, which are estimated to require USD $4.2 billion in investment, have a power generation capacity of 1,065 megawatt (MW). An official of Indonesia's Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources said most of the geothermal power blocks will be offered through an open auction. The first auction is expected to take place in March 2016.

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  • Indonesia's Low Electricity Price Discourages Investment in Geothermal Energy

    Indonesia's push for usage of renewable energy sources, particularly geothermal energy, at the expense of usage of fossil fuels (such as oil or coal) has experienced a setback as there has been an impasse between state-owned electricity company Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) and Pertamina Geothermal Energy (PGE), a subsidiary of state-owned energy company Pertamina regarding the renewal of their power purchase deal for electricity generated by PGE's Lahendong and Kamojang plants. The existing deal expires at the end of the year.

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  • Crude Oil Price at 11-Year Low, Coal & Gas under Pressure

    Despite winter having arrived, global oil prices are still declining. Today (21/12), Brent crude prices plunged to the lowest level since 2004 on persistent concern about a global supply glut as the Energy Information Administration reported that US crude oil supplies rose 4.8 million barrels to 490.7 million in the second week of December, while the OPEC's production rate stood at 31.7 million barrels per day (bpd) in November 2015. Meanwhile, oil demand is expected to fall in 2016. For example, oil consumption in the USA is projected to fall to 1.2 million bpd next year, from 1.8 bpd in 2015.

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  • Indonesia Investments' Newsletter of 20 December 2015 Released

    On 20 December 2015, Indonesia Investments released the latest edition of its newsletter. This free newsletter, which is sent to our subscribers once per week, contains the most important news stories from Indonesia that have been reported on our website over the last seven days. Most of the topics involve economic matters such as updates on the performance of Indonesian stocks and the rupiah, Indonesia's interest rate environment, the trade balance, the country's energy mix, updates of the performance of listed companies, and more.

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  • Indonesia to Focus on Renewable Energy, Not Nuclear Power

    Indonesia will most likely abandon its plans to establish four nuclear plants (with a combined capacity of 6 GW) by 2025. Sudirman Said, Indonesian Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, recently said there are plenty of alternatives - especially renewable energy - in Indonesia to meet the government's target of 136.7 GW of power capacity by 2025 and 430 GW by the year 2050. Nuclear power is controversial due to health risks, environmental damage and nuclear proliferation (when used as a weapon). The nuclear disaster in Japan in 2011 highlighted the risks of tapping nuclear power.

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  • Net Oil Importer Indonesia Officially Rejoined OPEC

    Per 4 December 2015 Indonesia officially rejoined the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), seven years after the country had voluntarily exited the organization as it had turned in to a net oil importer. On the 168th meeting of the OPEC, held in Vienna (Austria), OPEC President (and Nigeria's Oil Minister) Emmanuel Ibe Kachikwu welcomed Indonesia back into the organization. At the meeting Indonesia was represented by Indonesian Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Sudirman Said.

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  • Indonesian Government to Tender 3 Geothermal Energy Projects in October

    The government of Indonesia will tender three geothermal energy projects in October 2015. These three projects are the Way Ratai (South Sumatra), Bukit Kili (West Sumatra), and Marana (Central Sulawesi) fields. Indonesia is estimated to contain about 40 percent of the world’s geothermal reserves and therefore entails great potential for this energy source. However, Southeast Asia’s largest economy only utilizes approximately 4.7 percent (1,403 megawatts) of its total geothermal capacity (29,475 megawatts).

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Latest Columns Energy

  • Preventing a Looming Energy Crisis; Is Nuclear Power a Realistic Option for Indonesia?

    Energy is certainly the ‘thing’ to watch in the years, well decades, ahead. Amid heavy political pressures from the West, the world is heading for an unprecedented energy transition in which fossil fuels are going to be replaced by renewable energy sources. This is certainly great news for the environment (but whether the energy transition can ease, let alone stop, climate change – which is cited as the goal of this transition – seems iffy though).

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  • Skyrocketing International Coal Prices; a Blessing for Indonesia’

    Currently, coal certainly ranks among the most interesting commodities. On the one hand, Indonesia expressed its commitment to reduce consumption of this dirty fossil fuel (that is especially used as raw material for the generation of electricity in power plants but also in various manufacturing industries such as the cement industry and textile industry) as the country seeks to become ‘carbon neutral’ by 2060 (although many doubt to what extent Indonesia is really committed to this ambition; after all, it has more immediate concerns such as the dozens of millions of Indonesians living below, and just above, the national poverty threshold).

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  • Ambitious Renewable Energy Push; Indonesia Eager to Encourage the Development of Solar Energy

    The Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry of Indonesia has recently been making efforts to encourage the development of solar energy around this vast Archipelago. On 20 August 2021 it issued Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry Regulation No. 26 of 2021 on Solar Rooftop Connected to the Grid of Power Supply Business License for Public Interest Holders (henceforth: Regulation 26/2021).

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  • Global Crude Oil Prices Decline to Historic Lows, How Does It Affect Indonesia?

    Besides the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, another big news story in March 2020 was the massive decline of global crude oil prices. Not only is the price of oil under pressure because of the enormous slowdown in economic activity as various governments have imposed restrictions (such as travel bans) in an attempt to curb the further spread of the coronavirus, but there also emerged big tensions between some of the world’s biggest oil producers that led to tumbling oil prices.

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  • Indonesian Energy Companies in Focus: Perusahaan Gas Negara

    Shares of Perusahaan Gas Negara, the largest natural gas transportation and distribution company in Indonesia, are showing spectacular growth in 2018. On Tuesday (23/01) the company's shares surged 8.91 percent to IDR 2,690 a piece. So far this year, its shares have grown a whopping 53.71 percent. What is the story behind this spectacular performance?

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  • Indonesian Coal Mining Companies in Focus: Adaro Energy

    Amid rising mining commodity prices, Indonesian coal mining company Adaro Energy saw its share price surge at the start of 2018. The mining index is actually the best-performing index so far this year in Indonesia, rising 13.58 percent since the start of the year. Being a mining company - or more precisely an energy company (as it recently entered the power generation sector) - Adaro Energy is among the major beneficiaries.

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  • Petrochemical Companies in Focus: Chandra Asri Petrochemical

    Chandra Asri Petrochemical, one of Indonesia's largest petrochemical companies, is busy with (at least) four projects that should boost the company's performance in the future. The four projects involve the expansion of its butadiene plant, development of a synthetic butadiene rubber plant, development of a coal gasification plant, and expansion of its second petrochemical plant.

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  • Indonesia Contains Great Potential for Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion

    As Indonesia is increasingly focusing on renewable energy sources, the potential of geothermal power in Indonesia is usually in the spotlight. However, the potential of ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) is seldom mentioned, while it is estimated that Indonesia's OTEC potential is around 41,000 megawatt (MW), among the biggest worldwide.

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  • Indonesia to Become World's Biggest Geothermal Power Producer in 2021?

    In 2018 Indonesia is expected to become the world's second-biggest geothermal energy producer, surpassing the Philippines that now lies second after the United States. Meanwhile, Indonesia's Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry projects Indonesia to become the world's largest geothermal power producer by 2021. These developments are based on ongoing geothermal development in Southeast Asia's largest economy.

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